
Can you date Komoe?

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Other urls found in this thread:


All I can see is a Kihara rolling Crolwey around in his tube as he dates someone

Anyone tried rerolling yet?

Probably Noukan

Installing the game a second time is a pain in the fucking neck let me tell you, but the actual tutorial is pretty short since you can skip the cutscenes.

>app still won't install

Attached: 1553319734482.jpg (400x400, 30K)

Does it work if you simply just clear the cache on your phone, rather than reinstalling the whole thing?

All the Railsluts were pretty low rarity. I expected them to be higher.

Eh from what I saw the models ain’t exactly the best but also
>all these characters assist while fucking Misaki gets to slap people with her shitty bag

Probably. She's on the character list like aleister

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-034525_IF.jpg (1920x1080, 1.04M)

Didn't try that. I got some sort of reinstall from the moon menu, but that didn't do anything (might be for when you think your file is corrupted and want to save your data) so I just went all in. I also just don't think I can do so on my iphone

is there an oriana in her regular outfit? the preview stream only showed her worker disguise.

Attached: orianaThomson_smile-09b8a3974e9a4ebdd855bb9a4bcfa23a58856d20b387dd09ea66508d75cab794.png (946x1536, 72K)

Yes there is.

There's only one version of Oriana at one star. We do get THREE STIYLS though. So I'm excited about that.

There's two

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-035802_IF.jpg (1920x1080, 945K)

>no NT Content
This is going to be OT hell for awhile isn't it?

Attached: 1552755783157.gif (500x500, 107K)

Probably, my only solace is that this hardly looks like it'll take a long time to make updates for.

>all the characters you like aren't battle characters
might as well not even play then

I can still date Aleister as an assist character though. Plus I'll just main Izzard and Stiyl.

>a while
two years minimum

You can date and interact with assist characters too

I have a OnePlus 6T. Will my phone be able to handle this bros?

I just want them as mains, dating is boring

I mean, at least I have a 3 star this time but I hardly care about her.

My phone is trash and running it just fine.

Whats your favorite character?

Yeah you'll be good

Clearing cache doesnt work, I cleared the data and it reseted my ID

Is that the in game option? On the title screen?

Did you mean to say remembered? Because you *want* it to reset your ID so you can roll again.

My favorite is definitely not gonna be playable anytime soon, my main gripe is someone like Yomikawa being benched instead of characters who literally are in series supports

Your cards' cap level is the same as your rank level.
If your rank is 5, for example, you can only level your cards until lvl 5.

Have you tried it on a device that supports arm64-v8a? Because that seems to be the issue based on the error message I get in the logs.

Attached: this kills the emufags.jpg (387x21, 4K)

No, from the app settings

Clearing the cache and deleting the data(basically reinstalling) are different things. Its not a big download so its no problem

Yeah the "who is a battle character and who is an assist character" divide seems pretty arbitrary. Otherwise it's alright though. Will be a lot better when it too gets out of OT hell though.

that's illegal

>SSR animation
Holy shit
>Misaka Worst

>You actually fight Innocentius

This game really makes FGO look amateurish. You guys are so lucky.

1 yen has been deposited in your account. Square Enix thanks you for your service.

I'm really interested to see if 1 and 2 star characters will be able to keep up with 3 stars. supposedly you can upgrade them but in all the kusoge I've played it never works that well.

No, seriously, just compare the two side by side.

Can you kill yourself?
I know you can, but you really need to, take the advice, you're shit, nobody likes you in your life, nobody wants you around here either.
Get off my fucking planet.

The chink mmo is ded, ded

Calm down Xi

>trying to start yet another inner fanbase war
No user, fuck you.

I hope we'll get outfits like this in the new one

Attached: index.jpg (651x499, 120K)

>tfw still can't install it

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You tell them anti-Squarenix user!

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It likely won’t have that many costumes spreaded around a lot of side/irrelevant characters, the MMO does stuff like costume whaling instead of relying on the gacha

Kakine is the True Number One and he will appear in this volume in some way

Three 3*
All Assist

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-023431_IF.jpg (2220x1080, 1.32M)

I'm on the third reroll. I want death

Attached: Fukou... Daa....png (996x673, 467K)

don't all gacha games end up making different versions of characters to keep people rolling?

I know from experience, you'll be waiting forever to get the best girls with squeenix in charge.

Attached: disdain.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Of popular characters yes

The forced 600 MB download is the real killer. It's not too bad speedwise but when I want a specific character 3* it's a real pain.

Same, just give me some 3 star I give half a shit about. It's not even like I'm rerolling for anything great at this point with no NT characters.

Me too.Finally got a rainbow. It was fucking sherry

Makes me wish I could hook a LAN cable to my phone

>Every time I reroll and see this same banner with Kakine Birdway and Othinus on it
>None of them are even in the game
Square why

Patience. They'll be added eventually

How are your Squeenix accounts holding up? I already have an active account, but for some reason it doesn't want to accept it for account binding.

Your what now

Oh no...I...Innocentius!! Help me!!

Attached: 241.jpg (2160x1080, 788K)

Full Raw
とある科学の一方通行アクセラレータ 第10巻
To Aru Kagaku no Ippou Tsuukou 10
To Aru Kagaku no Accelerator Volume 10
특정 과학적 가속기 만화9권
Un Cierto Acelerador Científico Volumen del Manga 10
Un Certain Accélérateur Scientifique Manga Volume 10
Ein Gewisser Wissenschaftlicher Beschleuniger Manga Band 10
บางเล่มที่วิทยาศาสตร์เร่งการ์ตูน 10
Cerita mengenai sisi Ilmu pengetahuan si 'Pedal Gas' dalam sisi tertentu, kartun Volume 10
ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட அறிவியல் முடுக்கி மங்கா தொகுதி 10
أكسيليريتر المعين العلمي المجلد السادس 10
De quodam Accelerator Manga Volume X
A Certain Scientific Accelerator Manga Volume10

>File size: 75.69 MB
Upload date: 04 July 2019 07:35:43 GMT

>Bonus Omake Only (4 pages)

Attached: Toaru_Kagaku_no_Accelerator_(Manga)_Volume_10.jpg (1899x997, 321K)

But then I can't reroll them if they're getting added a few months down the line or after you complete X story chapters user. Not to mention it's kind of shitty in general to advertise shit that isn't actually in your game.

