Shingeki no Kyojin


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Other urls found in this thread:

>it's a f-fake memorie

thanks user

come on translators your time is now

Fuck, feel bad for Colt.


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Looks like Reiner originality wanted Falco to eat Eren

>Pii is about to get killed by Shartmong of all people
Can't wait to drop this shit next month.

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it can still be fake memory

>Reiner keeps fucking up


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Press F for Pixis, Nile, Colt and Porco.

Press S for Shitren


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This type of posting seems like it has the potential to backfire. Like how the levifags were celebrating his victory over zeke.

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Have hope...maybe Mikasa will be the one to deal the final blow

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>finally, sweet release of death

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Mikasa didn't cry, which nigger said that she will?


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What the fuck is wrong with falco's titan kek

post yfw Eren is actually dead

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F to my man Porco.

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An EHcuck

>thinking Eren actually died

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>Read the chapter
>AA is still cute and canon
Safe for another chapter AAbros

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>Falcos last seconds used to reach out to gabi

It's a bird. His jaw titan will have a beak.

Why didn't the Eldians create a super mega gattai Titan by having one person eat all the other special titans? They could've won the great Titan war with Marley rather than having their Titan powers stolen one by one

>Eren would have died TWICE if the 104th (who he threw away) didn't save him.
And then died anyway thanks to based Gabi. Lmao.

>just like Armin, Reiner is denied of his heroic sacrifice


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>titan has the anatomy of a baby bird
pottery, i guess


>Gets out of Titan to shit on Reiner one more time.

>that eren ass

What else could he be? He doesn't have a head.

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>ThE p-pic is fake !!

Connie and Jean AGAIN let Gabi kill a friend of theirs. How useless are these two?!

>having the fight the kid you stopped suiciding yourself to protect
how much suffering can one man take

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>Reiner seriously thought he's gonna die

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>>thinking Eren actually died
Shitrenfag in denial

Ok, so I think its obvious Porco didn't let himself be eaten to save Falcon, but then why? Why do it? All he had to do was stay in his titan and he would have been ok

Good luck convincing all the houses to join that plan
Yeah like the time he got eaten by a titan

Based CHADco proving himself as the Jaw titan inheritor.

that was heroically he went the way of all the former jaw's which is sacrificing himself to save another

Its obvious this Marley plot came out of nowhere and Isayama originally intended for something different.

God I hope so.
The asspull would have to be tremendous.

>are you perhaps craving my mcnuggies, Reiner?

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>protects head
>phew, that was close
>imagine if i had been hit just then
>wow that sure would've been terrib-

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magath fags BTFO

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Gabi is fucking based.

Eren just let Flock roam around doing whatever he wanted. He is responsible for Nile, Pixis and many other people turning into titans.
Also why people like to ignore Gabi is just female Eren? She at least didn’t kill three adult kidnappers with random weapons.

Because Porco is selfless and sacrificial like the other Jaw titans.

He did it so Reiner would suffer even more.

This chapter was really hype but the cliffhanger ruined it to me.

>Gabi DESTROYED cuckren

Watch as his version of the Jaw Titan resembles a falcon beak.

>Colt just fucking dies
He lived and died like the who he was.

Every Eren vs Reiner fight ends up in compromising poses


>why didn't all the Eldian major families just give up their titan nukes?


>Reiner still cant die
>Gabi kills Eren

So did Zeke at least wake Annie up or something?

Most of them were probably infected by the wine before Eren even knew about it.

This, exactly.

>mfw shitren is dead

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To save Reiner*

After all the hype Eren jobbed hard

How’s Manlet going to fight with one hand?



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wtf I love Mikasa now.
Actually, watch as this puny human somehow survives this. I don't believe in any deaths in this manga untill I see corpse.

Why does Pieck always look so indignant when she gets attacked?

>Armong killed Magath

check'd and screenshot'd


>Reiner: no, it's my time for die
>Porko: not today, you piece of shit

He was smokin hot huh

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Tita chooses the host

Jaw Titan ends up with selfless people

Attack Titan ends up with those fighting for a greater cause

>I'm in charge here

Reiner will kill Connie next chapter.

Damn you can easily tell Falco gets the jaw just by his mindless design.

>She at least didn’t kill three adult kidnappers with random weapons.
she killed a bunch of random guards who were just there doing their duty with ROCK

How can Erencels win against Marleyan Chads? Like c'mon


Based. Hongoloids next please

>Implying GODmath would die from something like that

Eren doesn't have stamina left for a full transformation, he'll become a three meter titan and carry zeke away, Gabi will try to line up a second shot and be stopped by scouts

Falco and Gabi forever!!!!

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>ragnaroksoon is a speedreader

kek, that's Armong

Eren saw Gabo before she took the shot

He looks so fucking asshurt that Porco stole his one chance at some kind of redemption

So this is what Reiner looked like when he gave up, huh?

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>Falco's jaw has terrifying bird teeth and he can peck through titan crystals

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I like how Piku's face is "Are you fucking serious?" when she realizes there's a goddamn ackerman out for her blood.

Reiner looked so relieved when he's about to be eaten, i almost feel bad.

>title of chapter is "big brother and little brother"
>zeke loses little brother
>falco loses big brother
>porco dies to copy what his own big brother did
Isayama is on another level desu

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Looking back, I would never have thought that this story would mean so much to me. This chapter was heart-wrenching.
I started this manga because I was a stupid teenager and wanted the see le edgy monsters eating humans, but man, now I'm 100% invested and totally in for this ride.

Its great to see one story in the making where you know it will be a classic in a few decades.

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>Eren dies
>gabi eats him
>Eren takes control of her mortal vessel via PATHS
>femEren activate

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But he ignored her and kept moving forward.

>paradise loses the war
>eldian genocide imminent
>"You're free" meant all eldians die and the world is rid of their menace
I can see it happening but I'll be damned if I wasn't disappointed.

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Jesus christ when will Reiner's suffering end

Now I get it, Porco wanted to save that sweet ass

Chapter feels kind of random? I don't know, Falco getting the jaws is fine but Reiner as a character is really getting old and while I don't dislike Gabi she's way too competent.

