Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?
Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd love to be multi-striked by her two hti strikes
love interests in isekai that come from the same world as the protagonist are inherently homosexual in nature
>love interests
its his mom user, you shouldn't love your mom in that way, is disgusting.
I Love Pochi!
As do I!
Is it even out yet?
when is my mom's show airing?
July 12. Fuck.
how can a mom look this good?
I love your mom that way
If there's no incest, then what's the point?
Based on the manga the "no incest" is only a technicality. Pochi is working her usual magic.
What would Freud say about this?
I want to give Pochi a lap pillow and then whisper the NIN version of Hurt as she asleep on my lap
He would completely understand and would mark you as having latent homosexuality if you had any doubts.
>NIN version of hurt...
I know Reznor wrote it, but that song belongs to Johnny Cash.
Overrated. Literally any female doujinshi hosted by FAKKU is better.
Great, now I'm imagining Chiyo dancing around to Johnny Cash's more upbeat songs. While naked.
Niche anime is essentially being aroused by the idea of taboo erotica but never actually delivering
Mamako is very attractive
She's so cute
Is this appropriate mother-son behavior?
It is mandatory
If she was my mommy things would be different around here.
Why is Pochi so cute?
No. Please nerf my mom with your Chad dick, OP.
How can i marry pochi?
She's a somewhat childish cake who enjoys singing and Disney movies.
It makes her extremely lewd tastes all the more erotic
I love the fact that i saw her image in the elder sister manga, and knew, just KNEW that some fuckery was going on.
Elder sister anime when
>it's an isekai with bad animation
>Mom Isekai threads will be over 50% people talking about wanting to marry the artist of the LN
He'd fap to it
I wouldn't have it any other way
If Pochi doesn't voice Chiyo in the eventual Naru Mono adaption I will lose my shit.
I also want to marry Pochi
Her voice is a bit deep for Chiyo, though.
Her voice is already pretty high pitched, though. I've always read Chiyo with an most sultry voice.
Any new promos?
Pochi draws the sexiest midriffs
Yeah, it was pretty funny when she obliterated the adventurers guild inorder to get Ma-kun's attention.
Her self insert in this series appears to be this chick here.
You think Pochi could be a mother herself?
This show is actually the 10th most anticipated for MALfags.
so the age of kaa-sans finally arrives
I've heard that she's a cake
It's simple. You just need to ask.
Bros, are there any other Momcons of any worth?
I read this one and the one about the kid and his cosmic tier dragon mom and I want more. I think these are entertaining but don't really want to read tastless porn to get my fix
I love his mom our way
Pochi always liked literally every single comments and her English skill is abysmal.
damn i remember this being hyped years ago on Yea Forums and STILL NO TITTIES
Shhhh, I like it when she likes my comments
She'll be marrying that guy and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
>Mamako will never be your mommy
btfo scrub, make sure to send a nice gift to Barranco's wedding reception
>what are translation apps
I'd like to obliterate her pussy with my penis, if you know what I mean
She has a great grasp on anatomy. Even when she draws Yuu-kun cross dressing, she gives him visible masculine qualities like broad shoulders.
One more reason why she's the best and I love her
Strange that a former futa artist doesn't follow the "draw a girl, call it a boy" meme
Go away jacob.
Would Mamako like Sonny kiss ?
But Reznor ranger is the one of few people who beat Chiyo nee alongside Tatsuya Suou and Population of South Park
What if Pochi's first husbando is Sora
Pochi is 31, isn't she? She would have been 4 years old when the original Aladdin came out, and she seems to like that movie a lot.
Is it possible for some Anons to sing Prince Ali in an Yea Forums sings style and send it to Pochi
you could argue that's explicitly why they don't follow it
Perhaps for her birthday next year
Daily reminder that Pochi is 30 years old virgin, she will never get married and will die alone.
I like the idea, but I really don't like her design
she doesn't look motherly enough
the designer can only make onee-chan type older girls
I buy it
Whoa, just like me. She truly understands her audience.
I have 6 more years until I'm just like her.
Not if I have anything to say about it
is Mamako a single mother?
And I do!
Such a lewd mother
>that horribly drawn right arm
She's a cake, but she has a little brother.