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Ahhhhh, Kanzaki!!!

Attached: 13.jpg (2160x1080, 485K)

I havent had to bind my account yet, still rerolling. Do you not get some kind of code to recover your account like other gachas?

It appears there's more to announce in the Toaru franchise.

Just save up currency and roll for them when the day comes

>Big announcement hasn't happened yet
Told you fags

You don't seem to understand user. One of these is a sure thing (given enough time investment), and the other is not. At least, it didn't look like there was any sort of spark mechanic when I looked it over.

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Almost any mobile game now makes fgo look like crap. This is not an achievement. Look, for example, at Honkai Impact.

Railgun D trailer soon.

The only real bad part here is that it seems to have early bird rewards, meaning you want to get your rerolls done asap rather than put it off for a few days. Otherwise I probably wouldn't care much about rerolling or possibly waiting for new characters to come out, this way though you will be permanently behind other people in terms of how many chances at the lottery you get if you put it off.


Has already been announced.

NT anime is coming.

Why do they continue to use this ugly "anime" design? If not Haimura, why not hire a good artist to do all the art? Like Pyuma Isshi.

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Sacking Nishikiori

I guess the characters that can attack in all 3 directions are going to be the best for farming?
Since farming is all mobages are I guess they're high on the gameplayfag tierlist


I'd rather an average consistent artstyle than to pull the "bring in random artists and hope for the best" roulette FGO and Fire Emblem did.

It looks like you can get character crystals through hard mode. Now if they can actually unlock characters like other mobage is another story.

It seems like the directions are offset by your damage, so those might be good for mob clears, if the farming has those, but single arrows to do more damage to bosses are also good to have in the party.

Pyuma can only draw mikoto

And then of course there's the elements, though I'm sure high levelled characters will be able to clear off element anyways

You guys are saving for the good character, right?

Nah, farm.

Yes, I am saving for hoodie Touma,

Attached: 1554672696079.jpg (1620x1520, 176K)

>tfw just want SSR Kuroko
>Stiyl and Assist is all I get
I almost want to start settling for 1* Kuroko but it feels like I've spent too much time rerolling for that.

>Am I rerolling 1 roll at a time instead of 3
Unless I get something great on the first one, no

>3 3 stars but no Aleister
I guess it's late enough to call it "Good enough" KL and Floris isn't the worst I could have done anyways.

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Scratch that, should have commented after I finished the pull, not just the rainbow ones, make that 4 with Tsuchi

I'm saving for a compatible phone.

Attached: kamirice.png (301x371, 185K)

Emulator, user.

Please tell me when you find one that works.

I dropped 6000 gekotas already but everything I get now will be for Othinus or Junko, whoever gets released as an attack unit first.

They don't work either.


I wish there was a way to save potential good rerolls to keep rerolling.

Hmmm, ok. I did not know that. Is there some kind of emulation protection? Or what?

N Kamachi

NTR kamachi

>tfw finally rolled any version of CHADCELERATOR
>it's an SSR
I win.

I'm not sure anyone's figured out the exact issue, but there was some discussion about it last thread. Just read from here

Can you roll Othinus?

I like remix of Innocentius theme. Not bad.

I rolled a 3* Mikoto, surely she's the most overpowered character since she won the poll

Who's dick did saten have to suck to get 3 assists.



Reminder to make note of your ID when you're satisfied with your rerolling.

How far do you need to get into the story mode to add frens

Not sure, but I just found the ID part in the profile tab on the 5th button. You can use one of the characters you've rolled as an avatar too.

You give Touma food to level up ?
Wow Touma can actually eat something, I am happy for him.

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NT22R Bonus (only physical book)

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Attached: Furenda.jpg (2160x1080, 1.12M)

Can someone rip the sprites so I can edit them pregnant thanks

I hope it actually runs as well

Attached: nothing can stop the emulator.jpg (451x283, 14K)

Who's preggo on the right?

use nox or mumu

So far I've only heard that it doesn't even install on either of those, same for Memu and the regular (not 64 bit) BlueStacks version.

An interview with Abe just dropped.



Attached: Aleistertan.jpg (724x1024, 164K)

What do the fist and book icons mean?

I wanna go out with frenda!

Also an interview with Kamachi and some comments.



Time to destroy some illusions

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Keep us posted, user.

I hope for some high-quality og content. Otherwise, this game will die quickly. (maybe Kamachi will write the plot)

Aaaand it doesn't run. Just goes black screen -> white screen -> background that looks like it could belong to a loadscreen, and then eventually dies to a segfault.
I'm out of time to try more shit right now, so here's the logfile in case anyone wants to perform autism in my stead:
The actual error starts at line 324.

Its gonna be Railgun air date

Why he answer questions with another question

Attached: file.png (467x457, 78K)

So what about Haimura Mikoto artwork he did?

>Who will win Touma-bowl?
-- Index, Birdway, and Otihnus

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What if you don't speak Japanese?

Birdway's feet are very smell and suckable

He looking forward to see Birdway & Othinus Animated?

i want to die inside birdways pantyhose

Can Touma stay dead for at least 3 volumes this time please?

Attached: Champ_Girl.png (841x473, 628K)

Magical Powered Index!!!

Attached: Mi Mikoto.jpg (1200x675, 123K)

Accel-tan is so skinny here. I’ll be sure to feed her lots in the mobage so she puts some weight back on her hips.

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Bonus what? Card? Booklet? Short story?

Haha! Self-cest!

I want her, or 3* Touma. Instead, I got 3* Biribiri both main and assist, fuck her.

She talking about Misaka?

hologram from animate book (look exactly like that)
>no SS for NT22R

Socratic method

Is the Chinese MMO kill? Was it just made so chinks would stop complaining?

Attached: c_05s.jpg (250x141, 15K)

He won't die retard

I know, Kamachi is such a hack

Cope harder, MP.

I see, pretty normal in an interview that doesn’t even span half a page

Perhaps chinks and nips were trying to outjew each other.

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Meigo Arisa?

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I can count like only two doujins of her I consider good.

Ape Touma ver 11.6

"App no installed"

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Stop living in the third world.

Interview with Kamachi on Imaginary Fest. Would be nice if someone could translate it.

Attached: file.png (690x1200, 914K)

It says that he wants to impregnate birdway

>kanzaki (battle character)
>1 star
nigger what?

go to japan, buy 10000yen complete-gacha and get the fuck outta there

Pretty accurate, she is a jobber saint after all

mikoto can finally beat saints now

Who? The Asian Saint?

