I don't know about you guys, but since season 3 started I've been enjoying the hell out of VRAINS. After the mediocre first season and the second being straight up terrible, im finally not bored while watching the series. The writing, pacing, characters properly interacting and even comedy are working for once not to mention the writers getting rid of the irrelevant characters from the start so they don't waste our time later helps a lot too. Nothing against Ai or Flame who were by far the best Ignis of the bunch but I've come to realize it is far more entertaining to see the human characters interact and work together to defeat the Ignis rather than interact with them. So far Ai and Roboppi are doing a superb job bringing a much needed breath of fresh air to VRAINS. Overall, really enjoying the season so far and hopefully, it stays as fun till the end.
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I enjoyed the first season a lot but the second dragged too long. That OP feels more like it should be a comment.
Go's spirit is still something to be appreciated.
Enjoying S3 too, but...
I wish Playmaker's identity reveal wasn't so rushed though. I bet most people don't even remember it even happened.
It also undermines that one cool scene from S2 where Yusaku was speaking to Akira with a "Z-One like" voice.
Sorry some plot points require them to know each others identities and there's no time for casual filler.
Even with no time it could still be handled better. Like Ai being the one to reveal that.
Ai doesn't have anything to do with those relationships though.
Are sacred beasts going back into the darkness for good?
Yes but that was well fought.
Put me in coach, im ready!
Blue Empress soon.
Why didn't they focus on the lost incident children and their Ignis this season? I think everyone expected that is what would happen.
>I wish Playmaker's identity reveal wasn't so rushed though
Yoshida knows he fucked up so it makes sense he wants to get rid of plots that should have happened 1 or 2 seasons ago. Rushed? yeah but needed
>Why didn't they focus on the lost incident children and their Ignis this season?
Nobody cares about those fucks. Plus their designs are boring
now the just need to get rid of shitvulva this month and this will be the best season ever
It's always been focused on Yusaku and those who would be his friends.
I want to see Roboppi duel more
For you. I personally love their design. Especially Jin's. The events of the current opening are going so fast I can't avoid but hope we get a 4th season.
>Yoshida knows he fucked up
The development wasn't set to go off earlier. Yusaku and Aoi hadn't even been on the same team really.
I am happy as long as we keep getting interaction.
>The events of the current opening are going so fast I can't avoid but hope we get a 4th season
At best you'll get a new OP but VRAINS won't go past April
Why is Ai so evil? Hayami is completely harmless.
It should have already been announced that it would be ending next year just like arcV did. It will last at least until May as of now and keep adding months as long as it isn't officially stated that it will end.
what the fuck was his problem ?
>It should have already been announced that it would be ending next year just like arcV did
If i remember right we didn't get confirmation of it ending until the Jump Festa. Anyways thinking VRAINS will last more than ARC-V or Zexal is delusional
Not a hard OPT. I really miss him. It was the best looking main character ace ever. It was also evidently the strongest.
He cared too much.
I'm not much for the LI, but it would have been cool to see some of them team up with their respective Ignis, especially the mad lad Specter and socially awkward Earth.
Beating an AI without AI help is impossible unless it's windy. Lightning has proved that.
no, revulva is just a shitty duelist
>mfw Aoi is secretly a D cup
Ignis are just too powerful.
Where even is Specter.
I only remember the other knights falling but he seems have just kind of disappeared.
Why does this have a super poly effect too?
Did Ai put himself on any fucking @Ignister S/T
VRAINS started airing later than Yu-Gi-Oh series usually do. Therefore, as a recompensation, it will air until later too.
It's that simple.
4th season here we go!
Ai puts himself on every @ignister spell and trap.
He was killed off-screen too
Do the labo episodes count?
For you who would you say has the best brother-Sister relationship in the entirety of Yugioh? For me are Asuka and Fubuki, not only because they don't have Incest vibes but because you can tell they genuinely care for each other. Also, their opposite personalities work perfectly.
because cyberse chads get everything, searchable, super poly, hand and field, meanwhile dragoncucks get unsearchable your field only lmao
Revolver technically beat Lighting twice so it isn't impossible
>Incest vibes
When has that ever been a thing?
no he didn't, your fanfic doesn't count
>4th season here we go!
