wtf bros, this was supposed to be the most kino thing in existence alongside one punch man, but these asspulls are just pathetic at this point.
wtf bros, this was supposed to be the most kino thing in existence alongside one punch man, but these asspulls are just pathetic at this point.
Other urls found in this thread:
Her babydaddy is dead.
How will she react?
I've never despised a fictional character as much as I despise Gabi. If Isayama pulls a Gantz/Prison School I swear to fucking God I might kill a bitch.
first she kills sasha bae and now she kills the MC. are you fucking kidding me hacksyama
I guess Mikasa is gonna be the NEW Titan leader.
They will live and their children will be free.
>alongside one punch man
Are you fucking serious?
she's going to marry me so she cant
>shitrenfags in denial
gtfo eren fag
Got problem with kino?
Blackaperm alone is a better character that 99% of this shit's characters
Is there a single fucking character without an "O MY X" shit?
So basically they just pulled a Lubbock moment?
Not even close. One joke man is nothing more than a gag manga,which is already past its welcome.
Gabi is:
>The top warrior of her generation, this means she is the best amongst thousands of kids.
>Trained in firing guns, similar to this one
>Having a adrenaline rush from all the events happening around her.
Except Lubbock wasn't the MC
How is this not part of Erens plan?
ACtually tell me where the story would go IF the mc died right here?
Imagine Naruto and sasuke staying dead after the fight against madara.
No editor would allow this. We're talking about a magazine that brought goku back to life/ like 3-4 times or something. Shonen protags don't die, they just don't.
Anti-tank rifles were so fucking nasty on the recoil that you couldn't fire them without a bipod mounted on the ground in prone position.
She would've flown backwards a couple of meters and her right arm would've detached itself and flown 20 meters back. The scope would've tuned her head into a fucking kebab.
She wouldn't even be able to squish the trigger, let alone pull the charging handle.
She's so fucking tiresome; brought nothing to the series.
Pretty dull comparison, given how hell and the Dragonballs were introduced pretty early throughout the series and everybody knew for death to not be a big thing ever since they were.
>Imagine Naruto and sasuke staying dead after the fight against madara.
That's easy. Sakura would become the MC and save the day.
But he was a main character.
the paths loli can be the dragonballs equivalent. as far as we know she's omnipotent.
>Eren got freedom in the murica independence day
What did Isayama mean by this?
Either Eren isn't dead, or we are REALLY close to the ending, and it's most likely the former, but retards will of course eat up the cheap shock value cliffhanger and shitpost for the whole month until the next chapter.
What the fuck does the recoil matter. She can fly 20 meters back for all i care, it won't affect her first shot.
Also we haven't even seen the effect of the recoil yet, so what the fuck are you talking about.
>She wouldn't even be able to squish the trigger
Yes she would, stop being retarded
Holy shit this chapter was awesome.
RIP Colt, Pixis and Niles.
I never gave a damn about Porco but I what a way to go, cucking Reiner in front of him.
So? How does it affect her ability to hold a 15 kg gun and pull a trigger?
seething SHITshacucks and EDGErenfags
Gabi is best girl, island devils are fucking kidding themselves
>how does one's physical capabilities affect her ability to perform a physical act
hmm i wonder
I'm glad he's dead, I can finally stop reading the manga.
>forgetting Titans cam shift their mind to different parts of the body
You are telling me that someone that is:
>The top warrior of her generation, this means she is the best amongst thousands of kids.
>Trained in firing guns, similar to this one
>Having a adrenaline rush from all the events happening around her.
Can't fucking hold 15kg? Are you joking or just coping?
So you do have a problem with kino, sad case
Here's an example of an antitank rifle approximate to Marleyan technology.
Here's the antitank rifle that looks the most similar to the one in the panel; it's recoilles so I guess the kick wouldn't kill her.
Educate yourself, weeb freak.
We haven't seen the recoil effect retard, have you read the chapter?
Last image we have of Gabo is from the instant she presses the trigger.
Also in your second video you are proving that i'm right, so thank i guess?
not a 12 year old girl no. i dont think she can shoulder a 4-6 foot long rifle that weighs 1/3 of her body weight and then hit a moving target in the neck at ~40m and i dont know why you would either
>people complaining about unrealistic weapon use in a series where most of the battles are fought on jet packs with giant boxcutters
She'll miss Ymir.
It's always the answer.
I highly doubt a 12-year old girl can operate a 15kg gun no matter how much of a top warrior she is.
>i dont think she can shoulder a 4-6 foot long rifle that weighs 1/3 of her body
Someone with all the qualities i described can't hold a third of her weight? Are you for real? You know that there are real life examples of 13 year old girls pulling over 100kg?
>hit a moving target in the neck at ~40m
~8 meters pic related
See Also this video youtube.com
Obviously the situation isn't the same, but it shows that you are very wrong about what 13 year old girls can do
thats much farther than 25ft bro. and no, being able to lift 1/3 of your body weight is much different from shouldering it as a weapon, steadying it, and hitting a small moving target. quit with the muh female weightlifter meme.
But really guys am I losing it? When did Ellen cut his hair?
Yeah, but Gabi is canonically 30/138 while this girl is pretty big.
given the design on the rifle it barely has any recoil
>thats much farther than 25ft
Definitely not over 30. It's very fucking obvious.
>and no, being able to lift 1/3 of your body weight is much different from shouldering it as a weapon, steadying it, and hitting a small moving target. quit with the muh female weightlifter meme.
She is on her knees, with the arm holding the gun resting over her knee. Do you think it's impossible for her to hold a 15 kg gun in this situation? Stop coping dude. She is a trained soldier, of course she can hit Eren, no matter how much you hate her.
>She's so fucking tiresome; brought nothing to the series.
Yes but that girl lifted over 100 kg while Gabi lifted 15 kg and rested the arm holding the gun on her knee.
yeah this chapter has a lot of inconsistencies. what the fuck was isayama thinking?
