Who is Raiha's favorite quint?
5Toubun no Hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
Miku a best
Nino a shit
Raiha best girl
Fots wife
I want to impregnate raiha
Takebayashi return when?
i want to take some scissors and chop that bow off her head
this is a SFW board
>Hey, have you called Itsuki and the others?
>Are you going to meet Itsuki and the others?
>How is Itsuki and the others doing?
I wonder.
IItsuki is the first quints she meets.Of course she remember her well than the other quints.
I want to scramble Itsuki's eggs
Meeting her first or not, she is still the closest one to her along with Yotsuba. The others barely talk to her.
Since when do she become this slutty?
Can someone please cut off that hair thing already?
Hunger does weird things to you.
What one sister capable of the others also can do it.
That's not being slutty, that's being dense and dumb.
>not being a Mikutefag
>Showing her boobs
>Let fuu-kun lay his head on her soft belly while holding her hand the entire time
Not even her other sisters this slutty.
>Eatsuki not being aware she is lewd
CUTE!!! Especially compared to that blatant thotery displayed by these two...
Is that a trap question?
>Fuutaro clearly rejects both 2 and 3
>people still think they're in the running
But those two only doing that to men they love. While itsuki not even love fuu-kun.
Why is Itsuki such a naive mommy?
So this is the power of speed reading and Reading comprehension.
Probably Chizuru.
Raiha a shit
Ugliest girl (even more than Nino)
Her ahoge looks ugly too
I myself like Fumino
Is it safe to say Fuutaro would have been a laughing stock at school if they had actually started calling him Fuuta in school?
Don't forget that she is a gold digger.
>Yotsuba has effortlessly let go of the past
I wonder if Itsuki will stop trying to wingman Yotsuba under that impression.
I wish that were me.
Based Fuufubro.
We haven't really seen the quints get aggressive in school.
I want Nino to bring him a bento, damnit!
I wonder how comfortable is itsuki belly?
For now, I guess. The only way I see Yotsuba ever developing would be if someone spots her brooding at her depression swings.
Something's gotta give at some point, right?
Forced marriage arch when?
Yotsuba for sure
>wingman Yotsuba
She is not wingmanning. She wants Futarou to know the truth and Yotsuba to be honest with herself.
Where is mikus right arm and ninos left?
Below between fuutarou legs.
Miku always sticks in Nino's ass
>She is not wingmanning.
Indeed, She is a believer.
>Futarou doesn't realize his feelings
So, we all know what we need: NTR. Miku realized her feelings by seeing him interact with Ichika and the other quints and it was kinda the same for Yotsuba when she realized the others were falling for him.
>Miku realized her feelings by seeing him interact with Nino
Next chapter
She wants things to be fair. In this same chapter she wasn't happy to hear Futarou suggest that he would reject Nino and Miku.
>>Miku realized his feelings by seeing him interact with Nino
Next chapter
>doesn't realize his feelings
el em a yo
Nino > Yotsuba > Itsuki > Miku > Ichika
Not sure about favorite, but she's definitely closest to Itsuki.
Would you let Nino stare into your soul?
I let nino stare at my dick.
Yotsuba is The Boss and Itsuki is Eva.
Nice reverse ranking
How many time before Nino chapter?>days,hours, seconds
this design looks fucking stupid
Hopefully next chapter. Nino's the only one who hasn't gotten some alone time with Fuutarou in the past 20 chapters.
I want to eat Nino's watermelon
>Red x blue.
>Backward ahoge x forward ahoge.
>The cook x the glutton.
I'm going to marry Nino!
Plot twist at the end: Fuutaro doesn't actually marry any of the quintuplets. The bride is actually Takeda in disguise.
Flirting with Nino!
Inviting Nino out for lunch!
Getting to know Nino!
Walking Nino home!
Lending Nino my coat to keep her warm!
Holding hands with Nino!
Kissing Nino on the cheek!
Saying goodnight to Nino!
Moving in with Nino!
Waiting for Nino outside her university!
Having romantic dinners with Nino!
Proposing to Nino!
Getting engaged to Nino!
Marrying Nino!
Waiting for the New Year with Nino!
Sleeping under the kotatsu with Nino!
Kissing Nino on the lips!
Making out with Nino!
Touching Nino's breasts!
Taking off Nino's clothes!
Having sex with Nino under the kotatsu!
Impregnating Nino at the start of the New Year!
Raising a child with Nino!
Taking a walk at the park with Nino and our child!
Tucking the kids to sleep after dinner to go to our bedroom!
Contemplating having another baby with Nino!
Having more consensual missionary married sex with Nino!
Happy 4th july to US fags.
Post burg... Itsuki.
How can the other 4 even compete with perfection?
Ichika why did you teach Tsubame your snek ways?
By not having diabetes
>miku us now the skank of the group
Wgere did it all go so wrong?
>yotsuba goes full rope
>suddenly rizu goes full despair
>now tsubame goes absolute snek
the 'drinking-gang-while-copying-homework' just upped its members from 2 to 3
You mean she joined Nino?
>that sideboob
lord have mercy
Remember when this manga was good?
The threads keep getting worse but I legitimately believe the manga keeps getting better.
I didn't know I needed this.
59>60>71 are the best chapters and ironically is when it's Nino focus.
What does Yea Forums think about nino and miku acting like sluts this chapter?
How can one read chapter 79 and think that Fuu doesn’t care about the lolikano memory anymore?
Who knows. Yotsuba is not willing to break the status quo. A scenario has to be set in motion. Maybe it could have something to do with Fuutarou and Yotsuba both being tan?
Does anyone ever get the feeling nothing much ever gets resolved in this manga?
Imagine the rumors that'd spread if Fuutarou's classmates saw him getting tag-teamed by these two at the pool.
He just doesn’t want to play Itsuki’s quint game.
I can't imagine thinking this. It feels like if much more got resolved now the story would just be over.
Would you be okay with an Itsuki end?
Probably Itsuwa and Yotsuba. Ichika seems older sisterly but she's more of the mature type that watches, understands what you're thinking, and reacts to it rather than the spoil you silly types like 4/5. 4/5 probably like that because they themselves were the younger ones and never got to be onee-san.
I'm with either 4 or 5, yes.
I think so too. My hunch is he’s already been piecing things together and just confirmed in last chapter that he’s “kicked the can down the road” to get to this point. Now that Itsuki told him to act instead of brood, I can see him confronting Yotsuba at the end of this volume to complete the parallel.