Keep telling yourself that. Can't wait to see you get BTFO like the user who wanted Jin and the other children to be relevant. Boy im still laughing
user, obviously Revolver didn't beat Lighting but if you watched the episode like im sure you did you must have noticed Lighting cheated twice. If you can't remember i recommend you to take your meds and watch it again
No one gives a fuck about bootleg god cards.
AI has always been the best character of vrains. He's carrying this season mad hard
Is it more stupid to hope for that or to hope that the next series will have great animation?
There's no point user just leave the autist alone
>AI has always been the best character of vrains
At first maybe then he became annoying as hell. Im glad he got better
You never know with a new series. They can always get better or worse animation so yeah a S4 is far more stupid
>When has that ever been a thing?
Shark/Rio is an example
>you never know with a new series
So NAS is going to tap into a secret reserve of undiscovered korean animatiors?
Jonouchi and Shizuka's was way more emotional. Also, Rio and Shark's was very well developed. I don't even remember who the brother sister of 5ds were, though.
I didn't see anything like that.
Sho and Ryo. I really liked their conflict.
Wait nevermind, I misread what you said. I don't think they have the best relationship out of all the siblings in yugioh. Then I'm also for Rio and Shark,
Cheating doesnt mean you lose.
You only lose when you lose.
What could this archetype possibly be called?
Will DMG ever be topped as the ultimate childhood waifu?
"Meklord II"
they better fucking print his spells and traps
How many cards get released that have anime characters on them?
Pandor has this easy. As long as she doesn't doubt herself.
I guess not because kids have the Internet now and cartoons aren't as big as they were back during the 4 kids era.
Honestly I don't know if DMG is. There are bigger anime franchises than yugioh.
Who's the other cheerleader with Queen here? Also, what's the name of the drawfriend who blesses these threads?
Anime Expo tomorrow get ready for pic related announcement port. You hear it here first
>when LoTD LE is on the way
if you mean the manga sure
Why would they localize a manga that's only for the OCG?
>Pandor could win
>She surrenders and joins Ai
>Soulburner about to pwn Revolver over this
Every guy my age I know had a crush on her when they were children and so did I. It's also a big meme on the Internet.
Stop it, nigga. What do you get from raising people's hopes for anything relating Saikyo Card?
I think the number of people who got sexually confused over Ranma by far outclipsed the number of people who liked DMG.
At least in my area.
Ai wouldn't accept a surrender.
>only for the OCG?
The Manga is literally called OCG Structures.
I'm almost sure she's one of the cute SOL employees. Pic related.
remember when Revolver said he has a spy in SOL?
It's clearly isomaki.
Saikyo Card was first. Why would they not localize such a successful game? It have over a million downloads the year it was released as an OCG exclusive. It also already had translated data for the cards much like TLoTD.
Leo sure has changed these days
>The Manga is literally called OCG Structures
>implying they can't go with “Victory Asada’s Road To The Very Top!!”
>“Victory Asada’s Road To The Very Top!!”
That was just another manga that was introduced into v jump at the same time as OCG structures.
>soulburner can use beat bison to negate ai ai wall then violet chimera copy Ai's field and attack for game
>revolver can use magnarokket to send fire phoenix to GY then use autorokket to send ai ai wall to GY then borrelsword for game (must have opened nuts)
so how did Playmaker out Ai Ai wall and fire phoenix?
I'm rewatching GX and at season ,3 and have 2 questions: When judai become haou did neos transform into malicious edge or did it come into being itself when judai got possessed. 2: Was judai really at fault for all the stuff cobra, satou said to him and also during the fight with brron?
He drives.
Cynet revolt and Link spamming finishing it off with clock dragon.
Malicious Edge was Bladedge's Evil HERO counterpart, and in a flashback a mook has about the SK you can see he had Neos.
All pretty much traumatized him for Season 4, but in the Dark World is where he really is at fault for prioritizing Jesse/Johan over everything else.
>Cynet revolt
The counter trap. I don't remember it's name.
oh conflict, but that requires playmaker to have a second turn
I imagine the manga is using characters from there specifically because it is only targeted at the OCG.
Maybe I was remembering it all wrong but didn't he end his turn in the episode two weeks ago?
Copy Ai finished his turn yes, I'm sort of assuming all 3 just otk'd on their first turn, but who knows really, maybe I expect too much out of them against a copy Ai
>because it is only targeted at the OCG.
