Spy X Family

Do you guys think that we'll go deep into the spy/ assassin plot?
I really like the potential of this.

Attached: spyxfam.png (1280x1807, 2.16M)

I mean only 8 chapters in there's nothing but potential.
Only time will tell if Endo can juggle 3 plotlines (Enya's shool life, Twilight's spy stuff and Yoru's sketchy past) at a time in a coherent and interesting manner.

Just accept it already nerd, This manga is getting Axed.

Attached: 1560965049916.png (544x378, 149K)

spy vs assassin arc is pretty much guaranteed, they can't keep up the misunderstanding for ever
deadliest family vs the world is what i'm holding out for

Said nobody ever.

>Enya's shool life, Twilight's spy stuff and Yoru's sketchy past

The actual new goal last chapter is singular as a family to get close to someone as part of the sabotage work. Sub plots would only begin to happen if some no name asshole literally just barge in as a cliffhanger at this point.

How about you kill yourself OP

Yeah but right now they're all doing that for different reasons (saving the world, doing cool stuff, or having a normal life). They either need to become one entity as said or the plot will have to continue from one POV to the other. People are already complaining that Yoru became irrelevant because of that.

If anything the chapters are throwing away how the war sentiments are going hard -- so expect Twilight and Yoru fighting without knowing their enemy. Since Twilight is anti-war while Yoru just kills for the pro-war faction

What the fuck's your problem faggot?

>(saving the world
Subjective, there are other agents.

>doing cool stuff
The perks of work or invited danger.

>or having a normal life).
As long as possible. This is where the real character development is between these perfect strangers (pun).

Personally I think the revelation of them all wanting to be a true family will come first, then they combine powers to take on bad guy, who will hopefully be just both of their bosses together.

>That smug
I will never not chuckle at it every time i see it

It'll be axed in 5 chapters.

I know that this is just a meme about Endo, but considering the numbers it's pulling on both the Japanese and Western side, it's very unlikely.

Attached: mangaplus top 5.png (308x712, 133K)

Any idea about the jap numbers?

No exact numbers, but it's (apparently?) number 1 on Jump+ and it has 3000 comments in less than 8 chapters.

Attached: I actually don't know what this top 5 is.png (588x224, 57K)

>fags not content with chapter release threads
>trying to make another general for a bi-weekly manga
>shitposters are already flocking in
More like Spy Axed Family

You mad

it just crossed 10M views overall in just 8 chapters

What the fuck is wrong with you absolute faggots?

The single thread we have for chapter bump literally reaches bump limit in less than 24 hours and is full of people reacting to the chapter with memes. There's barely an actual discussion. Get the dick out of your ass.

>The threads that get made hours before the chapter is released were bumped immediately since people tried to keep it alive with shitposts
What a surprise

That's not true. The last thread was opened an hour before the chapter and was the quickest one to reach bump limit, which is by the way only gonna be outdone since it's gathering more fans now.

In conclusion, threads like this which have an actual discussion of plot and predictions are fine.

honestly the author is known for getting axed but this seems to be his first manga that is pulling its weight so he'll prob finish it its def not gonna be super long though maybe at most 40chapters

Fortunately, if Kanata no Astra can get an anime with only 49 chapters, then so can this manga.

In a way all that means is that we get a full adaptation in a season or two.