It was fake memories.
Shingeki No Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
>fake memories.
hIT iS sTIiLl In ThE aReNa
what the fuck happened after attack on titan season 3?
i don't read manga gimme an update
reminder that if you support anyone other than based CHADren you're a beta little shit
Dumb Shitrenfag
Read the manga you lazy fuck
Why does the other thread have e-celeb cancer OP?
that was a good ass chapter
also cant wait for mikasa to rape the loli with a sword
Since season 4 is confirmed and it will be a final season, I will stop reading the manga here, so that the ending will be a surprise for me.
>this beautiful girl might be dead next chapter
I know it's unlikely but still possible
>Mikasa would be the only able to see through the fake memories
>Mikasa is the one to say "See you later Eren"
Hmmmm... really makes you think
She'll be fine, don't worry user
>All these non Eldians
Only if Magath, Nicolo, Yelena, Onion Coupon and every other Marley soldier is dead
4 year time skip, Reiner depressed trying to kill himself a few times, Eren goes to Marley and now looks like a hobo, Eren does the thing Bert did in ep 1 just to Marley. Zeke becomes a good character.
paying good boy points for someone to animate this
Say something nice to the warchief!
What happened to Levi and Hange?
I can't wait for the next chapter where it just cuts to Isayama giving us all the finger.
They drowned
Congratulations on becoming the new MC!
Who is saying wait here? Reiner?
I wish someone would ask Isayama how tall the biggirl is
They died of old age
>it's fake memories
>it's asspull, Gabi can't shoot a heavy rifle
>it's nothing, Eren will regenerate
>it's planned, Zeke only needs the head
>oh no, ahbloo bloo
Seething erenbabs.
It's not Reiner saying "wait"
No tail. I think it's Colt and he continues
Colt is, but Eren also didn't want him to scream. 3/10 tried to trick Zeke but played himself.
Colt, but it's juxtaposed in such a manner that it seems that Eren said it
The Erenfag mental gymnastics will continue for a month.
Rumbling is coming user, accept it already
Why can't Twitterfags make good memes? Also why do they all hate Gabi all of the sudden?
>We should bring back our experienced commander so he can keep leading us in the upcoming battles rather than a 15 year old kid
>We should throw this little girl off the blimp
>We should have Eren and Zeke activate the rumbling before our enemies arrive
Why don't people listen to him?
First it's Eren to Reiner. Then after that Colt is screaming it at Zeke.
Couldn't Colt could've just gotten Falco to bolt the fuck out and try to get as far away as humanly possible? He himself was even talking about getting him out of the scream's range when they were literally right next to Zeke.
Reddit made one of the best SnK memes ever, in comparison.
I really fucking hate Gabi from the bottom of my heart because she shot Sasha
I don't care about her shooting Eren, he had it coming
When are we getting back to Historia (lesbian)?
They hate him because he speaks the truth, Floch has never ever been wrong
The head is our last shot at a rumble. I'll accept Eren dying but not before his work is complete
>Also why do they all hate Gabi all of the sudden?
>all of the sudden
Any news on the exhibition audio?
t. meat
In a month, Eren's head lands exactly into the hand of Zeke's hand and it would be counted as a contact.
>Couldn't Colt could've just
God I need some sleep
He may be a blue-bellied coward but he is an excellent statesman.
Idk bro they might do an anime original ending you never know. Like would they actually have a loli snipe decapitate the MC in the anime? I doubt it
Chadren will destroy Gabi Uzumaki
>oooohhh nooo, my chastity cage is starting to hurt
>unironically wanting Annie to walk in this fucking massacre
I'll read the manga afterwards to compare.
>animeonlies hate him
Why the fuck didn't they have any guns or thundersticks? manlet had a load of those
Isayama is struggling with everything already on his plate. Let her get juiced offscreen later
Ob yeah I forgot that normies hate her for killing le epic potato girl for some reason
Trips of truth
I'm surprised they aren't screeing praise for her shooting Eren. Maybe they think it's somehow decreased the odds of EM
>Gabi turns pure titan
>Reiner prepares to sacrifice himself again
>"Reiner, you've never looked like Marcel"
Normies except for ErwL fujos like Eren
>I'm surprised they aren't screeing praise for her shooting Eren
why would they?
Lmfaooo okay wait wait. I just noticed why the STUPID smile meme gets me. It's always edited in the silliest way and I just can't stop laughing. If anyone has good ones please share honestly it makes my day
It’d be interesting if Zeke makes a face turn when he clutches Eren’s head and learns he was doing it all for Historia and their child.
Considering his trauma, the act of his little brother putting his life on the line for the good of his unborn only child could touch his heart unlike anything else.
Zeke had a hard life.
>Grew up with parents that didn't even love him and only saw him as a mean to an end
>Grandparents did love him, but they were brainwashed by the government to protect their family
>Shitty parents force him into the military so he can become the saviour of Eldia while he just wants to play sports with his dad
>Only person who understands him is the beast titan who is going to die pretty soon, he acts as Zeke's father figure
>Believes he can safe the world by ending the curse of the titans
I don't understand how people can just blindly hate him. He isn't a bad person.