By that I mean it's not for international consumption in any shape or form.
describe this trio
>Malicious Edge was Bladedge's Evil HERO counterpart
Ah, that makes more sense
>and in a flashback a mook has about the SK you can see he had Neos.
Yeah, I saw that. When neos had that dark aura around him I had assumed he had just shadow henshin'd into malicious edge
> in the Dark World is where he really is at fault for prioritizing Jesse/Johan over everything else
I can see that. It was just that earlier in the season before the isekai shenanigans was just cobra and co. straight shitting on him for not having darkness in him and all. It makes that he had stop treating 99% of everything that went on as a joke but it still felt too much like overkill
Just the fact that the arc-v and zexal manga were localized and not this one.
Unbased Yoshida Shit Tier
Mokey mokey turbo.
how can it be a trio if the other 2 are non factors
When are we getting the other manga that we were promised?
it wasn't out at the time? are you mad about not getting revolution from the chibi one?
No. I'm just saying the OCG structures manga would have been picked up for localization like the arc-v manga was if it was meant for an international audience.
how can they pick something up that had not even been created yet? There is still a chance and its not like someone else wont do it
Viz could have translated it a couple days after it came out like they did with arc-v manga chapters if it was being localized. I'm not saying there's no fan translations, just that the new manga doesn't seem like it's for any kind of international readers.
its too late for Playmaker to lose now
there's no time for such an arc
he's officially the CHADDEST MC
Yusei never lost.
>all the times as a kid
At least post the one with a better perfect record
he is exactly the reason why I post that instead of your fucking lying
Revolver doesn't even really want to have anything to do with playmaker though.
Fubuki is a miracle of the universe.
Their duel will decide who is the non factor.
Is Pandora a girl?
Cast list and Emma when?
If Ai can beat Go with Ai-strike. Couldn't he just smash Doshin (100atk) into Powerload Ogre?
Here's your cast list:
Aoi and Akira(To be shocked that Ai found them)
Revolver(To be shocked that Pandor lost and that Ai found them)
Pandor and Ai(To have Pandor lose to Ai)
Playmaker(Because MC)
Yes, she's very womanly.
well the OP did slightly change (lol)
>powerload ogre
powersword ogre when?
powerguard ogre when?
powerload savage, excharge, furious when?
Sorry if my taste extends beyond wacky unaware cleaning robot.
>hags still SEETHING
No just the general audience.
nah hags
knock off haru isn't an exemplary character by any means.
So where does Yugioh go after this? Arc V was shit after the first season and Vrains was just a mess. The card game is also in a bad state and desperately needs a complete overhaul.
I'm going to guess they'll do some sort of reboot of DM after the success of DSoD and Duel Links?
*Blocks your path*
There three other link 4s in goukis already. Master, Giant, and Destroy. Those are the alternates. Goukis just don't have non links.
>I'm going to guess they'll do some sort of reboot of DM after the success of DSoD and Duel Links?
People speculated that back in late 2016. Didn't happen. Kaz is probably not interested in his characters being used like that again.
You're not fooling anyone Kaiba
More like the disaster of the universe. He even helped bring out the sacred beasts(rip).
Can yugioh ever get this creepy again?
Bottom-Left, Bottom-Center, Bottom-Right, Middle-Right
[ Warrior / Link / Effect ]
2+ "Gouki" monsters
This Link Summoned card is unaffected by other cards' effects. Gains ATK equal to the total Link Rating of other "Gouki" monsters on the field x 200. You can Tribute 1 Link Monster, then target cards on the field equal to that monster's Link Rating; destroy them.
ATK / 2800 LINK – 4
This would be better if it randomly destroyed cards.
Fubuki is a bro. Literally hooks u up with his hot sister
How did Manjoume lose Asuka with his help?
[ Cyberse / Fusion / Effect ]
After this card is Fusion Summoned, you take no damage for the rest of this turn. If this card battles, double its original ATK during the Damage Step only.
Too bad SOL is androids now. We'll probably never see another one besides hayami again.
manjoume can't be fixed.
Draw cards equal to the number of Link-3 or higher "@Ignister" monsters you control.
That's really strange because the brother and sister from 5ds were the closest of all.
>Dinowrestlers are officially the most high iq deck in the yugioh anime.
Not even playmaker can pilot it.