God I wish I was her little brother
Basically. The father is mentioned only once in the entire series. He's absent due to his work forcing him to be far away which means if Masato left her side, Mamako would be all alone. The manga actually cuts that one reference to him and I bet the anime will too since he's a complete non-entity in the story.
>Pochi will never be your oneesan
Mamako brain is smarter than the average AEWtist so no
Why hasn't he married her yet?
Which anime, manga, vidya character that you want to see drawn by Pochi ?
I'd like to see her draw Io
I wonder what a Mario game drawn by Pochi would look like.
Oh, so THAT'S where the inspiration for Ane Naru Mono came from.
Are you implying that she fucked her brother?
Or that she wants to.
What if Papako is the demon king and defeat the party in the end. And then he would take Mamako to his personal bed and fuck her after years of sexual frustration while being away from home and Mamako
Makes me love Pochi even more, glad she isn't affiliated with trash like jewcob.
Pochi still likes getting paid, though.
Cute pout.
Sexy shoulders
What is this expression saying?
>my son looking at other girl that aren't his cute mother
>he doesn't want to go on an adventure with his mom
What's your relationship with your mother? Did she abandon you as a child or what?
God, every mature woman Pochi draws is adorable
>my son won't go back to where he came from
My mom enjoys Mortal Kombat and I love Dwarf Fortress. It's time to rip these fantasy losers to shreds piece by piece.
Did this get an anime or manga or something?
Both, actually
Just because it's disgusting doesn't mean he shouldn't do it.
This, I'd like to see Pochi draw that cute vampire cow.
>ywn play Code Vein with Pochi
Mothers should not be this lewd
Don't you dare say it!
If your mother was the best mother in the world but was a porn star. Would you still love her?
Can she really be the best if she's a porn star?
only if she is the best porn star
Why not? She loves you with all her heart. Does everything in her power to make sure you are never not satisfied/happy. Is great at cooking, helps you with homework, etc.. the list goes on and on.
cheeky, but sure. Yes she is the best porn star too.
Sounds nice.
I she still a porn-star or was she one in the past?
Also will I be recognized as the son of a porn-star?
Depends on if I can also bang her.
>I she still a porn-star or was she one in the past?
up to you, in this hypothetical.
>Also will I be recognized as the son of a porn-star?
since she was/is the best as requested by the other user. Then I guess yes, or at the very least people will eventually find out.
No, user. She is your mother. She doesn't see you that way and neither do you. It is wholesome family love.
Yeah, the sex is purely platonic.
No incest. 3D incest is wrong.
this thread is 1/3 want to marry pochi, 1/3 milfags and 1/3 praising pochi, Gosh i love pochi.
I want to marry Pochi, turn her into a MILF, and love her forever
Pochi is my wife, try me
What could be more wholesome than starting a family with her and marrying her?
Yeah but she’s had all those dicks in her mouth.
How do you guys think the story will end?
has pochi played bloodborne
I'd be that lil nigga's new dad
She's retweeted some stuff related to Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but she seems to be more of a Monster Hunter kind of girl.
The son will add the mom to his harem and they’ll live happily ever after.
with MC and pink tsundere
Male MC completely ruins this and "plot" is shit even for isekai standards.
Yes only mothers that are sluts wear thongs
Where can I get the translations?
Pochi is a very cute girl
Aty from Summon night just to complete the trifecta of Neesan/Mom/Sensei
Who cares about her being a pornstar, my mom is still my mom. Besides, I would probably has a chance to meet those legendary black pack who are involved in one of the best Kevin Nash match in 1992
>Yea Forumsnon sings A whole new world and Prince Ali for Pochi's birthday next year
>Also record the Gundam 00 version as a bonus
I would rather just give her the money in person. Will she be at summer comiket?
>Pochi decides to leave the Internet forever
Because she started a happy family with me.
>Pochi is a Neilfag
Damn, are you me?
>"how can we appeal more to hikkikomoris..."
>"let's make a show where their moms join them in Isekai-land as OP creatures. that way they can have it all. a magical excellent land where they are heroes and they have european girls after their dick and mommy actually likes them and is still around to take care of their basic needs"
Anyone got a decent link to the LN, ideally in html form?