That's been annoying me a lot, I think Floch and the Jaegerist equipped themselves to deal with Reiner and porco so they didnt have guns, if I recall correctly a lot of jaegerist had thunderspears but they got killed by the soldiers
I wish you luck fellow user
>zeke catches eren's head and is actually able to use the coordinate by himself
>euthanize the eldians
>eren is reborn through paths loli
>last panel is actually zeke holding baby eren and deciding to take care of him, now that he is born in a free word
That's a fucking terrible ending
I also have this low res one
Erenfags eternally SEETHING because of based Gabi.
If the hole in the gate was there before, why did Zeke climb the wall?
so he could throw rocks at reiner and porco
He needs to destroy the blimps
Vantage position
To shoot rocks from a better angle
Eren is Gabi's bitch.
The cannon was Eren's biggest enemy.
Baby one is the best
CHADren will rape gabi
He wants to neuter Eldians because he projected his suffering and bad life onto all of them. It's not brave to anhero via rocket if you think dying is freedom anyways
Out of all kino in this chapter Colt's meltdown was the most kino.
It feels rushed as fuck I wont be surprised if manga will end before the next year
Yea at the very least have cyborg GODvi smash in and slice Zeke up before he could have transformed. And no I'm not coping
I thought most Erenfags were also Gabi fags tho. Gabi is literally just Eren 2.0.
He doesn't think life is suffering, he thinks being an Eldian in this world is suffering. There's a difference.
Erenfags are mentally ill redditcucks
So what's the consensus on this chapter? Best one since 100? Worst one ever? Mediocre?
>Wants to fight for the freedom of his people
>Wants to fight for the nation that opresses her people
Yeah... no.
Pieck turning titan and equipping the gun again between chapter is one thing, but how did she take it off while fighting a fucking Ackerman and Armin?
It was meh. Kinda a cheap way to end it and a lot of inconsistencies.
Titan magic.
We blade runner now?
don't forget about "wh clone"
it was pretty bad, full of inconsistencies and felt like a fever dream
>inb4 erenfag
>Zeke sold out Uncle Grice and led to his death.
>was the reason Colt and Falco were forced to become warriors in the first place.
>knew Eren was going to blow up.
>left Colt at the front seats of the festival.
>titanized Falco to ordered him to kill his mentor.
>blew up Colt.
Falco will kill Zekek as revenge for everything he's done to his family.
>Fake memories
Nothing will fix this abomination of a chapter other than it being an alternate timeline
Best chapter in the whole manga. Idiots claiming otherwise don't see the bigger picture.
No need for it when it's destroyed and no operational. It would only make worse for her.
Post your face when you are not an Erenkek
Best one. Ignore the seething Erenfags assblasted things are no longer going his way.
Zeke saved Falco and Colt by telling on the restorationists you absolute speedreader.
It was good, it definitely had the tension and desperation of a final battle, that is until it flew out the window with muh loli precision strength sniping
They should be but Erenfags are hypocrites.
Fucking speedreaders.
It's fucking Eren first.
Then it changes to Colt screaming.
No no you see.. Gabi fags are eren fags that hated CHADren so it's why ur going to see them act like animals for the next month posting "don't lose ur head" memes
>Eren actually dies
>Marley loses the chance to use the coordinate
>gets BTFO by more technologically advanced nations
Bravo Gabi!
You're an actual moron if you think it's not real.
Gabi is annoying as fuck. I don’t think anyone in these threads unironically likes her apart from that one pedo. Her “imma kill them” is no way comparable to ragetard erens so it’s not as bearable
heh... nothing personnel marleycucks
It's like 2 gabifags and the rest are shippers/ funposters.
negative iq post
I can't wait to see how much Zeke is going to SEETH when he touches Erens head and the R U M B L E starts instead of all Eldians loosing their genitals or however the euthanasia would work.
They retired together, now they live in the countryside.
Everyone wants a piece of the monkey boy.
>Maggath in and out of the Cart
Why do people claim Eren died?Nobody can know that considering the amount of asspulls from previous chapters.His head did really get BTFO though.
This happens while people are shooting one another with Eren and Reiner dog piling one another in the background. You tell me if you find this coherent, This supposedly the most climatic part of the story and we get this right before Porco's sacrifice and the cliffhanger the tone is all over the place.
>mfw shitren dead
>Floch and the Jaegerist equipped themselves to deal with Reiner and porco so they didnt have guns
But Floch's squad went out to retrieve Zeke with guns and they arrived alongside him
>I-its just going to be used on Zeke's titans.
>T-there's no way it's actually going to kill anyone relevant.
I'm so glad this bitch is dead
No actually Marley just takes over the walls and protect/opress it until they find the baby (it would almost certainly be historia's child so not too difficult to find)
You can't use those guns with 3DMG
Fuck you're right, I mixed Floch's squad with the other jaegerist
Post your face when Eren is confirmed not dead.
>Shartrenfag C-O-P-I-N-G
Marley would have access to every Eldian in the world once they conquer Paradise, meaning it'd be a cinch to find the Founding titan again.
Gabi won.
>source: my ass
what if its an eldian from another country?
Reiner literally did it outside of titan mode Levi stabbed him in the neck before he could transform. I don't think that's what Eren did anyway I think he's either really dead or it's loli resurrection time again.