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Never, Reiner is destined to suffer forever

Lmao he's fucking dead mate.

>is only a titan for 10 seconds
>already btfo 2 warriors
Is there any character that can defeat Falco Grice?

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hey Historia I'm back

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So, he is 11-12, he can live until 25. They can have a couple of children at least.

it's actually reiner in the last panel screencap this

Not until he faces down his brother Eren 1 v 1 like Ocelot v Snake.

Armor Titan ends up in people who literally cannot die.

Probably the craziest chapter since Eren got eaten. So much despair. Anime watchers next year are going to flip.

M- Marleybros... Will GODgath make it?

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Can we appreciate for a minute that Connie and Jean despite all the angst decided to side with Eren in the end.

>Armin killed Magath

>>gabi eats him
she wasn't a titan and there's no titan juice around for her

A month of wondering if Eren died or just transferred his consciousness to the rest of his body.

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that's elementary school tier, go back

Because he just moved his consciousness like Reiner did.

Where is my dude Keith, he didn't seem to get transformed but I thought he was marked?

user, Gabi just came back from the frontline. She is a soldier.

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What did she even do to you

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>implying that's any better
A choice between the worst character and the 2nd worst is hardly a choice at all.

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>Looking back, I would never have thought that this story would mean so much to me.
I lost that innocence with Isayama butchering Ymir character into retardation cause plot demanded her being silenced.
Now it's rather an easy read for me where I don't feel much anymore especially upon seeing how Isayama also decided to fuck up both Sasha and Historia as their final fates i nthis story.

Think about it for a moment. If you were some Eldian noble shifter who had the Armored Titan in your family for like 1600 years, would YOU just let yourself be eaten by some other noble shifter that's been feuding with your family for the last 800 years or whatever?


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You wish, Reiner.

Eren is outside of titan. No way he is alive unless a major asspull

died at worst
crippled at best
if alive probably a PƠC

Someone please post smug (pepe) attack titan

Meet your worst enemy, cuckGATH

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>Zeke didn't throw rocks.

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>Porco deathcucks Reiner
Holy fuck

Colossal Titan ends up with weaklings.


Of course

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More like a month wondering how will Eren survive or come back to life.

Colt dying is really stupid. Why didn't he just back off?
His brother can still be saved if he convinces the military to feed a shifter to him down the line.
It really made no sense.

someone post an eren is dead crab dance edit

Yes, GODgath literally survived point blank C4. Puny explosions Marleyan BVLL genes.

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he's barely alive to do anything

>tfw Colt's not here anymore

>AoTfags think that this is a le good writing

AAchads love LH, that's the BA falseflagger

How many times have the Jaeger brothers "almost died" in this manga? Everyone knows Eren survived.

>Marleyan warriors finally win in their struggle after all these years hoping for a better future with Magath at its head
>he dies
>all Eldians are executed
The Mist ending

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>Punished Reiner, a man denied his death

Falco told him to back off but Colt hugged him instead

Shitrenfags will defend this.

Zeke is literally right there

It'd be more poetic to have Colt shoot Zeke's younger brother as revenge, but sure let Gabi do it. Fucking hell.

>C-charen will d-destroy Gabi p-pu...

So the so called Erenchad proved again that he is a fucking useless who can’t even hold a hand and needs to be protracted again by Mikasa and co. How can you dare to call this useless faggot a chad?

It's time to go back

Reiner was also outside of his titan when he received a mortal attack and survived. At this point we should assume shifters can't die unless they are eaten

The first chapter in a long time that left me dissapointed. Nothing interesting at all. I don't like such cheap cliffhangers because obviously Eren will be ressurected and I don't believe in his permadeath even a bit. Irrelevant Porco died, irrelevant Colt died. Deaths of Nile and Pixis made me sad but I've been preparing myself for it since the last chapter so nothing surprising or shocking. Also they were really minor characters, very minor.

Reiner is dead

someone wake me up in 1 month

.....there's still a line to be drawn between shit and piss.


yeah and how would they keep Falco titan during this chaotic battle on enemy's territory

>colt gets armin'd but he's not relevant enough to be saved
press F for colt

>eren is dummy thicc

but this is MY home

Pour one for him /snk/

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imagine actually caring about ymir

so? are you implying he will jeez in her mouth or sth

Press W to worship.

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He's out of gas and Reiner was the closest to Eren. Use your brain please, even Porco the retard of the bunch was a mensa compared to this thread posters

It was never mentioned that he drank the wine, so he probably hasn't.
Isayama would not off-panel his dead.

I hate this. Either kill characters off or don't. Fuck off, Isayama.


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literally pic related, somebody make the shop

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>pikku survives another month
>outlived Eren and Porco

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How will she extract the fluid

Will he KOFF?

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Ymir is a shitty dyke and so does your taste

>Eren's rebuilt from the head down by Ymir
>only has face as reference
>builds a girl body

>my number one favorite character btfo my number two favorite character

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What caused the current hype ?

He lost his entire family, his little brother was the only thing he got and they are in be middle of a massacre, also thanks to Eren attack in Liberio, Eldian in Marley are fucked up. He just gave up at this point.

It's just the manletfujo at it again. Ignoring such posts is the best course of action...she's quite unstable, you see.

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Eren's spinal cord is severed, she could lick up the juice from his spine

not for long

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>Manlet won't kill Zeke next chapter out of fucking nowhere

>"Please stop. I don't want to hurt you, this isn't right. This can't be happening to you.
>Of all people
>Out of every person on this wretched island.
>I wanted to save you! "
>"There is a way. No more fighting, no more hurting others, and you could be safe. My life is meaningless, I have nothing left besides it itself.
>But I can still trade something so worthless to spare you. An exchange of a cursed sinful idiot for an innocent boy, a bargain better than I deserve."

Punished Reiner is great

No shifter had died other than bent eaten

More named characters died in this chapter than any other.

Armong and Mankasa are firmly deep below that line.

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I love Pieck, but hey, her death is inevitable and I have always known it. Also I really doubt she will be killed by Armin or Mikasa. I think she will die saving Gabishit like a good sister but not in the next chapter.

would rate this manga 10/10

Do you have a brother user?

what did isayama mean by this exactly

O my nervous system

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So...uh...what's next?
Assuming a titanic asspull doesn't happen Eren is dead and the rumbling isn't happening.
No way everyone just dies to Eldian army so we're getting an asspull.

