
> he got all gloomy and irritated... when another man approached her

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry to disturb this thread, but I just read what the anons replied to me 12 hours ago, and I want to reply to their utter stupidity.

How stupid and lacking of any forsight can you be? Ishigami deserves Miko and vice versa. I dont get you faggots saying that Miko doesnt deserve him, RIGHT NOW, when they protect each other from trouble and fix the flaws the other has. Miko isnt just dependent on Ishigami, it's a symbiotic relationship. Them being together, they develop mutually as a better person. Even the headmaster knows that much. They are opposites, but in a way, fills what the other lacks.

As a Miko fan, I want her to be a better person, but I want her to be protected from herself. I dont get you fags who think every woman has to be better than her man or whatever. For Miko to learn, she has to be guided, for Ishigami to be a better student and man, he has to be protected from his unruly ways.

I dont know why you dumbasses fail to see this; Aka spells it out for you for fucks sake.

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She was also projecting.


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India arc?

best girl...

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>Mikofags stirring up shit

Stop making 24/7 general Mikek.
There are literally nothing left to discuss

who the fuck is maya

No TL for the 4koma?

>unironically proven that poster right by posting REEE MIKO NEED PROTECTION AND A WHITEKNIGHT
Average IQ of a Mikofag

Why does everyone keep saying that when it comes to Miko and Ishigami that "they" need to be honest with each other, the only thing Ishi can be honest about is how helpful he is, but even then he doesn't really need to admit it
The absolute majority of their problems lie sorely on Miko, she's the one that needs to change, literally me did nothing wrong

>Oh fuck, do I even know where to buy morning after pill, cause this dumbass will sure as hell need one tomorrow

IshiMiko is cute.

You didn't read my post. In fact, you are trivializing and straw-manning my argument.
Ishigami and Miko complement each other, they are made for each other. They cover up each other's flaws.
You're just outing yourself as a Miko hater.

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You surely meant IshiMaki

More like he got gloomy and irritated when she started acting like a bitch towards Sempai and started acting like an extremely easy target for beign sexually abuse

Many characters complement Ishigami, he's a very well-rounded character
But when it comes to all these compatible characters, Miko is the most childish, high-maintenance rapebait that actively tries to turn Ishi into a dork like herself
If you care about Ishigami, you wouldn't want him to end up with her

How are the japanese fans and/or 2ch taking this chapter?

Retards think they accidentally kissed when she broke her arm.
I fucking swear they love the shittiest of tsunderes no matter what.

I hope Aka doesn't die from the heat waves in India, it got up to 50C in some places

>Many characters complement Ishigami, he's a very well-rounded character
While Ishigami complements other characters, he complements Miko the most, let's not pretend she isn't, in fact Aka underlines this fact.
I'll just end this by saying stop it with your headcanon, Aka says they complement each other a lot so there, no more argument, Miko is best girl, and Miko deserves Ishigami.

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>they accidentally kissed when she broke her arm
now that you mention it
>ishigami is taking responsibility

>India Arc
Surely this isn't going down the path of Soma is it?

>and Miko deserves Ishigami.
Nope, she isn't even close to.

waiting for user

She does. She just wanted to be treated right, and at the end she also helps Ishigami out of trouble. Ishigami needs a woman to put some control over his life, and that's Miko.

Just stop trying to fight it. Miko-Ishi is the endgame.

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>She just wanted to be treated right
She's an absoilute bitch who pretty much treats him like garbages and berates him at every opportunity then has the gall to whine that he doesn't treat her as nicely as the girl he has a crush on.
She's done nothing to deserve Ishigami beyond helping him the previous year.

Oh please, like Ishigami didn't treat the other women like ass shit too chapters ago. Just shut up about it, Miko has done her best to help Ishigami, and continues to do her best to make all parties happy.

Your waifufag ass needs to understand one thing
Instead of saying
Think about what both gain from the relationship
Ishigami gains a needless responsibility that actively tries to change him and Miko gains a crutch that's too way too good for her and will inadvertently enable her negative traits by existing, leading to her never growing up
A romantic relationship between them is regressive, they work better in the shadows, Ishigami is growing up and Miko is only now getting familiar with behaving normally, both of them don't need to drag each other down

Because your post is retarded and only outed yourself to be a brain-dead shipper waifufag who clearly doesn't understand what that poster meant.

>RIGHT NOW, when they protect each other from trouble and fix the flaws the other has. Miko isnt just dependent on Ishigami, it's a symbiotic relationship. Them being together, they develop mutually as a better person. Even the headmaster knows that much. They are opposites, but in a way, fills what the other lacks.
Literally a bunch of fanfiction.
They fix each other flaw? They develop mutually?
How so?
>muh Miko helped Ishi so much so Ishi is indebted to her
The only thing Miko did help Ishigami was complaining to the headmaster which I admit was a good deed
but nothing comparable to what Kaguya and Pres have done for Ishigami.
Kaguya is the one who motivate him. Pres is his first friend and help him out of the depression. Tsubame and the cheering team opened his eyes.

>Miko isnt just dependent on Ishigami
She IS a walking rapebait dependent on Osaragi, Rei or Ishigami.
This is a fact so stop pretending it isn't.

You can talk about about how Miko deserve Ishigami again when she finally stop needing them to wipe her ass every time she takes a walk.

>Miko deserves Ishigami.
Like she act like a total cunt and insult Ishigami everytime for no reason?
It's basically one sided tolerant from Ishigami.

If you don't think that Miko doesn't need some MAJOR character development before she is even worthy of Ishigami you are delusional.

Right now Tsubame is a much better partner for Ishigami.
Ishigami actually enjoy his time with her unlike with Miko.

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Shit meant for

I want to drink with Iino. Look how happy she looks!

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>They fix each other flaw? They develop mutually?
>How so?
Yes they do, they always take care of each other, if you weren't speedreading you would know, dumbass.

>The only thing Miko did help Ishigami was complaining to the headmaster which I admit was a good deed

>Kaguya is the one who motivate him. Pres is his first friend and help him out of the depression. Tsubame and the cheering team opened his eyes.
Miko motivates him too: to become a better man. God, I swear you people just want to hate on poor Miko.

>She IS a walking rapebait dependent on Osaragi, Rei or Ishigami.
>This is a fact so stop pretending it isn't.
I'm not saying she's not walking rapebait, I'm saying Ishigami protects her from being that. He's telling how to not be and protecting her for it.

>Like she act like a total cunt and insult Ishigami everytime for no reason?
Oh yeah, like how Ishigami does that to every other girl? Shut up.
And let's not forget how Miko wanted to do her best to make everybody happy; that's why she ran for President, that's why she did her best for the festival. Ishigami sees her efforts for it.

>Right now Tsubame is a much better partner for Ishigami.
Shit taste and shit opinion.

All in all, you're just a Miko hater.

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>like Ishigami didn't treat the other women like ass shit too chapters ago.
BY other women you mean exclusivley Fujiwara because their relationship is based on shitting on each other at this point, which they both enjoy?
He treats kindly Maki, Kaguya, Tsubame and Rei, all the girls we see him interacting with, except Iino.

>He treats kindly Maki
only because she is more pathetic than him

So? They are bros.

>Miko motivates him too: to become a better man
I don't think I've ever seen him motivated by anything Iino does.
Tsubame motivates him.
Kaguya motivates him.
Prez motivates him.
But Iino? Nagging him to do stuff he never does is not "motivating him".

>Yes they do, they always take care of each other, if you weren't speedreading you would know, dumbass.
>Miko motivates him too: to become a better man.
>God, I swear you people just want to hate on poor Miko.
God are you literally reading a fanfiction?
How the fuck did Miko motivates him?
He acknowledged her effort that's it.

>I'm saying Ishigami protects her from being that. He's telling how to not be and protecting her for it.
And that's precisely what the first poster meant.
Miko need to learn to protect herself and to do so it shouldn't need Ishigami's involvement.

>like how Ishigami does that to every other girl? Shut up.
Like who? Literally making things up now are we?

>All in all, you're just a Miko hater.
Actually I don't even hate Miko that much I just think Tsubame is a better option for Ishigami,
and Miko needs some character development.

You are the blind Waifufag here.

>But Iino? Nagging him to do stuff he never does is not "motivating him".
Yes she does. Just look at the festival arc. He genuinely sees Miko's efforts just to be wanted and to help people. Miko just wants to help.. why can't you people understand that?