Yes, yes, well done, Reiner. Well done, Reiner.
He's rushing it
>Dumbass didnt understood
1)Reiner did the transfer when he neck his head stabbed by manlet, he wasnt on his titan
2)Bert said if you do the transfer AND you have a titan's brain you can keep your memories
>Reiner's face when he realizes he won't die
Reiner would like to have a word with you
How is that memory alteration theory supposed to work when Marleyans are immune to it?
Agree, plus he’s out of juice so he’s still a sitting duck even if he could transfer consciousness the way Reiner did. For now, Eren’s best chance is that Ymir has a thing for Yeagars. If so... maybe next chapter a horde of mindless titans heads their way, ignoring everyone else. The Marleyans try to shoot them down but one of them gets to Eren’s corpse and or head. People are so surprised that they just let that Titan incubate Eren back to life.
Lolipaths has this one in the bag (or stomach). Chapter 120 starts with Eren in path realm. Celebrate while u can funfag
>n-no it's a h-hologram i swear!
Can you put back your trips so that you can stay filtered for me? I'm asking you nicely, no insult or anything here.
I get a feeling that Isayama won't show Eren's condition for another two months. Maybe it's time for them (Rico excluded) to shine.
It read like a fever dream.
Lmao ty I needed this
Erenfags are braindead and desperate.
Why even have Armin repeat what Pixis already said?
>Yelena is fucking Ymir Fritz
Delete this.
Kill yourselves twitterfags.
>average Zekefag
Only characters we hear the inner thoughts of in this chapter are Eldians
On the other hand, all of them are also shifters which are more resistant. And one is dead this chapter too
No shit, the exhibition ends on 8th September. Perfect for ebin reveal according to Isayama's autism.
this is better than "Zeke is Erwin's dad" and "Eren is Frieda" combined
>Paolo Yeager
are you compensating something? speak english
Gabi looks kinda similar to Eren.
Obviously she's genderbend Eren send back through time by Eren to stop Eren from destroying the world
What fucking braindead ape brain monkey of a writer wants to reveal the END of his story A FULL YEAR before the ending?
Like is he that desperate to prove he's the dumbest person ever? I'll just believe him he doesn't have to show it.
topkek if this is true
Based retard
Either Isayama made a lot of mistakes drawing this chapter, or he's giving us clues.
We need to assume the latter.
kill yourself cuckrenfag
Eren will be revived by a loli harem made of Ymir's daugthers.
>A FULL YEAR before the ending
where did you get this?
nice virus
it will end in 6 months user, not a year
Aren't anons spamming that he rushed 20 or so pages in 2 days?
what compels fans to be like this?
This is fact thoughm.
>these are the Erenfags crying
Fuck Gabi
it's impossible to make 21 pages in 2 days unless you want Hxh's quality
He's not wrong. If you like Gabi you're pretty much a nazi pedophile.
kek such a pussy
Stop it Eren.
he's not right though, Gabi is literally a race traitor
Bert is going to kick Eren's ass in the paths
So you wanna turn snk threads into twitter screencap thread faggot?
well now I want Eren and nerE to hug
you have to go back
>nazi pedophile
So... based, redpilled and Yea Forums-approved?
So the reason warriors are such cucks is because Marley put soi in the water?
No time for that. Bert is trying hard to mind control Armin.
Why don't you go back to raping babies and killing jews?
Wtf I love Gabi now.
he's not FAKE
just a clone
they literally fought for the people who wants to genocide them
you tell me
I think Margath’s alive. If not, Pieck is dead next chapter.
>goes out of his way to find shit on twitter that makes him angry
you are quite the faggot indeed
Gabi will eat Eren's corpse next chapter and take the titans that rightfully belong to her.
>this is your typical eren fag
Armong will probably eat her.
>Against a Mary Sue and a Gary Stu
She ded and Armin is going to get her power for mobility
Porco’s death scene is A-grade, imho. Very badass.
But Pieck isn't fighting Gabi
Colt's and Porco's deaths were the only good things to come out of this chapter.
>bort, the biggest titan. gets the most pathetic death
>porc, smallest titan, get the most dignified
Bravo SUBVERTayama
This tbqh. Makes Eren's look that much worse.
>You can only have one Mary Sue per series
>>bort, the biggest titan. gets the most pathetic death
I bet Zeke's will top it.
Porco is proof that shifters are not near-immortal like many people seem to believe. He admitted that he was about to die even without Falco eating him
Oh, this is kinda weird. Porco was somehow able to override Zeke’s command to Falco to kill Reiner. Probably nothing. Titan shifters are extra alluring to mindless titans, if I remember corectly.
well he lost half his brain, probably more
>eat a thunderspear to the face
>Pieck just toss the gun away
Zeke's command isn't absolute. He didn't even command the belly healing
Rest in piss Eren.
Who the fuck gives a shit about Gabi? Ymir fritz is the superior loli and Chadren will destroy her pussy.
Soul Eater also did this, right? Black Star thought he killed the Kishin, but it was just an illusion because of the madness exposure.
