>Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
>gym anime
The absolute state of anime
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
ok fatty
>not lifting for your waifu
You're not gonna make it.
Fish is Fresh!
Get ready for a whole season of sitewide /fit/ shitposting
I go to the gym, but a gym anime, come on.
Anyway, i'm watching it for free
Wrong thread?
>he isn't /fit/ + Yea Forums
Lmaoing at you OP
i'm /fit/ + Yea Forums + Yea Forums, but a gym anime is just dumb
idk, i think that argument isn't developable but maybe i'm wrong. I'm not japanese and they know their market.
What have you eaten today /fat/? for me toast with cheese, 2 big bowls of rice with eggs and chicken, 2 cokes and an ice cream.
Toast with Dulce de Leche at breakfast, Milanesa Napolitana at lunch and homemade noodles with tomato sauce at dinner
Are you an Argie or a Yorugua?
"Or course, my favorite anime from this season is Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru and my favorite OP is ONEGAI MUSCLE. How could you tell?"
Yea Forumsrgie
Fucking /fit/ gets its own anime, when are fatties getting their own show?
>he says this while posting soulless idolshit
At least gym anime inspires people to get healthy.
That fat elf manga.
Where you at, Kengan boys?
I'm gonna lift for ayaka
he did
>/fit/ already has better threads about this show than Yea Forums
The absolute state of Yea Forums
Machio could win all Kengan matches, Akemi's sister should recruit him
where are the stitches
/fit/ Rin is cute too
Not all anime needs to have development
I should know this VA, Is that Yui?
Dis gonna be good
amerilards BTFO
>excited to watch this because my seiyuufu is in it
>learn from /jp/ that my seiyuufu is a whore who slept with old men for roles
>can no longer hear my seiyuufu's voice without imagining old men
no it represents the Dummbell fanbase who will be still overweight after last episode airs
Which one?
I'm sorry user, she's a real cutie too. There'll be another seiyuu in another anime that'll be worth waifuing. You just gotta keep watching out for her.
>being an unironic seiyuufag
What did she do? Is it only rumors or is there any proof? I only follow eroge seiyuu. Either way if you're gonna be a seiyuufag you have to assume every seiyuu has fucked their producer.
I've only had one small meal a day for the last three days. Sometimes I think it's a wonder I haven't starved myself to death.
Are you an actual autist? Yuru Camp was ridiculously successful and is literally just an outdoor recreation infomercial
>garbage tier meme manga gets well animated anime
>Kengan Ashira gets shit tier cg series
Literally fuck everything
>hurt if u don't like it ur fat
Headbutt the nearest moving vehicle
Fatties on suicide watch i see.
ok fatty
Nice shit opinion, retard.
Never peek behind the curtain.
Yukana plays someone in this?
>The absolute state of anime
I know, it's beautiful isn't it?
>being literally SO FUCKING NEW that he thinks a /fit/ anime is something outlandish
Where the fuck do retards like you come from?
Straight from r/anime, duh
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