Shingeki no Kyojin

>Eren died to protect this

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Other urls found in this thread:

the farmer is the father

>EHfags are brainlets
nothing new

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>next chapters are flashbacks of Eren POV
>December chapter (which is the guaranteed shitstorm chapter every year) comes back to the present
>Eren actually died
>The manga ends in the next two chapters after that
Did you rike it?

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Zeke will take care of his niece

>I-Its a fake spoiler
>H-He transfered his conscience to his dick
>I-Is a fake memory
>Y-Ymir will revive him
>W-WallHammer titan clone
>G-Gabi couldn't possibly hold a 20 kg rifle
What's next Erenfags? I'm having a lot of fun with your coping.

Even if Eren died, we will get a flashback about EH

>tttime loop

>Zeke touched Eren's hardened titan body from 4 years prior and it activated the coordinate

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Gabi "Helos" Braun is the hero that saved the world.

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It's ready


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>pshh nothin' personal magath

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>zekevision turns out true

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Sniffing Mikasa's balloon knot

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I miss Yumiru and Ereh :(

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I can barely tell Gabo and Eren apart

Armin will eat Pieck

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i rabu laina!

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Gabo is the one with a head over her shoulders

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why does every ER fight always end up being so lewd?

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I remember predicting months that Reiner would embrace the sweet release of death by sacrificing himself for Falco only for him to get cucked out of his sacrifice, looks like I was right

Gabi a shit

Her ass was that tasty.

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>Neither Magath nor Reiner were Helos
Expectations subverted

Haven't read the chapter but why are people pretending like he is dead when we have seen people survive similar things in the past?

>callback to reiner saying eren shouldn’t have the coordinate

>Rookie? What are you looking at?


based yuri (as well as Xavier x Falco) is cute and canon


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Isayama is an homo


>you don’t need your head
Subtle Isayama

So it's a timeloop or a fake memories?

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why is the EMfag so desperate?


Can't Eren just put his brain into his spine or something like Reiner already did?


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>Zeke this chapter

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Based the Prince who was promised.

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It was too late
Gabi blew his whole neck out

>Colt and Zeke's conversation then scream

Wow, even though Colt is a literally who the way he died was really sad.

Oh shit. Fake memory confirmed.


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reminder that the clothes knows

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i'd blow a steaming hot load in that

>calling soldiers risking their lives pests
Piku a shit now desu

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Eren is fine.

Falco was a shit anyway

whats gabos fucking problem


I just want to know if they have source, idc what sort of shipfat they are, you lot are all the same to me

>imagine being a cuckrenfag after this chapter...

Gabi is the worst character in the entire series

post yfw

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becoming the hero that saved the world

just Gabi things

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Yeah what's the problem

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t. triggered YHfag who can't handle Eren's invicibility

Fucking Insane chapter, the animation would have to be top notch to match this

>losing to the fucking Cart.
>couldn't even take out the cannon.

Jeagershits are pathetic.

Where has the river gone? What the fuck is this shit chapter?

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>Falco turns into a 17m class abnormal titan
>Falco gets to see his girl again
>Gabi kills eren
truly a power couple

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Because we're getting close to the ending


>wew, that was dangerous. It's a good thing I protected my head

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Yeagerist scum aren't soldiers. Soldiers protect their countries, yeagerists fucked up their country, gave power to Zecuck who had killed their civilians and real soldiers and wants to genocide them all in general.

So the founder can still be inherited

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guys..... he should have retreated....

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last panel is Falco

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It can't be MEMORIES because we are seeing Zeke's POV. Shifters are unaffected by FT's hax.

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Godner will devour Eren's corpse.

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Why wouldn't it be

What is the rumbling, anyway?

He isn't dead, but it wouldn't have been hilarious if he was and the three titans just got sent away lmao.

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It either ends on 122, 126, or 130

122 is in October, 126 in Feburary, and 130 in June. So we got from 3 chapters to 11 left.

It was cool and all when the 13 yr old girl killed one major character, but now she has killed another who happens to be the MC. Getting tired of her, it’s just annoying at this point

Is Mikasa gonna be THE Titan now?

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>s-still not going for the genocide ending h-ha ha

How much time does it take for it to reach another random baby? i would think it's like 10 seconds at max

Feel like this is the halfway or 60% point of the arc, there's still a lot of shit to cover.

>loli Ymir
>true history of the Titans
>railroad flashback

Isayama isn't the type to just drop that shit and leave it completely unresolved.

so porco was going to die anyway. now it makes more sense

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>attack titan
Literally designed to do the opposite at all cost

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>Floch hiding while his comrades get killed

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Gabi should eat Eren's fluids in front of Zeke just to dab on him.

Translation looks awful.