It's not my preferred ending but if it's well developed that'd be fine
I want to fuck Yotsuba
Aka taking some tips from Negi, I see.
Too kinky, rope-kun.
i am curious about your thought process that led you to this conclusion about 5toubun's breakneck pacing
She's shipping her onii-chan with Nino-nee.
I want to fuck Fuutaro
So why Raiha doesn't go to the pool with Fuutarou?
Wasn't she the one that insisted on meeting with them?Or is it because Fuutarou wanted to be with the quints alone without anyone else bothering?
I was really confused that wasn't brought up by anyone.
>I can see him confronting Yotsuba at the end of this volume to complete the parallel.
That would be a nice callback to their first meeting. However, I want to see maximum despair for Yotsuba. Instead of confronting Yotsuba, Fuutarou confronts Itsuki because he knows she is Rena, but he doesn’t realize she is not lolikano. The precious memory Yotsuba had for Fuutarou is going to be tainted because he couldn’t recognize her. She’s going to care even if she doesn’t want to.
Rena will wins fuutarou bowl.
Fuutarou can’t fuck a ghost though.
I would feel it's of bad taste since it's your generic end. Already endless titles where the "first girl" is the winner.
All the girls are good, but Yotsuba deserves the win the Fuuts-bowl. Nino best girl for me.
Negi is a shit and just forgot
Manga ending with Miku’s death confirmed
Dying Rena>Rena w/makeup
I can see this happening honestly. If she won’t reveal herself voluntarily, something’s gotta give that’ll make her break.
That's where you wrong.
How can the appearance of the Quint's biological father add drama to the story?
As things currently stand, no. Itsuki needs work.
He met one of them secretly during middle school to get some cash from Maruo wallet but since they transferred later he lose contact with her.
He will reappear soon enough.
Today I will remind Itsukeks.
Yotsuba loves creampies
He will have pink hair.
>mfw he will come back to reclaim the quints
>Yotsuba finally snaps
>flees out of shame
>Fuutarou and/of her sisters chase her to the park
He's gonna threaten to assume custody unless Maruo pays up.
The quints are adults though.
I like that. I want to see their previous dad vs the current dad.
>inb4 maruo redemption arc
>last boss turns out to be a good guy
>MC helps him
>demon lord acknowledges MC marrying his daughters at the end
vidya trope kino
Aren't we already set up for a Yotsubreak? Rena said that the five need to be together and Ichika's on the way out.
>However, I want to see maximum despair for Yotsuba
I don't want her to suffer. I want to protect that smile, but Yotsuba is affirmed as the best girl for Fuuts because she suffers for his and everyone's sake...
Yotsuba talking about LOVE is really sad in context
>nothing getting resolved
>Ichika BTFO'd
>Nino BTFO'd
>Miku BTFO'd
>Yotsuba BTFO'd
>Itsuki winning the Fuubowl
Are you just pretending to be blind?
Fuutarou truly doesn’t love Yotsuba enough.
Then why was Itsuki buying a lewding looking lingerie back then? I think I wanna question her mental state
>Nino is a thot!
>Just because she jumped on him = loserflag
On the contrary, Nino's bikini looks oddly modest with her boobs cleavage covered compared to the rest. And so, she is hardly one
>INB4 but I thought Nino has good fashion taste! I thought she would go for the sexy looking one, but she chose that?! How disappointing...
And this is one of the misconceptions you fucks had in mind. Hate to break it to you, but as much as Nino loves Fuu-kun, she will never go too far to exploit her fashion sense to go for a provocative looking outfit. She would never think about getting a tattoo either despite suggested.
In reality, Nino has some sense of modesty. If you look at her choices of clothing, it's all modest-looking & never has anything weird nor provocative looking. You misunderstood Nino on this.
Itsuki is afraid of heights, lolikano isn't. He has been slowly learning the differences between each quint after SE arc since that's what he promised their dying grandpa. So he most likely suspects they're 2 different people. Even if Ichika said it was all a lie I doubt he'd take it seriously since she did walk with him down a path that only he and lolikano went down. Which is why he was recalling things. Itsuki also played a part in this by getting him to remember certain things that only he and lolikano did together. So those moments probably refreshed his memory about that day.
And again, metafags are just the worst with their disgusting double standard hypocrisy.
Keep playing with your meta cards, until you set off trap card that will BTFO all of you meta fucks. And so I suggest you fags don't get too cocky.
This is not coping, this is a cautionary warning
When you realize how a dick can ruin one's life. Look at 23 acting like sluts in the middle of a swimming pool. The fact that Fuutaro gives no fuck about that makes them look so fucking pathetic. 5 is also close to be like them. Just look at 14. They know nothing matters anymore so they just enjoy their fucking life and be a normal friend with him. The faster you accept your loss, the faster you can heal. Cant wait to see Nino and Miku's ugly faces when they get their ass rejected while Ichika and Yotsuba just chill and drink tea and Itsuki gets to enjoy Fuu dick by doing nothing
Her chemistry with Fuutarou is pretty good if not the best out of all the quints, but the problem I see with an Itsuki end is that it doesn't make sense for her to kiss him. Miku told her about her feelings for Fuutarou and she didn't react in any way that could imply some kind of feeling of affection from her, besides she also knew how Yotsuba felt about him, hell she even helped her with the whole Rena stuff, so for her to just dismiss her sisters' feelings and kiss him like that would be so illogical, out of character.
Basically, as long as kisser=bride is a thing, an Itsuki ending will feel like an asspull to me even if her bond with Fuutarou is good.
Serious question, but why did Negi make Ichika so unlikable? I can usually find a reason to like all of the quints except Ichika. Is there a reason why so much of the screen time on her is dedicated to portraying her in a bad light?
>like sluts in the middle of a swimming pool
Thats the point of swimsuit
This series needs antagonist. Negi barely introduced new character and maruo not relevant now and negi wants sisters conflict so the antagonist should be one of the sisters. Yotsuba and Nino literally negi favorites, miku is reader favorite and itsuki is the cover girls, so they choose ichika.
And yet, hardly anyone take this with a grain of salt
Cite some examples of why Ichika is unlikable.
>>Negi favorite
>>get all deathflags
I agree with it about the rest
If you re-read chapters you'll realize Yotsuba exists to suffer.
Like the chapter after she nominates fuutaro as class rep. Rumors were going around of them as a couple. Other girls suggest Fuuts would like her she blushes and gets happy. When she talks to him about it she just gets shot down twice. So she says she'll support him either way. Afterwards the same girls confront her about it and she repeats what Fuuts said "There's no way that'd happen" with a look on her face like her soul's crushed.