Political Compass of SnK
Ultra Far Left (Anarcho-Communism)
>YH, Onyabonga ships, Farmer x Historia
Appeals exclusively to emasculated soibois (including mtf creaturae) and ugly women
Far Left (Socialism, Communism)
>EM, EAr, all other cuck ships
Appeals to mentally ill brainwashed bugmen who hate freedom & push censorship and "hate speech" laws
'Moderate' Left (Democratic Socialism, Librulism, Baizhuo, etc.)
>muh 6 billion Eldians shippers, all other gay ships
Appeals to the state of Israel and the ZOG / mass media
Radical Centrist (Soigon of Soikkad, Kekistani)
>I can't get laid, so Shingekis can't either, shippers so dumb, haha
Self explanatory, usually supported by ugly omegas who wanna larp as chads in an edgy Naruto (=SnK) general
Fence Sitter Centrist (soulless normie husks, single issue voters)
>SC, Pixis x the girl who opened the door, etc - all other "literally who" ships
Self explanatory
'Moderate' Right (Cuckservatives, Republicans, Neocons)
>Sasha x Nicolo, Moblit x Hange, Eren x Annie, Bert x Reiner (muh based gays)
Appeals to the state of Israel and the ZOG / mass media, pretends to be 'based'
Best Right (Libertarianism - Ron Paul version)
>JM, FG, ZY+ZP+ZYmir(loli) {Zeke harem}
Ultra high IQ white and honorary white chads
""Far Right"" (Alt-Right, Proudboys, Ultra Far Left)
>Eren x Gabi, Porco x Pieck, Reiner x Gabi, Farmer x Historia
Puppets for Israel and falseflagging to make the right look bad
Far Right (Fascism, Nationalism, Ethnocentrism)
>EH, LH, Erwin x any female
Self explanatory
Don't make me like Gabi.
destroyed the bottle with the black blood*
Falco is a royal himself so he's odd like Dina who ignored Bort and instead walked straight to Eren's house. Him accentially touching Eren while they lay there let Eren activate the coordinate to manipulate the Eldian's around them, tricking them into thinking that he died. Screencap this.
Based GABI
Hello /snk/ I come from the future and I just wanted to let you know which characters are good to invest in
>Flochcoin will rise at unprecedented rates in the coming chapters
>Yelenacoin will go up drastically
>Gabicoin has peaked, now is an awful time to buy but a great time to sell
>Erencoin will only go up a little, if you buy now your guaranteed to make at least a little profit
>Piekcoin is going to hit an all time low, sell now
>Mikasacoin will go down
>Armincoin will go down
>Conniecoin will go down drastically
>Jeancoin will go up
>Zekecoin is stable
Only people who hate Eren are Gabipedos and Reinerfags who want to kill themselves.
The Attack Titan sexy pose must had Isayama and his assistants and editor giggle like schoolgirls
I have invested everything in Anniecoin
And i am not going to pull out
/r/ing this pic with Eren's grave added
What if, Zeke commands his titan to put Eren in its belly and because the titan is the extension of Zeke's body, Eren gains the full power of the coordinate without being controlled by the vow because his brain still intact after his resurrection?
So glad Eren is dead.
That's what he deserves for getting Sasha killed.
cope harder deadfag
See you next month.
>SNK starts with combat between giants being the centerpiece
>series ends with a demonic magical girl vs a supersoldier loli showdown
Now that Ymir and Eren are both dead, who will fuck Historia?
not gonna lie, this turn of events has rustled my jimmy's hasnt been a cliffhanger this good since he got ate by bad santa! leta be honest though its pretty predictable if he actually died in such a bullshit way itd be a major blow to the story's conclusion.
Does anyone know the name of the track playing in this scene? I can't find it in any of the osts
Geez... I guess I'll do it...
Eren running to Zeke. Zeke crawling to Eren. My reaction is between facepalm and rofl
What a disappointment Eren turned out to be.
I want to eat Gabi's cunny
Good for Zeke. He ain’t too,proud to use his enemies’ tactics.
Who will she kill next?
Zeke doesn't have the founding tiran so his commands aren't absolute. He can only communicate with mindless that were injected with his spinal fluid
Zekek. He's right there.
mark my words, when S4 starts, Shadman will start drawing Gabi lewds.
Eren is so pretty!
Hopefully Armin
>Colt died for no reason
Okay, could eren have touched historia and change FUTURE memories? cuz paths.
Get the Armored Titan
Gabi will become the next Ymir Fritz, transcending her and spreading the Eldian abominations across the galaxy
Historia needs to be a titan for that to work.
Falco will KILL Zeke.
Connie will kill Zeke
Colt was a good brother.
>Marley is going to make statues of Gabi, parks and even name schools after her.
>Dr Zeke offering euthanasia to Reiner in the late 1800's
Such benevolence and progressiveness
>Zeke killed Porkek and caused Reiner to have even more PTSD
Based Zeke.
Not gonna lie, Porkek went out like a chad, got to give him that.
When Reiner broke his left hand free from Attack Titan mouth, his right shoulder blade seemed to have broken parts off. It looks like he placed his right elbow on a roof for more leverage. Probably nothing significant.
>Eren's still-living head lands in Zeke's hand and the plan works anyway
>marley serumbowl between gabi and colt
Actually, it's Grisha who killed Porco.