At this point Isayama is literally fucking with Reiner.

Armin confirmed stronger than Mikasa

>I think its obvious Porco didn't let himself be eaten to save Falcon
? But this is what happened?

Where the fuck is the translation you goddamned quintuple niggers.
I find no joy in staring at korean runes fucking give me the translation already.

chapter is fucking kino
holy shit, eren will live

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Rip Maggath.



that's not how it works

>next chapter is ch.97 but in PATHS instead of hospital

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>But I can still trade something so worthless to spare you.
why must best boy suffer so much lads

He should have been granted the sweet release of death. Now it's time for the rise of GODNER.

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The chapter went so fast I didn't even pay mind to magath getting speared. How many deaths is this total?

Don't make me laugh. All minor characters, and the death fake outs every other chapter are cheap

If they don't they die by Marley, if they do they probably won't die. It's such an easy concept of survival

see You don't need to be in a titan to shift your consciousness to the nervous system.

I'm trying to reach my brother but I'm dummy thicc and my asscheeks keep alerting Gabi!

Hopefully. Zecuck should get BTFOd so hard by Falco and then hand him over to his brother Colt

He did it to spite reiner obviously

holy shit

this episode looks great, can't wait for the translation. the only shit thing is that eren lost his legs a couple of episodes ago but now he's wearing pants and even shoes. I guess Isayama fucked up.

Last we saw him he had a black armband. after beating him, Jaegerists probably force-fed him with the wine or poured it into his open wounds.

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He looks like a grotesque Sesame Street character

if she kills pieck then mikasa is confirmed worst girl

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I think that was just the icing on the cake for him

heh, eren switched minds with the attack titan before he got shot. sorry kiddos, eren is still alive and has 2 titans to use.

Best boy is going to go fucking HAM on these fools who denied him his glorious sacrifice

>doesn't crunch the spine
guys, what if porco is still alive?!

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>Free for all tintan brawl
>No Armin titan
Come the fuck on release the fucking Kraken already you bitch.

I mean, Porco didn't have any attachment to him, like, at all/ I'm pretty sure he did it to save Reiner, though for what reason I still don't get

1. Eren saw the shot coming and quickly transferred his consciousness, and will transform to heal himself.

2. Eren and Zeke ALREADY touched and Eren used the founding titans scream to alter everyones memories so they think they killed eren. (With Magath and mikasa on the film isayama can cleverly show us that everyone else is being fooled, so this one is most likely to happen)

3. Erens head only just being torn off means he is still alive and will be so for the next minute or so, meaning contact with Zeke can still trigger the founding titan.

4. The titans abilities have always transcended space and time itself, simply knowing this and actually thinking eren is dead makes you an idiot.


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Can be both spite and selflessness

What is he, connected to PATHS via wifi?

And in the end, he is denied.
Reiner will suffer forever.

It hurts so much bros.

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Zeke says after Falco's transformation:

"Kill him, Falco!"

"Kill Reiner!!"

Zeke you bitch

>Colossal: being awkward and lonely
>Attack: seeking freedom
>Jaw: dying to save Reiner
What are the other titans?

>Shadis will eat floch

We're probably getting a giant asspull which is fine. The second Eren dies those titan powers are gone to god knows where. Alternatives are fucking Armin or a wine-tainted person eats Eren and gets the titan on some shit technicality of the brain surviving like a beheaded chicken's. Zeke's the only person there that can't get the founder because that's a Karl the Cuck endgame.

The Rumbling TM next chapter bois

It's stupid and doesn't make any sense for Porco to sacrifice himself, unless we are to believe that the previous shifters really do take over

Well. Fuck.

AM is the endgame

There doesn't need to be an asspull, there are multiple already establish potential solutions

BT: nihilists
FT: race traitors

I'm so glad Gabi killed this cunt's little bro.

That is what reiner wants, so I don't know how that is being a bitch

Paths ARE wifi, thats how zeke screams and people transform

The Colossal Titan its not good for battles though.

Plus he runs the risk of killing every one of his friends there with him

Reiner transcended the definition of JUSTed.

Jesus, I hate this piece of shit so much. Zecuck fans kill yourself.

if dubs, Reiner will save his comrades and everyone he loves

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>Porco dies in Reiner's place
>AT stops moving
>Soft WUHS come from inside

Is she destined to lose everyone she has cared for?

No, the body we saw running was just a decoy

Zeke is a fucking pussy, but the role fits him.

>All minor
Pixis wasn't exactly minor, neither is Porco. In fact, all shifters are very relevant by default.


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Armor: plot armor

>that old theory about the different "paths" of the story, and how "resets" are the reason why volume covers are slightly different from the scenes in the manga

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>Off by 1

Punished Reiner will leave no survivors.

>sensitive tumblrina

Unironically hope to god that if Reiner is cursed enough to live to the end pf the series he at least gets to talk to the others through PATHS one last time even if it has to be a colossal asspull

Zeke control is a fucking joke. I wish Gabi had shot him

Does he love AMJC?

>Wasting time using Thunder Spears on Pieck
>When Armin could literally fly in, hug her then shift which would disintegrate every inch of her body
She's had more Plot Armor than Reiner


Would be kino
Eren is being rebuilt while he talks to Falco, also having his body rebuilt.
Eren explains to Falco his plan. Falco ultimately understands it, and when he wakes up, he turns against Marley.

HHHHHNNNGGGGHHH Zeke I'm trying to touch you to activate my coordinate powers but I'm dummy thicc and the clapping from my ass cheeks keeps alerting the Marleyans

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thats armin shitbird

reiner is such a fucking failure holy shit

It wouldn't make sense for Marcel to take control over Porco and make him sacrifice himself, after all he did to make sure Porco was safe

He's down to one and two children

>when did Pieck even transform back and put the thing on her again? That's...

Is this entire chapter not.. real?

