user, give me your piss bottle
User, give me your piss bottle
here you go
My wha-
I use the toilet like any rational being
Is this thing male or female
Female (male)
Which do you want it to be?
reminder that the reason Kilua can have her grant his wishes without any downsides is because unlike the rest of his family, he respects his little sister's pronouns.
Is HxH tranny propaganda?
You have to go back.
I’ll take that as a yes
>piss bottle
What sort of dumb nigger has a piss bottle? The proper way is a piss sock.
The artstyle of that comic is fucking disgusting.
no its actually transphobic because togashi shoehorns trannies in it to fuel his deviant fetishes
It really depend if you see her as a human being or just a host for a calamity
>piss sock
Very based.
>implying it is a human being
The jokes on you. I don't use piss bottles especially since my piss stream forks and the head does not fit into the opening.
I will give you this carton that used to be filled with spring water. The opening is wide enough for convenience.
How long until she ends up joining the spiders?
why doesn't killua just wish alluka had a vagina
>he fell for the toilet meme
Hisoka will die of old age.
This character is pretty much everything wrong with HxH in one package.
>awful design
>edgy power
>lame as fuck ending
>drink bottled piss
Who gives a shit
it's a hanny
MHA cuck admits he doesn't know how to read
shut up hiatusfag
i remember user who posted his collection of piss bottles. he posted each year.
It was bottles of cum not piss but there have been piss bottles posted, mine included
Does it matter? Dick her anyways.
Yes, no wait, maybe.