[ Warrior / Effect ]
When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can banish this card from your hand or GY; you take no battle damage from that battle, also that opponent's monster loses 600 original ATK at the end of the Damage Step, then that opponent's monster must make a second attack in a row. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add 1 "Gouki" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Gouki Diver". You can only use each effect of "Gouki Diver" once per turn.
You're thinking of hydradrives when complete with link 5s.
Say something to Go Onizuka's VA, Hamano Daiki.
They emphasized the wrong features of his face in go's design.
Its hard for me to picture Go's voice coming out of this guy
Yoshida can't handle big cast. Heck, it seems like the current cast is still too big for him so he decided to kill them again early.
After Revolver and Soulburner have their duel against each other they should have a tag duel against Ai to show that they're over it. Unless they both die in their duel against each other.
Tribute 1 "@Ignister" Link Monster; gain LP equal to that monster's original ATK. You can banish this card from your GY; gain 200 LP for each "@Ignister" monster in your GY.
When was a time that you considered the big cast to be handled well?
just 200?
Yup, 200 for each @Ignister in the owner's graveyard
This card doesn't seem like it'll be used for that effect again.
I hope Hotdog bro becomes relevant once almost everyone is dead.
In duels or just as support? I don't see how you can ever rework his deck.
>Leave @Ignister to me
all that's going to do is help Ai get dark templar extend.
Ai will use the graveyard effect again to narrowly avoid himself from getting OTKed by Playmaker
Playmaker will negate it.
should have won against playmaker
Who would have stopped him then?
Burning draw is not calculated enough to beat a go with anti skill.
That was was a great duel. Only MUH SECOND ACTIVATION was a downer. Though Go's skill was busted too.
He didn't beat Jaden.
Real talk, it's beyond me how forced Asuka being a romantic interest for Jaden. They literally made her out to be someone who isn't into romance, but dropped that shit. After the shit Jaden pulls in S3, I'm surprised she still has a crush on him.
>woman softening up over time
sounds completely reasonable to me.
Was this a highlight?
And to think there are people who actually prefer Bohman over a villain with actual personality and managed to give our protagonist some semblance of personal conflict after he got over his revenge over 50 episodes ago.
I'd think I rather have the mind fuck scenarios. Yusaku's personal investment usually just gets derailed by a twist of some sort or another. He should just stay resolute in front of craziness. Yusaku's vengeance only helped his character when he stuck to it. Ai on the other hand doesn't even feel like the same character and the design change only rubs it in. Also I asked the question because I thought the joke fell flat.
>when did judai become haou?
After he beat Brron, his mind was broken, which allowed Haou to manifest itself as his supreme darkness.
>did neos transform
no. Neos stayed neos. Judai just used Evil HEROes instead of his neo spacians.
>Was judai really at fault?
Kinda? Unlike what satou said, however, him being a bad role model does not make him evil.
He was fully responsible for what Brron said though, since Judai was 100% happy to abandon his friends to chase after johan, and was getting reckless and cruel in his search.
How he didn't get shot down no one knows.
They didn't even know about his presence until he crashed into the airplane.
>They didn't even know about his presence until he crashed into the airplane.
Flying aircraft necessitates being noticed by someone.
The Go plays were pretty based this episode.
I can't imagine how busted it would be if Go could play Firewall Dragon with that new gouki searchers
Go's duel was actually pretty good, shame that it looked so ugly
Go mind
If anyone is going to anime expo, maybe they can ask Viz about the ocg structure deck manga in v-jump?
Pandor creeps me out
Pandor is a good girl who wants to coexist with humans.
Shouldn't he have had a combo that could have dealt enough damage to end Ai in one turn?
Gouki Poison Mist
>poison mist could have made him beat revolver AND Ai
Can we have Naoyuki Kageyama (GX mangaka) or someone else replace Hikokubo as the anime's duel writer?
Yuzu LOVES Professor Oak
AI is carrying this shitshow now. Revolver antics in s1 were amusing but couldn't make up for all the awful shit. S2 tried to use revolver again but couldn't strike thunder twice. AI becoming a character was their best decision. Everyone else is stagnant but giving a little of the spotlight to the God awful vrains cast and instead focusing on roboppi and AI is literally saving this season. Once we back to the cookie cutter PM bs then it will go down the shittter.
>Revolver antics in s1 were amusing
not it wasn't, it was trash
>copy Ai's vs trio literally took the whole of roboppy vs gg + bs and Ai vs Go
lmao the so called power trio is literally retarded and got locked for the full duration of AiAi Wall
Based jim poster
When will Ai make Yuri faces?
good night anons
Do you live in Hawaii or what?
