Reminder that Syaro Kirima's Birthday is 12 days away!
What would you get for her as a present?
Reminder that Syaro Kirima's Birthday is 12 days away!
Other urls found in this thread:
A house
My dick
Lots of cuddles!
A dakimakura of Rize
sexual abuse
A baby
A four incher.
A hot dog.
By me.
Will Season 3 feature lewd hand-holding
gween tea
About 3 fiddy
Megumi Natsu is my waifu.
an eviction notice
A non-sexual gift
A new house.
A new house
I wanna give her all of my love.
a daughter
A silk scarf!
>blue eyes
>not even flat
>face is off
>greasy hair
Who are you trying to fool? That's not my wife. It's some young version of Aoyama Blue
a dog
I like that idea user!
a new shitbucket because her shed lacks running water
What happened to her parents? Killed by the soviets?
I just heard that theory not too long ago.
Would explain their ideal lives.
My mother in law is beautiful. But my wife wants to live by her own means. Very respectable, albeit a tad naive if you ask me.
By me.