HE is a GUY
Pochi is an adorable cake and my future wife
You have an awesome mom and you sound like a faggot. Did she get all the balls in your family?
>Okaasan, Okarishimasu
Guys, what if Pochi was actually ugly?
>Uses virtual idol avatar
>hides her face in the one picture we have of her
No doubt she isn't Mamako levels of attractiveness; but you'd love your mom even if she was ugly, right user?
Not actually a possibility.
Wouldn't matter, hapas always turn out ugly regarded of their parents' attractiveness.
Hard pass.
>one picture we have of her
Post it.
I love her and her Minecraft streams!
>TL Note
Degeneracy is not just an affectation. Its tentacles dig deep. You can not be a whore and still be the "best mother in the world". Something is fundamentally off with your values and personality and it will always show through. Fucking LOOK at Hollywood, I'm sure a lot of those fucked up mommies really love their little babies.
Why do they have to ruin a good premise with isekai trash?
I thought we were past this already.
Does she really call herself "mommy" exclusively when she's with the MC instead of using Watashi/I/etc?
>you confess to Pochi and say you want to marry her.
>She says: "Ara ara. But I'm an old woman, no young man would be attracted to me."
What do?
Don't worry. I'm attracted to your drawings. Your youthfulness shows in them. As long as you keep drawing, I'm attracted to you.
The translator is a dunderhead, but beggers can't be choosers.
I swear I'm a pedo but I would still put my ponos in her vagoo. She's so sexy.
You speak of degeneracy despite the fact you have yourself somehow ended up in a mamako thread.
I wanna see her slight bit of cellulite
That shit is delish
did you made this image yourself?
that's a lot of work just to attempt to get (You)'s
>he doesn't like her monster hunter streams
I don't like them
Pochi is breathtaking
Sister-brother blood related ecchi was okay but i don't want to cross this border.
You should quantum entangle yourself to reddit and insert yourself into its matrix. Retarded hard work like your pic will be awarded with updoots.
Yea Forums is getting worse day by day
yeah, she'd use her shit taste to ship you with worthless girls
only to prove that being a mama's boy is best
So do they fuck or what?
What do YOU think, user?
She isn't a love interest
Keep her, I'll keep Shimimaru
The MC does get mobbed by horny Mamako clones.
>go on an isekai adventure with your hot, clingy mother with boundary issues and weird views on a mother son relationship
>Experience dating your high school aged mother through the point of view of your father whilst current age mum is oblivious
Pick one
>anime never
>write a god tier milf hentai
>follow it up with a 2nd chapter where you don't even bother to properly draw half of it.
2nd one desu because I like the side girls more in that one.
Is it the age of milfs? I wouldnt complain but we jumped from a pseudo gyaru era to the milf era without going through cakes or OLs.
>Street selling like a fuckin gypsy
No, it's always the "era" of "x" thing for the group who likes it. The only thing popular right now other than isekai are highschool romcoms.
isnt this mangaka also a woman
milfs drawing milf manga
Put my penis inside of her and impregnate that old lady
What is the best anime mom hair style?
Even better if it's a braid.
>Gang bang doujins are all of the son getting molested by those Mamako clones
What was it?
Long braids
How do I get a mommy gf?
Just an idiot who still thinks Pochi is a guy
if cuvie managed to become a mother so should Pochi
You know there are porn stars that only do certain things? Those usually are better than others at their niche too.
You wouldn't enjoy a b-cup paizuri very much, and someone with a face like a bulldog won't be very appealing for facials.
Mom jeans are so great
Thoughts on Mom NTR? worse or better than normal wife or gf ntr?
What is Mom NTR even supposed to mean?
There are plenty of hapa's that are attractive. What you're thinking about is the legendary hapa insanity syndrome.
Completely illogical, if she doesn't want to bang you, she doesn't "belong" to you in the first place to get "stolen".
All NTR is garbage
>Pochi likes futa
I'm guessing NTR that involves someone's mother or the mother does the NTR'ing instead of the usual slew of suspects
She NEEDS to draw Chiyo fucking Yuu-kun in the ass.