Next week, hopefully.
robot puppy
Twincest is wincest
no, I just went to sleep in the middle of the day
The sacred beasts.
losing by 1%
I want to live long enough to see Konami take up the DDM game once again.
I want to live long enough to see Yoshida, Junki, and Hikokubo retire.
I want to get fanservice of her already! What happened with the god quality hentai comic we were getting last week?
That doesnt seem too far reached considering most of the people here are in their 20s.
Are there any huge issues with Junki as a writer?
this is high level of autism, is like that chris-chan comic where he self insertedas yugioh cards as he dueled.I love it! this is the kind of silly things YGO needed
>I Love Yousion
fucking gold
Made me wish that Lightning insert himself in the artworks of his Spells and Traps.
if only the ignis had all cards they themselves made up, i mean, it wouldn't be out of place for them to create their own cards and meta
>I want to get fanservice of her already! What happened with the god quality hentai comic we were getting last week?
im glad we are getting a fucking break from pretending this show is actually serious by having ai being the villain as he has an entire deck full of puns and self inserts. we haven´t got a villain like this since maybe pegasus.
>blue jobber fanservice
no thanks
People take issue with some of the adaptation choices DM had. And GX was all over the place when he was lead writer on that. Don't know if there's anything huge though.
Pic related.
>shitty blue jobber dies again
>And GX was all over the place when he was lead writer on that
did he write all 4 seasons?
because GX was not really clear where it was going. first it was just dueling school later it was "hey, remember the 7 millennium items and the god cards?" followed by cards in space and fighting death.
GX S4's headwriter was Yoshida. Yoshida also wrote GX's fifth and sixth episodes as well
Into the trash it goes
He was the lead writer until yubel ended. They shifted the writing staff on most of those wsj anime every three or four years. Probably why yugioh settled into a 3 year cycle. He would have had a pretty big hand in GX not really sticking to anything.
But those are good things.
That artist also gave us this classic illust_id=66769382
>those are good thing
Having your head be separated from your body and throw into a toilet would be an actual good thing.
user what the fuck
I wish we got foreign duelists in a tournament. Vrains will be the only ygo to never have or mention a tournament. I don't really know if that's a good thing.
Mirror Link Vrains was a glorified tournament arc.
>muh tournaments
What's with this autism?
It didn't have any resemblance to a tournament. They fought th evil guys only. Tournament arcs are fun for sometimes putting friends to figh one another.
Pretty much like Ash losing in all leagues, but unlike the latter case, necessary and appreciated in early arcs in Yugioh
sucks that arc-v had a lot of interesting duelist but they were all discarded the moment they were shown
That's exactly the thing thing. The tournament arcs in earlier yugioh series were necessary. Vrains simply hasn't needed one, and its plot has more or less developed organically. There's no need to try forcing in a tournament arc when one isn't needed.
A battle royale would have been enough since it count
But we're getting a Tournament arc in S4, with all Ignis in their human forms participating and all LI Children too.
Just be patient, the plot will pay off here.
>But we're getting a Tournament arc in S4, with all Ignis in their human forms participating and all LI Children too.
I don't know the duelist kingdom corporate takeover plot always seemed like a plot thread that was never explored besides a few panels.
Except that Pegasus needs to take over Kaibacorp to gain access to Kaiba's hologram tech in the manga so that he can see his wife again.
I know the justification but the motivation was just kind of something that was brought up for five seconds after all was said and done. Death T was sort of the same way.
Except that a ton of details in Pegasus' character foreshadow and build up to his eventual reveal of his motive.
manga explained this all too well
>kaiba lost to yugi
>kaiba corp image was affected by it
>pegasus contacted the big 5 or whatever they were called
>pegasus was interested in kc hologram technology because he wanted to see his dead wife and seto out of the picture it was his chance to buy the corporation
>iirc pegasus offered to defeat yugi in exhange of that or that was the deal requested by big 5 idk
>pegasus faild and kaiba already stepped in taking his corporation back
i don't remember if the anime explained this because dub tends to ruin a lot of important details and its been years since i've seen the sub, plus with the noa's arc, it makes it all confusing
>Except that a ton of details in Pegasus' character foreshadow
No it just seemed like he was in it for the money. Him having the painting of the girl wasn't really reflective in his character.
i dont see pegasus as someone greedy, i mean he is the one who brought the card game into business, and his main goal was his chance to bring back his dead wife. the motivation was that, not sure were money comes in
There were small hints that obviously went over your head, like him proclaiming that Toons are the perfect lifeform because they never die.