Mikoto confirm to be cutest girl

>Fuck the anime studio and Fuck the director
Holy shit, based Kamachi.

>The reason Estelle got cucked so hard is because I fucking hate jews
Holy shit, redpilled as FUCK

>Was it Mathers who had said the Secret Chiefs had the physical appearance of those who had drunk the Elixir of Life?
Was Ladylee a Secret Chief that didn't know she was a Secret Chief?

Jews fear the Samurai.

I'm saving for the English release.

Japan was one of the axis powers to straight up refuse hitlers demands to enact anti jewish laws and even took in jewish refugees from poland.

Im saving for a good game

>English release


>being this new
Fuck of (((you)))

Birdway and Othinus will just fold because they know that Touma cares about Index the most. Mikoto, Misaki and Lessar are the real persistent ones. Mikoto and Misaki have a lesbian tendency. Junko and Kuroko would probably join them and have a foursome orgy. Lessar would fuck anybody who has valuable essence. She only wants to get pregnant so she'll just settle with collecting Touma & Accel's sperm inside their respective sex partner pussies while they are sleeping and have a scientist artificiality inseminate her & her gang using the collected sperms. Itsuwa is being pressured by her peers and is better off with their pope's dick. Lolazon & Orsola wants Stiyl's ass. Aleister is inside Lolazon so she will join with them just for the thrills. Kanzaki sucks Tsuchi's dick all the time behind Maika. Anna would put a strap-on and drill a hole on Aiwass's butt so she can peg him while she pulls the dog chain around his neck.

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The other axis power that told Germany to fuck off about the Jews was Italy.

Kinds of silly to say it was an Axis things when 2/3 Axis powers told Hitler to fuck off.

It's common knowledge that Kamachi lurks /raildex/ for fan theories.

Touma's skinny as fuck

>Not used for countdown
>Not for winner
>Railgun info
>SS cover
Which one is it?

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He should eat more.

For her obituary.

She will just tranfer her conciousness to another MISAKA

Do we know which characters are available?

>Killing anyone let alone a main character

Nice try, Kamikotofag.

Even when he did killed Touma he couldnt keep him dead for more than a volume, NT1 ending peak hack writing

Kamikotofag here, please kill her, she'll get revived anyways.

>“Fool, sexuality and pleasure cannot be ranked by quality or morality. Even the rose represented by 10 petals in Rosicrucianism is a symbol of female reproduction. In other words, it’s a pus-…”

Or she'll recreate herself into mecha Misaka.


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Tap it, user.

Don't forget to water your houseplants user.

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does CM2 still update?
It's already 200gb big for me

>doesn't show what characters are in each banners but the different banners
Thanks japan.

He not done yet

Are there more blonde lolis available?

Attached: Screenshot_20190704_075128_com.square_enix.android_googleplay.index_if.jpg (2340x1080, 1.2M)

I got a 3 star satén though

Use qoo app

When does the Raildex gacha comes out? I thought it was 2-3 days ago

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Oh, please answer me, Aokoposter

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Nevermind. I found myself.
Thanks for nothing, Aoko. Touko is indeed better than you

What is this? Should I Install it?

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People have been posting about it all thread, though I wouldn't expect anything of someone with such shit taste

>what is google play
Boomers are scary.

Wait, so IF isn't on iOS?
Fucking lame

>Index and Othinus like Touma, so they'd just give up and watch if Birdway joins the bowl
You what

>using anything by Google still

Attached: neat.png (602x1327, 932K)

>can't tell the difference between knowing and using
Truly the greatest generation.

Part 3 of the novels dumbasses

fgo came out in 2015

It's implying more than one announcement, moron.

It's literally Priconne so it's not surprising. Look:

so i can go to nip app store and download it now?

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>Is the Chinese MMO kill?
Apparently, its the exact opposite since it's being released in SEA and Korea

It's a cookie cutter menu, priconne, im@s, and a bunch of others use that layout

Too late, FBI is on to you

Not the layout, the game system is almost the same. Down to having the arena PVP battles. They're not making fun of it, just funny.

They better not have taken the grind from cygames then

Attached: 1435018488871.jpg (335x371, 24K)

>saten during her highschool years.gif

>The equipment upgrade system
>The gacha pages of the featured, normal, and free gacha
>"memory fragments" when you get dupes
They're not even trying

what did they mean by this

“IF is for filthy secondaries and only real fans play the MMO” more or less than which is funny

Yeah. Toaru Majutsu no Priconne. I think it runs on the same engine.

Why can't people just accept both games?

He is generally hard liner stance and kind of the outlier so don't worry about it

Well, people seem to be enjoying it at a good pace despite an FGO event going. More buzz than Puzzdex so it should be fine. Login bonus is a 3 star gacha ticket after some point?

t. filthy secondary

Most people are enjoying it.

Lets be serious here, there's really no reason to make any distinction between the two games beyond liking one gameplay over the other. But no need to go after people who like one either way.

That's pretty nice, I can't play it myself cause it doesn't work

Makes some amount of sense, you'd have to be a real die hard to play the MMO with all its flaws

I don't really agree with that statement.
it's flaws doesn't really bother me personally, I just like playing the characters

I don't see any problem with that.
Even this girl was able to give birth.

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There isn't and SAO IF is kind of a dud which won't last long so there's no point from a business stand point. On the bright side, people are saying IF's pull is great, going through the story again is nostalgic and the gameplay is a ton of fun. Just like Priconne though, the struggle to star up your charas is a struggle.

Has anyone tried the TianTian emulator yet? Supposedly it can do 64-bit android just like this Bluestacks version , so you might have a chance with that one.

FGO shoots itself in the foot with every event not named summer lately, the pacing of it has completely gone to shit with lostbelt.

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The porn will keep it popular

So, FGO does it, animated PVs for IF events when?

Even if the bluestacks ver did work, theres no way you'd get me to install bluestacks on my pc. I don't even know what TianTian is

FGO has more money than it knows what to do with. Even the opening to the game is pretty barebones, I wouldnt count on it.

Some chink shit, never heard of it either before today.

Nah. That seems like an FGO only thing because they have support of Sony/Aniplex.

I can't believe the main antagonists of index are an alien that's too tsundere to be a sadist and his masochistic loli that can't get enough pain

>main antagonists
For now.