Oh yeah, she was making fun of Kaguya's breasts and the only reason he doesn't upset her more is because he's afraid of him.

>He genuinely sees Miko's efforts just to be wanted and to help people.
And this motivated him to do what exactly? Acknowledging someone's efforts is not "being motivated" you fucking retard.

>nd the only reason he doesn't upset her more is because he's afraid of him.
And you say people speedread.

>And you say people speedread.
It's true though, from the very start. Kaguya helping him is irrelevant, he was scared as shit the entire time. Prove me wrong.

Apparently, you never listened to anything I said, and you speedread too. Damn Mikohater.

>Miko need to learn to protect herself and to do so it shouldn't need Ishigami's involvement.
Maybe she needs Ishigami to protect her and tell her how to protect herself? That's why they complement each other? Jeezus you Mikohater just can't accept people have flaws, and people need support to get through their flaws.
Sorry she isn't Kaguya or Tsubame that's a literal Stacy, sorry Miko isn't perfect from the start.

>Like who? Literally making things up now are we?
Already mentioned it.

>Actually I don't even hate Miko that much I just think Tsubame is a better option for Ishigami,
No, you just hate her. It's obvious from your post. You say you want character development, Ishigami is there to support her development, you hate it because "muh Tsubame"

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take your meds bro

That's it, I'm not replying to this Mikohater anymore. I'm not talking about this now.

>everyone disagree with muh ship is a Mikohater
Good, run away.


Lmaoing at the retarded Linofag.
Shirogane helped Ishigami get through his depression, saw his worth and entrusted him with the council position.
Kaguya constantly helps and advises him.
What did Lino do? The WHOLE point is that she was blind to all the good things about Ishigami and saw him as a worthless piece of shit and it's only changing right now. Remember, it was implied that it was Ishigami who constantly encouraged her through middle school. How does she deserves him? She deserves to realize how retarded she was all along, instead she's doing nothing but constantly insulting him and abusing his good will and sense of guilt.

>Miko fought against the whole school and teachers for Ishigami sake
>user give up quickly
shame on you user

>my waifu totally deserve that ishigami dick to heal herself

Fuck off faggot.

>this thread
I recognize this autism from a mile away
Michlan is that you?

Can we flashforward 3 months for this shit to be all over?

>It's true though, from the very start. Kaguya helping him is irrelevant, he was scared as shit the entire time. Prove me wrong.
>Already mentioned it.
Fine let's pretend Ishigami treat Kaguya like shit. (He isn't and everyone who read Ch. 154 knows)
How does that make Miko insulting Ishigami right?

>Maybe she needs Ishigami to protect her
No she shouldn't need someone to white knight her all the time.
If you thinks that this is a healthy relationship you are retarded.
>tell her how to protect herself?
Ishigami already did and she just refused to listen

>No, you just hate her. It's obvious from your post.
Fuck off if you have no better argument.

Aka really hates us. He decided to take a break right after Ishi's chapter.For 2 weeks mikofags will be trying to convince us that their girl did do nothing wrong and that's all ishi fault.

Better yet, can we just write Lino and Ishigami out of the manga and focus on Hayasaka and Fujiwara instead?

>Miko has a wild imagination
>Mikofag has a wild imagination

You didn't really need to make another thread if you guys were just gonna have a even more retarded argument of what we were discussing in the last thread.

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No, and I'm going to fully enjoy both the arc and your suffering.

you think it'll get better when it focuses on Hayasaka and Fujiwara?
how cute

She was doing her job.
It doesn't make Ishigami indebted to her.

Should Ishigami go out with Kaguya because she helped him?
Should Ootomo be in love with Ishigami because he protected her?

Yurifags haven't appeared ever since 152 and even then they weren't as loud as Mikocucks, so yeah, it's an improvement

Literally everyone apart of this argument is autistic. It is possible to have this discussion without it turning into a
moronic slapfight.

Is the raw out somewhere yet?

We support you Mikofriends! Our gluttonous fatties will take over the romcom world! IT IS OUR TIME!!!

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Yes, of course it'll be better when actually entertaining characters are under the spotlight as opposed to the otaku self-insert and the exasperating tsundere.

Please don't put Itsuki in the same tier as those 2 shitstains
She doesn't deserve that

Of course it won't. You've seen nothing yet.

Oh it's him all right

I don't remember exactly but didn't Miko do something to support Ishigami while he was suspended from school? Complain about his punishment, or make sure he could still advance grades, or something?

They both support each other secretly without the other knowing, and neither wants the other to know that.

I'd rather not? I am still enjoying what's happening even if it seems to melt the brains of the current anons here anyway. We managed to have this same conversation yesterday without it devolving into shitflinging.

>Implying Itsuki isn't a bigger shitstain than both.

>Prove me wrong.
Previous chapter? Where they are talking as friends and he even asks her a personal question normally?

That's why haremfags are the worst, they will turn everything into a waifuwar.

I really fucking despise the [x] doesn't deserve [y] argument but Miko does need to go through a change before she could be in any healthy relationship, which is clearly what's happening so w/e.

There's also no reason to downplay how much Miko chooses to support Ishigami for no reason, yes she's a bitch but that doesn't changed what's happened in the manga. The point is that a lack of honesty will always drive people apart, the fact that they think the other hates them and act accordingly is what fucks up their relationship, but it is on Miko to take the first step in repairing their relationship like she tried to in 140, she just needs to be more mature about it.

Yep it's him.
>Sorry to disturb this thread, but I just read what the anons replied to me
12 hours ago

I feel sorry for the Mikofags to have someone like him as a representative.

>Yea Forums suddenly hates Onodera
what happened?

>Miko motivates him too: to become a better man
Senpai/Kaguya/Prez do that.

Underrated post.

All it takes is one retard baiting turn a thread into a mess. Like what this user says no one actually likes this guy but when people get this fucking defensive about a topic(mikofags and mikohaters alike) they aren't gonna think about whether it's a falseflag or not no matter how obvious it is.

It is him, alright.

Friendly reminder that Ishigami lost Tsubame and all he got with his efforts was bird shit
Bird shit = Iino
Iino is canonically shit

I fucking hate all of you for ruining these threads

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>India arc
>it is Bollywood musical episode

They love their tsunderes, huh.
That's some shit taste


went and got a picture for the part I was thinking of

even if they don't end up dating each other, I'm looking forward to the moment when they realize how much they've helped each other.

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>b-but the Mikofags are annoying
>b-but the Mikohaters are mean

It's a sad state of affairs. I'm willing to give the first group a break because the guy that started this is pretty infamous shitposter. But at this point it's probably for the best to come back when the break is over.

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It has to be intentional.

Isnt he the Ichigofag who the Japs infamously called out and told him to kill himself?

Attention, please.

fuck Ishigami
fuck Miyuki
fuck Iino
fuck Kaguya
fuck Aka
and, most importantly:


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>I have no idea how it happened
That was a lie. He knew this whole time

>I'm willing to give the first group a break because the guy that started this is pretty infamous shitposter.
In this case, yes.
However, it's also worth remembering that historically the first to shitpost on these lives was the one dedicated Mikohater, who always sperged in peaeful threads out of nowhere.
In response to him, a multitude of Mikofags were born to be of support to Miko (as autistic as this sounds) degenerating then in thinly-veiled waifufaggotry.
It's kind of interesting, because it usually goes the other way around.

>on these lives
on these lines*

but no one will fuck Maki

Of course it is, it's always the controversial character that blind praise tends to make certain people angry, but what can you do when they're dumb enough to fall for it?

I was around for that so I remember, don't care to play the blame game at this point though, it's all fucking stupid to me when you could just ignore the dumb thing one user says instead of trying to top their own autism in the other direction.

>but muh Miko needs Ishigami
Are we just going to ignore the fact that Tsubame senpai is the one that makes Ishigami happy and the one he wanted to be with?

Why can't people just respect his wish instead of forcing to ship him with another character?

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Because he's just a character.

No, he's literally me

For the same reason anyone ships him with a character that isn't Tsubame, they like his chemistry with a different character.

There's also the assumption that what happens with Tsubame isn't going to work out, and Miko is the main contender that's been tied to him since she was introduced. That original argument is bad but it's not really complicated why so people are expecting different things to happen.


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I dunno, he liked all those people before they became hated though.

>I was around for that so I remember, don't care to play the blame game at this point though, it's all fucking stupid to me when you could just ignore the dumb thing one user says instead of trying to top their own autism in the other direction.
That's obviously true, I was just saying.

