Do you think the animators that did this scene regrets becoming animators?

Do you think the animators that did this scene regrets becoming animators?

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Other urls found in this thread:

If anything they're thanking the animation gods for their glorious gifts.

Since when is Yea Forums full of fucking faggots like OP?

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Did Horus regret giving Midas the gift of fire

I want to go full IMAGINE on those two.

And regretting that they can't show more nipples and puffy vulvas.

Since like 10 years ago, where have you been?

i wonder if the guy on the right will be like the guy on the left one day

That's why they became animators in the first place lol

I wouldn't regret.

Imagine being this close to showing a puffy loli vulva in television, but needing to stop due to many reasons. Fuck, it must be depressing. At least we got to see many frontal nude shots of the two lolis, despite the covered nipples and vulva, which is better than most other recent cases.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.26_[2019.05.11_13.48.21].jpg (1280x720, 117K)

God damn it Nihon, just show me the puffy loli vulvas.

Have you seen any of the people who get into animation in Japan? This is exactly what they're into.

There have been experiments that show that people are more likely to commit murder, if they are made to feel that they are not responsible for it, and they get encouraged by some authority who does take the responsibility.
An example of that is soldiers who go to war and kill people and aren't held responsible for it, but there have been experiments with regular civilians too.

I think the animators don't care as long as the boss tells them they're doing a good job.


I thought OP just reached a new deeper level of faggotry


>drawing lolis is murder

Ahh yeah, the Milgram experiment.

Scary stuff.

Is that an Asuka fig in the last shot?

In some keyframes where the girl's goods are obviously visible, do you guys think the animator draws them and then censored them with a bubbles, or leave it blank to saves their time?

This is why people become animators.

Blank to save time. Even if they want to draw them there is no time.

Has anyone ever compiled all of the loli fanservice in the show in one place?

Let's be honest. This is what keeps some of these poor sleep-deprived bastards going.

Because of lolis?

me on the right

Remember when a "rogue" animator added in panty shots to Girls und Panzer and they delayed the production to fix it? They love this stuff.


>Imagine being this close to showing a puffy loli vulva in television
Imagine how horrible it would be to watch anime with your loli and suddenly a naked loli suddenly appears on screen

Why do nipples have to be censored even if they’re on an unsexy kid who doesn’t even have boobs yet?

Oh boy, wait until you find out that most animators are female.

This anime is disgusting, honestly. This is beyond fan service, in fact, this is the Belle Delphine of anime.

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>box clearly says NERV
Read user. READ!

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You either die as the guy on the right, or live long enough to become the guy on the left.

i watch anime, but i love myself too.

on the contrary, they felt as though they existed solely for this moment

Well, it's sperm murder

But it's just a small line with a 3-shaped curve at the bottom.

You’re a fucking pedophile, kill yourself.

What did they think about the really gay stuff?

Attached: nobunaga gay.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Feel free to stay as angry as you want to. Nothing will change.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.05_[2019.04.13_20.39.34].jpg (1280x720, 160K)

I think it's more insulting that they have to draw hair over their nipples.
Have you felt your hair on your nipples? It's unpleasant.

I only recently began to browse Yea Forums again, can someone explain to me all this JS JC shit? I think there was a third I forgot. I feel left out.

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Short hair is better because they can't use unnatural hair placement to cover nipples.

I think JS/JS stands for junior school or whatever. Basically Jr. High age girls.

At least it's one of the hottest kinds of convenient censoring there is.

JS = joshi shougakusei = elementary schooler
JC = joshi chuugakusei = middle schooler schooler
JK = Just kidding

Like just lurk a bit more and use the archives. People spoonfeed the meanings every single time those terms are brought up. Fuck. Also read more loli porn.

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>regrets becoming animators?
Yes, but because animators in Japan are treated worse than dogs, not because they drew that scene.

also note that joshi means girl so they only refer to females

what game is she playing

JS JC are sexy girls

Yes actually, can't say it bothers me all that much..

I really like elementary schooler little girl characters.

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>this ignorance
You have to go back.

You HAVE to go back.

>Also read more loli porn.
Don't do that.

Attached: manko.png (113x196, 10K)

Me too! What's your favorite feature of elementary schooler little girl characters?