IF early impressions?

Is there any way I can download the quests Data ?
I have already pressed the download all button in the menu but it hasn't download those.
Rates seem fine to me, got a 3 Styil after only one reroll. I want to learn more about the gameplay and what ability each character has and how it works.
Seems fun thus far though.

>Abe wants to play as Aleister the most

Barely any effort gacha game as evidenced by the copy-paste menu/interface. It's fun but there's no reason to play it after 1 day and can be uninstalled without worry.

Pretty sure he's only exclusively talking about the game here

- Rolls are pretty generous like Priconne so you shouldn't have to worry about that
- Battle system is well thought out and haven't gotten into the whole thing yet
- Story is easy to get through since I know it and the bond events are nice

Worth keeping and enjoying.

Better than expected

Reminds me too much of Priconne minus the auto-battler.

I give it 3.6 stars. Not great, but not terrible.

Alright, game itself is fine, if I knew how to read the skills and assists I'm sure I could get some ok strategy out of it. But the paltry cast and only early OT at the start is quite the shot to the foot to what could have otherwise been great.

nox is chinkshit spyware, just use memu

Abe reads the books so this is hardly surprising

They all are

How much of OT story is in there? Up to OT3? 5?

>people who don't know some of the characters getting introduced to them

Just the end of s1

Hopefully they just limited the amount of characters at launch so they can fabricate some hype by gradually introducing new ones over the first few months. I certainly don't want to wait forever to see NT characters after they already used some for the promotional material.

I mean let's be real they're doing summer before anything

Given they're releasing the story in "seasons" we should be at OT content's end in no time. Othinus, Birdway, Ollerus, Umidori all have been introduced before hand so I'm sure they'll show up.

Yet here I am with Knight Leader and no Fiamma(he's even in the opening lol). I don't know, the characters seem to be a bit of a "oh shit we didn't have as much time as we thought we did" thing than anything.

FGO did the same shit, it's essentially advertising the first year of content. They're probably not gonna get to like Thor and beyond until the 2nd year of the game

Guess I'm making a new light team

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FGOkek here. How do I reroll in this game?

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>all assists
good luck with that

Same as fgo

It's fine it totally doesn't matter that I have no fire battle characters, right?

I'll be pretty impressed if they get to Thor by next year honestly.

It's not the end of the world, but you might need to remake teams for some fights if you have two weaks and one neutral

Is anyone making a wiki or something to catalogue character abilities?

I mean I always told people they expected way too much, especially the branch that thought they were anywhere close to having that "300" character mark finished.

I actually doubt they'd get to Thor that soon

Finish tutorial, do your rolls, hope for at least two 3* characters, clear the data and redownload the game to start over

I knew that 300 characters thing included dupes and variants

I mean with this many assists it wasn't all that out there. Fire emblem had a pretty sizeable roster at launch

yes, but people assumed that there weren't any actual "assist only" characters, at least at launch anyways

We're not even close to 300 even with dupes. There's probably what, 50ish battle and assist characters combined?

I don't recall anyone ever saying there would be no assist only characters. No one ever thought MH was getting a model for example.

I just wonder what the 300 number was meant to be. Characters they already have fixed plans for? Characters that are going to be released within x timespan from launch? The maximum number of characters they're ever planning to put into the game?

Gameplayfag here. Who should I reroll for?

There definitely was. When people was talking about how they'd have to make models for each character within a volume going forward
>they confirmed 300 characters, I'm sure most of the work is done for that

Too early to know who is good or not. A 3 star battle character in general I would suppose.

It's just a hype number, it means absolutely nothing specific generally at least when the Japanese do it.

Can a moon reader tell me if that Mikoto and Touma are actually limited? Or is it just a generic rate up

Sounds like you heard what you wanted to hear. I've never seen anyone claim the assist characters would have models.

Rate up

Triple arrow characters look pretty strong.

Prior to finally being told that MH is actually assist only, people thought that assists could be toggled between main and assist

It's the same for any mobage. Even CyGames. You just gotta wait it out.

Now that's wishful thinking

People thought that some characters might be interchangeable yes, since we saw Index as both. No one had ever claimed that every single character in the game would be both a fighter and an assist. Unless I suppose you have proof?

Miki already elaborated, he said it was going to be a number they reach as the games main focus is to match the Light Novel in amount of characters at some point. So a long term plan. No fucking way they'd have 300 right at the beginning dude.

Whats the point of releasing all the chars on day 1, how will they hype later content if it isnt with new characters?

I think most people were looking forward to at least one newer character, hell even Kakine might've fit that bill

But at the same time Touma and Mikoto are enough for 99% of the people that will play this game

There's 0 reason to release every character off the bat. That means no future support.

Though having Worst, Carissa, and New Light is fairly okay. Means Othinus, Fiamma and such are not far off as they were part of the initial reveal.

it annoys me the most that these characters, including characters in season 1-2 are assist only while the likes of fucking Misaki and Index are combat

They gotta strike a good balance with Battle and Assist characters. I imagine the upcoming swimsuit event that's inevitable is going to change that giving some Combat versions to them. Easy money as there's already people enjoying it b/c of seiyuu.

I only played for 10 means but it gave me a Saiai on my first roll so 10/10

>set it to high quality
>phone has a stroke

Attached: 1527268316033.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

>some people have been rerolling all day

Attached: Sphynx's.jpg (1200x675, 208K)

Attached: file.png (1199x554, 827K)

FUCK 3* assist characters.

Don't let all the cats distract you from Index's ass here

What's your real name?

Attached: Let's hack Kamachi account.jpg (1200x900, 183K)

They probably make them playable as the main story goes along and they have to actually make models for them for the boss fights.

Releasing the characters you advertised isn't "all the characters". There are literally 700 some characters in index, and only like 40 were ever featured in the ads. Ollerus only just showed up in the OP out of nowhere for example, Umidoori and Othinus were in the ads, but no one was expecting Thor or Mathers day 1 for example. There's a big difference in expectations there. Plus, there's always seasonals if you somehow truly did run out of new characters.

It's pretty common for characters who aren't actually in the gacha yet to be showing up though user. FGO, Priconne and GBF do it. Hell some of those take way longer.