I'm ready.
Connie will die protecting Zeke from Reiner next chapter.
Armin will eat Eren
If Eren drank Zeke's spinal fluid, perhaps it activated his power when Zeke screamed
>Zeke touched Eren's old hardened titan
it's not over yet, Erenbros
>inb4 Eren transferred his consciousness to the rest of his nervous system before being beheaded
Chancellor Armin personally meeting with the Gesumin Youth, Circa 860, making sure they're reciting the "right" history
>Eren's head lands on Zeke
>Give one last command to start the rumbling
>Now everyone need to find the lost FT to stop the rumbling
If Isayama really wants to kill Eren, I think that's the only way to make it acceptable.
Goddamn unreliable narrators
Gabi will just bite a chunk out of Zeke's neck, thus inheriting the beast titan without being titanized herself screencap this
If that seriously activated the coordinate, Isayama is a hack.
Where the fuck is that Zeke from? Didnt that manga with that art style already finish?
>Zeke touches Eren's corpse.
>gets his memories
>realizes he was being played for a fool all along.
>screencap my retardation bro xD
Not how it works.
genuinely curious if that would work. that one ED shows the kids eating the flesh so maybe?
Giorno has never been wrong
>ingesting the monkey juice
She'll just fucking titanize
>Annie shows up out of nowhere
>what did I miss
not him, but you're obsessed if you take offense to anything degrading your favorite character
If that ending is correct, that might work...
This chapter nicely puts AMJC back into the thick of things. Both Yeagars would be dead already without their intervention. So dead, not even asspulls could save them. Margath Pieck combo is OP. One head shot and one nape shot this chapter alone. And Reiner almost made Eren pancake.
I don’t believe eren is dead yet because I doubt the MC would get killed in the same chap as all these other characters as well. So if he dies he won’t be completely dead until next chapter
>JUICEren uses Falco to crush Annie into a titanized Floch's mouth
She will feast on Eren's corpse.
Who do you even infer is my favourite character from that post, Zecuck?
user you're an idiot
Kek it would be funny if Eren manipulating Falco and using him for nefarious deeds becomes a trend
>power transfer with actual cannibalism
is not so far fetched...
eren, zeke.
how do i access irl paths?
Why does Armin not transform? Just transform onto fucking Pieck, what is she supposed to do, scurry away? He would blow her to pieces
be a hero
Jean or Connie is going for the Eren bits next chapter and it isn't going to be pretty
disgusting agent of Satan BEGONE
The Colossal Titan transformation is like a literal nuke, when Berthold did it, it left a massive crater in the town.
Turn Jewish blood of 200 different individuals into pressurized gas and shoot that gas inside your mouth.
Either there's some sort of 4 dimensional chess occurring with the plot, or it's actually retarded.
I don't think there could be a more unsatisfying ending than "lol Eren dies".
>Chapter 120
To get a titan you need to 1) ingest the spinal fluid and 2) the shifter needs to die so his power is available, and possibly 3) be in pure titan form.
Saying it's retarded is easier than writing this.
That reminds me....
Remember when Eren was slicing at the Colossal Titan attacking the wall? His blade went through nothing, and he was looking around for where the Titan went?
Well it's been established that Titan bodies don't just disappear after they are used. So what the fuck happened there?
Armin has Bee's memories of fucking Pii, that's why
thats called nitpicking and being an asshole
I know right it's so idiotic but it makes me laugh out lout every fucking time. Nothing else has ever done this but this stupid smile shit
More like an hero.
>gabi suddenly capable of riding a horse
>pixis drinking again when he was riding a horse 2 minutes ago
>bert crate gone
whats going on?
Its heat burn its own body
It's called realizing obvious shit.
Not that user but are you a fucking child? What he stated were canon shits, not nitpicking.
CASUL reader here
I don't even know who this is and why he could heal himself.
What was the point of Annie crystalizing herself? Waiting to be rescued?
Isayama is either a hack who can't remember what he drew last month or a genius setting up a 9000 IQ plot twist. Only time will tell.
“Lol eren dies to annoying loli bitch”. I don’t see how this would be much different from the GoT ending which isayama said he hated
>Jean grabs the Eren bits
>Connie fucking kills Zeke while he's doing it
Too bold
>some bullshit writing
>some bullshit writing but EXPLAINED
ebin Yea Forums meme
I get the feeling this isn't the end. After the shit we saw with zeke. Even if Eren dies how do we know Zeke can't use the coordinate with erens head. I'm such a seething erentard
You are a smoothbrain i see.
His hair is tousled and his skull is bashed in, but that's Porky
pls no bully
I don't know? maybe to not get captured and brutally tortured? that might be a good reason for her.
Hold on though, that is a huge plot hole. First of all Berthold transformed without nuking the surrounding area, unlike later. And then the entire titan just disappears? That didn't happen even when he was burning Armin with steam. And if the entire body disappeared, wouldn't he fall down through the air?
It's Eren's proxy
That's following established rules asshole. If she gets any spinal fluid but fails to kill Zeke it's over
why did pork came out? was it to save falco?
did he not see falco trying to eat reiner?
