Best Gundam series is getting a sequel!

Seedfags getting blessed

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Oh god, please don't tell me you're serious

Fuck this shit

Oh boy, another Build Fighters spinoff

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wtf stop making strike

This was announced as one of the 40th anniversary project. This is hardly surprising.
In any case, I don't have much hope for this, especially if they use the Try's director again.
Heck, Divers was so bad that Yea Forums stopped caring about it halfway through the series, with each episode threads only managed to reach 100-200 posts.

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But all the peeps who made Build Fighters good are working on MHA

are there pics of the protags? do we have to assume that the protags will not be the BDs and we will have to deal with a bunch of unvariably unlikable fagets?

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They showed a full moon for a bit after him so his name might be Mangetsu

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They should have stuck with the old cast.

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eh I only liked the psycho with the astray from BD

That does not look like something from g-reco or IBO.

They could at least bring the old composer

they did it again... they did it fucking again!

why do these morons think timeskips and changing protags are good ideas? there were dozens of plot points from the original that were never resolved, dammit!

How the world did deal with Sara's existence? did Riku finally got his duels and settled things with Kyoya and Ogre, (and no, the final arc doesnt count, the situation FORCED them all to fight amongst each other)? what was the deal with Rommel and his team? was Nami a waste of space or not?

but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo, these idiots believe we dont need to know any of that, and its better to follow another schmuck, a schuck whos douchey air can be felt from just that screen.

Sunrise is on a very strict schedule. I bet Sunrise beyond is solely working on this series while the other studios focus on their own projects. Wouldn't be surprised if it's alot like Build Divers in terms of animation and music.

Ain't gonna bother if the MC is not autistic, OP and based

Who's Ms. Kawaguchi?

They took some pointers from the first Build Fighters, and came to the conclusion that having a Strike Gundam for the main suit will make it a hit.

YES! More Build Divers!

but that's not Turn A

>build divers
Kill yourself Ayamefag.

When does this Gundam Wing sequel air?

>Sunrise is on a very strict schedule.

They have a couple projects yet to be announced later this month at Otakon and Sunrise Festival this year.

Also there's been rumors Crest of the Stars 20th anniversary and Mai Hime 15th anniversary will have possibly new projects being made.

That's not 00

What's the Reconguista thing?

So it's gonna be Build Divers Tri?

A whole show that takes place between Victory and Turn A.

The first of the retelling movies (of the five Tomino is planning but has not been explicitly announced) that's coming out this year.

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>More Banner of the Stars and more Mai Hime


We already knew about divers getting a s2, and on top of that divers is by far the worst build series. It took almost everything good about the previous, and shit on it.

>best gundam series
ok they would just ruin the original anyway, people actually liked divers plot?

Yeah, no.
The old cast is either irrelevant or boring as fuck.
Riku and Sarah in particular has no personality whatsoever, and of course those two get the most focus over everyone.
Ditching that cast is the best decision they can make.

Sekaifag reporting in.

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>How the world did deal with Sara's existence?
literally in the last episode they solved that
>did Riku finally got his duels and settled things with Kyoya and Ogre, (and no, the final arc doesnt count, the situation FORCED them all to fight amongst each other)
this isn't a plot point

>literally useless comedic relief character
>most generic gary stu in the entire universe
>mediocre side character


>How the world did deal with Sara's existence?
They saved her data in an external that serves as her main body.

sarah is my biggest gripe about this show, call me cruel, but she is a fucking computer program

She's a shit character and I hate her, but I could live with it if she didn't plothack the entire show multiple times.

>villain creates a power hack bug in the game
>mc/sarah does same thing out of nowhere
>no one questions it but proceed to suck mc's dick for it
jesus, I actually laughed at that episode was so bad.
I would say the only redeeming thing it had which should have been the entire plot instead of jsut the first half was exatcly the old tech vs new tech/game mechanic since that is an actual thing to get behind


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wait, does cgi count as live action? I mean we have transformers, pacific rim, `godzilla,and ready player one. oh wait this is gonna be made by japan? any profile to look at?

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5 movies
What the fuck



I know right, the biggest problem in G-Reco was how compressed it was and now he wants to compress it even more.

Based and autistic don't go in the same sentence. Fuck off self inserter

They said they would cancell the movies if the first one flops.

>0 semen demons
they could've at least brought Aya back. There's not enough rape doujins of her

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Nah, they were pretty boring besides the ninja.

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By the way, that's from the Gundam Breaker mobage, in case there are people here who actually think that's the Divers cast.

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that's clearly rikku and momo tho

Nope, it's just that the character designs are generic as fuck.

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>was so bad she killed the club

dropped divers, but read about what happens to sarah
so can you fug it?

Fuck this gay earth

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>yfw long black haired girl is actually a boy

>Another main heroine voiced by best girl
How does she do it?

You mean we'll get to see the 14th Gundam fight?

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stop lying user

For 2,500 yen you can.

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I wanted to see Sara again damnit!

To this day, I am still confused about if Gundam 00 is getting a sequel in addition to that stage place or whatever a while back.

stage play*

Is it that hard to ask for an original series? Why does everyone have to be a sellout hack these days?

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Cute boy


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I'll only watch it if it decanonizes and replaces Destiny.

Lockon is being resurrected by the ghost of Tsuntsun