Attached: D-pZkNvVAAAPRt7.jpg (576x1024, 75K)

Anti-SquareEnix user BTFO

>Starting with Imaginary Fes, July will be full of various content such as NT22 Reverse/Rebirth and Accelerator! Don't miss Toaru's big wave!
>We will be making new announcements in conjunction with Toaru's big wave! Please be excited!

rip Yomikawa then

I can't because she's not real, but I would if I could.

I already caved in after I heard it was fully voiced.

Attached: 1560570095148.jpg (480x480, 14K)

Never take app reviews seriously, the game is great but reviews from mobages can be bombed or botted to hell depending on how happy some autist is with their rolls

Guys, I think he's just pointing out the mobage review literally spamming "last order"

Part 3 and NT adaptation are my guesses for announcements in a few months

I was actually wondering what the guy was spamming

I can't say I've ever seen GBF do that, unless you're counting ads about the story events. Which is different from them not being in the game *at all*.

Hopefully someone works on a wiki or something to have a database of what every character does.

Last Order

Gamewith is making one I think but I doubt we have enough manpower to make an english one

That's way too much work for me

Time for based js06.

GBF tends to have characters that aren't playable yet but in the story though. They show up eventually. Orchis took a long time.

He said he wasn't gonna play it

But they aren't advertised, is what he means

Ah I get it now.

>Which is different from them not being in the game *at all*
I'm sure people wouldn't really be too upset if we had all those characters that were advertised in the game but not the gacha yet.

>Saiai doesn't have her thunder thighs
Who do I complain to about this and how do I get Kamachi to write them an angry letter

Attached: D-oaql6VUAMZDc2.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

Is Hamazura a main?

Attached: Shiagesuffer.png (1920x1080, 2.13M)

Too bad its story locked. Though I hope they work around this with events.

these models are too scrawny, fuck

I think only OT1-11 characters are playable at launch

The rest of ITEM are playable.

Item is in though

>Hamazura is not even in the fucking game right now

The bigger problem is that Saiai has pants on

Yeah the Railgun S versions, they're obviously gonna add Railgun arcs into the game, Danmachi's did the same with oratoria

Attached: D-nurS7U8AAIlRN.jpg (1200x675, 152K)

Toaru Series is now 31M Sold.
We know Index is at 18M as of recent
Railgun is at 7M
Index Manga was at 4M years back though its probably more now
I guess Accel, Astral Buddy and such make up the remaining amount.

I never knew the Index manga sold so well, don't most LN manga adaptations fall to the wayside?

Yeah. Square Enix reported on their top 10 manga sales back in 2014? and Index was within it. It's probably one of the reasons it hasn't ended yet.

>Kakine not in the game
Why bother. He's going to make huge waves and the game should have simply had him.

Super true, Saiai should never wear bottoms.


Because they don't need a loser. Who couldn't do shit in the poll

When is Animexpo?

If I had made about 5 accounts and voted, Kakine could have beaten Othinus. 10 and Kakine could have beaten measure. He'll do better in another poll

There won't be another poll, sorry user

Worldwide or just Japan?

Isnt anime expo western? Why would it get announced there

Index 3 had a PV there.

As dumb as it is, that's where the index 3 teaser dropped.

i made some quick google translations of skills for the characters I have
feel free to use/add/whatever


AX isn't a small time con with a bunch of nobodies anymore you know. A decent amount of stuff get announced and have PVs there.

>Doing the character side story events
>Touma and Mikoto chasing a superpowered monkey that escaped from some random AC experiment
Better filler than Nagai cloverfield.

A lot of Japanese stuff gets announced there first now. Though they will likely focus on Accelerator.

Kamachi supervised the scenarios I believe

I don't think that was ever said

How do you unlock side stories?

I remember in one of the streams it was

Cant you look at the skills of the rest of the characters you dont have in the character list?

Date them

Considering how much they kept saying Kamachi supervised the other stuff in other games like the endymion thing, I'd think they'd mentioned that more than one stream

Get characters from the gacha then up the character(s) affection/friendship.

if you wanna translate all 91 characters for fun go ahead
i did the characters i have for gameplay purposes

They only need to mention it once though. Even Puzzdex just had a small blurb about it on the dengeki page. They even interviewed him about the game so it's nothing shocking, just standard. Kamachi is known to be very hands on as we've come to learn.

That was struggle battle, which he actually wrote the story for. And they advertised that original story part pretty heavily even when it was just announced for pre reg

The illustrations in this game are really nice

Attached: Cool imouto.jpg (1920x1080, 891K)

Struggle Battle yeah and no not really. It was just on the standard dengeki page.

If only S3 had this quality.

>Struggle Battle yeah and no not really.
The first thing they mentioned about it is Kamachi's involvement user

>tfw blitzing through the story
>suddenly stiyl boss again with major powercreep
The fuck?

>Still image has better quality than a moving animation
Every time

Git gud

It says supervise, not wrote and no that's not really "advertised pretty heavily" it's not any different from having it on their dengeki page.

The still images in Index III looked nowhere near as good user.

Between Kamachi walking out of S3, the details that slip through the cracks of the spinoffs and Railgun filler, I doubt Kamachi is "very" hands on, just average hands on. Like whenever they ask him to do stuff most likely.

Next you're going to tell me Chuuya's manga looks better than the 3D models

Kamachi is known to be more hands on than most authors though this has already been talked about. Authors don't have to attend every single script meeting or voice recording session but he does.
>Between Kamachi walking out of S3
This is a rumor. Either that or based on the silly chinese "interview"
>the details that slip through the cracks of the spinoffs and Railgun filler
Railgun Filler is the only known one for S1 due to miscommunication, the spin-offs have his normal writing involvement

Pretty hands on.

>it's not any different from having it on their dengeki page.
>mentioning in their news way before the game releases as a selling point is the same as "small blurb on the dengeki page

I'm starting to think you're fucking with me here if you don't actually remember the dengeki news pages about Struggle Battle

make sure to do the mini-stories, they reset in an hour and a half

Attached: Ayycademy City.jpg (1920x1080, 489K)

Not really because that doesn't really apply when the anime staff are directly illustrating this. Great leap to destroy your own point though.

What characters do you have? Did you level up them?

That's not advertising it heavily at all. Having it on a different page of the company site or in this case just their normal news article as its a journalist branch means nothing user. It's literally no different.

That's not a character.

You never said it had to be one.