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>I only recently began to browse Yea Forums again,
then you know what to do
but you don't, so you're actually just a newfag in disguise
fuck you

He posted cute loli, I always spoonfeed my lolibros

for me, it's gotta be the C-

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>lurk a bit more
Idk about you but these I've never heard these terms used before until like this year when I came back to Yea Forums... pretty sure loli was just loli didn't have to separate it into stupid categories

I figured it was something like that. But didn't know the Japanese cross-over like,

this guy explained, thanks m8

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You can tell someone is a newfag based on how hard they try to gatekeep.


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I'm surprised with how much Japanese I've learned just by trying to read untranslated eromanga.

where's the maru

You can tell someone is a newfag when they reject anti-newfag measures.

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>pretty sure loli was just loli didn't have to separate it into stupid categories
Calling middle schoolers a middle schooler is stupid categorizing.

Is this is why animators are paid so little? Because they seem like bugmen to rest of the staff?

Yes, lurk more. Those terms got a lot of traction around when Eromanga-sensei was airing, and they have nothing to do with "stupid categories", they're just a somewhat accurate indicative of age. Try to do some research yourself and you'll understand which age range each term indicates, and try to read more manga and you'll understand why people have started using it so often.

it's shit

JC is juicy c0nny

Pick one

uhhh you know JC Staff?

Oh no!
Shame your opinion is irrelevant.

>Idk about you but these I've never heard these terms used before until like this year when I came back to Yea Forums

Um excuse me, the best feature of elementary schooler little girls is their small little huggable bodies.

For me it's mommies

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Eromanga is only like 2 years old, telling me to lurkmore for a show that new is pretty fucking ironic. You're probably like 15 year old retard fuck off with your hip terms for loli. You should lurk more before trying to sound impressive because you know some retard terms for loli, like you're some pro. Pathetic.

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oh excuse me bro im sorry you are very correct

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Sure sure, whatever makes you feel better about being a totally-not-newfag-just-took-a-break-I-swear who would rather double down on acting like a retard than accept you're wrong and leave quietly.

They've been used older than that.

>telling me to lurkmore for a show that new is pretty fucking ironic
It would be if you weren't pretending to be an oldfag when you clearly weren't here at the time of that show.

If you’re about to make a post that isn’t about how sexy little kids are, please reconsider.

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I'd say it's primarily two things:
1. An anime's financial success does not directly correlate from better/higher skilled animation. So there's not nearly as much demand for higher skilled workers compared to professions like finance, software, etc.
2. You have fanatics that are drawn to the industry for the love of it (like that guy). This both creates a glut of workers and also makes them more abusable.

I don't know whether to puke or have a seizure.

Fuck sexy little kids

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Small discord clique mainly 1 guy trying to divide lolithreads.
Hates lolithreads you can recognize him easily after awhile. Just ignore them in general

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Mods are probably going to delete this thread. Why do they hate lolis so much?

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I know, and I recall this same kind of "no you're just making these terms up stop not including me" posting back then too, it's just that it was around that time that I recall them becoming a lot more common.


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Imagine going into the bathroom and your armless loli has her bare ass in the air waiting for you to wipe her

is she doing her taxes?

The only ones trying to divide loli threads are the anons who pick fights with lolicons.

user, phrasing!

>1 guy
So that's going to be your new strategy after all the failures for the rest of the year? That's pretty amusing.
I don't think there's any point in telling you to lurk since you never had any interest on Yea Forums in first place.

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something like that

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She's updating her client list

is this a loli thread or a nobunaga thread

Do you think OP parents regret being parents?


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Are there any parents that dont?

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Hanako Oomuro is completely adorable and I want to SQUEEZE her.

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OP's dad here. Yes, I do.

Anyone know some cute and funny manga I can read while goofing off at work?

I'd recommend against doing such things in public

Skeeter Rabbit

I love cute little pits right before they develop apocrine glands.

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How old is Hanako

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8 (eight)

I thought it was clear, but I want non-lewd series about loli(s)

boku no pico

What did you think about the first new loli of the season?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Maou-sama, Retry! - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.32_[2019.07.03_16.35.44].jpg (1280x720, 192K)

Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita

He gets turned into a little girl and has to steal pantsu in order to keep being a little girl

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This is your first mistake when you entering the industry, should've at least apply yourself as a writer so you can be like Mari Okada or Urobutcher.

Why is she naked?

