3x3 Thread

If you've watched less than 200 shows, do NOT post in this thread.

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Posting a 3x2 of women instead.

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Hello friends. Ohisashiburi

4/4 you have a fine taste in women user

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Thanks, 3x3


Time to stop this farce. Nobody bothers to post in your threads anymore. Let the recthreads die.


Disgusting. Get out of here.




Fuck off, shitposter.

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and manga.

Attached: manga3x3.png (999x999, 981K)



+Haibane, Eva, K-ON, FLCL, Hidamari Sketch

+Doremi, Eva

Victory Gundam isn't my favorite Gundam series but it's still pretty good.

+Dungeon Meshi, YKK

Attached: 3x3All.png (1350x1350, 2.16M)

I just wish they'd do it on their home board.

>on their home board.
Fuck off, newfag. 3x3 threads are an Yea Forums tradition.
Thay aren't "recthreads" and shitposters and trolls like you are not welcome. Go back to your shounenwar threads.

>3x3 threads are Yea Forums tradition

Attached: 307250.jpg (225x350, 44K)

They are. Have been around for a decade now. And now fuck off instead of hanging around in a thread you seem to hate. That is typical troll behaviour.

>If you've watched less than 200 shows do NOT post in this thread
It doesn't matter given how you guys always post the same shows over and over and over.

Sure user, if that makes you happy to believe that. Anime is a medium for deluding oneself into being happy, after all.

>if that makes you happy to believe that
Check an archive, retard.

Why are you still responding?


Not him but he's right. 3x3 threads are a tradition on Yea Forums. Of course that doesn't make them any less of a vapid showcase.
The equivalent of a bunch of rich socialite young women showing each other the expensive Gucchi pursue they bought yesterday (it's the same model, even).


It would be nice if there was more variety. 3x3 of certain genres, or certain years/time period.
Instead all we get is the same couple dozen shows that are either old or DEEP and subsequent circlejerking.

It's funny how Yea Forums's 3x3 threads (I know, I know) are pretty much the same, with exactly the same games every time.

>It would be nice if there was more variety. 3x3 of certain genres, or certain years/time period.
Sometimes people try and make more specific 3x3 threads but they generally use the word "edition" in the OP which gets them deleted pretty quickly.

Such is the hivemind.
What gets me is that the shows Yea Forums talks about hardly ever come up in 3x3 threads. True that Yea Forums has shit taste, but it just exposes everyone in these threads as crossboarders, probably from Yea Forums because it's almost all "intellectual" anime.

>3x3 of certain genres, or certain years/time period.
Some people do this. But it is discouraged as it actually results in LESS variety and sincerity.

>the same couple dozen shows
Bullshit. In this thread alone there are only 7 grids and already multiple dozens of different "shows". At least open your eyes and look at the thread before you start spouting bullshit.

With new Yea Forums's lack of OC/effort, most people probably couldn't be assed to make a new 3x3 for a theme.

>What gets me is that the shows Yea Forums talks about hardly ever come up in 3x3 threads.
Again: Bullshit. Start actually paying attention to the 3x3 that get posted. Don't assume it's always just the same thing.

These threads are so dead that the bar has to be this low.

>it actually results in LESS variety and sincerity.
How so?
>In this thread alone...
5 anime 3x3s are not a good sample size.

>Evangelion, Gundam and Hunter x Hunter everywhere
>Token Tatami Galaxy

The stuff that's talked about on Yea Forums most of the time are popular currently airing/serialized series. Just because you don't see many threads about older stuff or less popular series doesn't mean people don't try and make threads about them. They probably just don't have much to talk about anymore or don't attract many posts when threads about them are made. If you wanted 3x3 threads to only have series that get daily bump limit threads it would have even less variety.

It's always the same thing with these threads, user.
Always Evangelion, Berserk, Tatami Galaxy, FCLC, Akira, Welcome to the NHK, Legend of The Galactic Heroes, Ashita no Joe, etcetera.
As predictable as the pre-2000 threads.

Or current Yea Forums has such a narrow worldview that they only watch "ANN / MAL / [Instert youtuber name here] top ten anime" and nothing more.

I'd love to make a 3x3 and ridicule anyone who puts a well-known show on it, but I'm way too busy watching obscure college animation projects for the 20th time.

>How so?
A specific genre or era naturally has a limited selection of anime that "fit" into it.
If you don't have that constraint, you can select your favourites from ALL anime, which is means higher variation.
As for honesty/dishonesty: If you can't select most of your favourites because they don't fit a genre, you might end up just cramming in stuff to fill your grid that you might not actually consider even close to a favourite. If I had to make a mecha 3x3, there's 2 or 3 things I'd sincerely put in, for the rest I'd have to resort to "okayish" shows.
If I had to make a "mid-2000s" 3x3, none of them would actually be my favourites.

>5 anime 3x3s are not a good sample size.
Then go look for an older thread in the archives. They have hundreds of different shows, most of which you probably don't even know.

>Evangelion, Gundam and Hunter x Hunter everywhere
Everywhere? Evangelion and HxH once each, unless I'm overlooking something. And different instances of Gundam. Meanwhile, you have 40 to 50 things that are usually pretty rare even in threads with a hundred grids.

There are 40-50 unique anime on the currently posted 7 3x3s depending on how much I fucked up the counting.

That's what happens with the passage of time. Some series are canonized as classics and continue receiving attention; the rest are forgotten. Did you think Yea Forums would be an exception to this rule or something?

>Always Evangelion, Berserk, Tatami Galaxy, FCLC, Akira, Welcome to the NHK, Legend of The Galactic Heroes, Ashita no Joe, etcetera.
Not really. You're basically citing the meme 3x3 that no one takes seriously. Again: Just look at this thread or the last few in the archives. They show much more variety than what you give them credit for.

Even if the 3x3 charts had actual variety, that doesn't change the fact that they serve no real purpose besides the posters patting each other in the back

>patting each other in the back
ESL please go.

>Even if the 3x3 charts had actual variety
They do. That you pretend that they don't just shows how full of shit you are and that you just come here to shitpost.

>they serve no real purpose besides the posters patting each other in the back
They are about taste and comparing one's taste to others'. Not that hard a concept to understand.
No on is patting anyone "in" the back, retard. These threads are highly confrontational even, with people outright getting shit for their picks. If you want affirmation, validation or public endorsement, this is not the right place for you.

And now shut up. You don't like this thread, we all get it. Try to go somewhere else where you can be productive.