I also ship Pres x Subject F because this is what I wanted not the what the character would've wanted.

Based and mompilled

I know, just laying it out there for the anons that assume you're on a side in this and not just tired of everyone involved in general.

Tsubame lied to him and made him miss the train. Now Miko has to spend all night protecting his virginity and Miko will break her arm in the progress.

Yep that's rather my point.
All these talk about chemistry, who deserve who...
Ultimately it doesn't matter cause Ishigami wants Tsubame not Miko.

No chapter next week?

Sounds right.

Y'know what? I'm not going to even bother reading most of this trash thread, but we need more Miko perspective arcs where she sticks up for Ishigami. I mean sure, she says she alters reports to let Ishigami off easy when he breaks the rules, and she tried to awkwardly cheer him on during the sports festival.

It's pretty clear that she cares about him and wants to help him, but that fact hasn't really been the focus of many chapters. It's mostly just been told to us on the side.

The thing is, at this stage, what would Ishigami even need Miko's help with?

So that autistic Mikufag was right all along


defending Ishigami against Tsubame's false rape allegatioms

He needs Miko's help to make enough children for a baseball team

by being Onodera's fluffer, correct

Imagine the two teams playing togheter.

Fuck off Michlan.

Nobody denied that Miko helped Ishigami before,
but this doesn't excused her shitty attitude later.
Nor does that make Ishigami indepted to her in anyway cause Kaguya and pres helped him even more.


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Like I said all that is speculation based of the assumption that Tsubame is going to eventually turn him down. Could it end differently? Sure, but for now Miko's started to get romantic development since 137 so people ship it, just the way it is.

Doesn't really matter who ships what as long as they aren't being obnoxious about it, which neither side in this has been able to avoid.

Tsubame is a snek. At this point, only Maki could make Ishigami happy.

First things first.
Unless she's related to Ogino, I seriously doubt this would ever happen. But it's pretty hard to come up with ideas for how Miko could try to secretly help Ishigami, and ideally suffer for it, in this love-triangle development.

I mean, she could end up trying to help him with Tsubame, as a fairly realistic scenario. There could be an external issue for both or one of them to contend with. Or Tsubame might be a psychopath, that Miko tries to handle without ruining Ishigami's image of her.

In a way yes, as far as just stating objective facts goes. Like says though that shouldn't automatically be the reason they end up together, she needs development before anything else happens nor should either be indebted to each other. That being said it's unnecessary to downplay her role in helping him, her, Prez and Kaguya all played parts in saving him from his punishment and setting him on the right track in comparison to how he was at the start of the manga.

t. snakefag

too obvious on your falseflagging game faggot

The lie only makes her more cute.

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Blank yandere eyes are best, yes.

Honestly, if Tsubame really did turn out to be a psychopath, it'd at least be some seriously suspenseful shit. I mean, think of how much Tsubame helped Ishigami open up. Would Miko want to ruin that? And anything she tried to pry Ishigami away from her would just make her look jealous and clingy. Even if she tried to be open about it, who would believe her at that late stage?

Can you imagine the slow reveal play out as Tsubame makes subtle threats and Miko grows increasingly anxious and terrified?

I's unlikely as fuck, and pretty ridiculous, but it'd sure be fun.

Go back to r*ddit michlan

>Honestly, if Tsubame really did turn out to be a psychopath
All the girls that scored so far are psychos.
So cool, then.

i can't even begin to describe how ballsdeep amazing it would be if Tsubame is a Yandere
like, fucking hell Aka you genius

I think Ishigami's problems at this stage in the manga were outlined in the career choice chapter, he's aimless and still only really concerns himself with things that matter to him which isn't really good going forward. Miko caring too much about these things in contrast could help bring them both in the middle, him becoming more thoughtful of what's going on outside of his bubble and her chilling out and maybe finding something she cares about that's independent of her parents. We know they are both passionate about helping people but are too caught up with their childish perspectives of how to achieve that, and like the dumb card game said, they would find a better way through working together.

Not overly concerned with the B-couple but those are just some thoughts.

As long as senpai isn't a bitch who would want to ruin Ishi but actually someone who wants his dick, even if excessively + crazily clingy.
No issue then.

>As long as senpai isn't a bitch who would want to ruin Ishi but actually someone who wants his dick, even if excessively + crazily clingy.
That would be discount Kaguya with actual titties, so pretty good.


You'd think so but it did destroy any actual conversation in the first part of this thread.

Miko does enjou kousai for meal tickets

Nah Tsubame and the cheering club are all good natured person.
If she really does turn out to be Ootomo 2.0 then Ishigami will no longer have faith in humanity.

Although I can see her being the clingy type and this may become a plot point.

>Miko is the main contender that's been tied to him since she was introduced.
initially it was the Tzeentchian Daemon Princess who was more of a match for the TRAITOROUS BACKSTABBING HERETIC if we're going to chemistry wise + first one to appear wise
of course that's out of the window now that a certain Midget appeared
watch hardcore midgetfags rage their faces off as Aka subverts expectations again when TRAITOROUS BACKSTABBING HERETIC is completely fine that the girl he wants to pump his juice into is thirsty for him
hope they don't suffer an aneurysm when that happens

I meant the sort who would cause actual harm. One of Miko's flaws is that she's scared of the public gaze. Trying to take on the popular girl would be hell for her. She'd be dragging what little rep she has through the mud.
>then Ishigami will no longer have faith in humanity
That just makes it even worse, doesn't it? Miko wouldn't want to do that to him.

Keep in mind, this is a hypothetical scenario mostly existing to thrust Miko into her own personal nightmare scenario. Where the hateful glares of the student body are all real. Where her grades slip because she's too anxious to study properly, and dismissed from the Moral Committee.

>I meant the sort who would cause actual harm
This isn't the manga for that.

I'm not even that guy, I just reopened this thread. I think you're not that disgusting Mikohater so I will respond to your post.
First of all, Miko helped Ishigami a lot, maybe even more so than both Prez and Kaguya since its behind the scenes we will never know, but that's not even the issue here. The issue here is if Miko complements Ishigami and the fact that Miko helped him when he needed it in the festival and in that panel proves that. Stop being so dense that you cant see it. Aka can see it. The headmaster can see it.

Reading this threas people are "ohh falseflagging", please, you faggots know I have a point.

>Wake up
>The thread is on omega autism mode
>Mental gymnastics left and right

What the fuck is this? I'm just checking to see if TL user worked on the 4-koma so I can typeset it, but goddamn.

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Please calm down user.

But nah people only shipped him Fujiwara because their were only four characters at the time and the impression people got was that the main cast would be paired off together. Hell which still might happen depending on what happens with the Fujiwara and Hayasaka thing.

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it's falseflagging because even for Yea Forums standards this is beyond delusional-tier to the point it has to be a Tsubamefag stirring shit
if it's not falseflagging and is actually serious

I don't mean physical harm, but you're probably right. I'm just thinking on what would be the most extreme possibility. As ridiculous as it is, it seems fun.

Pointless DRAMA is Okada territory, so no.

How painful is an arm break actually?
Can it be played of as something like "eh? i can't move my arm" or is it no less than an immense wailing

>You were talking with Kaguya again didn't you
>Don't try to neglect it i know what i saw
>She is really pretty you know, way too much
>You better not try to cheat on me okay?

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Yeah idk, even being a Mikofag this is still kinda reaching a lot user. Argue about what's going on in the manga not exaggerate those details to make your ship look more viable.

Michlan started baiting which attracts the miko bashing crowd, the retarded mikofags join in and it all went up in flames from there.

As a Mikofag, I gotta say, the salt I'm collecting from you autists about Miko's character development and role in Kaguya-sama: Love is War will never stop being delicious. Makes up for all the Maki shitposting we had to deal with. Miko WILL be the decisive winner of the Ishigami bowl, and your shit waifu will lose. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better. You Miko haters are nothing, absolutely nothing, and you will never be anything. You can easily tell someone is an adult male virgin when they are actually attracted to girls that are only has a nice body and offers no relevance at all to the story except to serve as a romantic plot device, like Tsubame or psychopathic selfish sluts who only seeks to pleasure herself, like Chika. When you kill yourselves or die of a coronary infarction before you turn 40, no one will ever remember you and the world will be better off without you toads in it. You semen slurping faggots will never amount to anything. You are garbage, and nothing will ever change that, just like Rei or Kei or Karen or whatever waifu you like has no chance of romancing Ishigami.