Pii boutta get dabbed on

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he probably forgot annie and historia like he forgot literally everything in this chapter

>people are robots who don't have emotions or adrenaline rushes during battles

The titans stuck inside the walls will break free and literally flatten the earth

Do you think we will see Pixis and Niles titans?

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I'm not mad because he's dead. I'm mad because the rage girl killed him.

It's just mentally ill shipperfaggots who want Eren dead because they're salty that he fucked their waifu. Ignore them.

>Mikasa'a body

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She fused back into her old titan skeleton and regenerated

He keeps bringing them up indirectly so I honestly doubt it. There's also some minor stuff like the fate of manlet and hongo

So this means shifters can run out of healing juice? Unless O MY LOLIPATHS kicks in I think Eren is dead bros.

Isayama is fucking with us

yeah why are there a lot of inconsistencies?

>chadmin does it himself

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>offering euthanasia in the late 1800's
Zeke is so progressive

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I don't think anyone saw this one coming.

it's erenwhale cope

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what a fucking amazing chapter holy shit

Based Chadco.

Floch and the Yeagerists were just near her, though. How would they allow her to do that?

fake memories

Colt was a good boy. He only joined the military to protect his family. He didn't want Falco to inherit the armored Titan either, because he wanted his little brother to live the long life he wouldn't be able to live.
Colt wanted so little, and yet he lived only enough to see all of his life fall apart.

We are in the paths matrix right now

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>Falco's orders were to kill Reiner
>He goes for Porco instead
Is Falco retarded?

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the ZPfag keeps winning these lasts chapters kek

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>next chapter is eren deciding not to engage Reiner

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Usually fixed in volume releases

Weren't Marleyan soldiers protecting the titan? Mikasa killed two at once.

This chapter was utter shit but fake memories would be even worse because it would mean that the whole month of waiting was pointless.

have there ever been this many before?

did you see his beaky JAWS


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>Zeke really did understand what Colt meant
>but Zeke also knew what he had to do to protect his own little brother

>people transform into titans who eat humans
>people fly through the air with some impossible hack device
>glowing stones, gigantic trees, all that mumbo-jumbo
>a little girl trained as a warrior shoots a cannon bigger than her

Are you being ironic? That was horror because he was about to scream.

What chapter are they reading? It's already translated and Eren had no thoughts in it.

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Guess Zeke doesn't have full control over his Titans after all.

Will Eren stomp out every last man, woman, child, and infant until only his superior race is standing?

Ok confirmed, there’s no way they would fuck up the shape of the walls

I love eren as a character but even I was cackling when I first saw the leaks
I was also disappointed, because I thought they were fake because of pantsu

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>Zeke's outstretched hand
Eren's head is gonna land in Zeke's head and that will be long enough for Eren to use the founding. Marleycucks lose anyway.

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What is he thinking here?

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Don't think so. It's also weird to have continuity errors in a monthly release, but Isayama probably needs a break

>So this means shifters can run out of healing juice?
Apparently, if translation's correct

it's facing towards the inside of the walls you fucking tard


that was already confirmed when he first appeared

If eren dies that’s ok, but I would be disappointed if gabi doesn’t also get killed now. Ur telling me she kills eren and Sasha and then isn’t going to die? Lmao garbage

No but Gabi will.

>Shitrenfags SEETHING
Good chapter

I'm not in the mood to be fucked with, this isn't good writing

It wasn't just a normal pussy, it was THE royal pussy

I find it really hard to believe that Gabi could equip the anti tank rifle and shoot it before Mikasa killed her. Much less before she could actually aim it.

I guess Gabi has Ackerman genes too.

Porco's death was pretty kino desu

As in, why would anyone end it with nothing deeper than "lol Eren gets killed, Marley wins".

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Will she be happy or sad her babydaddy is dead?

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>Finally free.

Fuck females.

remember this guy?

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Mikasa was busy fighting the cart titan, you doofus.

Git gud

HACKerman genes

She puts all of the others you mentioned to shame with how effective she is

That was established from his encounter with that one soldier where the titan disobeyed zeke and tried to take a chunk out of him

EMfags get chapters from a pararel universe

I'll take a regen asspull over either of those holy shit

It looks like they pulled back after the surprise attack then tried attacking her again

he is not dead

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Just noticed that it's also missing the crater made by Bort in RtS.

His dialogue made no sense. Hey Zeke I know you wouldn't involve children!
>Marley literally is run on child soldiers
Isayama needs to stop with the retarded writing

>I should have killed that brat who killed Sasha (and me) while I had the chance. Fuck, why did I even want to bring her with me anyway?

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She's always been shit

I still wonder why Armin hasn't used his titan power since the Eren rescue mission was done.

