Kanata no Astra. How do you feel about this so far?

Kanata no Astra. How do you feel about this so far?

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AOTS so far.

You say that like it's a high bar

I dig it. I've been wanting some genuine sci fi for a long time.

Well perhaps but I think it's still a decent first episode.

The tone doesn't really work so well and neither does the comedy. I think it has room to grow at least. I like that it's an ensemble cast, but most of them haven't had a chance to do anything.

Girl of the season.

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look at this faggot

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It looks nice so far.

But I reserve my judgement because the human chain thing bothered me.
They do that to Kanata and Aries, but that's a very dangerous thing to do, and they didn't have to do it because they had a rope. The only reason the rope plan failed the first time was because Aries was too far away from the ship. But this time, they're close enough to be reached by a human chain. So it would have been way more safe to use the rope the second time.

They changed it to show the power of nakama in space.

That makes sense

CGI person in the first scene set a bad mood for the rest of the episode.

Not isekai? 10/10 gonna watch it til the end

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This season started great. Especially compared to the last one.

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Can't wait for porn.

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I'm really interested because we rarely get sci-fi anime that isn't mecha (not that we even get that much anymore.)

First episode was pretty good but I have some issues. Even though the setting and plot are a breath of fresh air the characters and the themes/tone are 100% generic shounenshit. The characters are all generic tropes, and they are really going overboard with the power of friendship stuff. This is not even mentioning the make MC who is pretty unabashedly a shounen protag.

Having said all that I enjoyed it and will keep watching.

I want to do her while her handpuppet narrates the whole thing like an eroge.

Seems like it could be a nice little space adventure show if done correctly.

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Not sure how I feel about when I know how things will be.
A space surviving adventure seems nice at first until the true hidden ploy reveals itself. After that, it became a huge disappointment.

MC is very based but I want him to hook up with Quiterrie not Aries.

Considering how hte thing translates thoughts into words. Wouldn't it just start moaning after a while?

everything seems way too scripted to succeed, like the spool of cable that magically shows up in the airlock
i want them to run into snags that forces them into lose/lose choices and at least 1 dies before the end, not in a willful sacrifice because thats gay

Most fun character.

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The author was probably too retarded to write tension.

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Yeah the comedy felt really out of place. Not really a fan of the characters either, I've seen almost this exact combination of characters multiple times by now.

The comedy is really awkward in the beginning, its even worse in the manga.
I can't tell you exactly when, but I think that by around the middle the comedy didn't feel so forced and awkward anymore.

I loved the first episode but the threads sadly seem like a cesspool of spoilers and I don't read manga.

I'm sensing some stylistic vibes that this is likely from the Lerche team that did Hakumei to Mikochi last year which was arguably my favorite anime of the year and that has me very excited for it. Again I just wish the threads were a little less dangerous.

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Pretty good so far. Love the puppet and the airhead. Lets hope we get to see the other teammate.