She's just a sore loser
Reiner was trying to anhero with a healthy body. Porco got the shit beat out of him and couldn't regen anymore. He did it to save Falco and Reiner both.
Post your favourite opening/ending of AOT
These threads are always full of retards like you and that's sad.
It did fall down to the side of the wall. You can see the skeleton in the Reiner flashback chapters in the mid 90s
Oh, you're just pretending. Hard to tell the difference between that and the real retards these days.
Shifters are not devil fruits.
Where exactly did Zeke hide to dodge that second shot?
Can someone put a link to this chapter?
Mikasa is attached to his hip so he can't kill Pieck without killing her too
>Erenfags are brainlets.
op 2 > op 3 > op 5 > op 1 > op 4
> A bullet of determination pierced through the little brother
I think Eren’s “death” will shock his friends enough to leave alone Pieck and Riener. It looks like Jean and Connie saw it happen. I think Zeke may lose it and berserk-scream at the mindless titans to go wilder. But the opposite happens. They all become calm and start moving walking (not running) towards the inner or outer gate (cannot remember which). The Marleyan army is surprised but some keep sniping at the mindless titans. A few fall, most start gathering in a circle. Three approach the Yeagar bros. Mikasa tries to protect Eren bits and cuts down the two. Two more titans leave the circle, ambling towards Eren body parts - this time Zeke with the help of Floch convinces them to let the titans take Eren bits.
And that’s what where my imagination fails me, because yes - even though resurrection via Ymir-Paths seems the most likely, it does still! feel very corny to me.
It's the same version on Imgur and mangadex
Just google “read attack on Titan”
calling people retarded is just rude.
Pork should have helped Falco instead.
>Headspin silenced Shippers
Good trade to be honest.
Erenfags are embarrassing
If Eren is dead but those titan powers can still be obtained by eating him Isayama's a hack
they kinda are though
Points to be made on why this chapter was just altered memories
>Pieck gearing up right after she went out of her titan
Chapter 101, after Pieck and Porko are rescued by the Panzer Unit, Pieck start her preparations to go help the warrior and Marley against the Paradis forces attacking Liberio. They clearly say they would take 15 minutes to gear up the Cart Titan, or 10 if rushed. In this chapter, the Cart Titan is geared up in matter of seconds.
>Eren's pants
In chapter 116, Porko attacks Eren, biting both off his legs off, including his pants, ofc. But suddenly, when Eren gets out of his titan in 119, he has his pants untouched.
>His eyes glowing when fighting Reiner
Right before Reiner and Porko have their P A T H S moment, Eren's eyes glow when looking at Reiner, and that happens again right before he gets shot. That paths moment between them is just because Eren was altering Reiner's memories, given the fact that 2 shifters touching never implied memories being transfered
>Touching a royal blood on human form would never work
Eren and Zeke knew pretty well that they should touch when they were on titan form to make it happen (at least it should have a royal blood titan), they fucking devised a plan about it, so in the end they would desperately try to get together as humans to use the coordinate, wtf? It doesn't make sense at all. Also, Eren can transform again at least twice, so why would he run straight desperately like he was?
Other than that, we always knew how Reiner felt about his failure in Paradis, how he felt like he was a big brother to all the young warriors, then what does he see? Again someone acting as a hero/big brother instead of him to save someone who he felt he should protect. To "convince" Reiner he was actually living that situation, his memory was altered to the point he would again feel bad for something he was unable to stop, and someone else (coincidence it was again a Galliard???) did instead of him.
Spread the words, CHADren bros!
Oh they'll ruin it. It'll be a shot of Eren's head from the neck up with blood splatter and then a dark silhouette of his body and the head separating
They give Eren a giraffe neck and act like the shot broke his neck
Did someone say "bully"
They can probably show his head flying towards Zeke. Just can't show that part of his spine sticking out.
But you shippers only got louder after the headspin.
Wait a sec.... Do you actually think that we can't tell that all this "EREN IS DEAD OMG :O" shitposting comes from you, Benji?
Ryoute ni wa Gloria utau no wa Sieg
Senaka ni wa die Flügel der Freiheit
>was on a farm for god knows how long
>has been fighting off-screen
>visual mistake, if even that. It would be of view
>Floch hides like a little bitch
La creatura
If he had gone after his bride now he wouldn't be in this situation. Shit husbando.
>Replying to yourself
So why did Falco go for Porco anyway? Didn't Zeke tell him to kill Reiner? Why would he even suddenly give a shit about Porco?
You are fucking obsessed, Erenfag. Benji isn't even browsing Yea Forums. He's more of a legend than anything
Good. Eren has really improved as character.
t. Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie aka Benhmed aka Mrs Braun
>Eldia's finest
2&3 are the best openings
Post chapter memes
PTSD from Zeke
Maybe floch will actually ‘bring the devil back to life’ this time somehow
>In the Marley arc Reiner was stated to have been completely beheaded and still survived
Why create this elaborate memory theory?
Benji damage control
Don't worry, he will come back himself.
These would be very lame.
That’s prob most likely which is unfortunate
Remember the googly eyed titan that kept chewing Mike even when Zeke told him to stop? Zeke's royal hax are imperfect. Falco also tried to bite Reiner's nape three times before an easy kill appeared.
