My Senpai is Annoying

Here be Chapter 80 of a cute little romance with loli kouhai.
As always, please check for grammatical mistakes and weird phrasings.

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And that's it. Praise the Loli Gods.

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Thanks based S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

These precious wingmen deserve happiness with each other.

Did the sign in the background just change? What does it say?

It says You just lost the game.
Sorry, I just had to do it even if it has no meaning anymore.

Thanks stalker

praise S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Oh yeah, I didn't noticed the change.
First page is just generic "store close due to family holiday", but the second page is "A story from volume two. Thank you for your continues support".

I love it when they add little things to show they care about fans.

Just fuck already.

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To a hotel.

Praise be.

I'd would use "the rainy season finally ended" rather than "season's" here.

Give "You mean..." a lower case "you", since you have the comma in the previous bubble.

Man I'm way more interested in these two's story than the other two. Thanks OP

Post more brown tomboy girl I lost alll pics

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fuck off

i only want loli green and big bear to be the focus in the story. What is wrong with this author putting Ishigami 2.0 and some plain roastie bitch together? I really don't care and im certain a majority of the fanbase doesnt either.

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agreed. Waste of a chapter


Die degenerate

Shota/Chocolate story line when? I can tell the author's planting the seeds for it

Thanks S.T.A.L.K.E.R

I thought the rainy season had finally ended so i [...]

please kazama, take a fucking hint

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