It was pretty good, I liked it. He was like fuck you reiner I’ll always be better than you you fucking scrub

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No, she will be happy that Eren survived through all that.

Fake memories don't exist, you've been fooled

fake memories bro


What the FUCK was Zeke's problem?

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she still has farmer

>tfw Jean or Connie will get hurt gathering Eren's pieces

I bet that even she knows Eren ain't gonna die

fuck off you and your reddit theory

Nothing. His real brain in not there. It's a WHT clone.

some things never change

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Either way it's impossible for Eren to have really died. Him dying means that the founding titan gets sent to some random Eldian baby. If that happens than Paradis is fucked since there is no threat of the rumbling anymore and they'll all just be genocided by the world's armies. No way Isayama would go that route.

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>killed thousands of Eldian children
>t-think of the kids!
This entire chapter was garbage

>gabi takes out jean and connie

every day for a month until you like it

La creatura

Eren is dead now, and his three titans immediately fuck off to 3 random babies. Meanwhile the Eldians are rounded up and exterminated.

The most useful part about the CT is the initial explosion, hard to use it when you don't know what's going on without potentially causing severe collateral damage.

Eldians have had their strength and motor skills improved by the FT, it would explain how Armin was able to survive long enough

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This chapter was utter shit but the fake memories crap doesn't make any sense either.

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Where's Ymir in all of this?

is the power of the AT

Gabi jobs even less than manlet. And manlet is adult man with shitload of battle experience and ackerhax genes. So yeah, I can buy magic stuff like Zeke's ressurection through paths, I can buy Mikasa and manlet because they ancestors were genetically modified. If Gabi was Ackerman or at least was bigger than 30/138 I would buy this situation too.

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The absolute STATE of the Jeagershits.

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Based Chitoposter. Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou >>>> Shingeki no Kyojin in terms of depth & complexity.

Remember the titan that ate Mike? Zekes control is imperfect

>Eren is dead now

He's an incel.

too bad zeke cannot use it retard.

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That's why i attributed the retardation to Falco instead of Zeke

Next chapter: Floch will bring devil back to life.

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how did those guys keeping watch not shoot armin down before he could use the thunderspear?

kill yourself, spic

Eren is alive tho. Like he literally can't die until 5+ seconds. Zeke is going to touch his head no matter what.


no way i'm sticking around any longer than tomorrow

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before this chapter yeah, but now we have that bullshit line about "all we need is your spinal fluid", is magath confident that they'll be able to recover the founder even if eren dies?


There is a chance that Zeke still touches his hand as he goes down

It was an Eldian girl who saved the world. After Marley takes over Paradis, Eldians will finally be granted human rights for defeated the devil himself Eren. Then MH will raise Eren's child together

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Sorry, is there a point to this?

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Armin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Soldiers >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jeagerists

Reiner or Armin could theoretically quickly eat him

Honestly, the only shocking thing about this panel is how shit Isayama drew that. Just like his dad said, he has no talent.


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Had to get Falco to the shifters

it's coperenfags coping

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looks good
are you blind?

that's what you get for having a plan with a self-hating race traitor cuck who is now responsible for the deaths of Pixis, Nile, Colt and Porco you fucking faggot.

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yo yo guys attack titan obviously has the power to individually create fake memories
female=can imitate founder's scream coordinate
beast=can imitate founder's ability to turn eldians into titans
attack=can imitate mind wipe ability
obviously. keep seething gabifags

Isayama can always fuck up everything.

>His three titans go to a half-dead Manlet

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Any /k/ bros want to tell me if it's actually possible to cleanly decapitate someone with WW1 level rifles?

based Jeanbo lives to see another chapter. the manga will end with him being the last man standing. he will be historia's companion and he'll be taking care of his stepchild (and he'll have many more of his own later on with historia).

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Based Gabi trapped Eren in a time loop.

If we consider that Isayama changed ending of the story: Not really

He went for the tasty preshelled shifter after trying to eat Reiner like three times

Looked exactly like Eren, extremely confusing

its an anti tank rifle so yeah

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>beast=can imitate founder's ability to turn eldians into titans
It's Zeke's unique ability because he's royal, not because he's the beast titan.

In the ground. Where all dykes belong.

>square walls
>no river
>district is smaller
>Eren's pants/shoes completely intact despite having legs bitten off in previous chapters
>Pieck re-transformed and her old skeleton is nowhere to be seen despite only minutes passing since she faked her death (canonically it takes far longer than this for titan skeletons to completely evaporate)
>cart titan was also able to re-transform and re-arm in that little space of time
>Gabi able to lift a 6 foot long 40 pound piece of metal and accurately hit a moving target in the neck without using the bipod
>Zeke's titans always follow orders like how they are told but for some reason Falco's titan stops literally seconds away from eating Reiner to eat a completely different target despite being directly ordered by Zeke to kill Reiner
HACKsayama at it again


Trying to catch up and reading Chapter 110. Holy shit. Kek.