Also reminder that Miko is the best designed character in Kaguya-sama: Love is War. God it must suck to be you.

Attached: iino is kino.png (808x1200, 2.28M)

It hurts. If it doesn't seem like it hurts much at first, just wait til a little later. Then all the pain comes rushing in.
It's probably not going to happen. But imagine the reaction threads!

I'm not sure what the reach here is

What the fuck is up with those eyes? It's pretty damn clear they were designed to be as offputting as possible, but why?

I am not exaggerating anything. All of those are based on facts. Miko complements Ishigami. It is a symbiotic relationship. What has Tsubame done for Ishigami that cant compare to Miko's? For Miko, Ishigami fits her, it minimizes her flaws, and Ishigami helps her develop into a better person. Who told her to renove that makeup? Ishigami. She learned. She becane better. Miko motivates Ishigami to be a better man, protects him from his unrulyness.

if she didn't lie miko hand won't break, lying is the first step of cheating

>I-I am totally not Michlan
>Repeating the exact same argument
Your 'compatibility' means nothing if Ishigami doesn't view Miko romantically. They may as well be compatible as BFF once their misunderstanding have been sorted out.

>You have activities in the Student council again?
>You spend way too much time and effort into it
>Maybe you should quit so we can spend the day together holding hands and kissing
>You say you can't abandon your friends?
>You don't need friends when you have me, Yuu-kun

Attached: 17 (1).png (152x404, 68K)

I'm crashing this thread if anyone responds to this thinking it's serious.

Don't post, don't reply. Just stop.

Onodera told her to take off the makeup. Tsubame is Ishigami's motive to study. Stop it with this bait.

>Miko motivates Ishigami to be a better man
Fuck off Michlan you already got BTFO

I am not the guy he replied to but sure, I'll admit I'm the guy in the first part of the thread.

Of course, the romantic part isnt even an argument. I dunno whays your point. It WILL happen. Aka wants to see it, so shall it be.

There's something about her face.

You're overemphasizing details to make more out of these situations than what is really there, are these moments are foreshadowing? Maybe but there is clearly nothing overly romantic between them yet beyond Miko being jealous that he's not her friend. There is a reason people accuse posts like this of falseflagging because it kinda fucking reads like it.


I knew Aka was the Steindo;Gate's will all along.

I'll dump them just in case tl user has time

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>Tsubame’s hands are huge

What does Aka mean by this?

Attached: 02a.jpg (850x1200, 201K)

That he's not good at anatomy.

Apparently, Akas going to India to "collect material".

>chapter is not about our guys (prez/chika/haysaca/kaguya)
>its shit

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Amazing handjobs.

Attached: 04a.jpg (850x1200, 196K)

Miko's megane friend isn't a psycho.

Tsubame is Ogino after the sex change.

Guys, Karen is really fucking dead

Attached: E9C92E4C-A150-4744-9347-2F7BD2180EE6.jpg (235x237, 34K)

Good insight and nice quads

Wonder if this is where they're going for the school trip. Or was that France and I just don't remember?

>fucks like the #1 chad there is
She's either crazy or her pussy game is out of this world.

Eh, it's not her first time. She'll manage.

Obsessive Yandere Tsubame would be the best thing that could happen to her character

Attached: 1562092955458.png (593x302, 180K)

she'll get better in 3 days

Tsubame have large hands.

Post-op Ogino.

It doesnt read like it, it is obvious Aka wants them to be a ship, dont pretend to be blind. What I say is EXACTLY what Aka wants you to see.
I dont underatand your point of thinking, the ship is obvious because Aka wants you to notice.

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>Miko makes Ishigami a better person
>they knew each other for years, during which he was a waste of oxygen playing videogames all day

>he meets Tsubame
>starts to actually socialize with people
>becomes motivated to study harder than he ever has before
In practice, Tsubame actually makes him put in effort.

Meanwhile, Miko and Ishigami complimenting each other is just a hypothesis based on a retarded understanding of human relations (he cares too little, she cares too much, they'll balance each other out because personalities are like arithmetic, haha).

>In practice, Tsubame actually makes him put in effort.
That's kind of mostly Prez and Kaguya, but she's been his major motivation stick, so yes.

Also Kaguya being his older sister is super-cute.

She's a girl who got a confession from somebody who's very dear to her. She really wants to know him better but it looks like he's running away.
And now that she has some time alone with him so she can know him better, he says that he wants to take his drunk friend to her house. It sounds like he's making excuses to not be with her in one of the few time available they have. Even if she said that there's no problem if the guy stays with her and that they could left the guy's drunk friend in the room she rented, he stills wants to run away.
She said that little white lie so he stays with her (and in a way, it would be better to left the drunk friend in the rented room because it would be safer than drag her through the streets during the middle of the night)

>becomes motivated to study harder than he ever has before
>In practice, Tsubame actually makes him put in effort
he studied harder for Kaguya, not Tsubame
because Kaguya believed in him

Despite the fact that Miko is only 13 percent of the shipping population she creates 80 percent of the drama

Attached: Creep.png (243x431, 106K)

And he keeps putting himself out of his comfort zone for Tsubame.

2 weeks...
i am forgotten...

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Impatiently waiting for the most retarded and wholesome date ever.

Is this the only chapter Kaguya doesn't appear in? Past chapters without her had her appear at the very end at least

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Kaguya is wearing Tsubame's skin.

She wasn't in 85

>154 chapters
>literally nothing happens
Haha based Aka am I right guys

i can't believe ourguy made tsubame-senpai pregnant

my girlfriend appeared again!

Attached: she wants the eyes.png (818x1250, 245K)


She's kinda hot, in a lazy way.

>Unless she's related to Ogino
Top ten manga betrayals.

Yurifags are a cancer, they're just dormant for now.

It was Miko that helped Ishigami when he's in trouble, it was Iino that helped Ishigami get points for Tsubame.. it was her spirit of justice and goodness through hardwork and honest to goodness willingness to help that made the festival successful and she inspired the ebtire student body.
Only Ishigami and the rest of the student body sees Miko's purity and innocence to help others.
Without her Ishihami and Tsubame wouldnt even be a thing! if we would really think about it.

I need to sleep because I have to defend this rich dude who got screwed by the government in court tomorrow, but Miko is best girl, her sense of justice and innocence makes me smile.

miko is yuckyno tier shit

>Who is that girl that was so familiar with you the other day?
>Is she from middle school? Her hairstyle is childish
>Asking advice? Send her to someone else so we can have lunch together
>Or are you enjoying the time you spend with her more than the time you spend with me?
>Give me your phone I'll block her number for you

Attached: oh shit.png (520x795, 372K)


>Tsubame is Ishigami's motive to study.
That would be Kaguya. Sure, she only suggested it in the first place because of Tsubame, but his whole motivation is about living up to Kaguya's faith in him.
He started trying to socialize before he met Tsubame- he never would have even met her otherwise. He only joined the Cheer Team in the first place because he wanted to change on his own.

we have nice morning sex

>our guy

Attached: hello.jpg (3192x2124, 678K)

>Aka says they complement each other

Attached: 9484782d80b7b3097969e6995e86a4fa.jpg (768x432, 65K)

>Aka in charge of drawing hands
How new are you?

I'm still on board with the idea that Onodera is a darkhorse, and the real Ishigami bowl will be between her and Miko.

Kind of crazy how she went from pic related to one of the people he interacts with the most (out of his year).

Attached: R16.png (851x1250, 472K)

She is a trans

>Tsubame stalks down Ootomo only to knock her out in a single punch

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He really is now, his assistant quitted and he is still looking for new one

I suppose that's true. But as it stands, most of what Ishigami and Miko have done for one another is enable one another to continue on as they were.

Miko's influence helped Ishigami go to and stay in school, but didn't correct his behavior. And because Miko feels the need to keep this a secret, Ishigami's never understood that Miko was on his side all along and merely getting frustrated in her, admittedly childish, efforts to help him. She comes across as a bitch singling him out with an unreasonable grudge.

On the other hand, the flower that Ishigami gave Miko provides her with a token of emotional support, something that lets her power through when things get hard, but it does nothing to correct the errors in her thinking. Because that, and everything else, was kept a secret, Miko doesn't see Ishigami as being on her side either. She sees him as mocking her, instead of earnestly trying to give her advice.
Ootomo is her cousin.

>Ootomo is her cousin

She is a gynmast, so I guess she will choke the thot and give her a desperate asphyxiation experience or something

How long until the next chapter again?