>spank it like this



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it's torture porn at this point
i hope you faggots don't enjoy it

Guess who is the closest functioning shifter to Eren? That's right, Reiner. He will eat him, start the rumbling and save eldians.

Armin is a pussy who doesn't dare transform outside of carefully planned circonstances

It looks like Eren’s head is flying towards zeke. He could still activate it in the 10 or so seconds he has left

Zecuck is such a pussy. Just because some janitor was mean to him.

No kek. They're minor characters, barely even supporting. Anyway it's not about the deaths themselves, it's about if you're going to kill Eren or manlet or Zeke then bloody well do it. Enough with the the death fake outs. Also this would have been a good spot for Reiner to die, instead irrelevant Porco takes his spot for no reason. It's ridiculous

w u h

Is this Zero Escape now?

Eren's sweet daughter, Ymir Yaeger, will save Eren just like she saved Zeke.

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At least he can express his opinion like a normal person. Unlike you.

This. Reiner already moved his brain functions to nervous system before, and Eren has 3 different powers by this point.

Pretty much only thing standing between Zeke and Reiner are Jean and Connie.
Imagine if Connie actually has to carry Zeke away like a good little boy to save him from Reiner.

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Eren is so horny.

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Looks like they were ready to fuck but someone interrupted them

>Off by one poster got a double dubs
Kek. Reiner cucked 4eva

wait, that means Falco Titan disobeyed orders when he went after porko instead?

Armin is too smart to perfom such a nasty move

is he doing a fortnite dance

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>Destroy the walls with the titans inside
Sasuga retard

This, it's getting cringe and I felt bad for Reiner, but holy hell


Except Marcel died for Reiner, so it's that guilt, and Porco says too. The thing is Porco should have no guilt whatsoever, so either the shifters take over, or it's shit writing. Take your pick. This manga is a mess

Colossal asks for a lot of stamina and he could kill everyone around if he decides to bomb randomly.

Hanji will survive

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Zeke doesn't have perfect control. See Miche death.

>Eren 'died'
>Colt died
>Porco died
>Magath died
>Nile titanized
>Pixis titanized
>Large amount of paradis higher-ups titanized
We really are nearing the end here...hopefully next chapter cuts the cast like this as well.


he wouldn't even need to do a nuke transform, just do what Bert did on the wall and crush her

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Reiner will die

This faggot deserve to suffer

>he's going to die in 1 year from the curse vomiting and pissing blood, body ravaged by illness and mind by guilt

That's a red armband, not a black one. Still means he drank it though

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You know that's going to happen

it means he will be slowly digested by the stomach fluids


annie literally never.

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>retarded cuck who likes Zeke

If this post ends in an odd number Reiner will live to the end of the manga without ever actually achieving anything of note and having nothing but his guilt. If anyone he loves survives it will not be in anyway because of his efforts, and he will never live down the shame. If Annie comes back she will hate him, if Armin PATHS to Bert he will tell Reiner he is a failure. If Eren wins he'll be too scared to kill himself and if Paradis is destroyed he'll be a vagrant living in the wastes haunted by memories of the society he helped destroy.

If it's an even number he dies within a few chapters with the knowledge Falco is at least alive even if he has the curse.

Zeke's introduction has his titan disobey his orders. Pure titan just prioritize human

is falco a goddamn 15-meter class?

fucking kek

>tfw surviving until the end of the manga

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imagine being a porcofag
he went full meltdown when ZP was confirmed last chapter
he's going to an hero after this one

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>still alive
Holy fuck please I'm gonna be so fucking pissed if Armin and/or Mikasa kill her.

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What if Porco was just being tsundere and he actually cared for Reiner

Gotta admit that was bullshit. Piecke was surrounded when she pretended to be dead, and next we saw of her, someone equipped her again with the gun. All of that in under 5 minutes because it was enough time to reequip her, reload the gun, and aim at Eren (and shoot several times actually).
All of that while Floche squadron was nearby trying to kill her.

I don't take this manga that seriously

Being Reiner is suffering

>When he's half the reason the uprising was a success.
>When he's saved Reiner more than once
>Saved Gabi.
>Is the reason why Eren managed to beat the WHT.
Nile was irrelevant. Mike Squad and former Levi Squad were irrelevant.
But Pixis and Porco definitely weren't.


>Pieck somehow transforms again and puts on the anti-titan gun despite being in the middle of battle


this makes more sense
>missing pants
>magical moving cart titan canon
Eren rewrote everybody's memories, only Mikasa will remember the truth because Magdath, the only Marleyan around, got killed

Oh no no no, she needs to be intact so she can be eaten by Nile.

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Next one to die are:
Historia + Baby

>Armin literally agrees that freeing the Colossals surrounding Shiganshina is a necessary step to counter the current Marley attack
Sasuga speedreader-kun

Did Magath die? I wouldn't be so sure.

oh fuck

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>Eren wakes up in P A T H S
>See dirty ass child
welcome father

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The endgame is Magath making a contract with the God and becoming anti-titan kaiju.

That's your fujo headcanon, sorry

Wow, this chapter actually explained a lot of things (like why porco sacrifice hisself, way both eren and zeke were out of their titans, way porco's head was splitted in half etc...) .
Nice job isayama.

Heh, all according to keikaku

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this chapter was retarded
literally nothing happens more baiting with reiner

Reiner, please.

What if eren makes an annie crystal? Couldnt he survive in there as just a head? Also porco wouldnt even be there to crack it

This chapter was fun but not as well thought out as usual, lots of strange mistakes.

The marley plot came out 80 chapters ago, it's obvious isayama thought about it for some time.
Why would you put all your eggs in one basket?

it's okay ymir-chan will repair eren's neck

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Eren is the father.

>A mary sue killed by a marry sue and gary stu
Seems fitting

A thunder spear blow him up, and then he fell 50 meters. Only Armin could survive something like this

>That's a red armband, not a black one
what's the difference again?

>Beast ends with those that hates themselves for who they are
What about others that are not tied to bloodlines like Founding and Warhammer?
>tfw Annie still has Female Titan because there is no worthy successor

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Mikasa/Armin won't kill Pieck, they will feed her to one of the titans

I wonder which type of chapters you enjoy

Oh yeah. Somehow I totally forgot about that. Should probably read the earlier stuff again...

