Chinatsu Yoshikawa is my favorite yuru because she's the best

Chinatsu Yoshikawa is my favorite yuru because she's the best.

Attached: sweaty pantsu.jpg (714x810, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:üru yǔrî

She really is.

She gets a lot of flack for some reason, but I like her. I've always been partial to genki bakas though, so my favorite will always be kyoko

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Also good.
Whats great about yuru yuri is that theyre not all equally bad, its that theyre not all equally good.

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I like her booty

>Chinatsu Yoshikawa
using western name order

I finished this show not long ago. Am I misremembering or wasn't Kyoko really fucking smart in the early episodes and aced every test? Then in the later seasons she was dumb as bricks and couldn't even get an acceptable score on average tests? What happened?

When Japan becomes the most powerful nation in the world that can start telling us how to write their names. Until then they bow to our whims.

Ayano took her virginity, and after that she had trouble focusing on anything other than scissoring.

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Imagine how sweaty the yurus get in the Amusement Clubhouse during summer with no AC. I bet they get really sweaty.

god, I want to rub my face in kyouko's sweaty pits.

Attached: Dgir0vcVAAES4AQ.jpg (664x1054, 67K)

The angle this image is drawn is very well done imo.


Actually, it's brat

Attached: sakurako ta-dah.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Is Chinatsu the biggest plebfilter to ever exist?
>durrrr china bad cuz she mean to muh waifu *snorts crayons*

There was the time she pulled an all-nighter drawing Mirakurun doujinshi and then fell asleep during a test and got a zero.

This is canon and confirmed by author and Kyoko herself.

Chinatsu is the best!

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That's not a compelling reason.

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What is the lead star and protagonist of Yuru Yuri trying to convey in that image?

Your wish is my command.

>ywn violate Kyouko in a passionate and vanilla way

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I want to hold hands with Yui.

yeah I don't get why people hate on Chinatsu so much. Do they not like the jokes about her wanting to fuck Yui, or are they butthurt about her rejecting Kyoko, or is it pure bad taste?

chingchong nipnop

I finished drawing this China the other day, but I don't know where I should upload it.

Attached: china.png (365x258, 21K)

What if you could have a girlfriend like Chinatsu!?

Just post it in a random Yea Forums thread and crosslink to it, user. I want to see it

Yea Forums?

I knew China was a slut all along. Yui deserves pure wife such as Kyouko.

I thought about that, but I'm thinking about making an account somewhere to collect all my drawings, I just don't know which site would be the best for that.
Is Pixiv the best one? Or Exhentai?

Right here right now.

Show us first, then we'll decide whats best for your drawfag career, user

Does pixiv allow loli? I just realized I have an account there.

That is a strong response

Attached: chibi double_bunbun.jpg (728x722, 40K)

This Don't worry, we won't report your post.

Probably not. Just post it here spoilered.

Yeah, they're fine with it

Imagine having lots of sweaty SEX with Chinatsu!

Here it is. It's the first digital drawing I've made, I hope it's good enough.

Attached: china 1.png (1060x732, 38K)


Attached: Screenshot_20190704-124251.jpg (1080x1920, 380K)

>he doesn't have google acc

Not too bad. Cute and funny. Very nice on-model face.

Very nice, although the face could do with some shadows

Thanks. I used way too many references, and I still don't know how to shade and draw nipples.
Here's another China I made earlier this year in Paint.

Attached: chinatsu.png (1500x1094, 734K)

>drawing Chinatsu in her own art style

Those blurred nipples are giving me a serious boner

Those are boob shadows.

Well I'm going to imagine they're her nipples and masturbate to them.


Danbooru, because least amount of bullshit to go through to access.


Attached: 0039.jpg (2550x3490, 1.41M)

Not flat. Budding, which is the best breast size.

I want to do activities with the yurus. ACTIVITIES!

Attached: muh.png (1285x1193, 3.13M)

This, this right here. This is it. The apex. The pinnacle. This is the ideal female form.