Why does the paths loli look so cross?
I highly doubt Historia is interested in Gabi.
>r-Reiner was c-c-connected to his t-titan then
Benji pls...
Reiner will live the full 13 years and suffer all the way through
>>Touching a royal blood on human form would never work
Fuck! I completely forgot about that. Eren is such an idiot.
No...i think not...
Are you talking about RtS? Reiner was intact from the mandible down and hurled his brain function to his second weakness.
Or how about the fact that a character this chapter literally said that eren doesn’t need his head
It might be a bit dated, but I'd like to see a shooting stars meme of this
>He even had the numerical advantage with Pieck being focused on Eren instead of him.
he is so pathetic
reminder that eren is fine
>Touching a royal blood on human form would never work
source: trust me bro
Gabi will inherit the attack titan!
>he didn't die for no reason what a coward
Please build a girl body
i dont care about eren dying, but you are retarded. Not only did Reiner get decapitated, his spine was also severed mid torso. And he lived
I really wonder if she gets spared again after this
>Hackayama is not revealing us any information whatsoever and not establishing any rules for any of the powers in the series, just so he can make this shit up as he goes
FUCKING BASED, is there any other writer that uses this genius trick?
>hiding instead of trying to take out Pieck with the others after he ordered them to
At least when Erwin sent the men on a suicide charge he went in with them
How could Gabi even fire an anti-titan rifle without breaking her shoulder from the recoil
This chapter produced so much memes and grounded Erenfags. It’s a shame that it will all be changed because of false memories being correct.
You already know the answer, you just don't like it
Probably the same way paradise characters are flying around at 100 mph
Maybe Eren is just really dead, and the ending is the rest of the world wiping out Paradis.
Every battle shonen writer
Not that many. Only true geniuses can pull this off.
>final chapter audio was literally nothing.
People actively experiencing something it is not how the memory manipulation works, and "it was all a dream" bullshit is the least Isayama thing imaginable
No, it didn't produce any meme.s There are so many shitty shipperfags etc just butthurt about all this. Gabi is not mary sue because nothing related to her happened in this chapter, she was just reliving a false memory and everyone is excitied and shitposting like she is a hero when she isnt
Worst we'll get is that with a timeloop tagged to the end
I hope so, but i doubt Isayama will go with bad ending
Even if she kills Eren she's not a hero. Fucking Marley dogs
What was even the point of this shit
"LE EPIC MEMEZ XDDD" retarded shipperfag yhdyke em cock sucker benji cruz
They're safe, don't jinx them. Just leave them be.
>genius trick
Say no more
Getting people to attend the exhibition
>Gabi's name is originally Gabi Lübke. Gabi in hebrew means savior/strong person, and Lübke literally means light.
I believe in false memories to, but it seems you’re just butthurt. As I said Erenfags were put in their place for now, just wait a month you’ll be fine.
>He thought they would actually make an audio version of the final chapter.
Dumb YHfag.
>chapters a bloodbath
>Annie and LH posters suddenly quiet
>grounded Erenfags
More like outed literal retards that think Eren is actually dead
>mentally ill EHcuck BTFO
No, you're literally wrong though. Eren says nothing, and Colt says "wait" which draws both Eren and Reiner's attention. You would think that on a board about watching anime and reading manga, you would have learned how speech bubbles work. Give me a break.
Literally a Mary Sue name.
So many ships were BTFO this chapter. Tends to happen when the MC gets fucking decapitated
>and Lübke literally means light
Stop falseflagging as a German/Jewposter.
>Eren "dies"
>fujokeks and pedos too busy spamming dead Eren memes to post their cringe shit
wtf EHbros you told me this was Kaji saying "You are free"!?
i forgot that this existed kek
wtf i love Gabi now
Imagine being an Anniefag
but user, Lubke doesn't mean light at all
adding to this. the rest of the world may be 50 years advance in tech but Paradis has the nuclear weapon in the form of the Colossal Titan. Paradis can effectively nuke every harbor and port or navy by just sneaking in Armin. Kiyomi also seemed to have given them a prototype airplane which means nuking airfields is also a possibility.
Does anyone truly like Gabi? Speaking seriously.
I have no idea who Benji is. I’m a new friend please enlighten me on who he is and why he is relevant on /snk/ after you’re done sperging.
>Gabi in hebrew means savior/strong person
Eh no.. it doesn't
What are the nips saying about the chapter?
I'm here, just reading the shitfest.
At this point I hope they don't appear until the very end.
Kys spicnigger Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie aka Benhmed aka Mrs Braun.
So later some armongfag can say it was his idea to begin with.
>Armong is so SMARTZ
>eren falls over dead
>but theres a tendril attached to his foot
>his titan brain, still largely in one piece, allows him to regenerate
Alternatively his consciousness is just in his titan brain anyways. EZ
Is Zeke gonna catch Eren's head?
CT transformation doesnt do anything explosives dont
>the savior of light killed the devil.
Based Godbi
Absolute kino. However, the scan quality was shit, making the rushed art even worse, and the Final Arc is generally a little rushed. But still kino, I love this manga
Benji is the only YH shipper on Yea Forums. He is also a Redditor and looks like a Goblino.