Can you read user or you're completely illiterate? I didn't say Pixis was irrelevant, I said he was a minor character because he is. Porco is irrelevant, as in he appeared to little to make any impact. You also didn't reply to rest of my post

Do you remember the first page of the manga? It is clear to anyone free of brain damage that Eren is still alive.

The only Mary Sue is currently pregnant and far away from the battle.

She's one of the character least likely to die.

If this post ends in 1-3 Eren will survive via PATH possession of another Eldian
If it ends in 4-6 he'll have moved his consciousness to his ass and regrow a head.
If 7-9 he's actually dead.
If 0 he uses PATHS to jump back in time a few minutes and redo what just happened and we've not seen his perspective to hide the fact he's done this several times.

UNLESS, it's intentional, like eren being in Marley before grim reminder

yep hes a big boi

>Eren has intact pants legs
>Pieck still has her titan gun on her back
List the other mistakes

Oof, not a good chapter for """"Chad""""ren.

>none from the keep
He's fine I guess.

Black - drank wine
White - Jaeger faction
Red - not Jaeger faction

How does her cunny smell like?

>Let them loose before Eren can even control them. Risking everything if something happened to him, which "oh surprise" it did.
Armin is so smart :). You on the other hand...

You think those are intentional or Isayama wanking the warriors

>eren actually dies
>his memories transfer to whatever baby through PATH
>he will possess the babies mind and will the same way king fritz possessed every FT after him
>the baby will be historias, it will have memories of both king fritz and eren
ultimate bipolar disorder

Yeah, but I will wait for official confirmation because with SNK you never know for sure.

Dubs and Reiner kills possesed Shitren and Zecuck for good


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this chapter was pretty kino but gabi is annoying it should’ve been someone else

Someone save him. Please.

So what will this chapter being a fake memory accomplish?

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I do think he cares for him but more in a pity way, he feels Reiner is pathetic but recognizes he keeps fighting. Now I really feel Porco didn’t want to give Reiner an easy exit from this mess.

>Isayama fucks up the chapter because he's too busy doing all the bullshit for the event tomorrow

>Next chapter we start again in episode 1
How would you react

She is going to be fine at worst her titan is going to be defeated. Armin has been waiting to open dialog with the other side and is just a coincidence Magath the most powerful figure in Marley is literally a few meter away.

Detective Nile please.


That would be one shitty copout.

Red is someone who drank the wine but then came in on the side of the Jaegerists
Black is someone who drank the wine and resisted against the Jaegerists

I was wondering previously if Zeke could issue conditional commands with his scream, like 'those of you wearing a black armband, become titans'. Guess we'll see in the next chapter.

Don't forget that he will be reincarnated in a female body

Magath was shown outside Pieck but then he's suddenly affected by the blast that hits her, seemingly mounting her.
But yeah I meant those two.

More like Eren keeps mumbling about how he's still a boy who can't to anything (just like on chp50) to save his mom, Armin, Mikasa, friend and his new family then Lolimir will finally talk too to reassure him

>Eren saw him that time
I wonder if Eren would still do the Grim Reminder if Willy wouldn't declare war against Paradis.

I want them to live through this.

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that would literally wake up the titans in the walls.

I dunno...looks like the spear blew the whole tank off pieck's back. If he survived I'd be shocked. It just seems too close.

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sand. coarse sand that gets everywhere.

Eren is DADren.

where things of consequence actually happen
literally eren beheading means nothing because we already have precedent with reiner "putting consciousnesses in his spinal cord"
reiner gets baited again and really nothing fucking happened

Why you hate Reiner so much?

Why are Armin and Mikasa protecting Zeke? I though their only priority was Eren.

Nobody likes Nile.
They will feed her to Armin, because he knows that a colossal Titan with Piecke's agility and endurance would cover all weaknesses of his colossal Titan.

don't worry too much pieck would probably accept armin's offer to talk and there's no way they can shoot to kill a shifter because that means their powers go to a newborn baby
she'll get subjugated and then armin will start his peacefaggotry
she'll probably agree to temporarily side with him so they can remove zeke, maybe reiner, but reiner might get on their side as well
or maybe they'll make a deal to not attack each other as long as one of them can gather up the kids and take falco and gabi to safety


Magath is on the opposite seat in the artillery

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They want Eren to activate the rumbling so they can protect Shiganshina

Dude stop you're spouting all sort of nonsense.

fuck this is some really nice art, I hate how much I like pieck's look

This panel is the key
> Eren notices Gabi before gets shooted
> So Eren has a short time to transferred his conciousness into remaining nervous system in his body, or like another user said he will get regenerated upon meeting OG Ymir in paths aka like Zeke was.

Otherwise Isayama wouldnt include this panel

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Who is next to die of Mikasa, Armin, Jean and Connie? Or do you think they will survive?


Did you guys completely forget about Bert's various transformation strengths? Armin could easily do a normal shift on the wall, which as demonstrated by Bert, isn't strong enough to break them AND still kill Pieck. Titan shifting directly next to her even if only for a partial shift, would obliterate her body to an incapacitated state. Armin is also 100% capable of devising this solution, so it's obvious Isayama's keeping her alive for some arbitrary reason.

Did you miss Magath and Pieck putting three bullets into AT brain which posed more threat than ArT and JT combined?

Pieck was aiming for eren when they interrupted her. Also, they are aware of the plans for a small-scale rumbling for which zeke is necessary. Right now protecting eren and his interests means protecting zeke too.

>Eren kills Ymir in the paths

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Yeah that was weird, either fake memory like chapter 108 teased or a clone

Connie and Jean

How would eren know he was going to get decapitated

AM won't kill a shifter and I don't see Armin beginning his shifter power collection just yet.

Well now, would you look at that. His hair is down and his jacket was lost. Now his outfit looks like the final panel. I'm betting he'll be holding some random Walldian baby who somehow survived the carnage.


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Reiner will kill Connie and Jean.

Should've been Colt
And Eren is shown with full pants several times in the chapter. So it wasn't ONE mistake
Either Isayama really fucked up this chapter, or...