The entire cheer team would probably join in

I unironically think both the Mikofag and the Mikohaters have good points they just take the extremes and distort and exagerrate their arguments

Anyhow, speaking of this, I think that's going to be the big Ishimiko goal. Not knowing that they've both been supporting one another has twisted them into a mutually antagonistic relationship where nether understands the other is actually on their side.

One of these days, something's probably going to force that issue, and I have no idea what. Could just be pent of frustration finally being released, could be Miko finding out about the flower, could be a situation that necessitates helping openly.

2 weeks

Don't forget to add cute and dork

>She's pressing her huge bossom against Ishigami's back and touching his hands in front of everyone.
Miko was right, she truly is a predator

A dash of netorare would really spice up this manga. Anyone else agree?

Tsubame NTR'ing Ishi away from the bitch.

Who do you suppose Kaguya and Prez would let it on the secret that they are actually dating? Hayasaka is probably a given (seeing as she already knows they kissed) but would they let Ishigami know?

On one hand, they both should probably hide it for numerous reasons. On the other - they know that he can keep a secret. Though I doubt they will actually do it.

They probably want to hide it for
but it's going to be so evident, so, so evident.

Oh, right. My bad. I was wrong

They wouldn't want to let anyone in. Hayasaka is an exception, because Kaguya considers her an extension of herself.
Now, everyone would totally know it the moment they see Kaguya and Prez, yes. But neither of those two would willingly let someone know.

Who and who? This is Ishigami's manga now.

I think the "they're acting like they're being secretive but everyone already knows" shtick is going to be around for a while.

Yeah, can't wait for Mikado to save this series from the AXE.

She's just claiming her man in front of a rival

Ishigami will realize that something's happening between both of them. He will think/say that feels like they are dating in secret (Kaguya and Shirogane will freak about what he said).
Well, at least he will think/say that until Iino will force him to do other thing and she will distract him

>I'm tired of chewing, stupid. Feed me like a bird.

Does that mean the sakha club will be introduced soon ?

Remember when this manga was good?

Based chadgami, prezcels btfo

I remember when you did not keep posting this sentence and everyone was 16% more comfy

>ok bird time to learn how to fly
>throws her off the roof

Miko Iino was a mistake
I wish Aka just deleted her from the manga
Doubt anyone would miss her

i would

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i would

Attached: 21f.png (177x128, 33K)

When is this series going to get axed?

something has to appeal to waifufags and imaginefags I guess

That wouldn't be NTR because Ishigami liked (and accidentally confessed to) Tsubame first. Miko stealing him away from Tsubame, on the other hand...

She's funny.
Oh no. Now Ishigami is going to have to help her use the bathroom! He's gonna have to wipe her pussy properly after she pees. With his tongue, preferably.

Attached: Pout.jpg (253x255, 46K)

>Yea Forums suddenly hates Miko
What happened?

I would


I hope nobody will actually reply to your shitty bait. I'm kidding, haters will do it even if they know it's one.

Imagine getting triggered because people dislike a character you like.

remember when Miko was an actually funny gag character instead of an angry cockblock?

I'm not triggered, I just watch how every time this exact same bait is posted, many people reply
We get it, you don't like her, no need to reply to such low effort baits that are shitting up the thread.

When did she even cockblock anyone ? Excluding the Kashiwagi couple and it was their fault.

Kaguya and Shiroagne KISS while they were locked.
Something everyone hated because we all know it was coming and it'd be unfunny as shit, which it was.

Why do you even care what people reply to when there's far worse shit than
>obligatory Miko hate post

Not really, she did enter at a bad timing but Kaguya is the one who threw Prez under the bus.

Her entering at a bad timing and reacting like she usually does is cockblocking, even if accidentally.
It's a good thing her gag is over because it was shit.

Because this kind of shitpost brings other shitposts. As long as they do that, these baits will be posted again and we'll never get good threads. It's not like I like those stupid delusions that we got in the first half on the thread either.

> Yea Forums suddenly hates Tsubame
WTF happened?

She's going to cockblock Tsubame now and call her a predator.

>Yea Forums suddenly loves Maki
what happened?

We just want to be warned when she eventually shoots up her school with Hayasaka.

But she didn't even say anything until Kaguya went to cry next to her.

Attached: x20.png (881x1250, 535K)

Why is Kaguya even trying to hide it from Kashiwagi when she literally already knows they kissed, and that Kaguya very much wants him to kiss her again (and even more)? Does she expect Kashiwagi to somehow just completely forget that conversation happened?

Because she's not a whore like Kashiwagi who flaunts her relationship.

Because Kaguya doesn't want Kashiwagi to know that her power over virgins is about to weaken. Kaguya is being considerate.

Attached: t..png (216x360, 63K)

They've just started doing couple stuff and are embarrassed of being seen by close friends.
They are both two huge tsundere autists just turned slightly dere.

>you'll never shitpost with Maki
Why live?

>Miko will shitpost with Maki
It's why they set up Maki to feel betrayed by everyone else.

Maki seems like a cutie
I want to slap her.

>the worst arc in the history of manga finally ends
>it's replaced by an even worse one
Fuck Aka
When is this series going to get axed?

Love is War. I want to see victory tallies again. I want to see people driving themselves into an obvious ditch of insanity trying to get one up over one another. I'm seeing opportunities for all that here.

Sometimes I wonder if Tsubamefags have never seen a romantic comedy before or are they just pretending to be retarded and ignoring that IshixMiko is endgame and has been built since the Elections Arc.

Are you never tired on posting the same bad shitposts in every Kaguya thread ? Does that never bore you ? Do you even have a life ?

Not him, I just want the serie to be about 2 teen doing overly complicated plot to try to go on a date again

There are technically other ways it could go, but a lot is dependent on what kind of character Tsubame will be. And even if Ishgami doesn't get with Tsubame, he'll probably only end up in confused relationship limbo.
We'll probably get that kind of thing again soon enough.

If you think ice arc was bad go read toubun, That's more in line with your low IQ

Yea, but with Ishigami and Miko instead of Pres and Kaguya

>replying to stale

>it's a pretend the Ice arc was good episode

Honestly though Ice arc was so fucking good unironically, Taking two things (ice and prez's low self esteem) which were foreshadowed from before chapter 5 and paying off both in a incredible sweet moment, while also developing and foreshadowing other characters.

It honestly was such a monumental arc that payed off so much.

Would Fujiwara be able to keep her mouth shut on them dating if she found out about it? I'd imagine they wouldn't want the main house to find out.

Attached: Rub rub.gif (319x298, 1.42M)

That makes no sense, i like both

>not fuck Yuu
So close yet so far, Maki

Right now, I'm still wondering how it's going to go when the ball starts rolling. Miko vs Tsubame catty bullshit for act 1, with Ishigami realizing that they both suck?

Why do they call this a romcom when it isn't funny?

It's hard to say. Her keeping secrets for people seems like it would be out of character, but she managed to keep her promise to hide Shirogane's training incidents.

>this thread

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>still no spoilers
Bros... is this the end of Kaguya?

because with the midget, TRAITOROUS BACKSTABBING HERETIC has to be railroaded to hell and hell + needs the midget be literally shoved down his throat just to make it even work
hell i'd be surprised if this is the point aka smashes the childhood + promise thing with a sledgehammer honestly
Ice was only horrible at the slow start which was otterfuel
after the rough beginning it became the usual good

Spoilers are on monday. Also there's a break next week.

>needs the midget be literally shoved down his throat
The midget just needs to chill the fuck out on him. She's got enough positive traits that would work decently with Ishigami, so long as they were directed properly. All it takes is a solid heap of CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.

I can't believe a single Tsubame chapter completely made everyone on Yea Forums to lose interest in this manga.
If Ishigami and Tsubame become a couple I expect this manga to get axed very soon after.

Bullshit nigga
This is because mikofags can't shut up

>Miko this
>Meeko that
>Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Can you all please talk about other stuff that isn’t Miko? This is getting so annoying and it’s making me angry. Miko is so fucking shit and I seriously can’t understand how you don’t get tired of talking about her without ever stopping. What about Hayadaka? What about Rei? WHY ARE YOU IGNORING THE OTHER GIRLS, ITS NOT FAIR. Mikofags are the worst, I hate them and I hate Miko. Miko a shit. A SHIT.


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Honestly I doubt anyone deserves Miko, I guess she could grace Ishigami with her presence If he promises to have no sex till marriage and cut his hair.