Why is she bragging about being fat?
Memes aside I would fuck her until my dick falls off
If Ichika didn't have that whole antagonistic role, she wouldn't be that interesting honestly. She was pretty boring before that.
I mean that's what makes us love her more. If she were just a normal genki girl then I dont think people would care about her. Her sudden popularity comes from chapter 36-37 which already hinted that she's a complex character
I don't know if she's his favorite or not but he clearly cares about Yotsuba. He planned her lolikano reveal since pretty much the start of the manga and the amount of clues he put through the story proves it.
this was probably the lasttime she was truly happy
No matter. I'll go on to debunk another misconception.
>Oh, Nino is literally a runaway train that will stop at nothing till it reach the destination
>Oh, just wait until the train crash & burn down the lane
Turned out to be a metaphorical irony, isn't it? Even if Nino wants to pursue her love, she's still willing to take a step back for a bit when Miku drama happened in Kyoto trip & deal with it accordingly. Even told Fuu-kun not to get involved in the self-contained drama episode
And then, it comes down to this
>Nino is the Marika
Ultimately, she isn't. Marika would just simply push all other rivals far away & almost ignore their existences whenever Raku was concerned. Nino, on the other hand, she won't ignore her rivals' existence & actually give them a chance to compete. And unlike Marika, she actually has some modesty in her.
Assertive & bold, yes. But not to the level Miku's level of retardation, apparently
Childhood Friend = Yotsuba
Blonde Thot = 1/2/3/5
Nah, chapter 37 when she saw Fuu's smile. Till now still one of my most favorite moments. The level of kino is too much maybe only Nino's double confessions and Miku's hug in Scrambled Eggs can rival it
Nino and Miku are the Onodera.
They'll making the wedding cake for whoever wins.
>Itsuki is afraid of heights, lolikano isn't
The big problem for me that
> chap 58 "Yotsuba side"
Itsuki isn't afraid of heights games maybe Negi forget this shit
Miku thighs
>she hates her sisters
>but she wants makes Raiha her sister
This girl is mehhhh
This is a pretty common thing actually. People're terrified of mundane heights then have a fucking blast when they go on a rollercoaster or water slide or bungie jumping.
She is fine if she's with Ichika & maybe Fuutarou.
WTF i like itsuki now! Even thought she used to be my least favorite girls.
Honestly we don't see itsuki go on any rides during that chapter. We have seen numerous panels though that show her fear of heights. Since negi never showed her on any rides we can only assume things which would go against what we have seen in the series if we suggest she isn't afraid of heights.
young yotsuba =/= current yotsuba, she didnt hate her sisters she wanted to be different/standout
Nah, the thing with her is that once she tries it she becomes comfortable with it Ichika suffers because of this though
She's pretty good, you just need to give her a chance and not let the "first/main girl" thing get to you. She's currently my third favorite quint.
>endgame in one panel
Maybe you should stop speedreading
Dude, she wants him to be alone with them because she learned that he is reading about romance. She wants him to date one of the quits so that they can clear their debts.
Itsuki doesn't love Fuutarou and never will.
She is scared at first then gets addicted to it. In that last chapter she kept going with Ichika after.
Good, but strictly inferior to Nino thighs.
First/main girls things is not the reason she my least favorite quints, it's just that she pretty boring at first. She fun and her action pretty cute in recent chapter.
At first : 4 > 2 > 3 > 1 > 5
Around seven goodbye : 2 > 4 > 1 > 5 > 3
Now : 4 = 2 = 5 > 3 >>> 1
Its either Itsuki or Yotsuba. They are the only two quints that really play with Raiha, with Itsuki being the first one Raiha met and Yots being the usual Genki.
This thread has been pretty good so far, I wish it was like this all the time.
Next time make thread around this hours. When most people in America sleeping.
I don't understand why people find Miku's behavior in the latest chapter surprising, she has always been the jealous/possessive type. She just displays it openly now.
So Ichika's going to win, right?
Negi is following Ichigo100% route with Ichika leaving ala Nishino so it's pretty much guaranteed at this point.
Speaking of which, hope there will be a hospital visit chapter, just him & Nino. Because we want to know how they've been interacting with each other offscreen, so that it validates that both know each other well on personal level.
Also hope Negi put a leash on Miku for a while. I fear she's becoming an insufferable whore by the moment she butt in to Nino's conversation with Fuu-kun about to pay their shop manager a visit in hospital
I think it's Ichika or Yotsuba. Nino and Miku are going to self destruct. Itsuki is not a romantic option.
Most shitposters are ESLs from SEA though.
Has Fuutarou become someone who is necessary yet?
They should just let all the quints get one day, and then rotate weekends.
Win what? The newcomer JAV actress award?
>Most shitposters are ESLs from SEA though.
I'm from SEA and I made this thread before going to work. No bulli
Pic related is all you need.
>even the path they're taking are similar
What if Fuutaro actually has the hots for Raiha and the bride is actually her in disguise so they can legally get married?
Upin&Ipin or Flip?
Honestly why I think Ichika still stands a chance since Negi mentioned Ichigo100. Her career, leaving, and being the mature and popular one reminds me a lot of Tsukasa.
The similarities are pretty strong but being in a different harem model hurts her a lot. That kind of arc is way more convincing in the two lead heroine model.
Someone make Ichika into a blondie
Tbh I haven't read Ichigo100, I'm just shitposting.
Depends how Ichika drama goes, although she's on verge of letting go of him. It's likely that both Fuuts & Nino would try to bring her back.
Personally, I would love to see her one night stand with Fuutarou-kun & got pregnant with her love child later on as the best scenario if she isn't chosen as the wife.
Self-destruct? I still put Nino as a highly likely winner, no matter what shitposters spouting craps left & right
If anything, I blame Miku for dragging Nino down to her own retardation
Flip and a solid Itsukibro since the beginning.
>haven't read Ichigo100%
It's literally a pillar of harem genre along with love hina and tenchi and school rumble. You're missing a lot in terms of anime/manga references and influences.
Based, another SEA here, your southern neighbor and also an Itsukifags.
People were surprised at the Nishino win back in the day because the other girl, Aya, seemed to be trailing ahead for a long time.
What a lot of people who haven't read it don't realize is that Nishino wasn't actually an "unconventional winner". Ichigo 100% was always billed with two lead heroines, Aya and Nishino, and then an assortment of side girls who were there but received reduced billing, never having a serious shot at winning. In practice, it was kind of like a love triangle disguised as a harem in the way that some harems just have one girl who's name is in the title so of course she'll win.