Nope, it'd be one clever twist, set up litterally 70 chapters ago.

And waste a shift? Thunderspears are ok to deal with Pieck.

If he does that, then he can't transform again. It would be kind of wasted when they can beat her with the 3dm gear

>Falcos titan doesn't transform because he didn't properly chew Porco (like Eren back then)
>Falcos titan goes to Eren
>Falcos titan tears up his own belly and puts Eren inside him
>Eren gets reborn form Falcos titan

>I'm betting he'll be holding some random Walldian baby who somehow survived the carnage.
>still with this shit
It's his baby, let it go

Last i saw, the man on the final panel had a head.

>to you in 2000 years
>every shifters got memory via path they said it feel like dreaming

it was likely he expected to get shot in the head

The answer is always somehow or another with hacksayama.

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That's a good shot too, look at Eren's eyes. They're glowing like they do when he's using his Titan powers.

So either Isayama knows what he's doing for sure and the next chapter(s) will have people spamming "apologize".
Or he doesn't.

Armin's got too-good-to-use syndrome?

It's not his baby, EHwhale. There is literally zero reason it would be and you need to stop speedreading.

>It's minor so it didn't matter
He's plot relevant and has more screentime than Connie. And the key part is "plot relevant". That alone makes him above the "minor status".

>Porco is irrelevant
If he didn't exist, Reiner would be long dead and Eren would have failed to get WHT. His existence and actions, affected greatly how the story went.That's far cry from irrelevancy.

>You didn't reply to the rest of my post.
Why should I reply to things I don't care about? I just want to correct your assessment on the importance of the characters.

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How much energy do those two fucks have? They’ve been wrecked at least three times now.

He'll be fine. Eren will use the coordinate to de-titanify all of them

There's going to be time travel PATHS bullshit. It's hidden in the OP. Remember during 112 we noticed the slice on Eren's hand at the same time the lyrics were "what's the lie? What's the truth?"

Well, in OP 5, just before it ends, the entire OP plays in reverse very quickly before the final shot of the basement. Weird shit is about to go down.

Attached: what's the lie.png (1245x658, 1.17M)

since when this is a thing?

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By receiving the memory from gabi, who he is connected to via paths because she is his successor.

he's injecting new memory into people's mind
the real eren is currently touching Zeke

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Ok burger brainlet

only a dumbass would expect anything but a fatal, instant death injury from an anti-titan rifle in the particular situation.

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Reiner seems to be out of energy. The cracks in his armor aren't repairing anymore.

>This entire chapter

How the fuck does Isayama do it.

Somehow shit just keeps getting crazier and crazier.

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>Or do you think they will survive?
Not while the based Gablina is around, they won't.

Floch and his goons were there. I don't see how could she put on the gear that fast

This what most likely is going to happen is fucking silly to have Magath in the battle. He and Pieck have shown to care about the Eldians future and be more open. It's like Armin won the lottery of coincidences.

Only problem with banking on Thunder spears is that a shifter has never been killed by Thunder Spears, ever. For whatever reason after their initial strike on a shifter, Thunder Spears have an exponential drop off in explosive force for each person that shoots them.

>being this braindead
That was CLEARLY a reference to him bullshitting AM a few chapters ago, calling Mikasa a slave and shit. Fucking idiot.

>can't defend himself so he insults me
As expected of EHretards. Fuck off back to Ieddit.

>commits suicide via mind-controlled gabi to get out of holding hands with his big bro
eren is just an embarrassed otouto.

I can't imagine reiner's reaction upon seeing that.

If a shifter moves his consciousness to their anus and then someone destroys their anus with an anti-tank rifle, does that kill them for good?
I am asking for a friend

Since Erenfags coping

I'm now 100% convinced that Isayama hangs out in these threads.

She saved everything.

>Cheap thrills
No thank you, I'll choose intellectual writing.

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>That was CLEARLY a reference to him bullshitting AM a few chapters ago, calling Mikasa a slave and shit.
That's exactly what I said you retard.

not them but 10 bucks mikasa will be a good guard dog and watch the area while armin talk no jutsus pieck
screencap this

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You don't need to kill it, just beat it.

I fucking can't take any of these seriously with that fucking Yotsuba watermark. Could someone ask them to get rid of it thanks.

It's the whole "armband on the wrong side" again.
Isayama won't just forget this important aspect
Fake memory confirmed guys.

You're not correcting anything, you're just arguing semantics like an autist. They're minor characters, always have been

What the fuck is this manga even about anymore? Where is Marco? Eren is evil now? They are adults now? Seriously what the fuck.

I would die of laughter

>is semi-fluent in english
>regularly watches/reads western shit
>has made references to western memes
the mong is among us

Reiner didn't die, Zeke didn't die, Armin didn't die

Isayama loves an asspull and it's going to happen with eren.

>Yes, no, maybe, I don't know

I hate the consciousness shit but I guess it was to prepare for this because Isayama wanted to behead Eren at the climax.

>2. Eren and Zeke ALREADY touched and Eren used the founding titans scream to alter everyones memories

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I'll pour the piss down the sink in his honor. Fuck him

you can't make the same joke twice a day.

they hide
reread 118

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I do.
t. Isayama


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I fucking hate Gabi.


>It's all been fake memories since we got back to Paradis
>This guard didn't actually transfer military branches in between panels

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>wanted to behead Eren at the climax.
The worst part is that it was used for a cliffhanger which is the laziest shit ever.

Zeke didn't die for a reason. If Ymir Fritz decides to bring back Eren, it would kind of... not make sense in my mind.
Assuming she brought Zeke back because she agrees with his goal, why would she bring back Eren, the man who wants to destroy everyone but the Paradisian Eldians?


>my number one favorite character btfo my number one hated character

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cucked out of it as well

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Final Exhibition's Manga Ending Audio.
>There are sounds of fire, explosions, and of battle.
>People shout and cry in the distance.
>At the very end comes the sound of a number of ODM (3DMG) gear engaging.
>That’s about all there is to it: it’s a vision of the future that doesn’t get too far into spoiler territory. >There aren’t even any voices

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We know, reddit

Eren has the coordinate and can bypass the 145th kings will.