A long time ago, she would make Monster Hunter futa doujins. They weren't that good, and she hasn't done anything futa in years
The only way that works is if the mom ends up fucking her son while he has a gf. Other than that, it would just be the MC gaining a stepdad, which is natural and not at all abnormal.
Fuck off, fags
If Mamako were my mom, I would have a lot of retarded kids/siblings.
>Mom NTRs her son's girlfriend
It's the year of senseis.
>the MC gaining a stepdad, which is natural and not at all abnormal.
spotted the Swede
I just want more older ladies
Mommy doesn't belong to you, user, you can't stop her from fucking other men. Last night was great.
>Mom and Sensei era at the same time
Happy lesson remake when ?
>irl cake
>can sing
>likes vidya
>great at drawing
>uses those skills to draw lewd hentai with her self-inserts
How can such perfection exist
She is probably ugly irl user
Shut the fuck up.
We're all ugly here so we deserve nothing more
That's the spirit, user.
I've heard that she is actually pretty cute. Girl next door kind of look, but as a 31 year old.
Do you think she masturbates thinking about younger guys jerking off to her self-insert
just a funny thought haha
Masato's mom is overbearing
Loli's mom is a workaholic
Is Weiss' mom a whore or something? Did we meet her in the LN?
I'd take her out to a $500+ dinner right now.
>Constantly listen to Pochi singing First Love in her cute, off-key way
Am I too far gone?
ffs please tell me you're not that faggot user who said having sex with women is gay but having sex with men is heteosexual
Japanese women don't look their age anyway.
Mamako and Chiyo just slay me
On the 4th of July? chill.
>Did we meet her in the LN?
Dude Wise's mom is literally the main antagonist of the first novel
Never read the first novel, and the manga is not there yet.
Even if that were true, she more than knocks it out of the park on the personality parameters.
Unless she were literally a hobbit I'm sure no respectable user would say no
>This is Pochi's master plan
Does she go to any big events/manga fairs? I live in Tokyo and could theoretically meet her
She went to the little event for Ane Naru Mono in Tokyo on the one day I couldn't go. She also goes to comiket a lot.
How can one man be so based?
Japs are wonderful people
>plunge humanity into chaos
He's definitely helping with the decline of the population rate of japan already.
Pochi's personality is so cute. I just want to cook her curry and listen to her try to sing.
>That mom
Even Doggos wnats sniff her butt!
How could you resist her?
I really like the outline of the bra
>she's teaching Pochinomics
Why does she look like KWSM?
mother x son is garbage but I'm still going to watch this anyway.
the subtle things are the best.
Explain yourself
How is this a counter argument?
>Mom is as beautiful as a Goddess who is described as the most beautiful creature by some people
What if Mamako is an avatar of Shub Niggurath and Masato is a dark young ?
Would you hug her?
Then the fucking is inevitable.
so is there any development between the two? im hoping she does a nsfw version like she does for anenarumono
I would fug her
You shouldn't do that to your mother
Looks like this mother wants it badly.
>inb4 it's revealed that the MC is just a reincarnation of his father so it gives him the go-ahead to fuck her
His father is apparently still alive, but is always working abroad so mummy doesn’t get any.
Guess Masato reminds her of his dad before he became a wage cuck
I'm new to this, will there be lactation or references to lactation in this?
I had no idea she was this adorable.
I actually really like the Tsundare in this series
Pochi is the cutest mangaka I've seen
He died from a crushed pelvis
Who is that?
Yes, the mom is hot but I am not that much into mommy incest, not since Imouto is beastly superior.
You shouldn't be able to reincarnate as your son, unless you die and then the insemination took place there in some gross way.
neesan > imouto
Not true but close, now imagine that imouto will eventually degrade into onee-san stage, but she will always be your imouto.
I like Dale and his demon loli better. Do I have shit taste?
Sao NTR is the only good thing that came out of sao. NTR is good if you hate mc
Oneesans are objectively the best, with imoutos in dead last.
Sauce ?
It’s about bowling
Yes because Uncle Chip isn't around
When is this airing again?
One of the best Imouto is also a mom
Degeneracy is a meaningless word.