Attached: 1560965049913.png (171x298, 66K)

So, you intend to marry him in highschool? Bold move, but it checks out.

Oh boy, is senpai trying to rape Ishigami?


Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-05 Ch 154 (Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen) - MangaDex. (729x1018, 680K)

Ishigami x Tsubame are going to hit some up and down,
especially since they still got the whole confession thing that needed to sorted out.
But it will all work out fine at the end.

Mikofags and their
>but m-muh romcom trope
are going to face a hard reality.

Truly, this woman is worse than HITLER.

Her eyes are even creepier full size. What's up with that?


Don't worry, Miko will protect Ishigami's chastity.

based and redpilled

I agree, but I don't think they're recovering from the down. So far all points to them hooking up at some point then breaking up.

Kaguya manga in 2016
>mind games, comedy, and comfy slice of life shenanigans

Kaguya manga in 2019
>yuri, NTR, harems and forced drama

What the fuck happened?

/u/tards are going to parasite those threads now

wamen audience dropped in

Thats how all romcoms progress retard

>Ishi in the beginning
>everyone hated jim
>hated school
>hated women
>Ishi now
>has friends
>everyone loves him
>loves school
>fucks with a bunch of women
I wish I was Ishi

Where was the NTR in Jitsu wa?

So Onodera would be Mikado spy?

Attached: Mikado DC.png (201x320, 136K)

Someone should make a Kaguya edit of this for people like you.

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this is a win flag though
when everything comes tumbling down, she'll be there for him


Attached: maki.png (744x1064, 500K)

I think this pairing would save this manga, But honestly a little NTR could also spice it up.

Is Maki actually desperate enough that she'd date Ishigami?

Everyone in pic related is VERY VERY heterosexual!!

Attached: WAR CRIMES CRIMINAL.jpg (824x3040, 1.12M)

No, but really yes, but not actually, but yes.

Ew. A bully like Ishigami? Nah, nobody's THAT desperate

Reminder that this is the cutest Miko with her autistic hand position and awkwardly whispered cheer.

Attached: H4.png (813x1250, 476K)

Stop kidding yourself, Tsundere-senpai

a bro will date his bro if he's desperate enough

Just look how uncertain she is, how she has absolutely no idea what to do with her hands, or what she should say or do. That uncertain facial expression that shifts into a look of determination.

I want to see this Miko again some day.

Attached: H7.png (817x1250, 323K)


what did shirogane and fujiwara mean by this?

Attached: 07.png (836x1300, 372K)

>Tsubame goes and ruins the moment

>beta T-rex pose
>nobody can hear her over the crowd
>made absolutely no difference
Yup, she's shit

Attached: rmzi3kvxqp3y.png (1330x1070, 1.07M)

Can't wait to see Miko getting sister-zoned.
The tears are going to be delicious.

They meant that he needed to have support from other people outside his inner circle and realize that not everybody is a bad person.
This thing needs to happen to Iino too

me too

They wanted to teach Ishigami to trust normies again, and Miko is just a fellow autist.
>>beta T-rex pose
It's adorable. She just needs to force more determination into it next time Ishigami needs cheering on.

I find it quite amazing how a manga can go on for over 150 chapters and still not have any character development whatsoever.

More like daughterzoned
At this point Ishigami sounds more like a father than anything

Miko will mature enough to Usagi Drop him, don't worry.

they sunk the ishimiko ship before it could leave port

Miko will get another chance to show her support for Ishigami.

The best friends one could ask for.

don't remind me about that please

Based pres is a fellow Tsubamechad.

i never finished shokugeki did megumi win?

No. Oh, I though you were talking about a Shokugeki. Love wise? No.

>winning anything
user, I'm so sorry

>Prez and F block Miko's path and set up the Tsubame route
>Kaguya then trains him so he can stand up and open the route
>Mystic Cuckqueen Maki lends her strength to the cause
Indeed, mandate of Heaven dictates Tsubame to be endgame.

Why are you putting yourself through this? Why are you deluding yourself, just so you can get angry and miserable when Tsubame drops out of the bowl?

Well you see user, I'm literally just fishing for replies

Sums up a lot of posts in this thread pretty well honestly

>Mikeks are getting increasingly more nervous as Tsubame get more spotlight in the last chapter
You can literally smell their insecurity.

This arc pretty much confirms a Tsubame win. There's no way Aka would put this much attention on her and not make her the victor, right?


you underestimate the shit taste of the Japanese.

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Why can't Mikofags come up with original responses?

They are as childish and inmature as the girl they like

cope harder

Isn't that the type of girlfriend Ishigami wants?

Attached: p10.png (837x1250, 309K)

Can't wait for him to sperg out on the midget

Can't wait for him to spunk on the midget

Wouldn't Miko be a good fit for Ishigami considering he wants to be affectionate and she's starved for it?

He's overly nice and wants to help people, and Miko is unbearably helpless to a dangerous degree. He's essentially made to prevent a doujin from becoming reality.


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After a reread of the older chapter,
I think I have a pretty solid theory of what is going to happen next chapter.
It is going to be a callback to ch35.
>All three of them will end up sleeping together somehow
>some lewd moment
>Miko woke up and freak the fuck out
>Fell off the bed and broke her arm
>They are too embarrass to talk about it the next day
People talks about how Tsubame looks sad past flashback; but it actually looks more like an embarrassed reminiscing face to me.

The "Ishigami rush to the train" scenario people theorised doesn't sound humourous and doesn't explain why they are embarrassed.

Attached: 14 (1).png (820x1250, 297K)

Fuck this IshigaME rubbish, just look how much shitposting the arc about the LITERALLY ME character was brought upon us. Seriously, just look at how generic his entire storyline feels, especially this current arc. This whole love-triangle thing is just vexing, and we even have retarded shipping wars, SHIPPING WARS in a manga about a pair of dumb love-birds. I just hope this retarded arc ends quickly.

To think some fags here dared to criticise the Iceguya arc whilst probably praising this shit. Fuck you.

You sound mad.

Ishigami's changed a lot, hasn't he?
That would get dangerously codependent, but you're not entirely wrong. Ishigami does provide some things that Miko wants and needs, though he'd need to be more open with her for her to accept it properly.

But what does Miko give in return? She's an autistic T-rex who could barely cheer on Ishigami even if she wanted to. Ishigami might derive some value by protecting her, but that's hardly a balanced relationship. I think Miko is going to have to go through a similar evolution as to Ishigami becoming a Chad and fix up at least a few of her most glaring issues.

Relax bro

Attached: ishigamisverticalharem2.png (695x1106, 506K)

Or to put it in terms of pottery, by the next Election Arc, both Miko and Ishigami will have evolved into someone superficially perfect and admired by the student body as a whole. Outwardly projecting confidence and ability.
Miko drunkenly making a move on Ishigami doesn't sound strange, but how is everyone going to get in the same bed? Is this just to make the three-way joke a reality?


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>intelligent and mature
>recognizes that everybody has different tastes and respects it
>high IQ and quality posts
>cares about Ishigami's happiness and wants his first love to succeed

>Miko should end up with Ishigami because she can't function without him!!!
>I want to mating press Miko!
>*image spamming*

Based! Based! BASED!

>Fine let's pretend Ishigami treat Kaguya like shit. (He isn't and everyone who read Ch. 154 knows)
How does that make Miko insulting Ishigami right?
Miko was simply upholding the school rules.

>No she shouldn't need someone to white knight her all the time.
If you thinks that this is a healthy relationship you are retarded.
No one said that he should be there for her all the time, you dumb autistic mikohater.

>Ishigami already did and she just refused to listen
Where and when? Dropping off comments in comedic scenes doesn't count. You're clearly speedreading if you really believe this.

>Fuck off if you have no better argument.
Not until you go back and stop being a mikohater. You poor sweet summer child

Oh shit Michlan is back.

not really, it will be a new "growing Ishi" arc.
he will realize that his crush forr tsubame is really childish and he doesn't like her, he likes the idea of her that he has in his head: the first popular girl that was gentle with him.
About Lino/Kino I don't know why the author is showing her in that light everytime, I don't know if he likes to tease the shippers or if she will become the real thing later.

BTW we all know that Ishi will bang subject F.

Honestly Tsubame ruined the whole manga.

Her unnecessary addition and Ishigami's crush on her are just prolonging it all.

Am I the only who doesn't give a shit about prez and Kaguya?