>>The top warrior of her generation
there have been TWO generations of warriors you fucking retard. the FIRST generation hasn't even fucking ended, and falco is the ONLY warrior of the new generation to be a titan shifter.
fake memories
The people arguing in this shit don't understand that even if it's significantly lighter (which isn't as much of a difference since Gabi is fucking tiny), she's holding a rifle almost as long if not longer than she is tall out in front of her and trying to aim for a tiny point on a moving target.
He has Shinobu regeneration
k bro keep living in fairy tale land where you think 12 yr old girls are somehow able to do shit that would be incredibly difficult for grown men
yes but why? what's the point of these fake memories? Who is having them?
>there have been TWO generations of warriors you fucking retard. the FIRST generation hasn't even fucking ended, and falco is the ONLY warrior of the new generation to be a titan shifter.
What the fuck does any of that affect my argument in any way retard.
she got widow'd
Gabi is Arya 2.0
She's not going anywhere. She's going to be the hero of this story and we are going to have to deal with it.
Isayama apparently finished the last 21 pages in 2 day
And you think human beings that are also to speed along at over 60mph on a tiny zipline while stabbing giant cannibal fleshmechs is realistic instead?
This is a manga about man eating titans and time traveling memories, who gives a shit if gun physics are accurate? No one besides a few /k/ faggots is going to notice anyway.
>Hold a 15 kg gun
>Press a trigger
Wow, Gabi must be a inhuman monster, not even grown man can achieve those feats. Save, you know, all the other soldiers that also carried that same kind of gun, i guess they are also inhuman, lol. Keep coping dude
>Who is having them?
All of them except eren
At this point, knowing this story, the expectation is that Eren would survive. If Isayama really want to SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS, he'd have to let Eren actually die.
People survive impossible situations all the time in this series.
"Realistic" doesn't matter since this is a FANTASY, what matters is "Believable" and internal consistency in general
Gabi is a child and hit something with a gun half her weight
The only good thing that could come out of this would be Isayama being too scared to exit his house in fear of a shut-in/otaku knifing him in the throat in the middle of the day. The thought of witnessing SnK pull a Gantz/Prison school on us all after all this time will fuck me up, as I've said in the second post.
Imagine if Grisha wasn't such a prick and just let Zeke lead a normal life.
>Magath said he had to operate anti titan riffle himself because the level of Marley's soldiers are that low nowadays. He didn't manage to kill anybody.
>Gabi uses this riffle for the first time, she doesn't have even a bit experience with it. Kills moving Eren at her first attempt.
And people defend this.
She was like 10 feet away
It's not like she is standing dude. She is resting her arm on her knee and the gun on her shoulder. It's definitely possible
It wasn't a complain on the realism, you fucking inbred weeb trash.
It was a point on how fucking forced and contrived Gabi's impact to the series has been. You'd understand that, if you weren't a delusional clown like the rest of them.
And the internal consistency is that she CAN do that shit. You're just mad that you got the dab from the Gab.
What about those that aren't descendants of ymir but are also involved?
>Erenfags are brainlets
Yes, Pieck's artillery gun is totally the same thing as a rifle
Then why was it impossible for Magath and the rest of his soldiers?
>no support
What do you call this, idiot?
to all of you saying its a false memory you're forgetting the asians and ackermans cant be mind wiped....
Mikasa is right there with them. Eren is dead
Gabi is a child is an understatement. Gabi is a trained soldier, who was fired a lot of guns before. Also not half her wight, a third at most.
They all got killed
When was that ever said Erenbrainlet? Every single soldier was equipped with one, they are by no means impossible to use.
What's funny is that a lot of people think Grisha changed as a person, but he still intended to use Eren like Zeke, he just realized he needed to wait until Eren was old enough to not run his mouth. He was going to start indoctrinating Eren after he got the founder and pass his titans on when he was older, but Berutoruto messed that plan up and he had to rush. Eren may have turned out exactly like Zeke if it weren't for the grim reminder (1.0).
A support thats not on the ground like its supposed to?
so what's the fucking point of manipulating the subjects of yimir
Wtf do you mean, Magath wasn't using that type of gun. Also remember that this guns are meant for titans, so it's expected that soldiers will hold them with both hands and aim upward.
Based Zeke punishing sinners:
Punishing Marley for trying to get Paradis' resources and fucking over Hizaru
Punishing the soldiers who couldn't keep their hands of wine
Punishing the people who have sex
Punishing those aren't advancing forward
Punishing those who can't get over the cycle of hatred
Punishing Marley for trying to become the second Eldian empire
Punishing Eldians for trying to bring back the Eldian empire
I don't know, seems possible
Isayama rushed this chapter
Bro, that guy must be a superhuman, no one can hold a gun like that. The erenbros told me that it's totally impossible.
>Imagine being a cuckrenfag after this chapter...
Reiner won't die untill he becomes the hero.
t. retard with no experience firing guns
He's also not 13 and >70 pounds, but go ahead and keep seething.
I can't wait to see the panel where gabi is spazzing on the floor while having these "memories"
wow amazing. now show me a 12 year old girl doing it (and also hitting a tiny moving target in one shot btw)
Isayama can't seriously expect us to believe that Eren is dead after so many asspulls that titan shifter did in the series so far.
He's also not supporting the arm holding the gun in her knee, while resting the gun on her shoulder. But i guess that even this would be too much for Gabi, kek.
Eren was born with the qualifications to be Grisha's protege, he was naturally violent and hated being stuck behind the walls. Pretty much perfect Attack Titan material.
Grisha's only mistake was trusting his son to not be a little bitch. Even with the hands off approach, Zeke was just going to step in line with Marleyan ideology.
Grisha wasn't going to "use" Eren so much as Eren actually inherited the qualities that Grisha actually desired as a parent.
Okay, give me the 12 years girl and a PTRS-41. We could also use you as the moving target
dude, transferred his consciousness to his body's nervous system, he's perfectly fine, all according to his keikaku, bro
Dude, do you seethe like this everytime the 3dm gear is used? If you don't you are just coping because your MC got rekt.
What Gabi did is essentially quickscoping with a barret 50 cal in modern warfare 2. It's fucking stupid.
Nope, what she did was this
And she's not even a big tittied police girl.
Do you seriously think he does?
Then what's the point of this cliffhanger?
