post one page from a manga that you think has an interesting paneling, great composition or is just aesthetically appealing to you
Post one page from a manga that you think has an interesting paneling...
Read Souboutei
thanks user, but i've to pass
What? It's not yuri.
Wait a minute..
what the hell are you talking about? lol souboutei has no yuri in it. also it's amazing so read it
this is my souboutei pick btw
I'm going to get deleted aren't I?
mal tagged it with yuri, but i guess i will give it a try now. thanks
is it worth catching up at this point? I stopped around chapter 130
This one.
Protip: use baka updates for manga
chainsaw man's art is so fuckin good
gotta love blame
Mubasa fug :DDDD
Sibma doko
Fuji is cheating, his panelling is amazing
This is not good at all. There's no flow.
I wish Tsuruta was more productive, I fucking love his shit
The stairs and wall serving as a soft border in the bottom panel while still showing passage of time as she heads up the stairs really is a neat touch.
Great taste
The use of the bellybutton is what really makes this piece interesting for me.
If you ever wanted to see a guy having fun trolling his enemy I think this spread is a great example
I know I should ask for recs here but anyone know any good horror mystery manga with nice art? Something similar to Higurashi or Shiki maybe?
sure man
>tfw the faggot scan group took their scans on mangadex
Everyone jerks off the stairs, which are well done, but the whole spread has great flow.
what's the source for this one?
What's this?
Had forgotten about this. Thanks for reminding me, user.
>the ropes don't actually line up
Still mad how the DP adaptation completely ruined what was arguably one of the best jojo parts.
What did he mean by this? Was it some kind of artistic statement that I didn't get?
Sometimes I think that MIA haunts me. Wherever I go, I stumble upon its pages or fanart all the time.
Well now
This thing was really fuck up, Jiro is a mad man.
More chainsaw man
First one in the entire thread that fits my tastes
Whats the best place to read blame online? Ive only been able to find shitty scans
i bought some anthology with some pretty sweet looking kawayoo art in it.
Manga's got some real interesting paneling
flow is good, but the guns killed the art those last chapters. I really hope someone does something about it
Beat me to it.
Abara is prime Nihei.
Mangalife is great
I agree so much with this.
The story was meh imho, but his art is one of the best he put out till then and since.
The most detailed and realistic he has ever done. Love it.
Although if he went with Digimortal plot (Biopunk goth capeshit with mercenary mc) would have worked better.
download from mangastream and copy pasted into powerpoint
Yeah, Digimortal was fun.
I do want to say that i don't mind nu nihei too much though, i know his newer stuff gets a fair amount of hate, but i quite like the lighter, whiter look of his environments. Though i think that kind of peaked late sidonia, apsomiz looks too sparse at times in terms of actual ink on paper and the generic anime faces are pretty bad, like he's not used to drawing them, they kind of jar with some the other characters in that manga who look closer to the way he used to draw faces as well
>No Biomega
Pls user
I caught up with this one last night and the art/story is really good.
If anyone wondering what is the name it called "Ore to Akuma no Blues"
How has noone posted the grandmaster of aesthetics yet?
Wow, someone else post an image from "Rainbow" this is a first for me. And at the same time it make me so happy that someone else like "Rainbow" too.
And yes I would say it is worth catching up.
They overlap, but Abara doesn't have the art shifts.
What are you, blind?
shit yeah im apparently getting blind ...
fucking shit god damn fuck how could i miss that aagh!
Gambino sold yer ass out
is there any way to save images off of mangarock?
Try a screenshoot
Have you tried to use Firefox with a save it all plugin?