Allrighty folks first episode of the isekai of the season today. Ready for some trashy chuuni F U N?
Allrighty folks first episode of the isekai of the season today. Ready for some trashy chuuni F U N?
I heard the MC fucks the vampire, that's what I'm here for.
I heard the MC has like seven wives, that's what I'm here for.
I heard that's why MC is here for, that's what I'm here for.
Can't wait for this garbage to sell below 2k and be forgotten next season.
cringe but also pseudo-based
It's more accurate to say the vampire fucks the MC, but that will probably get cut almost entirely.
I can't believe a studio in japan thought
>this is a good story
>lets animate it
i dont like that tio is so into anal. shes my favorite otherwise.
anal is so boring.
They animated Re:zero and made bank.
There's nothing special about the story but it's fun, at least
This is airing today? Their twitter is on a countdown and yesterday said 5 days left.
This nigger fucks a loli. Like 8 times right in the beginning. You think they will show that?
Doesn't it air on monday though? Is there pre air today?
How has she only gotten pregnant after 10 years? Metamorphosis magic?
I think OP got it wrong
It airs on monday
How did she even get pregnant in the first place? Bitch is undead. How the fuck does his dick even work again? Nigga has had so many injuries you'd figure he'd only have a hole by now.
She's not undead
>His iron forged will to survive had made him become extremely ruthless and capable of killing any person who wants to cause him misfortune or get in his way. He would also smile in front of danger which made Shea call him a new species of monster called "Predator"
> He may be merciless, but he deeply cares for his comrades which is the last and only fragment of his lost kindness.
He wasn't even betrayed that badly for him to completely hate people
>Hajime's base stats gets increased based on his usage of Skills "Limit Break" which triples his base stats, and "Overload" which quintuples his base stats. He can also further boost his base stats, with the help of "Evolution Magic" and by using a mineral supplement drink which he created, named "CheatMate" that has the ability to double a persons base stats.
> Combat Styles & Techniques
>Gun Fu - is a martial arts where the user uses firearms to fight.
>Gun Fu
>108 Harassment Demon King Style - I won’t say just once, want to try dying no matter how many times?
>This harassment is carried out with the help of bel Agartha , were hajime kill the target then revive him with bel Agartha and then kill him again, repeating this process over and over again until the target surrender himself.
Hilarity goldmine holy fuck, does novels take themselves seriously, or is there some self awareness to this crap?
After Orcus it becomes a self-aware comedy
I never knew dumb rabbit's hair was light blue
>reads thousands of pages on LN
>none of those titles exists
>goes on Yea Forums
>guy reads 1 page of wikia
>posts about self awareness
>posts fat loser, unironically
It's from the afterstory
Now this is mega cringe
There is a pre-air of the first two episodes but it isn't until Sunday.
You think they will show that?
Not on-air. That'll be in the two BD-only episodes.
That's not just what the studio did. They sent a B team to animate it, then when the LN fans complain about the subpar character design they went "wow, this story is too good to be given such a subpar adaptation". So they sacked the team, replace them with a new better one and delayed the adaptation by 1 year.
which one is more kino between this and kino seeker?
Don't compare this garbage to kino seeker.
I actually did enjoy the first volume but after that it gets so ridiculously chuuni that I'm not entirely convinced it's not a parody.
MC's attitude to the vampire creeps me out.
>gets OP powers at the start of the series
>instantly gets a 10/10 love interest that quickly expands into a harem
Its shit.
Holy shit. It's literally on "Nothing personnel, kid" tier.
*AHEM* tink tink tink
I like Dies irae chuuni but looking at Arifureta makes me uncomfortable desu. What's wrong with me?
I'd call this show garbage but you can burn garbage to make electricity. Arifureta is literally worth less than garbage.
>trap a naked vampire loli in a block of stone
>dont put a vibrator on her clit or keep a tentacle monster to rape her for the thousands of years she's imprisoned
Whoever did this was a total moron.
CUNNY vampire
see this
he became self aware of how cringy he is later on the story
the sad part is the MC actually had a power that could have been useful at the start of the series, then it gets thrown away for "lol im stronger than the heroes in this setting!!!!"
stay mad, shounen boy
What power?
it has nothing to do with shounen battles. the MC getting OP powers instantly just makes every obstacle trivial.
>oh theres an army opposing us? i will just flex my muscles lol.
>we got attacked by monsters, i will just stand here and look cool while my girls handle it with zero possibility of danger
>we are exploring a dungeon full of traps made by a super powerful mage, but thats okay because im EVEN MORE OP LOL
i think it's the one where if he eats something he gains that thing's power.
That's not the power, just a deus ex machina.
His power is transmutation but is so shitty is almost useless at the beginning.
I don't see any problem with any of those
The premise is that the MC is "the world's strongest", that's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just a premise, it depends on how the story deals with it and what the story is trying to show. One way to mess up this kind of premise is to make the MC overpowered without any "good" reason and not elaborate how their abilities make them overpowered. What I find appealing/entertaining about "le MC is the strongest" is how the MC interacts with the other characters and how they react to the MC's feats.
Big Girl
Everyone's like wooooow while one of the girls blackmails him into doing stuff because he doesnt want anyone find out his DARK history.
But it doesn't get thrown away, and he's stronger mostly because of the weapons that he mass produces
He should've used his intimidation on her
I’m 7 or 8 volumes in and even if it’s very self aware it’s definitely not parodical.
looks like someone is angry at alphas. so buttblasted. look at that tirade of nonstop anger.
just remember that cool guy who got girl you liked before is the bad guy. you are the good guy.
kouhai-chan best girl
>The premise is that the MC is "the world's strongest", that's not necessarily a bad thing,
You are right, look at one punch man. The thing is in one punch man, the focus isnt on Saitama most of the time, its on the other heroes. Saitama is just used as a storytelling device. Most of the sea king chapters didnt even have Saitama in it.
The problem is that arifureta doesnt do this, the focus is on the MC, so every arc is basically the MC flexing his muscles and making girls wet.
I stopped reading at one punch man.
I wouldn't mind OPM being focused on Saitama, though. The current arc with all the S-class heroes has been extremely tedious except for the Tatsumaki scenes, so it isn't only about balancing the focus of the story, I'd say the focus a character gets should be proportional to how interesting they are as a character
>The problem is that arifureta doesnt do this, the focus is on the MC, so every arc is basically the MC flexing his muscles and making girls wet.
That's arguable
Not your blog
Because re zero is good
It made bank thanks to waifubait.
Are there pics of the earlier shit designs or comparisons?
I honestly like Arifureta, however the only thing that irritates me is that it takes him another 8 volumes to accept the rest of his harem.
Here's the original key visual that pissed people off.
I've read it so no reason to watch.
After first volume it gets boring, I should've dropped sooner.
Oh right the only good thing is that the author isn't a pussy and MC fucks the loli.
Are you one of those losers who wanted it to be super edgy and dark?
Half are already shown within a few first volumes you liar. Others he presumably acquires later.
Kino seeker is dead for eternity, right?
It's just boring.
yfw the superior isekai will air 1 hour later on the same day.
I thought it was a few more days from now?