Attack on titan is all about choosing to live like ship or to keep on advancing and to carry your sins.
>What the fuck does any of that affect my argument in any way retard.
Why do you think that this rifle is identical to the real ones? It can be lighter.
im not seething, idgaf if eren is dead, i think it would actually be cool. i just find it hilarious that you think this is some plausible feat from a 12 yr old girl. if isayama had just had her actually use the bipod instead of shouldering the weapon i wouldnt be bothered as much
I'm an Erenfag and a Gabifag. I still have one of them so it's fine.
he will transfer his conscious, which isn't an asspull as it is an established power. and then all marleyniggers will cry in a month when "OHH BOO HOO KEKREN SURVIVES TO AN ASSPULL..."
Waste time. I'm feeling the same way as I did during the Serumbowl. That Isayama doing this is a total waste of everyone's time.
Fr though...
What if chadren and chadke already touched hands and what we're seeing is the version of the manipulated memories the enemies have?
it has more animation than the seasons 3 part 2 op
Let me tell you guys one thing
Eren isn't dead
He transferred his consciousness to PATHS
Nah. Grisha learned to listen to his kid and what said kid wanted more which was the real important thing. Grisha wasn't going to do shit until Eren independently turned out to be the perfect successor out of nowhere and even then he was just going to tell him what was going on.
There would be no issue if she was prone or even just resting it on rubble or something besides her shoulder being destroyed, still very plausible. The way it's written/drawn now though is ridiculous.
desu I wouldn't be surprised if Eren is such a fucking dumbass he even managed to fuck that up and ends up talking out his asshole like he does anyways.
After PATHS loli even if they're actually dead they can come back.
Stop putting more thought into this than Isayama did.
He literally just copied an existing rifle and nobody cares about the weight unless you are and fellow Yea Forumsutist
Eren was like 8 or 9 yo when he killed two adults with a knife. And he had no combat training.
Gabi just came back from the fucking frontline.
What are you even talking about?
Exactly. If Isayama actually killed Eren then I will applaud him but I know he wont. So this cliffhanger is just a waste of time. That's what irritated me.
exactly, its just weird considering he could have easily just had her prone in that situation
Im half expecting Eren's body to just keep moving and calmly reattach his head because of bullshit titan powers.
>jobber bros
>eren is still alive with no head
>transfers his consciousness to his finger tips
>falls to touch zeke holding his hand out
>rumbling/erens plan activates
>eren is dies
KINO, the only way im accepting erens dying to gabi either that or titan aids
it was an asspull when it was first introduced, it won't lose its asspullness
why would that happen and how? if most of the enemy aren't even subjects of ymir. To me the inconsistencies are due to the hackiness of isayama and eren transferred his consciousness to his body nervous system or eren head is still alive and when it falls on zekes hand he activates the rumblin
>dude, subverted expectations
>fake memories
CHADren uses his TIME LOOP powers in this page
Zeke needs to be in his titan body for the rumbling to even work retards.
we GitS now
>he did it again
I-is there a-any character that can defeat E-eren Yeager? An..and I'm n-n-n-n-not *sniff* talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I-i-i'm not even talking about *wipes tears* S-shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>ywn get to go to the snk final exhibition
How do you know how many kids tried to join the warrior unit you retard. And how is being the best amongst hundreds not an achievement retard.
>eren is still alive with no head
>transfers his consciousness to his finger tips
>falls to touch zeke holding his hand out
>rumbling/erens plan activates
>eren is dies
KINO, the only way im accepting erens dying to gabi either that or titan aids
Isayama is very busy right now with the manga and exhibition. He even forgot to draw the park and the river in Shiganshina.
A manlet can defeat anyone and everyone in this story.
Black coat is gone too
An MG 42 weighs 12kg, and you need two people to mount it (cue CoD2 tank factory stage).
>it was an asspull when it was first introduced
i will not argue with this
> it won't lose its asspullness
it 100% would. you just dislike that they have that power and that isayama cliffhangered the mc's death just for pure shock value
The sketches of Porco, Falco, and Gabi reveal that they originally had different names:
Porco - Holst (ホルスト) Gaillard
Falco - Falco Bach (バッハ)
Gabi - Gabi Lübke (リュプケ)
The recoil would push the barrel of the gun upwards instantly, because of the way she's holding it. She would completely miss the target.
not a bad name
He's gotta end the chapter somewhere, preferably on as impactful a note as possible.
Isayama doesn't expect us to believe Eren's dead. Maybe some of us will and others won't, and that's what drives hype and debate.
This isn't even close to the most misleading cliffhanger we've seen, assuming Eren's still alive
The most important question is how many babies will Falco put in Gabi before he dies of titan aids?
How is Reiner still alive.
No he made a cut using his finger.
Holst would be really weird on my language (it means "canvas")
She'll cry, missing her lover.
>I die to show Zeke is bad
Isayama is rubbing his nipple while thinking about you struggling
Kek. That face Yelena made.
They should have kept Holst. Pock deserves a better name.
It's all but guaranteed Gabi will inherit the Armored now.
including himself
a certain guy should fuck her
>If you kill your enemeies, they win
I dislike it because the power makes no sense. Why can titans do that? It is one of the most abstract abilities that is in no way connected with any other ability a shifter has.
Do you need to train for it? Has Reiner actively forced his consciousness into his body before? Did Eren?
If you fail to introduce a power properly in the first place, then every excuse for this power suffers as a consequence.
Should've kept Holst
Somebody (Request) Armin Hammer baking soda meme.
this is wonderful!
Oh shit, you're right.
Don't start the necrophilia shitposting.
a certain somebody will
This comment is meant to BTFO everyone who says Gabi couldn't shoot
Gabi is:
>The top warrior of her generation, this means she is the best of the best amongst hundreds of other kids.
>Trained in firing guns, similar to this one, we've seen her shoot rifles as long as this one.
>Having a adrenaline rush from all the events happening around her.
You might still be unconvinced that she could hold a 15kg rifle, well in this video we can see a 13 year old lifting over 100kg. I know it's not the same situation at all, but if 13 a year old girl can do that, a 12 year old girl(trained as a soldier) lifting a 15 kg gun doesn't seem impossible to me
>But muh recoil
Last image we had of Gabi was from the instant she shot. We still don't know the effect of the recoil and it wouldn't affect the first bullet anyway.