Basically, Ichika shares Nishino's arc in a lot of superficial ways but not in any of the ways that actually led to Nishino's victory in her manga.
I'd say Satsuki at one point had a higher shot than Nishino.
wow, speedreading at its finest. it's even spelled out that he doesn't reject them
>First kid has ichikas haircut
>Second kid has 2 ribbons in hair
>Third is fuu
>Fourth kid needs glasses
>Fifth is a childhood crush and has yotsuba-ish hair
Wonder if that's intentional, or if negi only has so many ideas about how to make 5 people different
Aye, glad to know my fellow countrymen have good taste.
Nah. It wasn't surprising at all. Even the recent Ichigo100 thread with people that actually read the series knew Tsukasa was winning and mocked the fags saying "twist ending btw". Aya was never in the lead.
Her confession scene was kino as well mirroring Manaka's confession in the first chapters.
I'm still waiting for Ichika's true confession to seal the deal.
Satsuki never had any chance in any reasonable perspective. Her fanbase was just the older version of whatever fanbase here you consider the least reasonable. She walked into a story where the lead was already in love with two different girls as the third love interest and basically existed to lose so the other relationships could mature. Junpei's consideration of her feelings were always treated as immaturity and the effective "failure condition" to his struggle picking between the other girls. Nishino spent a lot of the story off screen but her importance is felt by how much impact she had on things when she wasn't there at all.
Almost every harem has a "third place" girl that has strong chemistry with the male lead and little else who's there to suffer. Basically the worst place you can ever end up in as a haremette since auxiliary harem girls might get paired up with a side male or lose gracefully.
Who drew this? Negi?
good taste my countryman
Maybe her hair cut are similar but
Nishino is completely Nino character
>Courage, cook, fire, and open about her feelings for the MC
If they get rejected:
Miku will marry and old man resembling Fuutarou
Yotsuba will stay unmarried but will have sexual relations with Fuutarou's children
Nino will marry Fuutarou's dad
Itsuki will marry her student resembling Fuutarou
Ichika will have multiple marriages and will still have sexual relations with Fuutarou
Ichigo 100% has a character Nino resembles far more than she'll ever resemble Nishino, and you know it.
So in this chapter we have
>Ichika starts greeting Futarou by mentioning Nino and Miku
>Can interact normally with him
>Notice Miku changing
Clearly she has given up and thinks she is beyond saving. She mentioning that Miku is changing might also be seen as a self deprecating remark because she never got the courage to confess and had a fierce rivalry with her early on.
Nothing of substance. Straightforward as usual. She was pretty much a gag excepted when she talked about the manager to Futarou.
Isn't being shy anymore, can compete shamelessly with the shameless Nino. Her right side being seen when she was talking with Ichika clearly implies that CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT is coming soon.
Nothing besides Itsuki's thoughts about her. Everything is probably being saved for a big healing arc.
Nice character moments with Futarou and stuff. I really wonder what is in store for Nino. Is her character development gone? Because it was not much in the first place, mostly learning to accept Fut and she got CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT already. She is the most basic character.
>Miku will marry and old fat bald man resembling Fuutarou
I see only one girl who can give up her love +go back to her dad side and to be bad against Fuutarou
>it's Nino
Than Fuutarou will relize his feelings for her.
>The Road of Thorns is the big prefiguration for Nino victory
>maybe when she will learn about Yotsuba
>ch59 Nino wants to stop her relationship with him but Fuutarou doesn't wants it.
Itsukibros shouldn't fight in Bokuben threads
Nino is literally Nishino with the "shi" omitted. Although I don't think Negi would 100% imitate Ichigo 100% story narrative.
As far as Ichika is concerned, I just wanna see her drama get resolved & get a proper closure.
Whichever girl to be the bride, it's up to Fuutarou to choose & it's not us to pick
>Eatsukiniggers are having a civil war on a Bokuben thread
It's that fumino fag that has been shitting up threads using fatty
surprisingly fitting.
Why, moot.....
Don't read Bokuben but dear other Itsukifags. Please fucking police yourselves and stop being shits.
Looks like since their Mother Rena died, Ichika became a substitute to Ichika whenever she wanted someone to comfort her fears. Now if you observe deeply their interaction in amusement park and pool, Itsuki is like a small child who wanted to try rides and slides many times but cannot do without her mom and Itsuki is just "What, you wanted more? Alright, fine. Last one, promise?" and get 10 rides afterwards. Ichika just can't say no to Itsuki's selfish request, because she knew of all the five quints, she's the most sensitive one.
So maybe, because of that facade she shows to Itsuki might be reason why she started to be a liar, experimented in club activities to be a liar, and make a living to be a liar. Because somehow, expectation from others fascinated her, not only from Itsuki. That's why her dad Maruo didn't get along with her. That's why maybe Grandpa Nakano, who wanted his granddaughters "to be themselves", was unrest after Ichika became different from her true self.
So what was her true self? People expected her as mature, but she's a crybaby like Itsuki when no one bats an her to her. She expected to be in order, but her room is always messy. She expected to be solver of troubles, not its creator. She expected to be a saint, not a snek.
*Ichika become a substitute to Itsuki
My bad.
Goddamn I'm gonna be mad when Itsuki wins. I'm still hoping Negi doesn't let us down.
Are Bokuben threads normally that bad? I haven't read to far into the manga yet.
Fuminofags are extra cancerous. There was an Urukafag that keeps posting Yotsuba while praising Uruka so a dumb Fuminofag had the idea to shitpost with Itsuki in return.
That's odd, Itsukifags are usually the calmest, coolest posters in these threads. Yotsubafags and Itsukifags never shitpost.
People seems to forget that Nino didn't want Fuuts to be around for a long time, but he still went out his way to bring back for a strange reason. Plus, there are many things backing Nino win enough to make her ending convincing. But it's just haters prefer to have selective memories to focus on her bad & ignore her good.
>But hey, let's every single thing that literally pointed at Nino being the bride. Because the bracelet charm is a red herring, right?
It comes from those who don't believe in the superstitious nature of the charm's work wonder
How can they shitpost when their girls have no distinguishing traits to rub in the faces of others?
Bokuben threads are extra shitty since there's literally nothing to talk about aside from girls so they need to regularly bring up other girls from other manga to bait and create conflict. There's no essays or theories that would keep them busy since the story of that manga is an afterthought.