Can't the waifuwar faggots in this thread make an argument without shitting on the opposing character?
I thought Kaguyafags are above Toubuntards.

The truth is Aka is a hack who stole character traits 1 to 1 from Toubun, We have a fattie for god sakes I'm sure you can connect who the other quints Aka stole are.

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of pro-Miko posts that don't shit on Tsubame.

Blame Tsubame for learning snek moves

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There is literally one faggot that shits up the thread with stale bait on a cooldown, and he's there from toubun threads. The only way you stop "the waifuwar faggots" is by not responding to him.

Not really
>playing mindgame - the premise of this fucking manga is a snek move
Kaguya must be a Cobras then.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. It's always the same group of waifufags doing this shit. They move from romcom series to romcom series looking for reasons to start character wars.
Characterfags are the worst.

>miko is irowhore/ewwy tier shit

Kaguya is the black mamba, and we love her for that.
Unless it's Ice, her mindgames were atrocious.

The fact you actually had spent the time to recognize the trend should disturb you more.

>being unable to recognize autism at this point
He's about as annoying as ack, but way less spammy.

>Not really
I've been making them, other than the "What if Tsubame turns out to be a secret psychopath and Kaguya is a horror manga?" posts. And those are less shitting on Tsubame, and more idle speculation for fun.

The major difference between Kaguya and Tsubame is that Kaguya is a awkward teen whose transgressions could be forgiven,
Tsubame is a ADULT SLUT who DRUGS Kouhais LIES and has PSYCHOPATHIC tendency's.

>Tsubame is a ADULT SLUT who DRUGS Kouhais LIES and has PSYCHOPATHIC tendency's.
That only makes her better
>your 3 year older gf who is secretly yandere for you
Is the hottest thing you could make with Tsubame.

Imagine actually reading Toubun

>About Lino/Kino I don't know why the author is showing her in that light everytime, I don't know if he likes to tease the shippers or if she will become the real thing later.
At the very least she's sure to get a lot of development alongside him. Even her character sheet talked about how much she needed to develop.

that is what makes Kaguya a good manga: a good author who builds good characters that develope during the story.

Why is Yea Forums suddenly so obsessed with this series?


5-Toubun is also a good manga.

The headmaster says so which is practically saying Aka says so

>good author who builds good characters that develope during the story.
So... pretty much every manga ever written?

Fuck off we just proved without a benefit of the doubt that Aka is a hack!

would it have been more exciting if tsubame took Lino's place in the stuco?

In most manga the development of a character is almost non existent.

>characters that go through logical and meaningful development throughout the story
>the vast majority of manga
Pick one

Not throwing shade at manga specifically, the vast majority of writers in any medium don't do it well, manga is no different

Get this, this all happened just a while ago, like, 15 minutes or so ago, not even kidding how relevant it is.
So, this woman entered my law office and wants me to end their marriage in court. And I ask why and she says ot's because she doesn't love her husband anymore, and I ask why, and she says it's because his husband does nothing to support her while she supports her all the way, and I told her I TOTALLY AGREE! I, mean, a husband and wife have so support each other I told her, and she says humans arent perfect, they have flaws, EVERY SINGLE ONE, and they all need support, which is 100% TRUE, I told her that a bunch of fucking idiots think that a man supporting her lover is bad, in fact it's a fucking obligation in marriage to support each other when one's in trouble, its a goddamn requirement for true love to prosper.

Now see how relevant that is in this discussion.
>but muh 3dpd
Please romance is essentially a 3dpd matter

wrong thread


>Why can't people just respect his wish instead of forcing to ship him with another character?
Yeah you should tell that to Aka instead since he is the fucking asshole turning this ship in the shittiest possible direction

Who'd want to hang out with a grade school girl?


I'm glad those fat pigs in America have finally fell asleep so we won't have to deal with them shit posting about Tsubame a terrible character all of us in the old world agree to be a blight on this manga.

>Tsubamekeks really never learn
Almost feel bad for them... Pfft!

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I posted it because it's okay for both to support each other like Miko and Ishigami do, it's a winning formula for love.
It's a marriage obligation to support each other's flaws and the family.
That's what these stupid miko haters and tsubame cocksuckers cant fathom in their head.

stop using this precious daughterfu for your awful shitposts

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Seriously though, Fujiwara x Hayasaka actually kinda works. Fujiwara is a major weakness for Hayasaka.

Except for the fact they're both straight.

Aka will use that situation to destroy all of the /u/fags at the same time. I can't wait

Everyone's straight right up until the point where they aren't.

based daddyposter

So, I'm quite behind the newest chapters.. Is it true that Fujiwara is a dyke after all?

>>Miko deserves Ishigami.
>But when it comes to all these compatible characters, Miko is the most childish, high-maintenance rapebait that actively tries to turn Ishi into a dork like herself
>If you care about Ishigami, you wouldn't want him to end up with her

>Like she act like a total cunt and insult Ishigami everytime for no reason?
>It's basically one sided tolerant from Ishigami
She literally the worst girl add that she was crying like bitch because Ishigami is bad with her but she cunt and insult him since her first chapter

No, she's disgusted by them and desperately tries to appease them with words to send them off.

Why does Maki draw in so much hatred? Because she insults the literally me character?

Everyone loves Maki.

Oh Jesus. I can already tell July is going to be fucking awful.

Read the manga and stop baiting without knowing the source material, newfriend

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Stop dumping your dead thread

Silly newfag doesn't know the meaning of words.

why did you dump the thread, shilly user?
that was my last pic for the thread

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Ishi x Tsubame sexy time.
Miko wake up and trying to turn it into a threesome.
Basically Miko just tried to rape Tsubame and Tsubame broke her arm in self defence.

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>Tsubame broke her arm in self defence

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>Bollywood musical of Kaguya

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>still reading redditguya

>tfw No Gilbert and Sullivan Mikado Musical arc

Maybe it's something related to the Saha club?
Or maybe it's for the honeymoon arc.

that particular arc is going to take place on the moon

Of course, how absolutely baka of me.

This new development with Miko after breaking her arm is truly unexpected.

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What's this from?

"You loved me so much it hurt". Manga by that one Ryona female mangaka. And yes, the story is just as fucked as her doujins.


F meltdown arc when

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Miko's going to have her own Chad evolution arc where she becomes dramatically more popular.

>implying she isn't the one pulling the strings.

Why the hell is your image cut?

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Am I missing something or what's her plan for lying about the time to Ishigami?

It seems like she wants him to stay over but wouldn't saying it's 10 minutes earlier than it actually is make Ishigami think he still has a chance to catch the train and thus leave?

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what the fuck is up with the quality

The station is probably really close by. She's tricking him into staying just a little longer so he will miss the train.

>spend some time with senpai
>by the time he gets up to leave it will already be past 12:40 and he'll have missed the last train
>decides to stay the night with senpai

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How can this many anons be so silly is beyond me.
Think about it in the right order: right now he can definitely still catch the train, or she wouldn't lie.
What if she did as you say and told him it's already too late? He'd probably go check on his phone, not necessairly out of mistrust but just in panic and to see if the hour on her phone is correct. So it's not safe to do that.
So she told him it's still early, so he'll relax and still stay a little while. When he'll check the time again and see it's too late, he would just think he lost track of the time and not suspect her.

10 minutes just seems like such a minor amount of time. The difference between "I only have 13 minutes to catch the train" vs "I only have 23 minutes left to catch the train" seems nebulous to me. I personally wouldn't change my schedule and waste any time dicking around either way so I couldn't really see why Ishigami would. Without established knowledge of how far the station is either it's even more difficult to determine the exact details of her plan.

The station is very close

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Tsubame senpai has a black gapping vagina.
Miko has a very cute pink pussy.

>8 minutes

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It's minor because that way he'll surely think it was just a miscalculation in his side, you can't do this with a big amount of time.
Also she lives there, she knows how far the station is.

Right after the L meltdown

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Because if he wastes even 5 minutes, he'll have barely enough time to reach the train. Ishigami needs to get going now if he wants to be sure he'll make it.

How does Kaguya manage to make it look /fa/?

You can feel the love coming from those tards.

I bet it was Kaguya who chose it anyway.

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source? it looks like an anime pic

>Would Fujiwara be able to keep her mouth shut on them dating if she found out about it?

Hard to say. I disagree with , since she already spilled the beans to Moeha about Prez sucking at everything when she went meltdown on the school festival. She might go full berserk once she realizes she has been left out of love stuff AGAIN, but two people really close to her, too.