>S-She was like 40 meters away
No she wasn't, 10 meters at most, check the page again. We also know that the warriors had intense aim training.
Still doesn't convince you, well if you see pic related you will see that the people that say that she just got the gun from Colt and shot are very wrong. She was kneeling to increase her aim. She was also supporting the arm holding the gun in her knee, this also allowed her to aim more easily. Also notice that she was resting the back gun on her shoulder, which also relieved a lot of the weight and helped her aim.
In conclusion, if you still think that Gabi shooting the gun was an aspull, chances are that you are a delusional Erenfag coping with the fact that she killed you favourite character.
>Pieck is suddenly back in her titan with the huge gun on her back
>Lake Bortbomb is nowhere to be seen
>Eren has magic shoes and pants
>Zeke forgot that he needs to be in titan form for Eren to use the founder
This chapter is either a big ruse or a massive fuck up
>Eren's head falls into Zeke hands
>He sees all of Eren memories and has a change of heart
>He rushes to the farm and sees Historia giving birth to Eren
>Zeke touches Eren and Eren gets all of his memories back
>The final panel is Zeke telling Eren you're free after he activated the rumbling
But your comment is too long
>imagine not realising that everything that happened on this chapter is just Reiner's POV after Eren altered everyone's memories
just kys my man
>shitposters trying to stir shit up about based Gabi
Deadlifting=/=aiming a gun that has all its weight in the front
GUYS, what if it's not false memories but it's a false history of events told to these kids about when "Helos" defeated Eren?
What is the context of this
>Colt holding onto Falco even though he knew it would kill him
Erenfags """"""arguments""""""
no erenchad is coping by saying gabi couldn't fire properly. all erenchads understand that he transferred his conscious in time, and that he is alive.
Based. Erenfatties seething.
Bro, just leave it alone. He thinks strong independent 12 yr old girls can do anything
Did you speedread my post?
so who's gonna be the new MC?
you dont understand it's simple math.
an analogy would be lifting weights
the average untrained person can lift approx. 1/5th of their body weight
Gabi lifted something that was at least 1/3 to 1/2 her weight.
She is shown to be a petite girl without any musculature.
So yes, it's unrealistic.
I've given up on arguing that a 13 year old girl can't shoot an anti-tank rifle *at all* let alone accurately. It's such an asspull I can only imagine you and the others are contrarians shitposting.
>Next chapter Zeke desperately struggles to shove Eren's head/body into his titan's guts in a sad attempt to bring his brother back.
Naked Eren
If timeloop shit happens, I think I'm going to drop this manga.
yeah but coats have disintegrated consistently in the manga and the show, like when he first turns into a titan his jacket is gone, but his sleeve and pant leg are still missing.
Maybe read my post, she didn't just lift it
>Still doesn't convince you, well if you see pic related you will see that the people that say that she just got the gun from Colt and shot are very wrong. She was kneeling to increase her aim. She was also supporting the arm holding the gun in her knee, this also allowed her to aim more easily. Also notice that she was resting the back gun on her shoulder, which also relieved a lot of the weight and helped her aim.
lucky for you, it wont. nothing in this story implies a timeloop/time fuckery. only brainlets think that would happen.
>dropping a manga at the end
user, I...
Link to the chapter?
Isayama has a wife now, give the man a break
>drops a manga because of a plot point that was hinted at in the very first chapter
Whew lad
She has a very good musculature. Check the chapter where she destroyed the train. She has a very wide chest.
Zeke was right. Sex really is evil.
>No arguments
>head is spining towards zeke
>his hand is outstreched on the ground
I swear to god if the head actually lands directly into his hand it would be the funniest moment in the entirety of the series
>Falco eats a shifter moments later anyway, leaving Colt's death completely unnecessary
>ymir doesn't save him
>we get punished God Killer Zeke, a brocon denied his otouto
>nothing in this story implies a timeloop/time fuckery.
Are we reading the same series?
Have you ever touched a gun? and resting it on your knee won't make up for it being more than half of your bodyweight, not to mention the weight of the pull and charging handle.
Thank you
what about this imagine implies time loops when it was specified that paths have the will to carry things forward and backward in time?
Him shedding the sweater to get out of his titan quicker is understandable. Can't say I know how his pants grew back
Okay so basically Zeke is probably going to catch Erens head and have the same reaction as when Eren and Historia touch and see all of Eren's memories and getting infected with FREEDOM AUTISM and decides to finish his brothers task but I think the founding titan will he transferred to a random newborn eldian (almost definitely historia's baby) before Zeke has thr chance the eat Eren and take the founding titan and even if he did he would get the kings cuck ideology.
Every Gabifag is either a ledditor or a pedo
>>Pieck is suddenly back in her titan with the huge gun on her back
she just transformed again, you're talking like it was hard to put the gun on her own back
Whats paths loli's endgame?
>People arguing over a fictional gun designed to shoot through giants and not heavily armored tanks
Have you ever rested something on your knee? It does help whether you like it or not
>not to mention the weight of the pull and charging handle
She has used similar guns before, she can definitely do this
Erenfags are both.
THEYRE ALL JUSt THEORIES. Falco hasn’t even confirmed gotten the jaw yet for crying out loud
>people having sex for eternity
>endless chances of having sex
I unironically wish this was true but I'd probably be a little more annoyed by this cliffhanger if that was the case.
It probably will.
Ymir died for nothing.
Eren wasn't wearing his shirt either. It's definitely a clone.
I'm guess you are winning this discussion by default then.
Well based on the bullet impact it’s pretty easy to give comparables to at least the bullet caliber
Floch and company were right there, did they just stand around waiting for pieck to put on the cannon and for magath to ready a new shot?
I defended her character when she killed Sasha but this is some arya shit, kinda disgusting how she keeps getting protagonism in moments that go far beyond her character arc.
not him
Why wouldn't falco get the jaw? Based on how retarded his regular titan looks I'm excited to see how it looks.
But why the electricity? That looks like he already "transformed".