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Cope you skinnyfat m*rleYan manlet

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With a bullet that size, really the upper half of his body should be gone.

This. There are no fake memories.

Isayama is just a hack.

Magath tore a gaping hole in Zeke's neck the chapter before, Isayama is inconsistent with guns

he didn't change it kek. he said he'll end it as he originally intended

Are you implying Jean isn't going for those Eren bits next chapter

Bert could control the transformation otherwise the gate at Wall Maria would be blown up instead of kicked.

Armin Titan could be somewhat more useful than his human self with 3DCG.

Why did Connie save Eren? I thought he wanted him dead?

where u gettin these translated panels from

He needs a break

truly an artist ahead of his time

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If it's similar to anti-tank then most likely. How she wielded it is a mystery given the situation with Eren running.

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Yes. He should just have sex already.

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Manlet "twitched" after Zeke's scream so I suppose he can't be turned into titan.

Isayama is really busy right now so some errors are to be expected. Please understand.
Eren is dead and we should just move on. Gabi is the world's savior and her actions will be rewarded by Marley.

Holy shit, the delusiona in this post.

>female=can imitate founder's scream coordinate
It's not imitating the founder's scream, it's just a high pitched scream you would expect from a woman (thus, the female titan). All she does is lure titans towards her with her voice, essentially announcing her presence.

>beast=can imitate founder's ability to turn eldians into titans
Wrong, Zeke could do that due to royal blood inside of him.

>attack=can imitate mind wipe ability
If this were true, it would create an unimaginable number of plotholes.

Nope. He said that he wanted to kill everyone to have Mist-esque ending, then he said that it's too dark and now he's inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy

The Eldian population divided by three

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It was a grazing shot. Eren used his Titan Powers to make sure Gabi hits him in the neck at such an angle that it would propel his head towards Zeke.

The Little Brothers will both survive.

Are mad? Are you really mad? Is the writing not good? Does it make you mad? Does it make you angry? Are you angry? Does the writing make you angry? What's your opinion about the writing in this chapter? Was it good? Or does it make you angry?

It's the first time I see JHi fag.

Leave saving the world to me.

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In his latest interview he said he'll end it as originally intended, you're not up to date. He's gone back and forth with it, but that's the most recent take

>Zeke's titans always follow orders like how they are told
not defending isayama but this happened with mike in zekes introduction too

holy shit the state of hxhrenfags

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Isn't Gabi just a genderbent Eren anyway?

When he gets his nation set up. Motherfuckers like you are gremlins. Get your nation set up so you can fuck in peace.

>tfw no sasha to spend the whole day with fucking and eating knowing shit is good

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keep coping gabifags

did you read last chapter?


the "twist" next chapter is that Eren is gonna live and either Connie of Jean will bite the dust (hopefully Pieck get BTFO too)

You know you want it to happen.

Considering the size of the round fired by the PTRD-41 (large than a 50MG round) I'd say yes. It's not so much the bullet itself that would sever the head, but the absurd amount of energy when it hits a target as soft as a neck. These rifles and the rounds they are chambered in are meant to pierce the steel armor of WW2 era german tanks, and they often did, as long as they hit the side of the tank dead on and not at an angle.

>manlet takes on the colossal titan
>20 meters tall

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>shit machine is the pinnacle of eld*An art
sasuga island savages

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not memeing
but we reallly don’t know the AT power
fuck off freedomfags



Sell me on this show

I hate Gabi but you're wrong about Beast titan's ability.

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fake memories

She's more based.

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Isn't mikasa resistant to fake memories because she is an ackerman? Explain yourself Erenfags, who is the pov of this chapter and why are we getting it instead of what actually happened.
And if the pov is Armin, Jean or some other Eldian, then why hasn't Mikasa told them the truth about the memories.



it was far different. That titan had a person in it's mouth and was just chomping down. Zeke told him to stop and he didn't right away. Falco's titan was literally in the process of biting through Reiner's neck. It basically had food in it's mouth already but suddenly switches to a completely different target to eat. Doesn't really make sense other than to make Reiner suffer even more.

Eren, but not a jobber and much cuter

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imagine the sales drop if gabi became MC

i was just memeing but i would have to go back and check whether zeke is special simply because his spinal fluid can turn them into titans or whether he is special because he can control when they shift and then command them subsequently. i dont remember if that was specifically clarified

The fake memories are meant to affect the warriors only.

I wonder what will Eren and Zeke do if AMJC won't help them... Do you think they lose to Marley?

How would you IMPROVE this chapter?

