
The party is over, but I still want to dance

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Perfect ending.

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I'll miss them.

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The party is never over.

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The party was HOT!!
I´m still ON FIYAAAA!!!

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Nein man, ich will noch nicht gehn -
Ich will noch n bisschen tanzen~

Even this horse is ON FAIYA!

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Just finished it today. It was pretty nice overall but there were some dumb stuff happening on the end, like the two moms and tahomaru comitting suicide and then Hyakki taking separate ways for no reason. I think it's bullshit but I'm not gonna complain for something that was scripted on the 60's and probably was contemporary for those times.

Some of the shit toward the end was metal af


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You can't fool me twice.

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Redpill me, user. I don't wanna get fooled either.

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This adaptation has a lot of anime-only moments and original episodes, but they kept the same shit ending. At least it's implied Hyakkimaru came back and reunited with Dororo here, whereas in the manga he left for 50 years.
Nothing too serious. user posted another pic like that in an old thread, it's the work of a nip fanartist that can perfectly imitate the artstyle used in the anime.

>ywn wake up to this tomboyish shark-teethed beauty smiling at you and whispering, "Aniki, you sleepyhead~"

Video game still has the best ending.

>Hyakki taking separate ways for no reason.

I thought that was a good (bittersweet) way to take as long as he comes back. He has a lot to see and do without Dororo as backup.
What triggered me was that Aniki just elft without saying goodbye/that he would be back

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Me too...

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>anime fixed most of the manga issues
>except for the horrendous ending

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plz post more wholesome dororo post-ending headcanons anons

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That pic reminds me that Hyakkimaru had an ordinary sword for most of the series, but he never used it. Not even after regaining his arms. I guess it makes sense for him to fall back on the weapons he's used to, but it's still kinda weird for him to have that weapon despite it never being important to the plot. Other than as a memento to Mio I guess, but Mio is never even mentioned after she dies.

>tfw no spin off biwamaru going around chopping up nerds and being bro-tier

I just had some TTGL that made me feel really upset. If at least hyakki told Dororo "I'll be back when you're ready to bear my children" would've been much much better than simply ghosting out.

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I don't get why they couldnt squeeze in a 30 second goodbye scene

What about the live action movie? I thought it had a satisfactory ending.
Hyakkimaru and Dororo got to stay together and Tahomaru got to live.

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What was the most sasuga scene in the series?
>it was Hyakki reuniting with Dororo

The end was lackluster, but overall it was a good anime. I wish they made a sequel.

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The party looked good from the street but once you actually got inside it kinda sucked.


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I'm just happy we got to protect their smiles in the end, user.

Why did they stay in the burning building?

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thank you for those kind words andrew

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Hyakkimaru has shown to be really autistic, so he probably didn't notice. Tahomaru was blinded by rage and wouldn't retreat because of the fire.

they just had no chance to escape from the burning castle, that doesn't mean it's suicide, idiot
they were just prepared to die since they knew what they were getting into