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Connor Cruz
Brody Lewis
Prince Clarion
Anthony King
Nicholas Rodriguez
Matthew Jenkins
God i wish that were me
Mason Wood
dumb lesbots
Easton Lopez
How the hell do you downgrade your art from Excel Saga to THIS!?I haven't read it, and never will. LOL
Chase Young
Robot Lesbian Loli Fingering: The Anime.
Nicholas Ortiz
I'm finally reading the manga because I have lost all hope of the a S2. It's incredible how underrated this series is.
Juan Perez
How can I become a cute heavily cyborg girl?
Daniel Nelson
The adaptation being incredibly low-budget probably turned a lot of people off.
Lucas Lee
Lots of cunts.
Jackson Bell
This anime was so incredibly fun. Do you like GGO alternative with the pink bunny too?
Dylan Bailey
Well, yeah, I don't disagree at all. But the you can feel the talent behind it, it was the joint effort of two industry heavy hitters and it genuinely feels like it. Again I say that it is a shame how underrated this series is even by Yea Forums standards who is usually able to sift through the seasonal shit to find pearls like Mahoujin Guru Guru.
Cameron Jackson
Which are they?
We had threads when it aired.
Caleb Anderson
What surprises me the most about this show is how it is able to go from zero to kino in a blink of an eye. You had the CGDCT shenanigans front and centre but also had a surprisingly true to life political and corporate intrigue in the background. The show never stops being light-hearted but also manages to pepper the fun with some really deep and unexpected observations about wealth and our relation to technology. It's ultimately about technocracy through a naïve lens. Really surprising show.
I know, I was there. But the threads were reasonably unpopulated. It still made it to the Objective & Official meme AOTS chart so it's not like this show is totally obscure or anything, but almost nobody talks about it despite how amazing the show/manga is. The studio did a great job with a shoestring budget.
Ayden Perez
I'm rewatching this show right at this instant.
Cameron Parker
>yfw quadriplegic Nene
James Perry
Daniel Sanders
I wouldn't have liked the anime at all if it weren't low budget.
Jose Hughes
Blake Sullivan
Mason Hernandez
David Sullivan
I'm a dozy cunt, so subtlety in direction usually goes straight over my head. It took me over 30 episodes before I realized all the weird shit in Utena was symbolism.
What made me sit up and pay attention in this show was the bit when Nene applies for school. She sits, asks to hold Clarin's hand, and then smoothly does the interview. There's no GEE I WAS SO NERVOUS afterwards, which is the kind of heavy-handed ineptitude I've come to expect.
Blake Anderson
Also the OST is pretty dope.
Nathan Perry
Mods are asleep, post joints.
Nathan Davis
I wish I had cute robot joints... and a cute robot girl body... ;_;
Nolan Edwards
Someday user, someday we will be able to go and turn ourselves into cute androids.
Angel Barnes
Do I need to worry about this one?
Joseph Carter
Connor Perez
Blake Harris
Robert Gray
Sebastian Jenkins
In the middle of shit not getting but being super-real, Motoko.
Luis Howard
post Kurarin's
Leo Evans
The next chapter has things getting even realer.
Anthony Bailey
Parker Stewart
Someone else becoming a moebot?
Michael Jenkins
Imagine Nene and Clarion meeting Akari and Sophie.
Levi Harris
was the show gimmick designed to groom children?
Jaxson Nguyen
Imagine Ellie trying to suck Clarion's blood.
Jeremiah Gomez
What attachment would Nene pick for Clarion?
Pussy? Penis? Futa?
Landon Williams
Gokumi is full of fine gentlemen who love yuri.
Matthew Cruz
With that much cute gay dorkiness together, the world would probably end.
Jacob Hughes
Can Nene become a vampire despite being a brain in a jar?
Josiah Peterson
The show has a lot of interesting subtleties that you can pick up. Nene's aunt has a hairpiece that is reminiscent of the MS Windows logo, this one is easy to notice, but Uzal's glasses are supposed to reference Steve Jobs. Another interesting thing about Nene is that she is a child, not an adolescent, not a young lady, but a child; when she meets Uzal for the first time she even says that her looks were based on a simulation of her grown-up self, which totally explains her naïvety and her weird childish WORLD PEACE! optimism. Really nice show, the humour disarms your senses but there are a lot of little details that a more perceptive viewer is able to notice.
The OP and ED are great but the music as a whole isn't that good. The opera track when Nene enters the boring machine is phenomenal though, that entire scene was incredible.
Also the scene where Clara-rin storms Uzal's place in the giant red Tachikoma is great, that entire sequence had very impressive direction and VA too, it was when Takumi was overclocking her CPU by chanting a prayer to the technogods. Crimson Flower is a great track too.
Hudson Reed
Oh shit, surprise Major Kusanagi.
Ayden Long
It basically bridges Excel Saga to Ghost in the Shell.
Adrian Smith
I will always be mad about the slightly different vocal mix of the ED single. It just doesn't sound right.
At least I can own the manga, with its super interesting covers.
Parker Gutierrez
Post evil clarion.
Daniel Martinez
I haven't heard about this show in a long time.
Jaxson Ward
Jeremiah Harris
It wasn't even popular when it aired because 'waah it's not GitS'. People are dumb.
Gabriel Nelson
Left or right?
Matthew Ortiz
Would ya?
James Richardson
It's gynoids, you faggot.
Ryan Foster
Why is the good clarin wearing the sluttier swimsuit?
Aiden Campbell
Right is probably going to give a higher yield over the long term.
Lincoln Lee
Jaxon Gutierrez
Well now, it's just a doll right?
Josiah Young
IMAGINE being a cydork!
Kayden Fisher
Is the manga any good? Does it get explicit yuri?
Brody Mitchell
When's the next english volume coming out anyways?
Connor Rivera
Why isn't this on mangadex?
Adam Morales
Rikudou's setup
David Cook
Good taste.
Grayson Fisher
Jacob Harris
piece of shit spinoff
Shirow in his prime was a billion times better at drawing cute girls than this hack is.
Christopher Cook
>one release a year
It will be 2030 by the time it's completely translated.
Ethan Gomez
God I want a kurariiin for my own
Xavier Walker
Two actually. The problem is the American distribution system which forces publishers to register their titles a year in advance. I wonder if the stateside manga publishers are big enough to start their own distribution system with blackjack and lolis.