>He thinks Eren is dead when Reiner survived his head being vaporized.

>inb4 we get a chapter of yandere girl fucking his corpse

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>I was always your superior
>Here watch
Successfully kills himself on first attempt

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>Bessatsu next issue * September *
>Cover: Attack On Titan.

Why does titan Falco look like a muppet

Eren with a gun
he gets killed but kills gabi

If Titans can just sense where people are, how come the Titans in the supply room didn't notice the soldiers coming down the elevator? They should have been approaching them right away.

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Maybe its titan instincts just figured that Porco was the easier target.

Technically Eren is a genderbent Tsubaki (prototype Gabi).

Falco will eat Eren, Reiner, Zeke and Pieck
Armin will eat him and then eat out Annie

Armin's funsized perky tits

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I like Gabi's complete zetsubou face after losing the love of her life

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Why? Also the Marleyans aren't controlled by Paths so they could also tell the truth to the warriors.

why doesn't armin just transform and eat the cart titan

The paths of Ymir will revive eren. Screencap this

the absolute state of reiner this chapter lmao

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I want to molest him

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kill zekuck

>fake memories
>affecting shifters

Wait there isn't going to be an August chapter?

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>Zeke has still control over Falco titan because he didn't chew Porco properly
>Zeke know how to do the loli witch ritual
>tells Falco to put Eren into his gutts
>Eren gets reborn from Falco

Gabi kills Zeke right after killing Eren.

To give Eren and Zeke time, it could be in the middle of the invasion.
Remember that Eren wanted Marley to start attacking so he could crush them there.

Just got leaked
It will end on 122th chapter

If the whole chapter really was muh fake memories it was a waste of time


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reminder that a 12 year old girl lifted this massive beast up by herself, shoulder-aimed it, and hit a moving target on her first shot

Attached: a 12 year old girl lifted this and hit a moving target.png (1174x614, 492K)

Is Reiner literally unable to die?

>Gabi and Falco reach for each other
>Both survive and are now heros
>happily ever after with at least 8 kids before falco dies

>porkek dead
>jobner denied death yet again
>piishit against mankasa
>chadren transferred his conscious in time when he looked at gabi
>falchad will be the jaws
>kino scream and colt's burned up body
10/10 chapter

>it would make the mont wait pointless
No it doesn't?
Why do people forget the point is just entertainment, just to invoke whatever emotions onto the reader.
Whether it's a fake memory or not, the point is the writer showed the reader x, to invoke whatever emotion, and given we've just burned through like 20 threads it's quite clearly effective.

So he can invoke the reactions of readers seeing eren die, and make us feel whatever way, whilist still keeping eren alive.

Post your fucking source

Too based to live.

>Eren didn't want Zeke to roar and turn everyone into titans
But Eren is still a bad guy, right? He wants to neuter all Eldians still?

That's my wife

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Definitely, Marley used the walls to their advantage to snipe as much as they like,

If Eren didnt invade Liberio, Marley and William sould have brought the warhammer Titan to help them too, Paradis would have definitely lost
Unless hes saving it for a trump card, Eren should have used the WT ability but he chose to harden instead.
We still need to see the WT'a memories so I'm hoping this gets brought up again

in the beginning i keked a lot, but then i realized that there will be a whole month of shitposts about the main character's death when most likely he's gonna use some asspull to come back. i hate when they do stupid shit like that, it makes the explaination of the asspull even more unbearable.

No need to remind anyone, we already unanimously agreed that this is within the realm of possibility

This is the august issue, they come out a month ahead. It's some magazine naming thing.

snk news on dumblr, i can't be bothered to look now. i think it might be the same interview where he said the mong can do anything

Probably out of his ass, but with everything happening recently, I don't see the manga going on much longer. This is supposed to be the final arc.

The whole chapter is odd considering where they left off and their locations in the previous chapter. Also Eren's clothes
Could be a paths memory of a failed run and the "cycle repeating itself"

I hope Production I.G doesn't censor this

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get in line

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Uncle user! Uncle user!
How did Yea Forums react when Eren got eaten the first time?

Holy shit this could work

That faggot is the reason this shit got so out of hand.

>But Eren is still a bad guy, right? He wants to neuter all Eldians still?
>He actually believes Eren plans to euthanize the Eldians like Zeke wanted

If you loved Naruto, you're gonna love Attack on Titan also.

fake memories is a 0% chance cope theory

that was eren?
i thought it was colt

Many chapters ago they mentioned that Zeke's beast has unique powers but they didn't know why Zeke's spinal fluid is so special. And several chapters ago they figured out thanks to Gabi.