Attached: 1455351956846.png (656x1036, 565K)

What a mess

Somehow this is more cute than it is lewd. I like it.

when ova

Just make a Skynet account. If the CIA glow in the dark niggers wants to watch over your shoulder while looking at anime lewds, invite them on for the ride.

That's really good user. Be proud of yourself

I uploaded it to Gelbooru too for the anons who don't use pixiv.
Gonna draw another China for when the OVA is released. Hope to see you then.

Thanks. Chinatsu is the best yuru. Looking forward to more of your work. Excited for the OVA. And God bless America.

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Absolute madman.

Cant get more based than this

beautiful madman, we won't ever forget you

>literally raped her friend
im sorry but we all know who best yuru is

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nononono kyoko would never cuck ayano nonono

>implying Ayano alone could keep up with Kyoko's sexual needs

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I agree, onee-ch- I mean Chitose x Ayano is the superior and true pair
t. not Chizuru

Attached: yurus.gif (331x362, 101K)

Akari X Akane
Sakurako X Himawari
Hanako X Misaki
Ayano X Kyoko
Chitose X Yui
Rise X Nana
Chinatsu X no one

this is canon, fuck everyone else's opnion

Attached: akane.gif (500x281, 589K)

Man, I wish I was a drawfag. I would just draw lewds all day to eno end. I am NEET so I would have the time.
Plus if you are as good as you are, you can probably make a Patreon and get free gibs from neckbeards

>Chitose X Yui

yui is too cute to be alone

>for some reason
she bullied the others when they were kids

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the most refined taste in this thread yet


>she bullied the others when they were kids
But that's good, it builds character.
Besides, if they didn't want to be bullied, they shouldn't be so weak

Attached: power stance.jpg (828x960, 91K)

Sweaty Kyoko is the best.

user, please draw one of all the yurus.

this. Chinatsu did nothing wrong, if anything she made the other 3 get closer as friends

>CIA glow in the dark niggers
I miss him so much, user

Ye talented drawfags are living on easymode

Not him, same. He was too good for this world.

Toshino Ayano

Attached: [FFF] Yuru Yuri San Hai! - 11 [BD][720p-AAC][BA4F8209].mkv_snapshot_19.47_[2017.01.08_02.22.11].png (1280x720, 1.33M)

>tfw no het doujins

Attached: k7ct41t57x7z.png (240x240, 24K)

It caused akarin to be emotionally stunted though

he'll be happier programming God's computers than he was living in this sinful world

chinatsu is the fucking worst character ever
>bullied 3 random girls for no reason
>raped akari
>wont fuck kyoko

Attached: anti bully ranger.jpg (833x696, 143K)

>show is called yuru YURI
>"omg why aren't there any het doujins ??"
are you autistic

there are het doujins, most of them suck ass though

At least >>>they

Someone on /g/ made a 500tb Terry and uploaded it to /t/ a couple of months ago. It might still be there

I'll have this cute thing, you keep nasty China.

Attached: akari.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

Imagine Chinatsu pushing you down and rubbing her sweaty pantsu all over your face.

nicely drawn.

Imagine her cooking a meal for you, and you find one of her long, pink hairs stuck between your teeth

That's dangerous

Attached: 500.gif (500x281, 976K)

I want to keep Sakurako cool in this summer heat by licking her all over. Though there isn't a yuru I wouldn't lick. The sweatier, the better!

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>t. himawari

I want to fuck china

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Will Akari~n ever get someone who'd love her...

me, her husband

Me, her boyfriend's husband.

Me, her dad/husband

Me, her brother-sister.

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I want to know what it feels for her hair to swallow my balls

Imagine her sweaty ass on your face.

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I feel like Chinatsu hair vore is something some absolute mad man has tried to draw but I'm afraid to look


>for some reason
She isn't Kyouko, thus isn't the cutest YrYr!

Attached: ac7e8529aae8397d72fc6783d9f3a616.png (936x1611, 635K)

>no season 4
>no OVA yet
>no new chapter
>no new oomuro-ke chapter
what do ?

The only girl whose feet I would ever lick clean


was that camel toe peek always there or is that a shop?