I'm saying the motive wasn't weaved well in his character. His corporate takeover looks like it was just a simple money scheme right up until he explains it.
maybe it was deliberated so you can see him as a bad man preparing you for the twist that all this time he just wanted his wife back by any means possible
It's entertaining enough, It just feels like the tournament and cards may have came first in the writing.
>He doesn't like Yugioh girls getting rape
What the fuck dude
well kazuki did not plan for the cards to have a main focus, which is why we had things like "le destroy the moon xD". i actually did enjoy how card games were treated more like asspulling strategies to make it more entertaining these real time battles. but with the card games, the sennes items overlaying is hard to find a middle ground to make both things work
>has different tastes in obscure fetishes
>What the fuck dude
so we can all agree specter was only added to be that character that makes the weird faces of the season?
He's just the character whose plot gets scrapped due to the VA. Neo Carly.
>He's just the character whose plot gets scrapped due to the VA
what happened to VA?
Busy with other work. That's all.
that sucks, then again he feels too out of place for being one of the missing children, idk what he wen through but he end up looking older than the entire cast of missing children
Maybe he is. They never explained anything about him or what was going with his tree. That particular group doesn't have to be uniform.
What are his other notable roles?
Why is vrains so obsessed with having big number battles and finishes?
Is the dream over, bros.
is cool
>Revulva the only one to not One-Hit K.O
>Violet Chimera doesn't get a proper attack, just tackles AI
Not sure if it's just a chad move or just lazy animators
Apparently he's mainly an actor and being a VA is a side thing, so he's focusing more on that.
violet chimera's attack is lazily slicing with his sword arm. It doesn't good either way.
idk why i totally forgot that he has that monster
I also missed fun villains. Vector was straight up mad. A little to much. So far Ai is my standart of perfection when it comes to fun villains.
Didn't you watch Zexal? There Utopia made it to +80000, +70000. +100000 and +200000 in that order.
Doesn't Zexal hold the biggest countable atk poins ever?
Obviously excluding Infinite, yes.
>Ai has 1000 LP to indicate that Borrelsword attacked twice
Nice touch.
Remember when attack animations were based?
>The day right after Rio gets out of the hospital they fuck so hard Shark oversleeps.
Zexal sure was something else.
>le borrelsword dragon using a stream burst-like attack.
yes i remember.
Nothing relating Black feathers or Crow will ever be based.
vector was more like bakura while ai is like pegasus in terms of character and type of deck
5D ep 33 Kiryu vs Yusei scenes were kino, that smooth clean quality animation was beautiful
Unleash your power! Destroy the mountain and open my path!
Of course he can breathe fire. What kind of dragon would he be if he couldn't?
I tried to get ZEXAL from NAC, but their DDLs only go up to 50 and the torrent and magnet links don't seem to work for the episodes after that. Sucks.
If anyone's interested. There's a much better scan and fan translation now of the first chapter of the OCG Structures manga.
iirc there is a new thread that had links for everything from 50 on. I donloaded it early this year.
Fuck yeah! Thanks, bro.
is it weird to ship Tron
Tired of waiting for a new ygo dating/dueling game? Give DDM on gba a chance. It doesn't have a propper story mode but the game is actually pretty entertaining. I won't be posting until next month, I hope at leas someone who hasn't played it before gives it a chance. It's always charming to discover the most obscure corners of our franchise.
There's still a functioning batch release for ZEXAL I and II on Nyaa. You're stuck with the video from the original TV airing instead of the re-air for anything beyond 50, though.
You'd think people on Neo Ark Cradle would have learned how to set up an XDCC bot or something, instead of relying on unseeded torrents or DDL links that inevitably get taken down.
I'm already on it and I gotta admit I am surprized about the details of this game. Pic related is Reliquished's effect resolving. Though I have complains about how boring most of the characters are and the fact that I constantly find my opponent's die similar to mine due to the small dice pool.
Shouma is so fucking cute.
is so nice to still see the yugi eyes to this day
It doesn't mean much to me. But if the volumes of this new manga sold well enough maybe they would localize it or make some type of casual animation in the future.