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Canon right here

Wot. They were literally preparing to form a giant global army to wipe out Paradis. Eren's sneak attack is the only reason Marley rushed before mustering a coalition

Links to the chapter are in the thread

So Isayama decided to waste a chapter and a month on something that did not happen. Seems like a hack move to me.

Bros, I predicted that this series will get a shitty ending, like all good Japanese manga. You told me I was wrong, that I was a retard, but what has happened, now bros?

this posts reeks of cope, fake memories isthe strongest theory by now

The cliffhanger is Eren and Zeke touching


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It's not even over yet, retard.

Uou mean in the first arc of snk?

It's not the end, user.
It hasn't even begun.

It isn't over yet


In the bright side, Isayama perfectly knows Eren getting beheaded could represent a problem if he somehow survives. I trust he knows how he'll explain it

Oh thank Heaven!

The ritual worked because Zeke was on the verge of death, it was just regeneration on steroids.
But Eren is fully dead so it won't work.

Will Isayama fix all these continuity errors or not? Also, doesn't he have an editor who can actually point out all these mistakes?

He's the one that chose to work with Zeke and plunge Paradise in civil war, giving Marley enough time to launch their attack when they could have just used Historia.

I think you are making this up and you were in fact the retard who told me that we get a good ending.

the real asspull will be gabi somehow surviving next chapter without zeke, connie, jean, some soldier, or a titan killing her

Holy shit, Falco is gonna fix his Jawlet and go Chad chiseled jaw.

can i get a quick rundown on the 'fake memories' meme

read the official, much better, translations on mangaseeonline, retard

It's literally based on pants that Eren already regenerated last chapter

Yea, when gentoo man ate him

>But Eren is fully dead so it won't work.
[Citation needed]

it was colt saying wait

Guess everyt time travel futuresight story is bad to you then

its all intentional

They'll get fixed in the volume edition.



what are you talking about?

this is pure kino so far

basically I'm gay

i know that. im just saying how would they even find out about the spinal fluid thing in the first place? why would they just be randomly injecting the beast's spinal fluid into eldians if they didn't already know that it would make them transform because of past shifters

Reiner had his head blown off


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Her cousin will keep her safe.

>tis but a scratch

He took the warhammer Titan.
With the WT Marley wins their next invasion guaranteed.
Not enough time to enact plan A (the 50 year threaten the rumbling until we gain technology plan)

This is like the third cop out death in a row in the final arc. Everything is getting worse.
Eren comedically lost his head to a mary sue sniper. If everything turns out to be a fake memory, we literally have an entire chapter where nothing happens.
I told you this wouldn't end well, Isayama's Japanese genetics will be his downfall.

Haven't read SnK in years, what happens if someone who has ingested the spinal fluid is close to the scream?
Also how the fuck do you accidentally ingest someones spinal fluid?

What is the point of this chapter if it is a fake? How does it improve the story, what does it add to the plot?

We will have to see if Eren immediately turns into a titan

They're slow as fuck and they still have regular senses that they rely on mate. But it still seemed like they sensed the soldiers were behind them, or at least that one in pic did.

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He's only mostly dead.

>not his spinal cord connected to his titan brain though

hes gonna live, brainlet.

>not imitating the founder's scream
youre talking out of your ass. that is not confirmed one way or the other. marley said she could 'summon' them. that could be taken any number of ways

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Gabi shoots Zeke instead

I feel absultly retarded for saying this but just because his head is not on his body doesn't mean he is dead.

Getting beheaded doesn't mean the end for a titan


>Erenfags are edgelords and brainlets

>If everything turns out to be a fake memory
fake memories is the most cope theory I've seen in /snk/

the artwork was fucking terrible this chapter, like legit the worst i have seen from any popular manga
also this is being setup to be yet another huge asspull because Eren sure isnt dead

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Their healing can run out? kinda feels like isayama is trying to justify his death.

They were offered wine containing said fluid

idk i guess you could say it shows the significance of the paths mechanic with different time loop iterations over and over again. eternal struggle kind of thing

What was the first 2 cop out deaths so far?

summon, not create. when you summon someone, you make them come to you.

How much longer until reddit slaves are done translating?

It adds suspense and it shows us that Eren can see future paths. Is this your first story ever with time fuckery or precognition?

What if Grisha sent fake memorys into the future so e eryone thinks that Eren is dead?

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I don't know how I'd feel if this actually happened

He never wanted that, brainlet, his hand is still hidden even from Zeke.

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yeah i know brainlet, my meme said that she imitates the screaming coordinate. not the turning them into titans aspect of the founder

when schlomo is happy enough with profit

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manlet in 114 and zeke in 118

I'm going to edit this into a DELET! pic tomorrow

isayama is a hack, how does the titan transformation melt his body but keep the rifle intact?

