Is it me or is Stardust Crusaders, and most of JoJo's for that matter extremely overrated?
the introduction of stands ended up making all the fighting we saw before became completely obsolete while dragging out the combat, removing all tension. everyone ends up explaining their tactics/powers for half of the fucking fight, they handled it about as well as the Pokemon anime handles the same kind of exposition. the characters feel immensely more one dimensional than in parts 1&2 respectively, and the new JoJo has literally no personality beyond being an obnoxious, edgy douchebag, at least Joseph was charming alongside his more douchey qualities.
It felt like I was going to essentially watch "stand of the week" ad nauseum for the entire series. does it get any better? everyone seems to love Stardust Crusaders, do I just have shit taste? I usually go by the 3 episode rule with anime, but after I've finishing episode 5 I'm still immensely unimpressed
sorry for shit grammar, punctuation, spelling etc.
Just skip to Egypt, or even Cairo. SC is shit until then.
Robert Brooks
Parts 1 and 6 are underrated, Parts 2 and 4 are overrated, and 3, 5, 7, and 8 are rated appropriately for how good or bad they are respectively.
Jose Edwards
when does that start? do stands and the combat In general ever get, ya know, not shit?
Connor Nelson
The writing gets better in the second half of Part 3 onwards.
Xavier Reyes
Part 4 after kira gets better
Kevin Price
Stardust Crusader is arguably the best part of Jojo to date. Every part after that was a desperate attempt by Araki to recapture the same magic of Part 3, but he never truly succeeded.
Carter Green
I don't feel it'll be worth watching to that point
Bentley Price
>when does that start Egypt is S2 of SC onwards. Cairo is episode 39. Pick based on how fed up with SC you are. Fights get better. There are some decent ones towards the end of Part 3. For example the first "fight" if you can call it that in Cairo is the best of Part 3 imo.