My cat Akarin is so useless

Attached: 70647051_p0.png (800x1000, 372K)

That's a big butt on such a tiny girl

loli panties can't be shown on tv user

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Akari eats her veggies

Attached: 72467059_p0.png (1200x1200, 675K)

>that one episode where akarin goes back in time
It really pissed me off how it ended. Like holy fuck let me FEEL

How can she be the best when even she acknowledges the TRUE best?

Attached: punk_yui.png (842x848, 248K)

I don't know, it was still pretty feely. Even if it gets played off as a joke at the end it's still a pretty deep read into how Kyoko feels about Akari

>be suicidal
>tell myself nobody will miss me
>this moment happens
>still suicidal, but feel guilty for feeling suicidal

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Ayano is the cutest!

Attached: 1440069345417.jpg (839x821, 90K)

Imagine having a yuru for a little sister. Man, there would be so much cuddling.

She was the most worried when Akari was locked up in the storage room. She likes to joke around, but it's obvious how much she cares about her friends.

Attached: 00031.jpg (1350x1920, 118K)

I'd steal all of Akari(12)'s panties and force her to go to school nopan

i made this once

Attached: yuruyuri.png (384x141, 5K)

I love China!

Attached: x13.jpg (654x617, 104K)

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How is that pronounced?

Attached: scan0015_crushed.png (2111x3012, 2.72M)üru yǔrî

yeeeruyuuree (last "ee" is really short and high pitched)

Yuru Yuri has never showed a single panty shot. And that's a good thing.

It showed panties and plenty of nudity. I prefer it that way.

>It showed panties
Yes, just not while wearing them. There wasn't much nudity either, and the few bits weren't distasteful.

It could have used more beach episodes though.

I just want her to piss on me. Why is this so hard

OVA is coming later this year and new chapters are coming soon.

The manga has plenty of pantyshots in the early chapters.

>And that's a good thing.
It is, but the amount of magic skirts and convenient legs is really blueballing me.

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I don't remember, but it doesn't surprise me considering Namori is a pervert. I was talking about anime though.

I both love and hate the time brat magically sprouted spats under her skirt. She has a cute butt.

translation ?

>Not having a pixiv account

Imagine the smell

China and brat is a nice pairing.

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Attached: 304271.png (856x1018, 708K)

Which yuru is the puffiest?

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I wish the yurus would squat more often.

Attached: 75554623_p0.jpg (512x668, 133K)

Why is she flashing everyone her panties?

The anime portrays Akari's POV, she must just like looking at Chinatsu in pervy ways.

This. Akari liked the leg spreading clay figure Kyouko made, so she wanted to see China's real panties.

She's hot.

Yeah, she is.

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my wives are so cute together

Gosh user, why are you such a loser?

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Attached: Tomato.png (860x1301, 209K)

I wish more people would draw Akarin with a big ass

What does her pee taste like?


Choose a bride.

Attached: D-s4CClUIAAcOqb.jpg:orig.jpg (565x800, 49K)

Weird, I'm pretty sure I posted a picture.

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Attached: D-s4FfWUwAARcu0.jpg:orig.jpg (565x800, 36K)

My wife Kyouko is so cute.

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Chinatsu as a sexfriend, Sakurako as a wife.

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I choose Chinatsu!

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Yui looks goofy in a dress like this.

Stay there forever: You're no Yuru Yuri fan.

brat is made for himawari's boobs

Attached: Love potion.jpg (1062x1500, 193K)

This one right here.

You sure about that?

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how dare you

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Looks cute, nice

Who is the most hated character of Yea Forums chinatsu? Spinzaku? Ghost banri?

im sorry but sakurako and himawari are legally married, and sakurako is himawari's property after the ending of secret flowers

chinatsu will stay alone forever

Attached: SAKURAKO 7.jpg (542x767, 58K)

Why is China such a homewrecker.

>sakurako and himawari are legally married
Not for long!

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brat would just beat the shit out of china if she ever tried anything with himawari

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she has too high of a sex drive so she'll fuck anything that moves (except Kyoko)

swim swim

Please draw more lewd Chinatsu