This panel also was odd to me. I don't know what to think out of this.
Looks like Isayama left several tips for the next "power reveal".
I didn't say that, you did. But if you aren't going to give arguments you aren't apporting anything so you shouldn't reply.
she's hot
How will Shitren asspull himself out of this one?
It is, my dude, don't worry. The whole Eren without pants and Pieck with her tank geared up isn't just inconscistency. They're hints from Isayama: what we are seeing "isn't real"
It doesn’t look like he necessarily got Porcos spinal fluid kind of similar to eren in the beginning of the manga, he probably did but it’s not confirmed
Is it the same as a PTRD-41 though? I don't know too much about guns, but I imagine if it shot the same caliber, it would do far more than just blow his head off.
Send his memories back in time
Maybe he likes to imagine himself naked inside of the titan
Oh shit, WHT clone confirmed
Muh slave!!
>Eren took off all his clothes inside the titan and gave it to a warhammer clone
isayama messed up
All warriorfags, and mainly Gabifags are ledditors. Just go on r/ShingekinoKyojin and post "Eren did nothing wrong" to see reactions.
And the random Erenfags are all just Ch/a/ds in disguise
It turns out that he actually created two bodies for himself and the Eren that we've been seeing all this time was his remote controlled double, next chapter opens up with the real Eren coming from behind Gabi and back stabbing her before sharing a hug with his brother.
>chapter i don't like = fake memories
Seriously though, time oop will ruin this manga for me. One of the messages of this manga is one shouldn't have been persecuted for something that their ancestors did. If time loop or time fuckery happen and Eren can change the past then what's the point of that?
Also with time loop, there is a possibility that Eren won't be held responsible for every misconduct that he has done.
Either Isayama is actually a genius, or a massive hack of the worst caliber.
No way, that's extremely stupid and if it were true the only errors would be regarding Eren. Pieck wasn't even near him, the lake is gone, etc.
I really hate when authors have pet characters
either way porco is dead. porco literally said that his regen powers are done and he wants to accomplish something instead of dying for nothing. either its falco or some unnamed baby. most likely falco if i had to choose between those two.
Nah, it's all about fake memories
>I-Its a c-clone!
Face it, Isayama is a hack
Erencucks are absolutely seething holy shit
there was this guy too
How do you fake characters flashbacks?And why?
Erenfags are edgelords and brainlets
>isayama deletes entire chapter and starts again
Ymir doesnt want that loser in the paths bothering her forever
>eren is still there
looks like he bit through porko's legs and didn't damage the spine
Is that out of this realm that a little girl can shoot a rifle?
stage 1, denial.
I don’t know how much damage an anti-tank round would do to a person, but the bullet that hit eren would have been a very high caliber
He pulled the exact same cliffhanger with Reiner taking a bunch of thunder spears to his head a chapter or 2 after he showcased the consciousness transfer fuckery for the first time
This part made more upset than anything else in this series.
As long as she doesn't inherit Eren's titans, whatever.
Now why would Isayama point this part out?
True, if Armin/Levi/Gabi and a few others were less favored by the narrative the quality would improve. Reiner is too but with a pathetic outline to it so it doesn't bother as much.
Stalling against the rumble. Crippling Eren so AMJC can gather his pieces and corner him
It turns out that the EH Baby is actually the TRUE Eren with all of his memories, he'll kill every single Marley when he grows up and then lives out the rest of his days fucking Historia being both her husband and her son and the king of the island.
scenes women will never understand
>Acknowledges Gabi is there with a gun aimed at him
>Doesn't give a shit
Oh boy i wonder if hes dead for real.
Yeah I agree I think Porco is done i just don’t know it is co firmed falco will get the jaws
While the chapter feels really rushed and somehow also keeping the plot at a snails pace, there was some good moments.
>Goes to PATHS world to punch Ymir and make her take the titan powers back
Instead of hating Gabi just hate Isayama. Gabi didn't write herself.
>no doublespread of the scream
>page of transformations isn't even consistent with the story
>two doublespreads with low detail just because muh shock value
lame as fuck
Eren is still in his titan
>lifting up and strapping on a multi-ton artillery piece without a crane while surrounded by people trying to kill you
Another enemy, Gabbed.
Is this a mistranslation? Eren made no effort to play dead.
It's exactly that model.
What we are seeing now isn't collective mind wipping lmao it's just Reiner's POV. That's why we mostly saw the 104th, Falco and Colt, Eren and Zeke, Porko giving up his life just like Marcel did for Reiner...
Also: it was never stated that the coordinate at it's peak performance had distance limits. But it was said that one King once could cure the whole race from a disease using the coordinate, which, on your argument, would require to gather every single eldian into the coordinate radius to happen
Read this in 5 minutes, and now I have to wait a whole fucking month. It hurts bros.
What was he supposed to do? Reiner is right behind him and Zeke is right there, he's gonna try and touch him
i know this is bait but
>5.56 ar-15 stabilized by a mount while resting on a table
>versus firing an anti-tank/titan rifle while only crouching
You can shoulder fire the PTRS the PTRD uses the same cartridge. What bothers me is her hand on the barrel that will move back with extremely force to cycle the gun. Also, the scope would pierce her eye.
he imitated pieck's fake death and eren knew he was faking. thats exactly what this page means.
zeke is talking about himself, brainlet.
>Colt pleading with Zeke not to scream because he had no other options
HxH fan here, now that AoT is officially dead, would anyone like to hop on the hunterchad ship?
Mikasa will keep Eren's.body!
It will, Zeke is really good at baseball
Also don’t forget actually hitting a tiny moving target
Zeke pretended to play dead not Eren
>on your argument, would require to gather every single eldian into the coordinate radius to happen
Or he could just travel throughout his country.
Gabi will be the next attack titan. I mean it’s so fucking obvious
Gabi arriving on horseback ruined it.
Oh man, Eren died. Such an event has never happened before in the history of SnK
Next chapter will be flashbacks only
based gabi
Why was she on a horse?
He literally lost his head dude
sauce your shit also the pieck mistake is the first page of he chapter so no rush excuse bullshit here.