>That's not advertising it heavily at all. Having it on a different page of the company site or in this case just their normal news article as its a journalist branch means nothing user. It's literally no different.
>advertising the game isn't advertising because its a news article

I'm sorry for not assuming you're a dumbass when what was posted was a character illustration in the first place?

That's still not advertising it heavily at all. It's just mentioned in an article, not a big wave of promotion thus it is a normal news post. That is why I said it's not any different, there wasn't a big push for it.

Regardless of your reach here, making it well known and clear the author of the original series is working on the game(just like they did with VO) is very much so different from just saying in a stream as you allegedly claim
>oh yeah Kamachi did this
and not have it credited literally anywhere else.

Stiyl going all out to fuck Komoe

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-04-15-27-02.png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

Have some more still images.

Attached: IMA DA.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

>It's your fault I didn't say what I mean

>Regardless of your reach here
I see now we're moving onto projecting and back pedaling.
>making it well known and clear the author of the original series is working on the game
As they had done on the stream, not really any different no surprise. Mentioning it as a sentence is not "advertising heavily" as you kept saying user. No back pedaling, just correcting you. Thus it's not any different from having the blurb on their dengeki advertising page.

Not different at all, in fact a stream is bigger than just a damn sentence user.

And keep proving my point.

That you can't use your brain? yeah.

>Stop assuming that I meant what I said, you should be reading my mind to know what I REALLY mean

>a stream you can miss is bigger than information that is readily available and can be viewed at anytime

I forgot to put food on characters, that seems to be the real difference maker over level honestly.

So you want more? You still image slut.

Attached: Fiamma's SoB.jpg (1850x1050, 285K)

You said
>they only need to mention it once
all the examples include them mentioning this multiple times.

Where abouts are they, the map things?

But I'm still rerolling

>The still images in Index III looked nowhere near as good user.
fuck off retard

>keeps thinking greentext and lol's will suddenly make him right
It's okay, dumbass-kun.

A stream is generally bigger than a news article, yes. Especially in terms of exposure.

Very nice. Post a character though.

Why wouldn't the only need to mention it once yeah?

Provide something of substance because it's not always full motion animated, user. Sometimes it's just moving mouths.

LA AnimeExpo 2019 start today (ID4)
WB anime panel for ...Sogiinay...? will start tomorrow on July 4rd, 2019 at 15:50 PM PST (here in Asia We already entering July 5th)
>but I'm very pessimist Railgun 3 teaser will be there like last year Index III

>Accelerator's simulcast announcement at the Funimation panel today, if there any pic's or record AR will post here soon.

Attached: D-pcrQXUcAAxBKO.jpg (900x1200, 261K)

>the Rosicrucian are magic side bogdanoffs

>post about still images
>get mad when people provide him still images
fuck off

I don't need to prove I'm right. I already have written proof right here in the posts. I'm just laughing at your desperate goalpost shifting. You know we're anonymous, right?

Well if there's no Railgun PV I'm gonna assume it's delayed

I have to check the value on this loli first. Pretty high quality stuff.

Attached: Loli apprasial.jpg (1440x810, 163K)

>posts about still images relating to character as that was what I was replying to
>dumbass kun thinks its not about characters and more general

Your posts have proven nothing though. You've literally backpedaled, ignored your own language and then brushed aside the actual point and then expect one to believe a livestream is less exposure, especially in todays time compared to a news article on Dengeki Online? Good joke. You know we're anonymous, right?

Loli is indeed high quality.

We didn't get a Railgun S PV till we were really close to airing though. Can't really say anything and the Railgun Editor is already having continuous meetings about the anime.

>I'm going to have to pass this to my loli guy, he'll know the value best
>She's used goods, 600¥ is the best I can do

Go home, nothing there,
they won't be butchering Accelerator for Railgun

We're under 90 days away user

I'm not talking to you about dengeki based retard. I'm talking to you about desperately backpedaling from "still images" to "You should have known I meant only images of characters, obviously!"

Railgun S had a PV in the same month it aired.

Don't be to hard on him user, he's trying his best despite his autism

That's not backpedaling. That's expecting you to know I'm talking in relation to what I replied to, sorry I didn't expect your dumbass to still be trying this hard.

>used goods
Wonder how that happened

Attached: 1552054689338.jpg (557x558, 50K)

That is extremely uncommon but I suppose we'd have a new key visual by now if we were getting a PV this month

I don't expect anything till Accel is in its 2nd half next month.

Do you guys think Junko is a babe? I’m doing research on the development of the raildex section of Yea Forums and it’s very important that I get the answer to this question.


Attached: E34C3D94-5BBA-4AEA-B6F7-1764CABAFD72.jpg (1280x720, 186K)


>tfw everyone having fun playing but app still won't install

Attached: [Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Majutsu_no_Index_II_17_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[EF80CCA8].mkv_snapshot_03.16_[201 (1280x720, 869K)

Did you know it’s not even fun? It’s not even fun user.

>When the only thing I say is "this image looks better than S3" you should OBVIOUSLY be able to tell that I'm saying "this still image looks better than any other still image in S3 not including backgrounds" I mean, what kind of idiot wouldn't know that?
And this is exactly why I'm laughing at your desperate attempts to play this off. Just accept that you fucked up dude, its not even a huge fuck up, you just didn't explain yourself properly, people make mistakes. No need to do this embarrassing show of trying to pretend you're perfect and it can only be other people's faults. And even if you can't admit you fucked up, we're on an anonymous forum, just walk away lmao.

Honestly you will get nothing out of playing the game. The rarity of the cards means nothing. The characters are all going to be easy to get provided you have money and the battle system sucks donkey dick. You’re better off buying a rare figurine or plushy and collecting that instead. If you just want to spend money and support Raildex though I guess the game is okay.

You should though. Said image has a character, why in anyway would I be suddenly talking about a background? Especially when the following reply to me was about animation. I know you're having a fantastic time pretending how right you are, but I think you should use your head for 2 seconds. Can talk about embarrassment and all that jazz after you realize your faults, yes?

>Stiyl and Sasha after Himegami
Oh fuck it's finally time to hunt vampires in Monaco

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-04-15-57-48.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

It is


where can you download the app? Do any of the emulators work?

It’s really not. I’m not even trying to be rude. The game just isn’t made well. If I was you I’d download the Madoka game and play that instead since it’s finally out in the U.S. user. That game is actually made really well and it’s really fun to progress through the story and collect the characters and their accessories. I got a four star character already.