She's enjoying the first bath in her entire loli life.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Maou-sama, Retry! - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.03_[2019.07.03_16.35.06].jpg (1280x720, 248K)

Do you bathe with your clothes on?

Lolis shouldn't bathe in public

Do you bathe with your clothes on?

They're in the middle of a forest, that's the only clean water source around, and she has an ojii-san guarding the place so it's probably safe.

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She has no nipples, so there's nothing to see.

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Is this one a loli show or just some show's loli? I miss wataten. No loli show last season hurt me.

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Was there an uncensored version?

I don't get it.

Imagine stealing her clothes and watching her go home naked

BDs aren't out yet as far as I know. Can't wait to see what they'll do about .

Please don't bully the pooploli who had her nipples forcibly removed.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Maou-sama, Retry! - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.40_[2019.07.03_16.36.00].jpg (1280x720, 207K)

No it's what they've been waiting for their entire lives.

If it was only that it would be bad but not unexpected. It doesn't look like she has any body shape there at all. Even someone flat should show a little shading to show the right side of what's visible of her body isn't just as close as the left.

It's what happens after an entire life of carrying poop.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Maou-sama, Retry! - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.55_[2019.07.03_16.38.40].jpg (1280x720, 242K)

In all seriousness why do kid nipples need to be censored? Who would be offended by uncensored nipples that isn’t already offended that shows for lolicons exist at all?

Not a lolicon but loli nipples are pretty hot, it's not just the flat chest either as I don't feel anything for boy nipples, there's something about them that just sends my dick into a frenzy.

>people with passion for their work seem like bugmen to detached studio owners that only want to churn out products and probably couldn't give less of a damn about what product they make beyond "back in my day we made manime"
It's because bright eyed idiots keep getting lured into this industry and are easily exploited since they feel attached to their work beyond getting a paycheck.

Passion is subtracted from employment cost. This is why are jobs pay like shit and dirty jobs pay quite well.

art jobs*

Picked up

Because Americans, that's why.
You could have a picture of a topless kid and you'd forced into censoring it or not based on gender even if it otherwise looked exactly the same. Why? America.

There were kid nipples in Big Mouth and The Loud House, and those are both recent American cartoons. Censorship is a Japanese problem.

IIRC, this whole "gotta censor porn" thing Japan has was forced upon them by America soon after WW2.

boy nipples or loli nipples?

Lurking’s a meme at this point.

Imagine sucking those budding titddies

Loli nipples. It was just this brief scene in The Loud House. Big Mouth has lots of underage nudity but it gets away with it by having ugly art and being on Netflix.

Attached: loudhouse.png (1280x738, 928K)

Douglas MacArthur actually took the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil to Japan and made them all eat it.

Reminder that Senran Kagura out of all things had uncensored loli nipples a few months ago.

You say that like what you posted isn't ugly too.

Did the oppai loli had uncensored nipples?

Everyone showed their nipples either in the show itself or the ED. It's a shame the lewd fun stuff stopped for the sake of the plot, even with the occasional nipple here and there things never went back to how they were on episodes 2 and 3.

Attached: the best part of the senran kagura anime.webm (1280x720, 1.2M)

What's wrong with her butt?

Maybe her butt hurts?

All I see are faces.

Why wasn't lolibutt censored?

My body doesn’t know how to react to loli asses of this size

look at the degenerate samefag and laugh desu!

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Genuinely haven't seen this image in years.

More of her lolitits only in a shot in the ED as far as I recall.


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Because lolibutts aren't lewd.

The green haired loli reminds me of some other character because I haven't seen the show.
So I checked what the studio worked on previously.
well then

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-04 Seven - Company (27343) - AniDB.png (468x1055, 226K)

>h-studios are now joining in the fray for "we're going legit"
>queenbee becomes the new toei
Oh fuck

I'm still not sure if she just reminds me of Renge or there's another loli with that stare I can't remember


maybe, her eyes are greenish and horns look like the ribbons too.

They're 14 and older, legal age in Japland. Hell, they can even say they are hundreds of years old.

America's screwy when it comes to loli and shota nudity.
When Rurouni Kenshin aired on Toonami, they didn't censor the boy's ass.

>queenbee becomes the new toei

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>PORO becomes the new toei

males aren't sex objects, girls are.

