Maou-sama, Retry! Discussion

Thoughts on the first episode?
Will this be a good isekai?

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At least it's self-aware of its shittiness

laziest isekai I've ever seen. "cheaply made knock-off by chink" tier

It's so bad it's interesting to see where it goes.

It's so bad it's just fucking bad.

is that Ram and Felt's lovechild?

Its cheap fastfood of isekais.

At least it will be better than Arifureta.

Yes, most definitely yes.

What makes it bad? I'm not defending it, just asking for clear answers.

Total lack of originality.

>The plot looks line something i could've made when i was 15
>Animation is bad
>Sound is out of sync in some parts

Thats a pretty common theme in isekai's. kek

I mean it is basically Overlord with different paint.

> crappy animation
> like the MC's voice and overall gimmick (for now)
> not-Rem is dull but some of the other girls shown in the sequence look promising
I will continue to watch it as long as his gangster voice amuses me or one of other girls manages to get me hooked onto the story.

Why were the OP and ED so fucking bad? The OP was just fucking awful visually and was a disjointed mess, while the ED was almost painful to listen to with the completely random fucking instrumentation clashing with itself.

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Horrible character redesigns that made all the girls look like knockoffs of other series.

>I will continue to watch it as long as his gangster voice amuses me or one of other girls manages to get me hooked onto the story.

why is there a young boy sneaking behind that dude?

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>payed $$$$$$ for the awesome voice actors
>payed nothing for the art


apparently the studio fucked up the audio for the ED, they later issued an apology and said it'll be fixed next week

i think i'll just stick to the manga, the anime just looks too cheap

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>buttslut ojou
Best kind of girl.

>good isekai

i hate the saintess' redesign

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it's like i'm looking at a completely different character

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What the fuck, there was no effort whatsoever.

pretty much, when i watched the OP the characters just felt off to me, i had a hard time recognizing them

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I will watch this and bump all the threads just so that poor orphan loli who had to cart shit for her village doesn't feel bad that nobody is watching her show.

Apparently her VA is also voicing Latina this season.

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>First Episode
>Total lack of originality.
Under that logic 90% of mecha in existence "lack originality" going just by the first episode.

Oh fuck, THAT is the trap?

I can hear the author crying.

demon loli has had a pretty easy ride tho.
I legit feel bad for shit carting loli because she didn't even get her few precious things back because mc let the villagers throw rocks at her and then burnt her fucking house down.

God, I can't stand the MC's voice.

its one of the few good things of the first episode.
do you prefer dubs instead?

Read the manga. It's quite good.

It's like Overlord without the edge.

I will stick to the manga, the anime art is hurting my eyes.

Seemed really bad. The story doesn't seem to be going anywhere so far, which makes it basically "watch how this OP dude does random shit". That's less than most other isekai have.

Imagine a group of individuals actively engaging in inbreeding. All flavors of inbreeding. In successive generations.
Now, the offsprings acknowledge that the act has fucked them, without hope of salvation - their kids, regardless of outside gene-pool contribution, will have a guaranteed appearance of bitter gourds crossed with blobfish with the athletic prowess of chemically castrated panda on heavy depressants
And then those offsprings engage in inbreeding regardless.
Their children? That's "In Another World with My Smartphone" and "Wise Man's Grandchild".

And then those two's child is Maou-sama, Retry!