Post YFW it's confirmed Eren actually survives which he does

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you're an actual legit pedo aren't you

Do people unironically think that fake memories is even an option?
/snk/ can't be this retarded right?

>She's also able to summon pure titans, though her range is limited.
How am I talking out of my ass if the source you are providing says the exact same thing?

>they didn't even bother giving Keith a panel of him transforming.

Looks like Eren is saying wait too. He raises his hand as if to signal him to stop. Eren looks shocked and scared, knowing there will be lots of titans around soon that will kill his people.

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It's been out for 4 hours.

It's already out, slow user.

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Zeke in 114 too.

literally no one thought Zeke was dead in 118

im not the user you're arguing with. i read
>that could be taken any number of ways
and i disagree. it can only be taken in ONE way. that she can only make pure titan come to her, and not create pure titans.

Have we seen him with a black ribbon on his arm?

>helps Zeke spike all the soldiers.
>no Zeke don't scream.


It's an anti-titan rifle, it's obviously super strong against titan attacks, duh

>Eren's hair is unaffected by gravity

>21 pages
>in 2 days

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Now that Falco is a titan i can imagine Gabi and him will start making babies asap once this is all over

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>Marley vs Paradis war arc happening
>Annie still not active

How will she fit in this final arc? I can't predict how

eren can't fucking talk while in his titan. anything coming from eren would be a monologue.

Just drawing problems, for what i discover actually isayama had to planning the current event, so he rushed the entire chapter in 2 days (probably he need a break too), nothing that can't be adjusted in the volume edition.(also that are just small errors, the presence of eren's pants or the river won't change the current situation)

But the link is only been spreaded since 2 hours

>gets out of her crystal.
>dies for Reiner.

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link is in this thread

>It's not imitating the founder's scream, it's just a high pitched scream you would expect from a woman (thus, the female titan). All she does is lure titans towards her with her voice, essentially announcing her presence.
you have no proof that it is just because it is a high pitched scream. thats why you are talking out of your ass. it could just as easily summon them because it is imitating the coordinate

read the thread, the link has been posted.

How come beast titan can talk tho

It's a new rule he came up with during this chapter. But he always left himself lots of wiggle room for shit like this

You don’t die instantly when you’re decapitated though. He could still be “alive” for a few minutes until brain tissue dies from lack of O2

>Eren getting btfo
>Zeke's face
KEK oh that's actually sad

>it can make pure titan come to her
yeah i know thats what i said

because his mouth is designed for speech, unlike the attack titans. its been explained.

new thread when?

>gets out of her crystal
>picks up gabi as they replace eren

Well, for one thing, the beast titan has lips.

>after zeke "died" he got his motivation explained/backstory

WTF is going on? Can Gabi teleport/fly? This is game of thrones all over again with distances making no sense.

Will he actually catch Eren's head?

In you and I there's a new land~

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you also said
>it can be taken any number of ways

*record scratch* So this is me...

>like legit the worst i have seen from any popular manga
I wish I could say the same. There are some unholy Manga pages out there user. Beware of the togashi.

In SNK? not that i can think of but Kishimoto had to do some serious fixes for the volume releases when it came to Obito's character so is definitely possible he'll fix it

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? His titan form can't talk but his human form can, though I doubt anyone can hear him right now.

>what happens if someone who has ingested the spinal fluid is close to the scream?
They get sent the power of the titans through PATHS and become a titan

will his suffering finally then be complete?

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Dumb Erenfag.

Is this going to be The Walking Dead all over again?

>Yep, you're probably wondering how I got here, you see there was this loli goddess 2000 years ago...

Its better for eren to die like this than getting eaten

>but his human form can
yes and hes in his titan in that page you fucking retard

of course Azor Gabi can fly

Attached: gabi saves humanity.png (800x432, 327K)

in reference to my argument with the other user bitch. dont join in if you dont know the context retard. go read the chain

Should I print the last panel of 119 on a shirt?
It will be "snape kills dumbledore" all over again.

No, Eren will undo the curse and Reiner will lead a very long life, long enough to see the medical advances to prolong it even further than the average expectancy.

yeah, look at peick, she was close to dying since she can't heal as well as say reiner. just as they can keep using it up to transform, he probably would heal so incredibly slow, and in a war he would die


He's talking but nobody can hear him because he is inside of his titan.

I keep seeing this repeated but what is the source?

Whether it's high-pitched or not, it doesn't correlate with an "FT's scream", making your argument null. Kudos for not tackling any of the other points I have brought up in my initial reply, though. Just shows how much you cling on your delusions.

And have to throw it out literally a month later?