Either fake memories or Isayama is a hack
That wasn't the argument, it's that there's no point to changing memories of the other stuff if he just wanted to pretend he got shot and died.
Anyway that whole thing is stupid and unbelievable, he'll just regenerate.
>jumping ship on an effectively cancelled ln series
She'll inherit them too. Reiner will eat Eren's body, then Gabi will eat Reiner.
>implying that CHADren can be stopped by mere death
>implying that his body won't catch his head, smiles and says "Boy that sure was a close one huh"
>implying that GabiKEK won't be killed in the next chapter
Next chapter is Manlet and Hanji arriving on the farm
So she and Falco can escape far away from Zeke.
The better question is how when where?
Gabi is unstoppable. No mortal can kill her
>when your series is so shit that you have to illegally immigrate into other threads and spread your shit culture
go back to your shithole series spicnigger, you're not wanted here
The previous lines where he warns against repeating the same mistakes and history over and over again.
Isayama is so cute
does this face look like a man with a plan lol
the superpower of "but she's just a little girl!" plot armor.
What the fuck is up with Reiner's shoulder on this page? It looks like there's a crystal in it, and it's hidden in the next few pages.
The horse come toward here.
Levi almost decapitated Reiner with his blade but he survived that no problem
So when eren gardens and exits the titan, his eyes light up like he is activating a power. They also light up before Reiner touches porco. Eren was obviously activating titan powers during this shit somehow
monkey trouble?
more like troubled monkey
But what about mikasa? We know that the founding titans abilities don't work on the Ackermans if I remember correctly. How can she be actively engaged in battle assuming it's all a fake memory? Unless ofc she died as well which doesn't make sense .
>Bunch of people swarming Pieck to keep her from firing
>Next time she shows up everyone is gone
Zeke is a good boy, but he has the wrong solution.
why is his head so huge?
Wow. I really hate Gabi now.
Honestly, I tried. But it was so boring. But I've been told that arc about ants is pure art so maybe I will force myself to try again in future.
What is the right solution?
Oh, actually there is a great fucking point to that: to make Reiner suffer more
because it's closer than his body because it's flying towards zeke
Next chapter is manlet and Hanji having sex
>its simple math
Then why don't you fucking get it? she picked up a fucking gun and then she shot it.
Dumb mother fucker.
Maybe you should ask for an ant to see the image and answer you, fucking pleb
How can we be sure that's not Mikasa.They're like twins lmao
His head obviously went flying towards Zeke faster than his body is moving
Isayama a cute!
>comparing shingeki no kyojin to naruto
>it's eren's genjutsu guys!!!
Narutofags are the worst.
What would sex with Hanji be like
Where Eldians get to live in peace and procreate as much as they want.
Eren loops back 2000 years ago to kill the ayys before they probe ymir
Nice digits
Post images that aged badly
you got some decent digits yourself
Eren's hardened arm? It probably fell off
I don't think manlets in any condition to be having sex
Is Gabi the most based character in the manga?
Eren's playing 4d chess guys, do you seriously think that he'd let himself get killed that easily?
Genocide of all Marleyans and race traitor Eldians, of course
People survied worse in this series
Is this the hardest fanboys have been BTFO the entire series? How do Erenfags even recover from this
Yeah, after looking at it a little longer I realized that's what it was. I think it got turned around since Reiner changed position.
GODath better still be alive
No...she was supposed to be in love with Chadren...
Z-Zekebros.. Help us..
No that's zeke
das rite, kill all m*rLey*ns
No they haven't
Suicide is the only answer.
Garbage, Isayshitter is a hack fraud
>The 'Chadren will destroy Gabi's pussy' poster has been silent since the chapter released
so uh
what's the situation with Lee-vaye?
Erenpedos are too busy coping with muh fake memory.
What’s up with the cannon blur in this panel? I don’t believe this fake memories bs but there is a lot of weird shit in this chap
Nip Eren fujos.killing Isayama when?
He doesn't need to do anything difficult. Hans will be gentle
what the fuck someone wake up the manlet i self-insert as him
Yeah, maybe Mikasa will take down the big bad 12-year-old for him
My blog post..: I trusted Isayama until now but this chapter made me fear he won’t stick the landing. I closed my eyes to Armin’s survival after a dozens of meters’ fall, or Floch carrying Erwin so quickly.
But this chapter was bad.
Gabi is an awfully conveniently placed mary sue. Inconsistencies in the city. Inconsistencies in Eren’s clothing. Inconsistencies in Pieck (like wtf, did Isayama have a stroke and forget the continuity?). THE FUCKING PUSH TO HAVE A KINO MOMENT WITH 2 BROTHERS TRYING TO TOUCH EACH OTHER... when Zeke isn’t in titan form so conditions are not met (yep, Isayama stroke).
Awful. Unless he’s fucking with us and what we’re seeing isn’t reliable... I fear he might have just bottled it.
If touching a royal human was all it took, he could have started the rumbling when he was fucking Historia.
His head was stil intact
Eren is another story
>>Pieck is suddenly back in her titan with the huge gun on her back
If this it's all a fake made by the founding titan, why Mikasa and Armin can see Pieck as a titan with the weapon? aren't they inmune to it because Ackerhax and nuke titan respectively?
>Cuckren gets killed by a little girl.
That's it moving you brainlet
I would think it indicates movement, but it's still really weird, like it's in three places at once.
Why rush such an important chapter? What was isayama thinking? Even the art was lacking
it doesn't fucking count you hear me?
A bit of time passed inbetween chapters
J-just according to keikaku
Go away, Hist
How much, ten minutes?
Isayama is so predictable if one younger brother survives so will the other,
Isayama is a hack.
Chadren's will to survive is the strongest. His body will keep moving forward.
Eren could probably have reversed Falco's transformation but Marley dogs are too stupid to think ahead
>adrenaline means I can ignore the laws of physics
sasuga user, go neck yourself
>Erenfags are speedreaders.
Isayama is becoming D&D
How long do you think it would take Pieck to run 10 meters, transform and put on the cannon quickly like she did the first time?
The rapidfire artillery piece is only the tip of the iceberg of the new cutting edge Marleyan science.