So is this whole thing just hot mom getting put into lewd situations and her telling her son not to lust after her?
The son usually tells her off for being an dummy
Jesus fuck, Pochi, stop making me destroy my dick
At least she has good taste.
>You promised you'd fuck me silly!
>Now stop being a bad boy and pull out that dick of yours!
What, you mean the one that looks like Keit Ai at first glance but then it turns out to be about a Terminator and a Mage?
What would happen if it got adapted by 4kids
I don't get when people said that she looks too young, she had the looks and the feels of 2D mom, especially there
It's the other way around my man. Mamako welcomes any type of affection coming from her son. The only thing stopping Masato from becoming a motherfucker is himself since he doesn't want to cross that line. Getting into lewd situations with her is hard enough as is.
MUH, she's better than the mc's mom.
She's a terrible person, though
stopped reading there, memelord
What if Papako is the demon king and the party defeats him in the end. And then Maa-kun would take Mamako to the demon king's personal bed and fuck her after years of sexual frustration
They have to get pregnant some how
The greatest waifu is Pochi herself!
I want to marry an occult-otaku mangaka vtuber autist!
I want to hug and kiss Pochi after going on a nice date with her!
I want to hold her close every night after marrying her!
I want her to whisper sensually in my ear as she reads Ane Naru Mono to me!
There's some, but you never look at them and be like "wow I'm glad they are a hapa". Most of the time they look like they'd be way prettier if the were just fully asian, rather than a weird in-between mix.
half of Yea Forums seems to want to marry her another quarter want her to find a nice husband other quarter only care for the art
God every time I read Pochi doujins I just end up nutting while thinking about how perfect Pochi is irl
Japanese women look like shit dude, the average person is way uglier than their Chinese and Korean counterparts which is what you're thinking of.
Nips just live a long time.
The best nuts I've ever had were when I imagined Pochi narrating her doujins while riding me
Get the fuck out chink
Out of all Asians most jap women age the least
>Pochi narrating her doujins
This needs to be a thing
>Good looking
>Naturally good looking
One group looks like actual monkeys; thin lipped, bug-eyed, flat faced aside from their protruding mouths. The other group looks the same, they just hide it with costly plastic surgery.
Japs are the only attractive asians
>Pochi narrating chapter seven
My dick wouldn't survive
But pantie lines are sexy
>Japs are the only attractive asians
I want to marry Pochi!
>he thinks the Japanese are ugly so he must be Chinese!!
Flawless logic.
Go eat a dog, Xiaobai
Another swing and a miss
That is counterproductive to her job as a mother!
>pochi goya is a girl
wait wut
why is she drawing hot milfs
Because Pochi is a cake who wants to diddle little boys
for self inserting
She self-inserts as the hot oneesan because she's OLD
Old and cute!
I want to marry Mamako and give her lots of children
how many shotas has pochi kidnapped?
None. She puts all of her frustration into her work.
That reminds me of this one person I knew on Mabinogi who happened to be a royal alchemist that are allowed to help newbies with their solo story-line missions. She always hung around the mission area to help anyone that needed it and had a very mommy aura about her. Tons of loli and shota characters hung around her because they liked spending time with her as she idled and chatted around the mission area while waiting for people to aid.
Sucking cock is not gay desu.
Pochi loves to diddle with little girls too. I heard she and Itou Hachi are friends on Twitter.
God, I wish Pochi would molest me
Finally milfkino keeps on giving and in isekai form nonetheless.
After based Queen Mirellia from SH, we now have Mamako as well.
Will Mamako even be popular enough to get. Lot of fan art?
I hope so. But then again
>No Pochi doujins
What a cute couple
will this be incest show?
Is this the one about the milf isekei? What's the name?
LN maybe one day but not in the anime
Literally in the OP
so its garbage
why care?
The artist is extremely cute
it's honestly more gay to eat out a pussy than to stick your dick in a man's anus
I want to play Persona 2 EPP, Quake 1 and South Park Fractured but Whole with Pochi
>childish cake who enjoys singing and Disney movies.