Emulators don't work. Just use QooApp.

Is it time? Did getting Biaggio to bless my crack ship finally work?

Attached: 1446942493016.png (1536x2688, 1.3M)

I wouldn’t. The game is trash. Even the story is below Endymion tier.

>Why is it when I say a broad statement about art quality you didn't randomly assume things I never said?
user please. Please. Just walk away if it's too hard to admit you've never had a normal conversation before.
>Especially when you mention animation
Which is apparently something only characters have lol?

>Hi, everyone. Who wants to talk about a cheeky pair of boobs?

Attached: 1547684980570.png (110x152, 34K)

Rarity works differenly in the madoka game retard.

Cope with your dead on arrival game. Madoka just isn't big anymore.

Attached: 1557584807762.png (754x698, 348K)

that because they have some agreement with fripSide

>Assuming the shitposter who doesnt read the books before shitposting, played the game before shitposting

>Do any of the emulators work?
To install it at all you need 64-bit android, which is only supported by a buggy Bluestacks beta release and some chinkshit that doesn't even have an English interface. I've tried it on both, and while it does install just fine, it crashes the moment you launch it.
But I want to use an emulator precisely because I don't have a real phone that supports this shit.

There was no broad statement especially when it comes to context and the following reply to me. It can only be regarding one thing in anime when it comes to that. I'm not sure why this is so difficult for you to understand.
>Which is apparently something only characters have lol?
Well yes, especially as far as Index III was concerned, MSN-kun.

Based js06

Why do you reply to MP

You havent even played it

They could always just not use the OP like that Index 3 Anime Expo trailer

God pairing Misaki with Misaka is easily the best thing to ever happen to Misaka's scenes.

>There was no broad statement
"This is better than S3" is about as fucking broad as it gets kid.
No lol. Not even close. Don't tell me *I'm* going to have to be the one to stop replying here? Are you really so desperate to be right in every little thing that you can't even accept the possibility you forgot to add context? I hope you're young, or you're going to have a hard life ahead of you.

We don't deserve js06 for doing this on a holiday

Yea. It works better. They tell you the odds of getting every character.

In the Index game you don’t get odds. They could just take all your money and give you a 1% chance to roll a rare character.

Better rates than fgo

>it can only be one thing
Clearly false considering you got different answers user. You told someone you're good at running and are getting insulted that someone assumed you meant long distance and not sprinting. That's on you my man.

I don't believe a single damn thing I just read
>Kamachi pretending NT22's ending never happened
>Touma acting the calmest he's been since like fucking OT2
>it's evening but it was noon when NT22 ended

Attached: 1528649148861.png (388x316, 97K)

They literally have to give you the odds dumbass. They have laws about this shit. Your bait is getting stupider and stupider over time.

The Madoka mobile game is almost like this one but almost better in every aspect imaginable. I don’t even think you can get new outfits for the characters in the Index game. Why would you even play it? Why would you even play it!

Can you stop giving names to everyone you dumb faggot

There are laws the but odds in the Index game are based on rarity and NOT the characters so have fun rolling a MILLION 4/5 star story cards before you even roll a single rare character you dumb monkey.

They do in this game too. Literally every single character rarity odds is listed in the gacha page.

>It's an important fact to mention Sphinx has balls
Sphinx giving Index the barbed dick soon.

But.. The PoV isn't Touma's? I don't even know whose PoV it's meant to be from.

I already have 2 of each three star, stay seething about your shitty game though.

It’s based on rarity and not characters.

You don't even know what you're talking about

The only thing you have is a massive erection from the picture I just posted. You don’t have a three star anything so keep quiet.

Attached: 15DB2E58-268F-4E89-95AB-39E26985C0C3.jpg (800x889, 174K)

Want me to tell you how long it took for GO to get costumes? Want me to tell you how many there have been in that time frame?

You might say the perspective is from someone invisible

So business as usual then

I rolled Oriko on my third try.

Attached: BAE6D76E-8699-4161-8F92-55BFDDAF3286.png (474x720, 513K)

Index is a magical girl and I’m proud of her.

Not only that but since it just came out you get like 450 free coins or whatever they call the currency in this game. That’s like 20 free rolls

Sphinx's balls will never be shown in the anime despite being a defining character trait.

>“Refuse her, A.A.A.!! Don’t just let her subdue you with her ass!!”

Attached: 1539365380254.png (488x424, 225K)

I made Othinus better guys. What do you think?

Attached: 8CF493B5-7509-4B4B-85FF-37764E91057C.png (701x634, 234K)

She’s not as slutty.

>bullshit fanservice
>Mikoto not reacting to magic
>cat genitalia being "important"

No thank you. The rest of the volume better be great

She looks old

I'm throwing my hat into the "fake phase" ring

Did Misaki's boobs get bigger? I swear they act like they are bigger than Kazakiri and Oriana's

>so she was very different from those girls whose chests did not feel the pull of gravity!!
Misaki confirmed to have saggy tits from not working out

Attached: 0af3fda2afd589151a5e971864269cad73d49d4d_hq.jpg (1024x576, 39K)

You gotta remember that Misaki is not tall, they're huge for her height

The event ended at the "We need Deep Blood's power" line and I'm not able to unlock the continuation currently.

Attached: 6E3D0EE7-31C5-47EA-A96A-AD35024C1B57.jpg (701x634, 77K)

Lady Shokuhou my ass!!

We need Beverly to put this argument to rest. Hate how the potential #1 bombshell is a minor character

She like 15000yo Odin

What’s a bombshell?

Even worse than blue terra

Do you like blue Terra?

I fucking DARE you to post a cuter picture of Terra than this.

Attached: 42710A07-9264-49A7-9E39-57A549CAE199.jpg (1280x720, 169K)

It doesnt say they sag though, just that they have actual weight to them

Blondes with big boobs have a higher degree of natural radioactivity than normal people

Do it. Let’s see what you got.. do it user.


Is this girl radioactive?

Attached: 4A2288EF-9959-4163-A5A0-1E81749149FF.jpg (598x764, 57K)

Pretty much.

>Fall of AC starts and ends with Misaki
It rhymes.

Attached: NT_vol_11.jpg (1120x1600, 289K)

These school outfits are getting old user. THEY DONT EVEN GO TO SCHOOL ANYMORE! CHAMGE THEIR OUTFITS!!!