Fake memory confirmed

>F-Fake memory
>W-WallHammer titan clone
>Y-Ymir will revive him
>H-He transfered his conscience to his dick

Someone already came to ask this today? I only watched the first season of the anime back in 2013 but it’s just insane seeing where the manga is nowadays.

They're both very plot relevant characters. They can't be minor characters. If you remove Pixis, the story would be fucked up from trost arc.
If your remove Porco, the story would be fucked up from the very start of the timeskip.
That's not minor at all, no.

>Tsubasa head instead of Gabi
7/10 nice effort

>119: eren wakes up in a hospìtal
>amputee Tsubasa is in the bed next to him
>so, you were in a coma too...

>huge explosion at the start of next chapter
>Female Titan emerges from the rubble
>walks over to zeke
>Eren emerges from her and touches zeke to activate the rumbling
Is she finally coming back lads?


Wait, aint the rifle super fucking hot too by then? How could Gabi's hands and shoulders not get seared? Hack writing

Ocean can change alot user

because Zeke cant execute his plan without Eren, are you dim?

If you seriously think eren died before we recieved an answer to any of his mysteries, you're a fucking retard

are you dumb?
Floch is already there and discover them hiding UNDER Pieck's titan corpse
So she has to make a new one and magically puts the gun on her, straps all the bells and let Maggath climbs on her again while Floch and goons are shooting at her

Well, that was underwhelming.

Every point is a head canon, that's just one of many already established potential solutions.

But it's confirmed there's one voice actor atleast.

Rumbling is HAPPENING!!

So much this. I'm so tired of this cheap drama with death cliffhangers. This one is especially stupid because only total retards will believe in Eren's death. Also deaths of Nile and Pixis are sad but in fact nobody important died and all deaths were predictable as fuck and we knew they would die because they had drunk the wine. Porco's sacrifice was also predictable because as always Isayama doesn't want to kill Reiner or Zeke. least he tried.

someone was larping as anime only today and had a similar writing style as you.

If Reiner saved Porco and let Falco eat him it wouldn't been to poetic, no manga would be able to compete.

she brought zeke back because he is required for erens goal. he's just a tool.

Zeke will sacrifice himself to bring Eren back to life. Then Eren Reborn will have Royal Blood and will activate rumbling by himself. It will all be Gabi's fault.

Stop crying for 5 minutes whale, we saw that with Reiner and Isayama is not going to get rid of 3 shifters

Please don't be this retarded, please. You had one fucking year to grasp the plot of the timeskip

>implying Annie would ever walk into this mess

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Marco was already devoured mid-season one though...

>What are flashbacks?

Colt is dying*
Armin was dying*

Very little can kill you instantly, the body is still alive for like 1.6 minutes after you blow your head off with a shotgun.

She's in another district dumbo. Fucking anniefags.

Time travel will explain everything.


LMAO. All these retards who believed they would get Eren's voice saying "you're free" before manga's ending.

Falco confirmed the father with this chapter

Keep dreaming, Erenfag.

>fire, explosions
So the wall titans are out?

How is he going to sacrifice himself to Eren exactly? Crawl inside his corpse stomach like a camel in the desert and wait till he slowly desloves?

Yes, the absolute state of readers with brains, they story has already set up and established multiple different avenues for erens survival here, you're just dumb to ignore them.

you'd think the ammo would have burned off as well.

user, we actually got confirmed by isayama that there would be dialogue from an specific character saying a very important line (probably the you are free one)

I fucking hate Gabi
Cart Titan actually have the same chance of obliterating Eren's head but they had to pick Gabi, fucking Gabi, to blow his head of.
Motherfucker Isayama keeps trying to make Gabi relevant.

see you next month, retard

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Bullshit, there's 12 voice actors.

this, nothing stops zeke from quickly touching eren's head before his consciousness passes out to wreak havoc.
Even if not marley alreadoy lost, paradis now controlls al 9 trabsforming titans.
Paradis hasn't ensured shit tho.

Flashbacks would reveal the truth to us, but not any of the other characters, retard. At least the ones that aren't shifters or royal.

the only explanation for this is that after disconnecting from their titan, a shifter can reconnect to it and reverse the evaporation.

Kek. It could happen. He disobeyed Zeke’s order, which is really strange

He will put Eren's corpse inside his belly and do whatever shit was done to him to bring him back to life.i

Ok, reddit

Yeah, we will see.

Sounds like the festival but it can't be, unless TIME TRAVEL.

If Eren's head were destroyed, he would be dead. This way, he is briefly alive, and can still make plays.

>Also deaths of Nile and Pixis are sad
but they're not dead. they're alive and walking around happily as titans.

fake as fuck
it's not started yet

>He disobeyed Zeke’s order, which is really strange
Fake menory confirmed

Okay, not gonna lie, if this is all a fake memory implanted by the FT, this is going to be maximum kino.
It would also explain all the inconsistencies.

Someone worked it out and even if she was on the other side of Paradis it would only take her 5 hours to get to them, but she'd probably be too weak to fight after all that running.

I thought they were for this shit
>Armin and Mikasa talking about Eren
>Eren and Connie talking about Mikasa
>Erwin and Levi talking about Hanji

Pixis got Titan'ed?
The poor fucking old man.

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Yeah, killing him on last page is actually a guarantee that something will happen next month. I just hate that Gabi did the Job.

Yeah, they are.

>It's fake spoilers!
>It's a fake WHT Eren!
>It's a fake memory!

Was Gabi literally not the best Warrior cadet though? She's hardly some Mary Sue.

>literally the last arc
>Isayama and his editors can't do basic quality control
this is either peak hackery or 4D chess on another level hinting at the memory manipulation shit

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That was simply Eren transforming into his Shifter, he didn't take the power from the santa titan.

Dabbed on, GoofRen

> brainlet
More like, > headlet

Honestly, given how fucked up Reiner's head was after that one time with the lightning spears, it's entirely possible that they just keep living unless you literally sever the entire base of the brainstem, sort of like a Walking Dead zombie. Rest of the brain doesn't matter, just the stem.

Attached: anat_br_brainstem.jpg (303x288, 20K)

Why would Gabi even exist if she wasn't the one to shoot the chekov's gun in the end?