For some reason i'm imagining Pochi drawing a bunch of Shota and then she decided to add this handsome clover on the center
>he doesn't know
well I don't follow e-celebs closely whether they're westerners or elevens
Of course a filthy Britannian wouldn't know
come on man, throw us a bone here
Here you go
If you kiss a woman it's like you're kissing all the men she's kissed. If you kiss a man, you're kissing all the women he's kissed. It's clearly less gay to kiss a man. Just come out of the closet already user. It's 2019, you can kiss girls if you want.
What, is she not allowed to make doujins since she’s working on this project?
she's already doing the h version
So by your logic it's best to kiss kids since they're likely to not have kissed any men?
not unless you want to start working for David Brock.
>ywn play DDR with Pochi
why live
Pochi stream!
Wise's mother is a sex addict. She can't stop wasting her money on going to host clubs so handsome men would fawn over her, and would even resort to stealing Wise's lunch money to have more to spend there. Wise's was even named after her mother's favorite guy at the club (Genya). Eventually her husband divorced her for this and took Wise with him. She tried to sort her life out, but once in the game she fell off the wagon and uses the hax room she was gifted with to indulge in her fantasies.
Wow, what a toxic sack of shit, no wonder why Wise is a little off.
It’ll be great to see Mamako slapping her shit this season.
I would love her, if her anime's title didnt sound so goddamn retarded!
not her anime, she just did the character design for the manga/ln and the kept the style for the anime
The nichest fetish
>loses harem brawl
If said man kissed several women that means he kissed hundreds of men.
As if me as a bifag minds kissing men or women.
"Your son calls me mommy too."
>Pochi getting all sweaty as she dances to the beat
>Mamako getting all sweaty as she dances to the beat
NTR for people with too low self-esteem to even imagine themselves having a wife/gf.
A mom being fucked by her son's bully. I shit you not.
So what’s her story?
Is she a daughter or a mother?
A daughter
I'm reading the manga and it's just making me remember all the times I've hurt my mom or just been cold to her. When I was depressed she would knock on my door and cry because she didn't know how to help me. I barely remember this because I was a depressed teenager spending all day in my room and in my own head and barely aware of what was going on around me but I know I was just spitefully angry at her for not just leaving me alone. Once she was ill and laying in a hospital for weeks and I didn't go to visit her even once, it didn't even occur to me to do it, she told me it really hurt that I didn't come. I think I've actually killed some of her innocent motherly love and care for me by being this way and it makes me cry when I think about it.
I feel the same way about Sturgill's cover of In Bloom
So why’s her mummy out of the picture?
Yeah, I get the feeling the first few episodes are gonna make more than a few people want to give their parents a call.
Chiyo is just so beautiful
jokes on you pochi i'm fucking old too
all of us are
I have a feeling there’s more than a few user’s ITT in their thirties, so that doesn’t matter.
I'm eleven years younger than her
>around the same apparent age difference between Yuu and Chiyo
Lucky bastard
Is this the AAA quality MILFs thread?
Yes, mommy~
No this is the thread where we talk about marrying Pochi
Could've sworn we were talking about Mamako's show.
>ywn watch Mamako's show and an ANM anime with your wife Pochi
Wait how old is Pochi actually
31 years old. She went to Disneyland for her birthday
Built for Ugly Bastard.
There's no way an older woman can be that pure.
Her son is not ugly and is 100% legitimate!
She tweeted this picture while talking about how she made a new friend
Why not both?
>tfw also 11 years younger than her
>will literally never ever have a pure hentai doujin onee-san wife
Hold me bros
i actually jerked off to that pic a few times
Elevens really, REALLY love their Disneyland for some reason. Back when I cared about idolshit they mentioned going all the time.
user no
Kira pls.
You're not invited to my birthday party anymore
How the fuck isn’t she married yet? Does she think it’d be a turn off if a date knew she’s a successful h-artist?
It’s not like she’s a JAV whore.
31 year old who would prefer to draw lewds or play vidya. Perhaps she also thinks she's a bit childish for her age?
Well, there's no way around it, she is. But that's not going to stop me from spoiling her and taking her out whenever she wants.
I wanna be her Otouto dammit.
I just want to spoil Pochi and take care of her when she's sick
Is that why cuvie has slowly been phasing out of Lewd doujins? Because I can't look at her normal manga in a normal way despite my trying.