It's like they don't watch Kimi no Na Wa at all, to witness how powerful can the charm be to change one's life
>No distinguishing traits
Good job proving that 123fags are shitposters.
I have no idea who are those girls from the other series are.
>read Bokuben thread
>it's just constant finger pointing and false flagging
I can feel myself getting dumber the longer I stay.
If you think that 45 are as well-developed charters as 123 you're just delusional
Probably yotsuba
>Good job proving that 123fags are delussional
Who are you quoting?
>Who are you quoting?
>Who are you quoting?
i don't even watch/read bokuben and just go to the threads to shitpost, they are stupidly easy to bait
He has, but not from someone that he wants. Despair soon.
Itsuki then Yotsuba.
She always refers to them as "Itsuki and the others".
She spends a bunch of time with Yotsuba. Yotsuba is the quint that goes out of her way to play with Raiha.
I don't feel like re-reading the manga to check, but I'm pretty damn sure Nino, Miku, and Ichika have never even had a full fledged conversation with her. You'd figure that the 3 quints that have been the most forward with liking Fuutarou would know that the key to his heart is though befriending his sister. If she said he should date one of them specifically, he'd probably take her recommendation to heart.
this is good, but miku and itsuki's colors should be reversed
You did not realize that Negi wants to do
>With Nino bad luck
>To tells us that you have to get all the courage and go get what you want in your life>To regret nothing later.
That's why I bet sure Nino victory.
Like Itsuki says to Fuutarou
>go>then learn about it >if it's good or not for you
nah, the rumor would be about his and yotsuba's tan
the despair would be glurious
What the fuck does that even mean, Nino
It's what I expect, but would prefer a Nino, Miku, or Yotsuba end.
Her falling for Fuutarou would have to be pretty damn convincing for me to change my mind.
not really but I would like to know SOMETHING substantial about Fuutarou's mother (occupation does not count) or the quints' father
I hate Yotsuba
Miku, you can't marry your sister!
>Lurking Bokuben threads
I can't help it. The people who browse the threads were built for bullying.
We know, Yotsuba.
Guys what if the debt collectors rushes Fuutarou's family and Fuutarou has to please the Quints for money? Wouldn't that be funny haha
In my spare time I like to fantasize about a pornographic 5toubun where it's just the same plot but instead of being a tutor Fuutarou's been hired as a sex slave.
I grew up where nobody used that word. Every time I notice someone use it, I think they are a reject.
Yotsuba will no way, fag Fuutarou this time.
they all look the same
Before she changes her hair.. I hope she changes her shitty behavior
Why so mad 45fag? There is a chasm for a reason you know.
It's fun to bait Bokubenkeks my sides I don't even read their series I just google their series and post a random quint with my statement
I feel bad for bokuben threads honestly, KOfag ruined all discussion by falseflagging everything then saying "KO is better" just like old times
It's also almost comical how he migrated there after getting absolutely blown the fuck out by 5toubun anime and the stellar sales brought by it
to the point he never dares visit here anymore
Ichika marries some producer/actor
Nino and Miku marry each other
Itsuki marries Raiha
So Yotsuba marries Fuu
>only 1 panel for Fuutarou and Nino
I hope Nino will get more than one panel with Fuutarou (>without Meeku) the next chapter
That novel had one of the most fucked up ideas of romance ever done.
Nino has gotten a lot of good panels and pages already. A little backseat action is fine.
Will you died if you stop hating her for a day?
>without Miku in the same panel
Does someone has a colored version of this Nino or page?
Why are the non-black stripes on Nino's top and bottom two different colors?
That being said, with great efforts in perseverance to overcome challenges comes great reward
Sometimes, people don't always get what they want immediately & life is not perfect. But there will be their good opportunity to get together again, it takes time & efforts to nourish
The janny from google
Mikufags? What's her appeal now?
old and busted
probably likes yotsuba too
she's lewd
That explains why I haven't seen him lately.
5Toubun > Bokuben anyday.
just googled him. thanks for the tip bro. now i know where to get color panels from.
Wow the breasts and ass talked.
Change your filenames you dumb SEAmonkey
Must be your imagine going wild over Nino. I see nothing but a butt and breasts with no text.
What would happen if all the quints fused?
That's 1 big ass head.
What do you mean?
Just googled it too, what the fuxl is wrong with the guy? He fucking twitch streams himself coloring. Talk about attentionwhoring
Seriously? That actually sounds awesome. He's got a lot of followers too I noticed.
If you use the same filename as the colorbro people are going to assume you're him. We already told you.
I am him.
>itsukifags splerging out on other threads
Keep your shit in your own threads please. I expected better.
I still can't believe Itsuki is fucking winning.
Weren't the colorbros europeans?
No idea. I'm just fuckin with you. Not even the guy who posted that image.
Fucking kek.
> itsuki/yotsuba colorfag is from SEA
I love DAT
They weren't real Itsukifags. most certainty isn't.
>Bokushits ruin toubun threads yet again.
She's the only one to have such a balanced relationship with Fuutarou so duh.
nah I'm sure he isnt
I want to pee inside Yotsuba's butt
No I'm not him I'll change it next time
OH NO NO NO mikuchads it was supposed to be our pose!
At this point, "MIKU LIKE OLD MAN" is the best insult that the anti-Mikufags got. Based Negi, all we need is a gym chapter and we're golden
Imagine if the Miku bride pose was 100% exclusive to Miku. Otherfags would probably just call it a red herring. The kisser is mysterious for a fucking reason, retard.
Why doesn't Fuutarou just ask Raiha who the kisser is?
I like how user just calls it the Miku bride pose. Like, in his mind its not even a question. I like you, Mikubro
>Imagine if the Miku bride pose was 100% exclusive to Miku
*Laugh in Itsuki*
He's not looking for the kisser
It's going to be interesting to see if Miku's newfound perspective will lead to her trying to change her appearance.
Thats the point, user
Hopefully she'll stop being a poser and remove the dumb headphones
She did back then. Fuutarou just didn't say anything.
At least they held hands. That was nice to see
Did another girl ever receive such a loser flag?
Why is Fuutarou such an effortless chad?
>loser flag
A change in perspective after confessing. Have seen much of this at all as far as I remember. And you are implying its a huge established loserflag?
>marrying the one that will definitely bloat up after birth
Oh shit futs, what are you doing?
I don't fucking know anymore. Ever since the perspective change (Fuutaro to the quints) the manga has been quite a bore for me.