Pretty much, especially if the rumbling actually works, then its mission accomplished

Reiner becomes immortal, but got a prototype serum for it, so he’s aged to a withered mummy, forced to watch the eternally young Gabi and eren breed on the couch next to his bed as he tries to wheeze a plea for someone to end his suffering


He's not dead DO IT

Ymir Fritz herself will come down from paths dimension to get Eren with Zeke.

>Chadren dying just because his head was blown off.
People survived worse in this manga. Way worse.

for now yes

aryan breeding material, 1488

Can't wait to see GABI joining SURVEY CORPS


show me one panel of speech bubbles coming from the human inside of their titan that doesn't have the properties to speak. you can't

When he talked with Yelena the wine was already circulating, I think that's part of why he acted the way he did.

What does that matter?

>being this retarded
You should kill yourself if Eren turns out to be alive.

Isayama likes to put in hints. There is clearly something going on.
Pieck's gun was strapped to the fake body she left behind and Eren lost his pants. Fake memories or different timeline vision

that means he can't speak! and that means any thoughts he would have would be conveyed through monologues! based retard!

did you expect Kentaro Miura's levels of art? this is Isayama we are talking about, his art was never his strong point

No, but now I'm thinking about
>Guess everyt time travel futuresight story is bad to you then
And I really can't remember any serious movie, anime, book with time travel that I liked. It works for me only in comedies. But anyway I don't mind some time fuckery in SNK since it was foreshadowed in the very first chapter. But I'm annoyed by idea of "fake" chapter because it means that month of waiting wasn't justified, we didn't get any real plot progression and chapter ended on the dumbest and overused by Isayama cliffhanger. In general I don't mind this fake memories power but I think that wasting the whole chapter on them is lame. He should have ended chapter with "real world" to leave us really confused or spent the first half with fake memories but then made some actual plot progression.

Like this?

Attached: b18kg54.jpg (1066x1600, 585K)

Should've been Colt.

alright you got me. nice job.
if anything the triple dots speech bubble was eren's.

How would you know? Have you talked to anyone who got decapitated and lived to tell the tale?


Literally his chapter?
Are you retarded?
His human form is inside of his titan form. His titan form can not speak, his human form can. The human form inside of the titan form is using its mouth to speak but the sound is suppressed by the titan form around him. Did you finally get it or is this still to much for you?

Have you talked to anyone who can turn into a 15 m tall monster?


Yeah, and the "wait" speech bubble is a continuation of that.

Do you guys just wait for every opportunity to call Isayama a hack? every single month is the same shit.

>How would you know?
because science
>Have you talked to anyone who got decapitated and lived to tell the tale?
based brainlet. decapitated people still eventually die so you can't talk to them


doubtful. eren has no reason to stop him from screaming, and didn't show any negative reaction to him screaming. his surprised reaction is most likely because of colt saying it in the background, and then colt coming on screen to continue saying it.

Yes. My penis.

why is there a hole in the wall?

Wait what? Why did Reiner say Eren couldn't use the fouding titan anymore, I don't get it.

He thought Zeke was dead.

It's bad even for Isayama. Most of the art post-timeskip has been very nice, but this chapter just feels rushed.

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m is for meters, not microns.

It's literally on a panel with Eren's face, Eren has an open mouth and an outstretched hand. Eren has stated he wants Falco to live a long life and asked Gabi to cooperate in order to save him. That's reason enough for him to not want Zeke to scream.

>comparing Hacksoyama to ToGODashi

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If Eren actually is dead then Isayama has more balls than 99% of other writers

To get to the other side.

I'm serious, the two walls were sealed, and that hole doesn't look like it was neatly cut and fitted with a gate. It's just a hole as if had been kicked in again

>Pretending this is good
Hunterkeks, everyone.

T. George RR martin


Attached: Weekly Shonen Jump - Oct 01, 2018 - Page 174-175.jpg (2630x1920, 2.02M)

Ahead lies a room with only voices,
The audio alone is presented
from the scene of the “Ending Story”
that the author, Hajime Isayama,
currently foresees.

It flowed in TV program ZIP. They were the tone and the squeal of the people of the sea.

Shifter healing depends on the users will to live. Porco lost half his head, and was set on sacrificing himself for Falco/Reiner after he finally got closure over Marcel. So, it seems relatively consistent.

Apparently, since he had to work and planning the current special event, he rushed the chapter in just 2 days

>Instant karma

It's literally to get to the other side. They cut a hole or kicked a hole through it and left it as a passageway. They don't need a gate anymore since they killed all the tians.


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Mentally ill transqueer shitskinned faggots need to cling to every little thing, even if the set-up is obvious. Just check Yea Forums for more details

Theres nothing more disgusting then a guitless white. attack on titan is about the people from god (black) rising up agaisnt the whites

It is actually about freedom before all else, since freedom is the ultimate virtue.

I thought it was about cucking

Eren died as /ourguy/