>31 year old who would prefer to draw lewds or play vidya rather than marry
>thinks she's a bit childish for her age
Basically one of us. So thats why so many anons fell for her.
I need to see Mamako take the dick.
There are no proofs
>Pochi would be disgusted by most of the people here
Please go back
But I'm a friendly skeleton
I really like this swimsuit design on Mamako
People always tell me I look like I'm 14 even though I'm in my mid 20s, I think I have a chance with her
>tfw people thought I was my sister's father despite only having a 3.5 year age difference
I used to look young.
Reminder that Pochi is a menace to all innocent young boys who just want to google their favorite serialized manga about a relatable young boy and his demon sister.
To stop her, someone needs to marry her and satisfy her urges. I volunteer myself for this dangerous mission.
Are you a girl?
Fuck off fag I volunteered first
Girl (male)
This, Reznor literally said as much
>"I pop the video in, and wow... Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps... Wow. [I felt like] I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn't mine anymore..."
>She gets off to corrupting young boys
Pochi is too much
user what the shit
where can I see more
my Twitter got banned so none of the pics are on the internet anymore
I want to MARRY Mamako/Chiyo/Pochi!
I want Chiyo to become a Persona/SMT secret boss/character
Ah yeah, i forget that one time when Mr Motorcycle noise beat her to pulp
I want to have 1000 young with Chiyo!
Please do not hurt Chiyo-nee!
Sorry, nothing personal
>Yuu-kun starts absorbing spirits to get strong enough to stop this man from bullying his oneesan
>Yuu Kun is finally strong enough to summon his own Persona, albeit for a brief time and push Tatsuya back before passing out
>Finds out that Chiyo nee is gone when he wakes up
>Lives in solitaire and loneliness for years before moving to his another uncle's house in a town called Inaba
Why would she leave?
user I...
>Chiyo suddenly returns to Yuu kun post P4
>Sees Chie, Yukiko and Rise trying to get close to Yu(u)
>ignoring Naoto
The fuck is wrong with you?
But Naoto is for Kanji, the fourth lover should be Yosuke
>Naoto is for Kanji
Please, Kanji has more romantic interactions with even Yu than with Naoto, and she's completely oblivious to him.
Which means everyone gets a Chiyo nee's deadly glare with Yu(u) trying to calm her down
What about the South Park casts ?, they basically killed her by feeding her white people
>Yuu Kun nukes the entire South Park but then Kennny immediately resurrect and fight Yuu-Kun for eternity
The best thing about the series and I'm glad that the author knows it. Here's to hoping that the anime will avoid being light beam hell.
How can the other girls even compete?
Protips: it's not too late user
She is a woman, so girls cant even compete!
Women are usually used up, though. Naturally, girls get more action.
I don't believe you can be disgusted by anything when you draw porn for a living
Posting one of my favorite Pochi midriffs
Let alone porn of a demon roleplaying as a young boy's sister.
I'm frankly not sure she would. Maybe once she saw our sweaty mugs IRL, but she clearly gets off on the comments waifuing her. After all, she necessarily had to have been aware of them years ago, yet she became a VTuber just a few months ago despite the fact that doing so would clearly increase that same type of harassment by great magnitudes. There's no explanation aside from her masturbating to the attention and imagining bishies and shotas behind the computer screens
Pochi is too good for us.
This whole page is lickable
Yuu or Chiyo?
wait this was drawn by the ane naru artist?
god damn.
I want to see her draw this Chiyo
Yes, would be far better than the mentally abusive, feminist that she is right now.
Papa Oosuki probably wants to kill himself over the fact he has to work away from this for long periods of time.
I want a doujin of Mamako, but because it won't be by Pochi it's going to be disappointing.
Went to Japan and that's just not true.
Does anybody have that fake article about a statistic that 90% of Japanese mothers having incestuous contact with their sons?
The one sometimes used for /int/ shitposting
The manga is trash but it still has great panels every now and then.
>has been running for something like 2 years
>still only halfway through the first LN
It's not like the LNs are particularly dense either.
Thanks for the thread, everyone.