That they're out of the bowl.
I miss Fuutarou POV too
>not converting after chapter 18
One of my favorite lines in 5toubun.
The more that I see the image to the right, the more I'm convinced the bell "kisser" didn't rush to Fuutarou to kiss him. Instead, she might want to go the venue hurriedly to ring the bell herself without expecting someone over there. The reason why she bell it alone? Perhaps she wanted to be a bride to someone she doesn't think would give her love back for eternity. Am I wrong?
I want to liposuct that body.
Ass is too big.
oh my fucking god
bless Negi
he needs to do more fanservice chapters
Micute a best
I want to dive into her cleavage.
I want to marry her
*an insufferable whore
Nice sketch Miku
Lmao dude your theory makes no sense at all. What kind of human being rings the bell with that pose? Or you mean the way she closes his palms? We've seen the quints especially Miku did that multiple time. Not to mention she obviously ran into Fuutaro not the bell. Its obviously a kiss pose. Dont know why so many people try to twist it. That quint wanted to kiss Fuu under the bell. He fell. She fell on him. Mission completed. She made a sad face for whatever reason and ran away. End of story. Simple as that. Bellkisser =the bride or not is another story but even with how hack Negi is I doubt he can choose the most retarded way possible:make the bellkisser a red herring
>the more I'm convinced the bell "kisser" didn't rush to Fuutarou to kiss him.
Stopped reading there.
Okay, I understand some people think that the kisser is a red herring and not the bride. But I really believe that people assuming that she wasn't going to kiss Fuutarou and everything was an accident or whatever, are delusional af
The only ones that think the kisser is not the bride are mikeks since they know Miku is 100% not the kisser.
So Itsukifags are a bunch of closet bullies huh, color me surprised.
you are too concerned for Mikubros. I was just lurking but I had to say thank you
>AHHHH g-gomenasai Itsukichads....please stop bullying me...
>No no! You're not a real itsukifag!
Itsukifags too.
Excuse me? Itsukifags have CONCRETE EVIDENCE she's the kisser
The kisser has Itsuki's appearance. Therefore, Itsuki is the kisser.
Nah. fuutarou doesn't have a "concrete image" of the kisser. He only sees the quints, not just itsuki.
Hey, don't start that again
Threesome with Nino and Miku!
Miku a cute
10/10 Solid evidence 1234fags btfo
damn right that fat piece of shit has a big soft belly
not with this ugly ass depiction of her
Go back.
his e l a v a t i o n
hes arguably around 5'9. Not that tall for a guy
source? i'm pretty sure he's around 5'11 or 6'0
Just an estimation. Given that the quints are confirmed to be 5'3(without the addition from itsukis 30cm ahoge, which cranks the average up to 5'5). The average human skull is 6-7 inches long. See again
>not let the "first/main girl" thing get to you.
Not that guy but its too late and this has very much seeped into every fiber of my being. I hate this girl and I hate her stupid fucking hair.
Stupid, sexy Itsuki.
Bullying Miku has consequences, Yotsuba. This is why you always need to visit despair park. but bullying miku is fun, just be ready for consequences
> yotsubafags to mikufags after they've confirmed their place in the finals
They can't
I arrived to the same conclusion, user.
>already thinking of how depressed I will be when this ends and my quint doesn't win
Anyone else
The sideboob is the only thing that works for Nino's flatty swimsuit.
Ichika /fa/ af, as per usual
Round 2 soon™?
mfw Eatsuki eats the bowl
>daily reminder mafuyufags are falseflagging mikufags
I think we all thought about it at least once.
Based DAT making the swimsuit salvageable
I won't be depressed because I never expected my quint to win.
I have absolute faith in my quint
>Single kid dealing with the finance of a poor family and amazing house skills
You will need to be a giga chad to get worthy of adult Raiha.
Nino is the best girl and you can’t change my mind . Love a girl that’s a challenge who doesn’t hopelessly blindly fall for MC
She doesn't even notice what she is doing.
>Love a girl that’s a challenge who doesn’t hopelessly blindly fall for MC
You say that, but you'll still hurt inside when she loses.
I kinda admire you for that, hopefags
His popularity has grown considerably since he first came out with Choo Choo Motherfucker Nino.
Wtf if your not part of Miku gang, gtfo
Are you sure it's not your dick decision?
>Posted on Thursday 15 Feb 2018 15:30:29
Well, at least as chad as her father and brother.
Remember this? output.jsbin.com
retard, how are you this buttblasted about Itsuki? At least act a little less pathetic
usually it's Nino, though
>Nah. fuutarou doesn't have a "concrete image" of the kisser. He only sees the quints, not just itsuki.
We've been over this and you were proven to be retarded.
Thank you for circumcising her, user. Someone needed to do it.
I have even better evidence against 123fags. Symbolizing
>Show (one's) cards/the cards are on the table
>To make one's plans, intentions, or resources knows to others, especially HIDDEN OR KEPT SECRET.
123 are not the kisser.
Itsuki is the bride confirmed.
I'll go on the nearest swings then.
I fucking love this post
have a test in 6 hours, wish me luck Yea Forums
It would actually be pretty funny if she turned out to be the bride.
>be Fuutarou
>get kissed by random quint when you fall on your ass
>look up
>see quint with star-shaped hairpin
>You can't tell which of the sisters it is because everyone is "DISGUISED AS ITSUKI"
>someone called you two out
>Itsuki or the sister "DISGUISED AS ITSUKI" walks off without saying a word
>be confused
I’m i the only one who think nino is the bride? And no I don’t use facial expression as proof
So those edits really were from there.
Good luck.
Is Ichika the only quint that doesn't have a 20+ page thesis about why she's the bride?
Has Fuutarou ever complimented someone changing their looks? I don't remember him saying anything after Nino cut her hair.
ichika no
Ichika has tripfags and the autistic nino rager
Niku rule 2 and 3 out.
who is lolikano
Ichika, Nino and Itsuki don't.
She has namefags and tripfags in addition to the spammer instead.
This is actually a beautiful miku panel.
every Miku is a cute Miku
But Nino is the only who are determined to kiss him especially when she said their vacation is ending. Also she no longer cares about the disguise (pic related and this is earlier part of the chapter which Futaro kiss one of the sisters
Old men.
This parcticular panel is an exceptionally mikute.
He said the bow not the ahoge. What did you do!
Mafuyu. All the quints are red herrings and bridesmaids
The kisser and therefore the bride is Yotsuba.