Already the first chapter and the MC seems to have weird bullshit powers. What a bummer but oh well
It's just hyper analysis powers. Something that Yusaku probably should have actually.
>uses the power of his imagination to autistically communicate with the monsters in his mind
we reaching vanguard levels now
I'm pretty sure that scene is supposed to be a visual representation of his deck building analysis, not literal superpowers.
So he is just autistic? We'll have to wait and see i guess
Super genius card analysis could be considered a superpower. Maybe not a supernatural one though.
>it will be later revealed he is actually a cyborg who found happiness in dueling because card games connects everyone
Literaly who?
THE FUCK IS THAT. Did this ever happen in DM? I watched the dub, maybe the ugly faces and the ritual got censored by 4kids.
>monsters having personalities
Hoping this one comes to my place!
I don't think that ever happened. Unless it was just card art.
Can someone explain to this brainlet how Nasch lost to Yuma in their final duel?
Anime Beyond the Hope is OP as fuck
DDM was dope. Def appreciated how a majority of the monsters have unique attack animations
Draw Reset Battle makes both players draw a card, and if they don't use that card before the End Phase, they lose the duel.
Nasch drew Glorious Seven, which has the first effect of making the opponent take any battle damage that Nasch would take, and the second effect of making Nasch's LP equal to the change in his opponent's LP at the end of the turn. Since Yuma negates his own attack, no battle damage occurs, Yuma's LP has a net change of 0, and Nasch's LP becomes equal to 0.
Shitvulva is contrarian which is why he always lose and has shit cards
Using his fusion card in a link based series would be more contrarian.
That gif is too arousing.
I think the art needs a lot of work.
>the art needs work
maybe it's true but the motion is good and it's charming.
When is he getting put of hospital, goddamn.
never, cry in the corner jinfag
It's not like he would want to go into a dangerous situation against Ai if he got out. Maybe the androids will go after him in the hospital.
I csn't get over how almost everyone in VRAINS has a horseface.
But how easy is it really to get two level 6 monsters on the field?
Let's pray YGO 7 has this level of animation again
And also some level of dignity like literally anything before vrains
That scene alone has more dignity than everything that involves Revolver, Go and Aoi.
Not with that costume.
why the fuck does Ai manage to have life as a character when for so long the show was saddled with dull as fuck schmucks like yusaku and bohman
Shouldn't he be happy for the change in his appearance? He's young again and prime for /ss/.
5ds' characters also had no dignity whatsoever. Anyone but Yusei, of course; there's a reason they call him Jesus Fudo. Much like hiw Yusaku became Jesusaku. Expect the Ygo 9's protagonist to also be a Jesus Yu.
how* Damn I need to sleep already.
Has more dignity that this
How many duels will Ygo7 and 8's protagonists lose then?
And this
5ds characters all had dignity untill all the production issues kicked in during the second season.
And this
>had no dignity
I could respect Aki at some point unlike Blue Jobber. Ylliaster, Dark Signers were actually threatening unlike Revolver and Hanoi. I will not go on, just want to say that you rather NOT say that VRAINS has dignity
Make sure you don't wake up
Rua and Ruka never did. All because of CROW.
>a character having retarded but fun personality has no dignity against literally jobbers and cardboards
Kill yourself
> I will not go on, just want to say that you rather NOT say that VRAINS has dignity
Because Yugioh in general doesn't? get fucking over yourself.
Aoi was the one who beat Baira and convinced her to betray Revulva by releasing the anothered, though.
>dueling record fag
They don't care about win records.
This is a fact vrainlet
Why are you even here, then? The dragon ballz thread is next door.
Leave Playmaker, Revolver and Soulburner to me
Zexal is about as good as DM and far more than the rest. Ain't it a little unfair to compare it with VRAINS that started off with production issues?
Yugioh isn't about dignity you retard. It's one step above a gag manga in that regard and that's it.
A decent amount of irrelevant duels (mostly to their own close friends) for sure. To their rivals their first time as well.
He couldn't even beat atem.
>manga judai the jobber
>loses to Mangajoume
>decides to make his own new special super cool deck to make a comeback
>jobs in his new deck's debut match
>wins one duel against Amon
>Jobs immediately again right after that duel to fubuki
>has one last tag duel where gets carried by mangajoume against the final boss.