I like seeing her in suffer mode
Fuck you, stop trying to bring shipperwars and waifunigs here again in the middle of chapter discussion.
Are you a literal retard?
>pixis drinking again when he was riding a horse 2 minutes ago
he was inside of a house with his soldiers, you fucking retard nothing wrong with that
Fuck off to reddit if you want moderated discussion, new fag.
Annie returns next chapter
so how's eren gonna survive this? did he learn that dumbass warrior technique of reiner's somehow?
I don't think so, much less after what happened this chapter.
What do nips think about her?
I forbid you to die Eren
One of the three YHshippers. Well, at least he pretends to be one.
Well, I know how to read manga correctly, so i'm a step up from you at the very least. I can at least follow panels and speech bubbles.
Imagine if terrorists did not have to sneak bombs in.
Kill yourself, shipperwhale
I like her. She's entertaining
I love her.
source: read the fucking manga you stupid speedreader
The chapter is just as shit as the "OMG LEVI KILLED ZEKE / ZEKE KILLED LEVI" chapters.
Same reaction from the same soulless NPCs, like these bugmen
Literally all the posts are from the same poster. Even if they inhabit different bodies, none has a soul.
Benji is Allafags ex-girlfriend. He's obsess now and can't stop thinking that everyone here is benji.
EH wins!
I think that pixix and his soldier just surrounded the enemies and than barricate themself into the bulding in order to be more protected. Is actually a smart move since they imprisoned the enemies into a area of shigashina and shot whoever try to escape from it.
We still have a thread up, retard.
>I can at least follow panels and speech bubbles.
Doesn't look like it.
Here is an example of Benji's postings
first he replies to you "seriously" because he wants you to believe there is more than one mentally ill soiboi who ships YH (there isn't). After that, he replies "ironically" to hide his desperate shilling attempt in the previous post.
samefag(you know who)
t. Benji
99% of it is false-flagging.
The fact that it's a cliffhanger and his spine is still intact makes me think he's going to do the spinal consciousness transfer thing and just come back. But if he really is going to die we could get the most kino ending imaginable.
>Gabi rushes to Falco
>Eren hasn't completely lost all life function yet
>Zeke crawls to him and touches his face or his torso
>Zeke sees Eren's memories
>Flashback showing Eren is the father
>Just as Eren learned what it felt like to see a loved one turned into a Titan through Grisha's memories, so does Zeke experience what it feels like to have your own family and a child to protect
>Anti-natalist becomes pro-natalist all according to Abe's keikaku
>Eren meets Falco in PATHS next to lolimir and they have a final conversation
>Back in the real world, Eren may or may not regenerate, and the rumbling will probably begin
>If the rumbling does happen, the world will get flattened and humanity outside the walls will actually perish
No I'm not an EH shipfag, I just don't have a rotting lesbian brain that prioritizes vicarious self-insert faux-intimacy over thematic story consistency.
>less than a minute apart
Mentally ill spicnigger Benji.
As popular as Connie, though less than fucking Mike and Nanaba who are basically literally whos
What fake memories?
Theory to explain Eren suddenly growing pants
Wow all those posts you linked that all have different reasons for their reaction. Wow truly depicting your point well there you brainlet
Same reason Jean made it to number 5. JMa is still popular there for some retarded reason
are japs this autistic?
And Pieck insta-geared up etc etc
Why is Bort so high?
Nips always like the bland quiet and polite character with no personality because it reminds them of themselves
How old is this shit again?
I started to like her a bit after last chapter but this chapter ruined her for me again. In general I don't hate her personality and her certain actions (killing Sasha and Lobov, attempt to kill Kaya, etc.) because I understand her background, I understand that she's brainwashed child soldier and so on. But I don't appreciate her character. In my opinion she's boring, has a lot of Mary Sue traits and I'm often annoyed by scenes with her because they feel like waste of pages.
December 2017
We are not as toxics as you nor care about Erenfags
So we're gonna get a code geass style interlude where main characters fuck up their first time around and have to deal with a shittier revamp of oppression until MC messiah reveals himself again
Sheeeit nips are crazy
There have been LH posts but obviously right after new chapter there are plenty of things to discuss so people don't post ships and waifus. It's funny how you mentioned only Annie and LH though EHfags, Pieckfags, even ZP shitposters have been silent too.
They want them to be as triggered with EHfags as them
>setup chapter
>next chapter will explain how eren survived with a poorly planned asspull
>or next chapter will be the beginning of the end and will end with the protagonists losing
>poorly planned asspull
Reiner survived by conciousness transfer in his human body, Eren saw the shot coming, giving him more than enough time to transfer.
At this point Isayama would violate his own rules if Eren somehow didn't transfer.
>doesn't know how to transfer
>expecting eren to transfer his conciousness with a human body instead of being in his convenient second body aka titan form
Big difference shows how little of a possibility this is. Eren is dead and will only revive by the loli.
If the last scene is Eren looking judgmentally at Armin & Mikasa in the afterlife, I will forgive every flaw this series had.
The part you're looking for is in the 2nd half.
Based, thanks
>Why yes, I do kill off my main characters and revive them through an asspull all the time, how did you know?
Why is Historia blushing so much when she talks to Eren in this manga?