Yotsuba remembered the bell in kyoto and went to kiss Fuutarou disguised as Itsuki because Itsuki has disguised as her(lolikano). Yotsuba only wanted to express her love to him one last time without him ever knowing who she really was.
May the swing be with you
Nino Is 70% not the kisser.
you have the support of the old man alliance
>actually believing that negi would give the kisser intention away before revealing her identity
If anything, this only removes any chance that she has of being the kisser. Negi will make it so that the reason the kisser did it is more important than her actual identity, same thing he did with the rena case.
Ichika is 30% not the kisser.
Kisser is Ichika, it's so obvious.
Nah, That's a thank you kissed for being nice to her grandpa
>thinking Negi wouldn’t
In chapter 71 (literally 1 or 2 chapter after the kiss) we see Fuutarou looking at nino mouth and was at disbelieved
The quints are so much cuter when disguised as Itsuki. Though not as a cute as Itsuki herself.
You know it's fatty.
That's why she's going to win.
She already has Futaroo's daddy and her sister.
Exactly why 1 and 2 can't be the kisser. Either choice would be too obvious.
In chapter 72, we also see fuutaro grouping nino with the mysterious Itsuki that kiss him. Nino is the one who are determined to kiss fuutaro. In fact, she almost tried to kiss him but she didn’t want to do it in a disguise until she later learned that Miku and Ichika like him too that she no longer care about disguise. I mean she is only one that is eager to kiss him in the entire arc
Don't use trips with Riko for such blatant shitposting and shit taste
damn, not even trying Itsuki gets to be best girl.
Not fair for the other quints who are desperately trying to win
the one she'll get married to
Just like Yotsuba can't be Lolikano, right?
>1 or 2 is too obvious
>3 is in a teacher and student zone mentality
>4 don’t want to cuck her sister
>5 friend zone
Just because it’s obvious doesn’t mean it is not true
The obvious option for that was Itsuki.
Lol headcanon. That's him talking about people who has expressed their feelings to him.
No it was not. And even in this case, if I wanted to use that logic I could say 4 and 5 is too obvious so they are not. That's retarded.
>4 don’t want to cuck her sister
Are you sure?
>I mean she is only one that is eager to kiss him in the entire arc
Dude, Ichika tried to kiss him in the same arc and even before that in the Legend that binds arc.
She will relapse in her next arc you'll see.
>she is only one that is eager to kiss him in the entire arc
Trust a Ninofag to speedread even after the pages prior was posted ITT itself.
Isn't it weird that no guys are trying to date the quints at school? They are cute and for every taste.
>But Nino is the only who are determined to kiss him
This rules her out
The kisser didn't kiss fuu willingly
She leaned in to let fuu kiss her
Then fell and accidentally kissed him.
Reread the manga
Multiple guys tried to date them, but until they were all in the same class, we barely saw other students interactions
Miku pretended to be ichikas and got asked out
I think somewhere it mentions nino rejecting guys.
>and even before that in the Legend that binds arc
She just wanted to h*ld his h*nd, she didn't put her face up to his for a kiss.
>The kisser didn't kiss fuu willingly
>She leaned in to let fuu kiss her
user, Futarou wouldn't kiss her since Futarou was not interested in any of them and one of the reasons she kissed him besides thirst was to make him conscious of them. Why would she wait for a kiss? It was just first kiss autism.
man of culture
Yes it was. Yotsuba theories mostly went off meta (in the "she can't stay irrelevant forever" fashion), the few hints she got were subtle and overshadowed by the ones for Itsuki, who used the same words as Lolikano, has the same charm that Lolikano bought and Negi even did a bait and switch by revealing that she is Rena before the Kyoto trip. Aside from some devoted hopefags most people didn't doubt that Rena=Lolikano before chapter 86 came out.
I'm surprised no one has taken advantage of yotsuba yet.
I think it only happens to Ichika once in a blue moon. They didn't say anything about the others as far as I remember. Normally I think someone like Yotsuba would be quite popular.
Next time you reread the manga keep your headcanons out of it.
Yotsuba= Lolikano was the most popular belief. What the hell are you talking about? Lolikano=/= Rena is something else entirely.
We don't see much of their school life so you can assume it happens a lot offscreen.
You retards take meme s too seriously. All of the quints have been shown to have enough common sense to not have any problems, even Miku.
No, not Yotsuba.
Did you already forget the hordes of mikufags and itsukifags that had CONCRETE EVIDENCE of their quint being Lolikano?
Yotsuba a shit
You're mixing the manga with your headcanons, take a break. :)
People post theories, but some are more popular than the others. And yes, 45 theories were more popular.
As an Itsukifag, I gotta say, the salt I'm collecting from you autists about Itsuki's character development and role in 5-Toubun no Hanayome will never stop being delicious. Makes up for all the Nino shitposting we had to deal with. Itsuki WILL be the decisive winner of the Fuutbowl, and your shit waifu will lose. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better. You Itsuki haters are nothing, absolutely nothing, and you will never be anything. You can easily tell someone is an adult male virgin when they are actually attracted to girls that are only has a nice body and offers no relevance at all to the story except to serve as a romantic plot device, like Yotsuba or psychopathic selfish sluts who only seeks to pleasure herself, like Miku. When you kill yourselves or die of a coronary infarction before you turn 40, no one will ever remember you and the world will be better off without you toads in it. You semen slurping faggots will never amount to anything. You are garbage, and nothing will ever change that, just like Ichika or Miku or Nino or whatever waifu you like has no chance of romancing Fuutaro.
Also reminder that Itsuki is the best designed character in 5-Toubun no Hanayome. God it must suck to be you.
What do you want?
Itsukifag(s) yes, but only the retarded mikufag had that delusion of miku being lolikano.
I still think it's absolute pottery how everyone is trying to kiss him as Itsuki
I want (You)
>In chapter 71 (literally 1 or 2 chapter after the kiss) we see Fuutarou looking at nino mouth and was at disbelieved
Know why? Because he was just kissed and suspected it might be Nino since she straight up confessed to him. Good catch Sherlock Homes
Reminder than even the sporty Yotsuba can't do anything against a serious rapist.
>In chapter 72, we also see fuutaro grouping nino with the mysterious Itsuki that kiss him.
Yes and you know why? Because those are the two instances where he was dealing with serious emotions directed towards him which started him taking them seriously. It's as simple as that. CONTEXT user
unironically this
Still in a better situation than Miku, she goes to onsens to get gangbanged by old men
This but ironically
Pic related.
