Times the anime was better than the manga

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Agreed, considering Tomoko's acceptance and indulgence of isolation is far more true to real life and what actually happened in the author's life.

The author is a successful author though

he admitted he was friendless throughout his whole school life.

I'd be fine with her getting friends if it was the ending but going beyond that (and making her a h*mosexual) is just generic

Trigun, fight me.


Battle Tendency
not the other parts though, just battle tendency


Cromartie high
Gintama on many chapters

Elfen Lied. Only diaperfags would disagree.


Aho Girl was better than the manga, due to good comedic timing and casting

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Manga is cute, but anime was just great.

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Every Kyoani anime

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Agree. Legato was way better and Wolfwood's backstory in the manga was stupid. Manga just dragged on.

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I'd argue about part 5 but the finale will be the decisive factor in that regard.

The manga is great but the anime adds a lot with the voices, music and shaft doing weird shit. Pity only half of it is adapted.

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This is correct. Anime >> Manga. The only thing that was definitely better in the M. was the completion of Bando's arc where he becomes Best Guy (briefly, for about two seconds before he dies).
The worst thing in the anime is where they try to acknowledge the second half of the manga, with the stupid "Is that Lucy?" figure at the very end. Lucy dying nobly & Nana living happily was a good ending.

(Nana = best girl. Lynn Okamoto in an interview said was his favourite. Well done LO, you crazed lunatic, you got one thing right.)

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very wrong

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>and making her a h*mosexual
Did you miss all those times she got aroused by Yuu-chan?

I recall him saying that there were a few people he hung out with at some point, the artist was the one who was straight up friendless.

the ending kinda scuked dick

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>Lucky Star
Also yes

pic unrelated
btw fuck loners just get out and make friends