So he still has IB and isn't too different so far, but this whole thing is obviously fishy as fuck. I guess it's time to wait for the illustrations and then check out until it gets translated. Don't want to spoil too much for myself.

Attached: 1560373412518.jpg (562x701, 212K)

I hate these kinds of purses that just look like paper grocery bags what fucking shit taste misaki has

Attached: 3679A53E-3ACD-48AD-A1D1-9CDFD9DBEC89.png (1120x1600, 2.28M)

I think it’s cute.
I think it’s cute.

We all do.


Attached: file.png (323x31, 5K)

I guess Touma didn’t think he needed to wear one that day. He probably didn’t even wait his panties.

Kamachi was furiously masturbating while writing this volume, I mean for fucks sake Anna just pleasured herself with torture tools


someone really needs to relief of Kamachi's sexual frustrations

You know Kamachi doesn’t write the interaction right? He does the storyboard but others do the actual writing.

>This volume

Okay I believe you

This is already more than the highway chase in NT21, I can think of dozens of doujin ideas that will never happen from the prologue alone

Can Rensa take saints on?

Fun! I’m glad somebody actually plays along and has a sense of humor for once.

so He does some bytes but not bits?

>“Listen up, Index. When someone offers me something for free, I take it. Being poor is suffering
The guy is a proper bum.

does this mean Kamachi has multiple smaller AIs in his software

>English making no attempts to hide magic
What if, if archetype controller is no longer in effect?

So it's basically confirmed that Touma has gone industrial grade brain damage now right?

It only worked in AC. Elizard said she was perfectly fine with letting magic be known publicly in OT18

If that's even the real Touma. This felt like it was not being told from his perspective

I figured it was just because they were on the frontlines.

>Sphynx actually had balls

He doesn’t write the series foolish boy. He created a storyboard AI that does all the writing and he just tweeks it every so often.

The Rosicrucians are gonna be magic side Kiharas I think
>long history with magic
>seemingly know how to use it better than anyone
>it's a cult

Elizard deciding desperate times call for desperate measures is hardly implying archetype controller didnt work on her

The algorithm takes key words from 4ch and 2ch Raildex threads and uses those words to create scenarios, characters and events that happen in the story. It all adds up to a rough LN draft volume that Kamachi pays writers to clean up until it’s released.

Attached: 1B36CF71-0BED-4D1E-B861-4F065BCF6231.jpg (500x281, 46K)

TianTian also doesn't work, but at least the app crashes a lot faster there. Also I'm not even sure what exactly kills it.
Unless I missed something even more obscure, it should now be completely confirmed no emulator can run this game, so now nobody else will have to waste their time trying weird shit.

>mafia-kun is shilling the game
Guaranteed success

Attached: D-eOE-HUEAEsbw3.jpg (2048x1536, 426K)

I still think NT21 was lewder, this is just some girls changing rather than outright discussing their virginal status. SS3 also.

Attached: 75556831_p0.jpg (1242x1998, 1.57M)

>it only worked in AC
Wasn't t it credited by crowley as the reason the divide exist at all? Tons of magicians make sure not to cross the line. Plus it isn't infallible.

>magic side
>he still thinks there are sides
wow archetype controller really did its job well

Attached: 1552247274461.png (300x290, 82K)

They still exist even if politically, Coronzon wanted both sides under her control

>Misaki running around with no bra and a seethrough thong
Maybe she will lose her virginity

Attached: 1539190115989.jpg (500x500, 33K)

Attached: file.png (762x92, 12K)

It seems weird to call attention to it though. Especially since they would have seen some of it last volume.

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-231203.jpg (2160x1080, 695K)

>“Listen up, Index. When someone offers me something for free, I take it. Being poor is suffering
It is Touma, but if you accept free things automatically without question, then you're bring misfortune upon yourself when you miss the string that was attached.

Sides will be completely gone by the end of NT22R mark my words

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-231602.jpg (2160x1080, 1.23M)

*Aiwass' sides will be completely gone

>yfw it's a boring Misaki volume for the most part that just ends in her death

Attached: 1559124564153.jpg (676x484, 264K)

>“Why are you just standing there? Let’s get going, Shokuhou.”
clearly not Touma

Come on, Kakine return cameo soon as the double sexts and others foretold

Maybe he just remembered for the half second since Misaka called her that? The whole memory loss thing was always a bit up in the air anyways.

Oh shit nigga

It's interesting how she immediately assumed that this won't last.

The chapter titles already tell us that it's a Touma volume

It's a good thing he said her name, making it impossible for her to think about anything else. Otherwise she'd notice that he complimented Index's dress, and said wow to Mikoto, but said nothing about her sexy dress.

But Mikoto did not address her at all when they found him. He shouldn't be able to remember if they were separated.

>Implying change the rail isn't a reference to misaki body jacking mikoto upon her death

The books out on the 11th right? Is this Japan 11th or western times?

Or you know it's referring to the same rails Aleister talked about

10th. 5 more days for spoilers

It'll be out by like 10 or 11 am EST on Wednesday

The real reason Othinus is missing is she's getting a doll sized dress made by some specialist

Tuesday my bad

yeah looking at the full title, it's about the shift away from the golden to the rosen, now that NT is done.

Also may refer to how the 3 MCs think they're off the rails that Aleister thought he planted

You know a part of me wanted iF to suck so I could pass on playing it but it's actually good

I'm fucked once pokemon masters comes out

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>He's playing pokemon sleep

>Kamijou Touma was not wearing his usual hoodie or school uniform.

>He had instead donned an all-black tuxedo and ascot tie like something from a movie.
Touma with unreal saucy looks

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>the hoodie is probably gone forever now
Goodnight sweet prince

He'll find it again in the castle's dumpster.

>three 3 stars
>all assists

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Rest in peace dumpster hoodie.

>Touma was given new brain damage to forget the IT shenanigans happened
>Stops him from making new episodic memories for a while
>Forgot IT but also forgot he left Othinus in his hoodie pocket sleeping, she's now in the dumpster
>Doesn't notice because of the handkerchief in his pocket and forgets she's missing every time he realizes
>Brain damage cancels out his old brain damage with Misaki so he can remember her for now
There, I solved the mystery of the preview

Yeah but why didn't Index or Mikoto mention IT? Fran was also at ground zero too

So are you telling Touma changed even his fucking basketball sneakers?
These sneakers are way stronger than his dumpster hoodie.

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