Because you don't dedicate 100% of your time to study and become one of the top students in your year in your whole country.
Fuutarou is the toppest of the chads together with Shirogane and Nariyuki and they deserve all the bitches that throw themselves at them.
She can clamp down on him and make him cum faster.
Only a retarded thug will go after her with brute strength. Blackmailing is the way to go. She'd gladly take it if it means saving her sisters.
>Needs a kiss gesture of Nino to remember
>Doesn't need anything than a smile from Ichika
Ichika wins. Futarou wants her, he just doesn't know it right now.
Anyone have this colored panel?
Yeah I just realized how much of a retard I am when I think about it again. Now I think about it,the only real convincing evidences of nino being the kisser is her not caring about appearance anymore and the fact that she wants to kiss him under the bell. I guess the kisser is still a mystery
>Yotsuba and Itsuki scream
>Nino can't
Damn, getting her would be so easy. For someone who is usually so annoyingly loud, she sure knows how to shut up when fear kicks in.
>>Needs a kiss gesture of Nino to remember
>>Doesn't need anything than a smile from Ichika
This is what I hardly see anyone point out. He literally needs a kiss to trigger his memories and even then he doubts it. While with Ichika, all he mentions was "what was she thinking back then". Can't get anymore obvious than this.
She was feeling fear from the stalker and arousal from her cute imoutos hugging her so tight
You can get her the same way as yotsuba. Pretending to go after her sisters, just like in the doujin.
I like it when Yotsuba does that trick with her mouth. The one where Fuutarou is inside of her.
I wish I was inside of Yotsuba
I remember an user posting rape situations for all the quints. This is the kind of post which should be pasta.
>The one where Fuutarou is inside of her.
This is a Christian manga! Save that for the wedding night!
I think that's supposed to be her ribbons.
Which quint would be the best to rape? v1.1
Ease: how easy it is to rape the quint
Pleasure: how pleasurable it is to rape the quint
Consequences: how likely you are to get away with it
1. Ichika
Ease: 5/10
Has her guard up. Forcing her into socially awkward situations is the way to go.
For example, pose as a taxi driver and drive her to the wrong destination. She will notice your "mistake," and, even though she is feeling nervous your behavior, she will be polite in asking you to change the destination. Her politeness will be her downfall. Make up bullshit excuses to stall until you get to the right place to attack.
Pleasure: 8.5/10
Voluptuous, but lacks long hair to grab on.
She won't resist much and will talk to you a lot, telling you don't have to do this.
She eventually accepts it and asks you to not be rough and to not come inside.
Consequence: 9/10
As the oldest quint, she will keep her silence to protect her sisters and her acting career.
2. Nino
Ease: 1/10
Hard to isolate with her wariness of strangers. Around her friends and her sisters often. Will scream and resist very hard.
Drugging her the best method. Best bet is to go to a mixer where she's at and spike her drink.
Pleasure: 6/10
Despite her beauty, raping her will be a mixed bag since she is nigh impossible to break in.
Makeup will be smeared everywhere, and she will spend the entire time hatefully glaring at you and fighting back hard.
Consequence: 0/10
You are a dead man walking.
She will seek revenge. May use her money and connections to get you killed.
3. Miku
Ease: 6.5/10
Hard to approach due to her reserved personality, but easy to overpower since she's the weakest of the quints.
Pleasure: 7.5/10
Soft supple body, but a bit boring honestly.
She'll scream and cry for a bit, then lay there deadfish, sobbing.
She may faint because of the trauma.
Consequence: 6/10
Blackmail not a guarantee for success. She might confide in another quint about the rape.
4. Yotsuba
Ease: 7.5/10
Although convincing her you need help and taking her to a secluded place is easy, her retard strength is a problem.
Will need to be drugged and restrained.
Pleasure: 10/10
Toned body + breaking her genki personality + rude breasts
Consequence: 10/10
If you threaten to rape her sisters, she will obediently comply with continued demands.
5. Itsuki
Ease: 9/10
Bake a cake for her laced with sedatives. She'll take the bait.
Pleasure: 9/10
Like fucking a fluffy fat marshmallow.
She will resist and tell you won't get away with this.
As a bonus, you can find doughnuts hidden in her fat rolls.
Consequence: 7.5/10
If you threaten to rape her sisters, she will be torn between reporting you and silence.
Bonus: Raiha
Ease: 8/10
Tell her Fuutarou got into an accident and is at the hospital. Lead her down a dark alley and overpower her.
Pleasure: 5/10 to 10/10
Depends on how much of a lolicon you are.
She will struggle, but she is easy to manhandle.
She will cry for her brother to save her.
Can pull on her ahoge.
Consequence: 4/10
High risk of Fuutarou noticing something is bothering Raiha.
In conclusion, Yotsuba would be the best quint to rape.
Things to do when raping Yotsuba:
-Make her listen to a recording explaining in graphic detail how you will rape her
-Video tape everything
-Strip her and make fun of her kiddie panties
-Shave off her pubic hair
-When you take her virginity, position her in front of a mirror so she has to watch your penis tearing through her hymen
-Falsely promise you won't cum inside
-Cum inside anyways and have her clean off your blood and semen covered dick with her mouth
-Force her to masturbate to the video recordings of her rape when you're taking a break from raping her
-Anal rape
-Cum on her ribbon
That's a pretty sad look from Fuutarou
>Can pull on her ahoge.
That's my fetish
Our win will be so satisfying. Can't wait.
Read his post again.
>Yotsuba theories mostly went off meta (in the "she can't stay irrelevant forever" fashion), the few hints she got were subtle and overshadowed by the ones for Itsuki, who used the same words as Lolikano, has the same charm that Lolikano bought
All big in-universe evidence were pointed to Itsuki=lolikano, but in the end it wasn't her. The same works with Nino. Negi so desperately tries to justify her being the kisser that it leaves a bad taste of a red herring in my mouth.
This is the current most likely explanation. Negi will probably have a twist and have it all be Itsuki shenanigans.
I hate the idea of Lolikano being an advantage in the ending. It's such a bad trope.
God I can't wait for C96. NTR doujins abound.
Now that the dust has settled, which Nakano had the best swimsuit?
The legend never said the man and woman would marry, it only said they'll be together forever.
Maybe that's what yotsuba wants, to be with him without being "with" him.
>Futarou wouldn't kiss her since Futarou was not interested in any of them
>one of the reasons she kissed him besides thirst was to make him conscious of them
It was this panel which miku referred to as a dud, not the kiss.
Kisser = not miku.