That statistic isn't even correct. Same-sex acts of child sexual abuse are usually done by a straight person looking to gain power over a vulnerable individual. Actually gay and identifying as gay pedos is much lower, at about the same rate.

People really think Isayama will do an entire fake chapter when he's only got what 15 chapters left at most?

I'll be honest with you guys for a minute here ok? I really hate Gabi.

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>eren has WHT
>WHT can be used without being transformed
>doesn't protect himself with WHT
>despite showing insane skills with it
confirmed fake memory

That would just be a visual error, completely unrelated to a potential false memory.

Quality control is a lot different when you're a 40 page a month manga, so all sorts of things make it through that get fixed in the actual release

>not 2% of the population but being in 80% of media executive positions
Sort your shit out.

Nah I'm sure it's just a meme. The guy keeps putting out almost 50 pages a month for years without breaks, it's normal to make dumb mistakes.

Guys, will he die or is this a chance for Magath and Armong to do their peacefaggotry now that they're near each other?

There are correspondents at a press preview.

Jewish lies to excuse rampant child abuse by fags. Why do you think the lgbt community is pushing the 'drag kids' shit? They're all pedos.

Gabi looks at Eren and friends the same way Eren looked at titans at the beginning of the story.

And if Eren could've just shot titans in the neck to solve his problem we would've all cheered while watching the shoe be on the other foot.

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I get the feeling people get brought back to life all the time in this series so I hoped he’d have come back by now.
A mere coincidence.

have a template, make it yourself

Attached: edgelord eren template.png (640x961, 1016K)

Eren is a literal idiot and would've died 5 times over now if it wasn't for the Ackerman's

It would be stupid for Armin to not try, now that they apparently lost control of coordinate and the rumbling.

>jaw titans like to bully Reiner before they die

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>cropping out Yotsuba

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Now we know everything about circumstances of his death by the way.

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So who's gonna eat whatever person pops out of the titan that ate chompyboi?

Guess it depends on if the respondent thinks Eren can survive the neckshot.

What happened to my boy? Does Jean know?

Erehh please, just a quick one.
*unzips dick*
Mnnghghh I'm so hard...
Aha ahhhhh you're my girl-bitch.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, what about my daddy. Just listen to me, I'm telling you, he's a perfect daddy...
But you're not my daddy... you're my slut. You could say that. What I'm saying is, this bitch needs a little help.
I'm a good slave, so let me do my thing and let my slutty bitch lover, you know, fuck you from behind, oh hooooo...
(gasps and sounds for a few second) It should do him no good, but not so bad. You can do your boy that much better. I'm sure you could.
(inhales and laughs)
Yessss, that's right, fuck your mouth like that, fuck it hard.
Mmm, god yes.

>the enemy: has big mouth titan that's real good at chomping through anything (including hardened napes) to steal titan shifters away from their titan bodies for The Chompening

She's actually next in line for inheriting Armored Titan. But after blewing Sasha, She serve nothing to the story. I sympathize to Falco more than her.

>These are the same faggots that thought he was just knocked out on the ground and out of the fight when Battle for Shiganshina was happening in the manga, and that he wasn't about to go fuck Bert's entire life up.

Tbh the whole premise of the series is based on the fact that FT can manipulate memories.

Did Isayama forgot this character exists?

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And that's a good thing considering what is happening right nwo

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>blew the head off a moving target, while crying, holding a fucking huge gun with a 12 year old girl body
pretty impressive desu

I wonder if they've even tried having Armin crunch her yet. Sure, he's not Jaws with reinforced teeth, but Colossal's got some pretty big jaw muscles of his own.

Pieck is first on that list

yes user children soliders can be decent in combat if you force them to practice gunplay and other military skills under threat of family murder

it would be like stepping on a Lego

Is there anything she can't do

Isayama said there would be a voice, didn't he?

Reiner deserves the hell he got

A human would break a tooth or three if they tried to bite through said lego but they could likely fracture and break it even if it caused them some damage, which is something a titan doesn't care about so long as it gets a taste of that lego's spinal fluid, since the cracked teeth will heal.

I just hate Isayama's take on Gabi's story arc. That's why I'm biassed towards her.

this is a very strong lego

In general I wonder how much they've done with Annie. They should be trying to bait her hard into coming out of her crystal but I haven't seen evidence of that.

>Cart her crystal out to Shiganshina prior to repopulating it but after its recapture
>Have Armin and Eren and both Ackermans around to help in case shit goes bad
>Line Shiganshina's Wall with soldiers in advance, hide them at the top of the lip
>Just leave Annie there and see if she makes a break for it under 24/7 surveillance
It's at least something more than just keeping her in some underground storage facility forever without ever learning or gaining anything from her.

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Paths loli resurrection has already been established and it seems to be the most logical thing to happen to Eren, fucking speedreader.

user I dont care how hard you bite you could never even dent a brick with human biteforce and Reiner's garbage is more durable than a fucking car as it doesnt deform from Cannon fire.

And that fucking thing is supposed to be 1000 degrees glowing metal hot after falco transformed.

I want them to just taunt her with shit since they all think she can probably hear them anyway.
>Hey Annie, remember this lady I brought with me, Krista?
>Well her name's actually Historia. Historia Reiss. The sole surviving member of the true royal family. This is who you and Reiner were looking for, right? Or was it just Eren's "coordinate"?
>Well if you want her she's right here, all you have to do is come out.
Rub her nose in how close important objectives are to her.

What if Armin just swallowed her crystal like he's taking a medicine capsule? Humans can swallow things like pills. It might bait her into exploding out of his stomach in titan form at least.

The suffering continues.

Why are mentally ill YHcucks like this spicnigger trying to convince us Eren is dead?

>it's actually armin in drag again
>they let her take him and go over the wall, then he nukes her

Actually, this is something worth discussing. Could titan digestive juices break down that crystal? If anything would be designed to break down even hardened titan flesh it would be titan stomach acid, but since they don't have normal internal organs and don't digest, for all I know they don't even have stomach acid, and Eren's was just floating in human blood and stuff when he was in a titan's stomach.