Is Iino's dress the type that you can pull down from behind and reveal the whole titties

Dunno, try wearing it and see for yourself.

Looks like it. She definitely has the most revealing dress at the whole party. I'd say her dress and makeup is her version of Ishigami's slang. She was overdoing it until Onodera corrected her, but she still stands out.

That was a big emergency and she had to say it to prevent her sister from falling for THAT.
Fujiwara wouldn't be able to deal with having him as family, otherwise she's kept it strictly a secret.

Ty for new manga to read tonight

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Congratulations you have the biggest brain in the thread.

There's too many anons who are quite dumb

>Still not 4koma translation
Then why the fuck is this still on?

TL user was on anime expo or something. He said it would be later than usual.

Can't really blame him for not sticking around for this kind of thread.

These threads used to be so good...

there's something hot about sanpaku eyes

After the anime this was expected

Why is Tsubame using Ishigami as her path to her lesbian crush, Miko? That's fucked up.

I want her to WIN

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She'll win either way.
Designated consolidation prize.

Why to you hate Ishigami so much?

Why to you hate Miko so much?

Why to you hate Tsubame so much?


Miko is cute

But HOW would you like her to win?

Consider things. Miko's perspective on Ishigami has already changed somewhat after he was a little nice to her. She's already collected a fair number of tokens that could further raise her affection levels. But falling in love with Ishi won't get him to give her head.

For Miko to win, she'd have to do something for Ishigami, no doubt. For them to be proper friends, it's still Miko who's going to have to reach out. Ishigami already sympathizes with her troubles. But what could Miko do for Ishigami in the here and now?

Suck his dick after Tsubame rejects him?

Maybe he finds out that she was the one who stood up for him after he was expelled.

And he'd be grateful, which is the normal human reaction, not suddenly fall in love with her.
>oh this person did something great for me I guess I love her now
If this was how it worked, Ishigami would be part of prez's harem.

She can't win against Tsubame
Aka will just set Tsubame to reject him and have her as a second option
As pathetic as it sounds

I doubt it would be that simple with Miko around
After she drops the bomb, Ishigami will probably say something that annoys her, then they get into a heated argument after which they slowly start being a bit more honest with each other

And that leads to love how exactly?
Being grateful to her doesn't even mean they'd stop bitching, he already respects what she does and her personality in general.
She's the one who needs to tone down her bullshit in the first place.

That would improve things, but it's not enough on its own.

At this time I'm expecting the Miko/Tsubame war to be one of accidental self-sabotage. Tsubame lied about the time so she could hang out with Ishigami longer, likely leading to him breaking Miko's arm so he has to spend even more time taking care of her. She gambled for a night or day, and handed Miko weeks at the cost of an arm.

What Miko does with her Ishigami time will either win or lose her points. She'll either make progress or self-sabotage. Maybe both.

>She can't win against Tsubame
What do we even know about Tsubame?

She's super nice, smart, has a truly good and likeable personality and is kinda quirky, also really likes having fun.
There's also the whole
>if I fell in love I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about the other person

Don't believe her lies.

>She can't win against Tsubame
Why not. What if Tsubame hasn't developed any feelings for him yet and sees that Ishigami is a better fit with Miko.

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What if there's a lot more to Tsubame that Ishigami knows nothing about?

She's in the process of getting to know him better, which she thinks he asked for in the first place.
This is how a healthy relationship works, instead of
>this person did something good for me once
>so yasashii
>that means I'll love him the rest of my life
that is haremshit in general.

You are literally describing what i said
Tsubame rejecting Ishigami is the only way Iino can get him

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I'm an Iino guy myself but realistically speaking, with how things are going, unless Aka is a complete hack the only way Iino is going to win is by default after Tsubame rejects Ishigami. Regardless of how Tsubame feels, the way the manga has developed so far Ishigami only sees Iino as a "little sister" figure who he has to protect.

There's also getting to know both Tsubame and Miko better.

That's the shittiest outcome Aka could write.

She doesn't treat Ishigami like garbage

2 days till spoilers !!

Why didn't Tsubane just walk Ishi and Iino to the train station. Just act the concerned host. Use the time to butter him up.

Miko neither. I'm sure she's not insulting her garbage 24/7.

>And that leads to love how exactly?
Shippers don't understand that.

let's all agree not to make another thread after this dies ok?

Because that way he misses the train and she gets some more time while the cab arrives or whatever.
It's a fairly innocent lie that stalls him for like 20 more minutes and they can spend some alone time.

She has BETTER and BIGGER plans.

I miss Iceguya already, bros.

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I don't and I hope she stays buried forever in Kaguya's mind.
We finally reached peak dere Kaguya and she has to stay.

But think about the sex

>so far Ishigami only sees Iino as a "little sister" figure who he has to protect.
Replace "little sister" with "retarded daughter" and you're gold.
Ishigami isn't the only one babysitting her either.

>tfw I kinda agree with the Mikoposter from the start of the thread

This is fairly obvious which confuses me why people think it would happen with no development or progression on Miko's part. A ton has to happen before then so right now, like where the manga is clearly leading to at the moment, Miko's needs to take the first step in changing their relationship before anything can be expected to happen.

As a fellow mikoposter you really shouldn't.

no you don't

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I honestly dislike how Aka is going with this, there's surely a more natural way of having them develop a better relationship that isn't
>breaking her arm so they are forced to spend time together
>she comes off as a cunt because she's literally guilt tripping him into doing so

>Spite him just because he is there

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I mean from what we've seen so far, the guilt tripping is only banter for comedic purposes, no?

How hard is her Dere switch going to turn on when Ishigami makes a "motivational" tape for her?

Not him, so I'll describe another scenario. Tsubame really wants to get to know Ishigami better before making a decision. Of course, her present perspective is warped by his bold "confession". She misunderstands Ishigami as a far more confident person than he is. When that's cleared up, she will have to reevaluate everything she's thought she learned about him, and also if he's really even into her. Which could be a dramatic moment for Ishigami to confess.

On Ishigami's side, he will be learning about Tsubame as well. So far, it's become quite clear that he's really not familiar with her at all. Of course, he will be getting to know a Tsubame who thinks he confessed to her. Still, it's entirely possible that getting to know Tsubame better will actually make him less interested.

For (You)

>when Ishigami makes a "motivational" tape for her
The tape should be sounds of him fucking Sempai bareback.

And it's very likely that things will already change drastically in the next few chapters. Her smug teasing from a few chapters ago doesn't fit at all with her current attitude and the stuff she admitted while drunk. It's going to take a big development for that to make sense.
They may very well have already sorted out their issues.
Pretty much. It seemed like she was just teasing him. I'm sure she knows he'd help her even without her guilt tripping him. She even said he didn't need to feel responsible.

Fanfic/10, people don't work this way.

I don't mind it at the moment, the goal of this current arc imo is to get them where Miko was tried and failed to in 140, to put aside their differences and just try to be friends from now on, the change is clearly being setup to come from her, probably realizing this is no way to start a friendship and being self aware of her role in why they haven't been able to get along, so I just want to see where it goes, it could be bad but the current direction feels fine personally.

Don't work which way? Getting to know someone better can alter one's relationship in a number of ways. Why would Tsubame even bother if people didn't work that way?

>Don't work which way?
People don't spend a fuckton of times together to go "nuh-oh that wasn't fun".

I dunno. It's not like people don't break up or have divorces.

I think my thing is that I genuinely didn't get the malicious manipulation out of how she was acting in 152 like other people. Like the easy assumption you can make from this current chapter is that she's using her injury to try and get them him to spend time with her so they'll be friends, she's forcing it and I think that's the realization she'll make eventually. If she wants to be friends she needs to be honest and clear up their misconceptions about each other.

>It's not like people don't break up or have divorces.
That's after even longer periods of time.
Together, way after hooking up.

Same principle in the end. Getting to know someone better could make them more or less attractive. Ishigami doesn't know much about Tsubame at all. She could be a lot different than he believes, which could entirely change his perspective on her.

Like if he discovered she ate babies, for an extreme example.

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Shit character.

Cute character

>She could be a lot different than he believes, which could entirely change his perspective on her.
Well Moeha already has torture dungeons and Kashiwagi will soon be a crazy teen mommy, so she doesn't have that much to pick from.
>Like if he discovered she ate babies, for an extreme example.
This isn't the manga for that, it's a silly comedy with retarded teenagers actually being retarded teenagers for once.

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