I know it can indicate movement, I just thought it was weird because I don’t remember isayama doing that often
I don't see why they should be immune, and if this is all fake memories or an alternate timeline, they should be part of it.
Is there a single person that unironically likes Zeke?
>Yeah bro let's just let Eren destroy the world he'll totally save Falco afterwards u
He still has the power of a titan while Historia doesn't, I guess it works like that too.
But I agree other than the scream and Porco's sacrifice it was a poor chapter, I'd have liked Colt, Magath or someone else shooting Eren much more.
It would erase his upper body
Maybe they had second set somewhere?
Literally my favorite character
She had the help of the army and she wasn't under constant harassment by the soldiers, it makes absolutely no sense for her to be able to do something like that in such a short time.
Hell we already know how much time she takes to put on the equipment and there is no way that timeframe fits with what happened this chapter.
I made an updated version
Skinny teens in real life have lifted the front ends of vehicles off of the ground due to adrenaline, stop being retarded
Yeah, there are a lot of zecuckfags. The most annoying is this android zekechad.
>the secret power of the attack titan activates
Will Isayama do it?
He's fine
leave gabi to me
I don't care whether she shot him since I don't care about the manga but I would like to put this point out since you're doing some bad physics.
Bench pressing is much much easier than a lateral raise because no moments occur on a bench press. The weight comes down to the chest and upwards, no aiming involved. Her left anterior deltoid must be strong as fuck to stabilise what is likely an enormous strain. According to the Attack on Titan Character Encyclopedia vol. 2 Gabi is 138cm weighing 30kg. A PTRD-41 Soviet anti-tank rifle weighs 17kg unloaded and is ~2m long. Even if the centre of mass of the weapon was supported underneath her forward grip that's 17kg, more than half her bodyweight held in front of her about ~25 cm away from her chest. That's a moment of ~42 Nm. Like hell her tiny arms could support that. That bench press ROM is tiny btw that shit is all due to her arch.
No fucking way would a trained child soldier fire something of that calibre accurately into some skinny DYEL faggot's neck. Body shot, OK. Neck? How the fuck. Anyways, have a nice day.
PS. Scanned the manga and she doesn't fucking know what a Anti-material rifle is so IDK how she knew how to operate that shit.
Depends what it is, but I would probably be ok with it
Is this true or are you just talking shit? What is Mule Titan's power then?
Never forget bros
This series already is in the gutters, don't hate a better product
>I don't see why they should be immune
Mikasa because she isn't an eldian
Armin just because Ymir, Reiner and Bort were inmune to founding control back then
It only took her that long because the equipment was just airdropped and not set up properly, but you're right about Floche's group doing nothing just because like 2 marley soldiers surprised them
ackermans are eldians. they can not be titanized nor controlled by the founder, but they are still on the paths
Well, isayama kinda forgot that shifters aren’t affected by the founding titan
>put the canon on quickly
during the Marley arc it took 15 minutes to put on the machine gun nest with a full team and dedicated equipment, with nobody actively trying to kill them
maybe 2 minutes passed during this chapter, literally Eren running across town to where Zeke fell and then getting shot
Eren's spinning head will regenerate his whole body mid-air and when Eren's feet lands on the ground, he will dab.
best character
>Imagine being a monkeyshitter.
>Removes your MC's head
Should be the part where Zeke gets shot
Gabi will be her new liege.
Is the board this bad or is it just the SnK threads? People acting like this is Yea Forums assembling as teams for copeseethecrymoreposting. Why not address the specifics of my post?
That’s not comparable at all. If you have weights at home try to go pick up a barbell or even just a dumbbell and only hold it by one end out horizontally in front of you. Compare how hard that is to just holding it normally. Then imagine a 70lb 12 yr old girl trying to do that
No you retard, but thanks for reinforcing my argument.
How are the japs reacting?
Erenfags, do you feel yourself humiliated? Or do you feel like Eren was humiliated? I don't have any intention to mock you, I'm just curious about your sincere reaction to this chapter. Of course we all know Eren won't die permanently, my question is about your feelings in general.
I wonder how Mikasa is gonna react to finding out she was the one that killed him.
They have no argument so they shitpost, happens in every board
That's called seething
He won’t address your post, I guarantee it
Idiot no it wouldn’t, recoil doesn’t effect your initial shot, only your second one, you’ve clearly never shot a gun yourself, your comments don’t even logically follow
Gabi deserved to be raped by a pack of big black dogs
Jean is going to suicide after this chapter lmao.
I hope Mikasa won't be a hypocrite and won't react in different way just because it was muh Ereh this time.
You have to wait 2 month until it's revealed that Eren is dead and stays dead.
That's 61 days or 1446 hours.
Mankasa will kill her self
Someone please explain the fake memory/rewritten memory shit for me and my fellow brainlets.
What did Isayama mean by this?
It wasn't her, it was Nile.
Is the full chapter out yet or no?
>next chapter is a Levi chapter
Now that Eren is dead he can make his move on Mikasa
What do you think you fucking retard
Sorry it's actually 1464 hours
Please enlighten me then, addressing all the specifics.
>Narrator: he doesn’t.
Eh, I just want to make sure people don't think that what happened was realistic. His physics were bad but it's okay. It's a manga so why not y'know.
Its cope from Erenfags
He turned gay for Eren
pm'ed you the explanation
They don't need to be in titan form to use the Coordinate together. Zeke implies this when he says he and Eren shouldn't touch while in Marley. It's enough that they're already shifters.
>literally no one addressing his points
More like cope for isayama being a hack releasing a rushed chapter
This chapter has so many errors, inconsistencies and in general it was so shitty that some people think everything was intentional and it was just Eren using Attack titan's special power. And this power according to their theory is ability to create fake memories in minds of people.
>Stupid sexy titan
Thanks, it was great.
>according to their theory
What makes them believe in that?
