Watch first episode of anime

>watch first episode of anime.
>go and read the manga instead because i'm too lazy to wait.

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This but with 70/80's series
Jesus christ they are so slow

>irrelevant satania image

Lazy? Reading the manga is MORE effort. I think the word you were looking for was "impatient".

Satania is ALWAYS relevant.

I'm a speedreader

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In this case you're super justified. There is so much padding it's ludicrous.


>see anime is an adaptation
>just go read the manga and don't touch the anime
Why would you even watch the first episode if you're going to read the manga anyway, OP?

same. I've been blueballed by adaptations which have a shitty/no ending too many times

What? But how? I can read at my own (slow) pace in peace and can digest every panel at my leisure

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but sometimes i get too autisticly excited about what's happening and fuck up the pacing of how i read the panels and emotional shit ends up having less of an impact which is why i actually bother to watch the anime after reading the manga because the anime will have a greater impact on my ADD riddled brain

Not OP but I personally do it for the performances or if the animation is good. Like most recently for me the Jashin Dropkick anime with really good deliveries from most characters all around. Others that come to mind are Konosuba, OPM S1, Death Note, Kaguya, Asobi Asobase (although mostly because tl is at a glacial pace), Mob Psycho, AoT and Shimoneta

>do something that requires more effort
DUMB Slutania.

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Damn user, both work on me just fine on those moments, but maybe that's because I'm a gigantic crybaby when it comes to tearjerker bait.

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>What? But how?
for some people (americans), reading actually takes a moment of effort and concentration.
Like they don't automatically read things, they have to stop and focus.

I only watch adaptations if

1. It's a complete adaptation
2. It's a comedy show

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what, really? I mean, I can't disprove it since I'm not a burger myself but compared to reading, it takes a considerate more amount of effort to watch something and pay attention to what's going on all at once and not hyper focus on the animation, delivery, plot, subs or just the visuals in general. I do find reading manga easier than books (except non fiction) but that's because if there is no visual stimuli for my ADHD riddled brain, my mind just fucking wanders off mid sentence usually trying to picture what's happening

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>tfw mom finds the fard balloon


People just repeat the stereotype of Americans being dumb hicks that don't like to read. There's plenty of people like that (and in other countries too) but for instance I'm American and read a lot of manga, and have even started reading some LNs recently. I don't read novels as much as I used to (read a lot in high school) but I still do occasionally.

I did this when Promised Neverland was airing and then proceeded to spoil people

This. Plot-heavy adaptations are just 12 episode commercials.

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I wasn't so much surprised about americans, but people in general. I understand completely watching something being less effort than reading a book, but I thought it would be more universal that reading something with pictures would require even less effort than just moving pictures


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Some people also just dislike comics as a medium. A lot of animeonly people scoff at the idea of reading comics and especially because of the way the comics industry in the US is, there's a stigma around them. Pretty sure that's why the term "graphic novel" came about. To try and get away from the idea of comics while it still being fundamentally the same thing.

Your kind needs to be shot.

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you fucked up

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Dumb dumbbbbb