>crossovers everywhere because every show looks the same

Can you imagine getting paid to draw cunny? These fuckers would do it for free if they asked.

>Mānko sugoi yo

But what did it mean user?

If the BD drops, we’re still not going to see nipple or cunny so what’s the point

Maybe there can be a smaller censor, but I doubt even that will happen.

This is future you fools chose when you bought those shitty BD's

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>honey how was your day at work
>I just drew naked little girls like usual
>I'm going to go take a bath with our daughter now
>mk I love you honey
>I love you too loli

>bandaids done right


No, they have dedicated their lives for our entertainment. They are the real heroes. ('-'*ゞ

One day one faggot weeb woke up and decided to start using a bunch of unnecessary japanese terms on Yea Forums. He forced it so much that the rest of Yea Forums went with it and pretended like it was normal and we had been using them for decades.

I bet you can't even name this supposed day

>still trying to argue it was a single person when Yea Forums really has done it since pretty much forever, specially with JKs

Damn now that's some advanced mad.

You're gonna have to find something older than then, because late 2016/early 2017 is barely "ancient".

And there had better be lots of daily instances and not just a single weeb saying it once or twice.


Protip: if you want to make your arguments convincing, don't say "weeb". That alone invalidates anything you said or try to say from this point on.


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Add JJ - Jukujo - MILF to this.

Pretty sure it was the idol threads that popularized the term.

So it's just like engineering, eh? Fucking faggots who just like doing it deflating the wages.

Yeah, was it Cinderella Girls? Because that one was the first one with loli idols I think.

Why is she not naked?

Attached: mango.png (113x196, 12K)

The JC manko is very sugoi.
means the JC mango is very sugoi instead.

JC > JS > JK > JY >>> JD >>> shit > OL hag

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>JC > JS
Stopped reading there.
Go find a hag thread, you hag lover.

>JC > JS

Eternal Loli>all

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Don't listen to JSfags. This is the true way.

The one true opinion is that lolis are the best regardless of age and anything that tries to rank them by grade should be disregarded.

JS6 through JC2 is prime cunny, JC has a slight edge over JS, deal with it faggots.

If anyone is interested, here's some of the manga titles I could figure out:

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Kabu no Isaki
Nanaka 6/17

And he even has a Weiss Schwarz character card there, but I don't know which card and which set.

This show had sexy JCs

>The owner virgin vs the chad animator virgin

The funniest thing is that it's presented as some big revelation while people have been doing horrible shit because muh god/honour/duty (fancy names for orders and guidelines from a religious/military/political superiors) since forever.

>being shielded from negative consequences makes people more likely to do X
Whoa, almost like every person is ultimately a cold-hearted utilitarian or something.

Where do OL lolis fit into this?

actually, this one is koume

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That Koume doesn't look sexy.

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Shinobu's pussy was covered by proper bandaid too.

Anime industry also just doesn't make that much money. If someone wanted to produce/invest in something for profit, there's tons of better industries to enter in.

Based and JCpilled.

It's all coming to an end next year anyway.

That's anime Aku? Fuck, she is much cuter in the manga

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I want to kiss a JS.

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That's illegal in most cases.

Cute boys deserve some love too!

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Why would it be illegal?

>i want them to be nude!
>No! We are going to be fucked over by the Sjw! Stick to your job! Use light censor and convenient! But no cunny nipples!
>But i want then nude!
>Pedro, that idiot of Sosuke made uncensored privates , put some shitty censor on it please.
>Si senpai

*basically what would happen there

If you're not going to post Pan then you need to make your own thread.

sure thing

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So young people / newfags ruin everything?


More like the animator want to make anime for newfags meanwhile the hardcore Otaku want to make anime for people like him

Yamakan did nothing wrong.

JS = JavaScript
JC = Jesus Christ

It sounds weird but a lot of religious web programmers have infested Yea Forums lately.

I want to JS with a JS!

What would it feels like to have a JC gf?

Just gonna sit there and crunch some numbers? Is that what's goin' on on the streets right now? Your taxes?

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Like being a teacher but you teach her adults things instead of basic math.

Makes me think of that Vietnam war photograph where the little girl is being burned alive with acid. TV programs always censor her privates even though the photo isn't sexually explicit at all.

That sounds cute...

>14 and older, legal age in Japland

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They're way past the point of regret or shame.


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Buy Recolove for your Vita

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