Basically the theory is that there is just a lot of weird shit and inconsistencies in this chapter such as eren exiting his titan fully clothed even though he had his legs bitten off by porco before going into the titan. Then the timing is weird with pieck exiting her own titan and then having the anti titan cannon mounted again on her the next time she shifts shortly thereafter. As well as the river in shiganshina being missing in the panel where all the eldians turn into titans. So just a bunch of stuff like that which some people find weird and unlike isayama’s attention to detail unless he was purposefully doing it
>This chapter has so many errors, inconsistencies
Such as...? (Besides the pants, even if it was just an irrelevant)
Mikasa Mindbreak soon
It’s unironically a coping mechanism
an irrelevant mistake*)
the big issue is shiganshina’s lake and bertbomb aftermath missing. that truly feels sloppy. don’t really care about the pants/pieck transforming inconsistencies
the founding titan is what erases memories you fucking retard
theory is that what we saw is an implanted memory, that eren already touched zeke
>square walls
>no river
>district is smaller
>Eren's pants/shoes completely intact despite having legs bitten off in previous chapters
>Pieck re-transformed and her old skeleton is nowhere to be seen despite only minutes passing since she faked her death (canonically it takes far longer than this for titan skeletons to completely evaporate)
>cart titan was also able to re-transform and re-arm in that little space of time
>Gabi able to lift a 6 foot long 40 pound piece of metal and accurately hit a moving target in the neck without using the bipod
isayama either deliberately left hints of some fuckery afoot, or he and his editors are completely incompetent to miss so many blatant errors
>ugly fucker was, for an entire movie and a half, hyped as the new great evil of the saga
>he literally has the power to fuck everyone
>dies after falling for a shitty trick
It was GoT s8 tier.
What would the point of fake memories even be? If Eren touched Zeke the world should already be being destroyed
>This chapter has so many errors, inconsistencies and in general it was so shitty that some people think everything was intentional
They don't want to believe that Isayama could make so many stupid mistakes and that his editors didn't notice them as well. River is gone, lake is gone, walls are suddenly not round anymore, Eren is wearing trousers and shoes after his legs were cutted by Porco, Pieck is suddenly titanized and equipped again. And also some armbands were on wrong hands. And maybe something else that I forgot.
Based, bring these deluded SnKshits back to reality
also complete lack of the nuclear bomb that was detonated in the middle of the city
it's basically cope/optimism that Isayama wouldn't actually fuck up that many times in 1 chapter
>Gabi saved the world
>fans will still hate her
Why 2 months?
It's a shitpost to falseflag as retarded erenfags, don't be slow.
>the founding titan is what erases memories you fucking retard
Fuck off, ragetard. user asked to explain this theory, I explained. I didn't say anywhere that I supported this theory. I hate posters like you. Also their theory isn't about erasing memories, retard, it's about temporarily creating fake memories, like illusions or hallucinations. And fuck off one more time.
eren being dead would mean the world no longer has to worry about him killing everyone, opening the door for peace talks. It's possible that Eren might not actually want to genocide the entire planet or sterilize his race, believe it or not
Yeah I don’t really care if eren is dead, it would just be strange for isayama to make so many errors in one chap
His head was barely attached to his body and his spine was severed, he even states he would've dead immediately if he didn't pull that off
I volunteer as Dog #1
>theory is that what we saw is an implanted memory, that eren already touched zeke
It's just stupid af. Why would he change memories and especially change them in such weird way? If he touched Zeke he would do the rumbling instead of wasting time with memories.
>opening the door for peace talks
Do you seriously believe this?
Gabi is her new master now
Reminiscent of Arya killing the Night King.
Dude, Gabi isn't autistic. She'll use one hand in the middle of the gun and another hand on the handle to avoid the problems you are describing. She then will shet up like i described in my last paragraph. Also don't ignore my image, the gun is shown to be much shorter that 2 meters.
Bring arguments or shut the fuck up
Gabi might be the most worthless addition to the story by far.
All she has done, starting from her introduction, has been killing the comic relief character, frustrating the reader with useless ignorance autism towards paradis, and then being the cause of a bait cliffhanger that will be resolved with yet another asspull.
Fuck Gabi.
Points to be made on why this chapter was just altered memories:
>Pieck gearing up right after she went out of her titan
Chapter 101, after Pieck and Porko are rescued by the Panzer Unit, Pieck start her preparations to go help the warrior and Marley against the Paradis forces attacking Liberio. They clearly say they would take 15 minutes to gear up the Cart Titan, or 10 if rushed. In this chapter, the Cart Titan is geared up in matter of seconds.
>Eren's pants
In chapter 116, Porko attacks Eren, biting both off his legs off, including his pants, ofc. But suddenly, when Eren gets out of his titan in 119, he has his pants untouched.
>His eyes glowing when fighting Reiner
Right before Reiner and Porko have their P A T H S moment, Eren's eyes glow when looking at Reiner, and that happens again right before he gets shot. That paths moment between them is just because Eren was altering Reiner's memories, given the fact that 2 shifters touching never implied memories being transfered
>Touching a royal blood on human form would never work
Eren and Zeke knew pretty well that they should touch when they were on titan form to make it happen (at least it should have a royal blood titan), they fucking devised a plan about it, so in the end they would desperately try to get together as humans to use the coordinate, wtf? It doesn't make sense at all. Also, Eren can transform again at least twice, so why would he run straight desperately like he was?
Other than that, we always knew how Reiner felt about his failure in Paradis, how he felt like he was a big brother to all the young warriors, then what does he see? Again someone acting as a hero/big brother instead of him to save someone who he felt he should protect. To "convince" Reiner he was actually living that situation, his memory was altered to the point he would again feel bad for something he was unable to stop, and someone else (coincidence it was again a Galliard???) did instead of him.
Spread the word, CHADren bros!
What is this guy problem?
Eren's goal since chapter 1 was killing all of his enemies and achieving freedom, why would he change his mind now?
To make the enemies think they won? The rumbling was meant to buy time. Making the enemies think they won would buy time.
>my Theory
Gabi is the last descend of Ackerman
Levi>Mikasa >Gabi
Her master is....
Isayama is a GoTfag
Why is he using honorifics?
>Manga's almost over, let's just go pants on head retarded
I can't wait until her kid gets shot in the neck by an anti material rifle.
Zeke is a SHIFTER, not just a regular ass royal. I'm thinking he doesn't literally have to be in titan form for it to work.