He ain't taking care of shit
Both of them are right though
>you don't need to not be hungry to smile, one can just not eat anything because reasons, be until night without eating... but they got something they always wanted since ever and the smile in their face will appear even before dinner (if any). Also honest AND dishonest smile are a thing, which can be a sign of happiness or hidden sadness
>eating is something that is needed, but can be very different, is one thing to eat something because you need it, and other thing is eating a food you wanted so bad to eat, then the happiness (and smile) will become a reality. Also it can be an honest or dishonest eating, eating what you need AND what you wanted, or just devouring to hide your grude maybe
>in b4 esl
Barian C10X/Hope > Meklords > Numbers > Earthbounds > Sacred Beasts > Nordics > Timelords
But is it really a dignified discussion?
Judai would probably be the weakest out of all the Ygo protags even with updated cards/deck. Atem/Yugi would the nostalgia seniority advantage over all of them though
Hopeless prayer.
this. it's very unlikely in current industry conditions unless they completely change up how they go about making Yugioh anime and how long it runs each year.
What could maybe be realistically asked for is budget-friendly smart choices in important staff positions. A good colorist, a good art design/backgrounds lead artist, a genius character designer (even if they don't stick around that long, designing main cast is enough), a good OST composer, and a good sound director can significantly boost the audio-visual experience. Then there's also pushing the storyboard artists to be more creative and being more clever about editing choices like Zexal was. Some studios already do these kinds of things to make up for a lack of manpower in the animation department.
I wonder who came up with dyson sphere, it was a great boss monster concept even if it was used by the most boring Tron family member
So this was a fake out in the preview?
Destiny Leo was better fite me.
Why are there so many memes about this boring ass trainwreck?
All the Tron siblings had pretty good deck/boss concepts and designs, thinking about it. Their duels were nice to watch
It's too young to do that.
Why do the best looking monsters rarely make it to the anime? What harm could it have done them to give BS Mecha phantom beasts instead of an anime only deck?
What's next in your master plan
That's really up to the director. Besides I don't think the scenarios blood shepherd was set to perform could be done with anything other than an anime only deck.
When you’re a dumbass 5dsfag of course you’ll say dumbshit like this.
He should have dueled rio instead of ryoga in part two for the ship.
Is Ai going to lose? Feels like it and that Pandor will cancel the duel once shes sees Ai cry
Timelords should be above Nordics and Sacred beasts above Memelords.
Ai said he would defeat them all. He won't let people just walk away.
t.Vote memer
probably, they pretty much set it up that way
Meklord were great.
I dont get it either. At least db super memes were funny and organic.
>Ai losing to some random side character
You got to be fucking kidding me.
It’s not just the content of the memes that concerns me it’s the fact they exist at all. DBS memes are funny because most of the plot and fights was retarded yet entertaining while Vrains is just mindless duel after mindless duel with the same goddamn obvious outcome.
>Vrains is just mindless duel after mindless duel with the same goddamn obvious outcome.
So was DM and 5DS.
for every single one that was funny there were 40 that were forced.
They look ugly to me. Also, they are unplayable.
I don't see a reboot of DM happening. Next series will probably have a lighter tone than Vrains.
All the broken boss monsters never get released.
I said mindless not entertaining. You’re right about 5ds though but Battle City and DOMA were amazing while almost everything after GX was just shameless shilling.
>mindless not entertaining
It can't be both?
>battle city and doma
Battle city was filled to the brim with obvious conclusions and often times lazy plot to get there.
>while almost everything after GX was just shameless shilling.
GX was very shameless about shilling. Fubuki using red eyes, Judai switching to neos, Ryo switching to cyberdarks, Sho switching to cyberdarks and cyber dragons. Even the sets went out of their way to print every goddamn card they could.
>gx was shameless shilling.
Nigga, what?
>while almost everything AFTER GX was just shameless shilling
Read my brotha read
Will we ever get an anzu figure?
Anzu has a nice figure
How on earth did the nuDMG get figures before Anzu or any of the Main girls for that matter.
Jesus fudo is a praise.
5Ds has a great cast.
So was zexal and arc-v. You can argue this was the case for every yugioh show but that's fine since the only thing that matters is how entertaining they do which was well done in DM, GX and 5Ds. Especially the rematch between chronos and judai is an example of a well done duel as well as the last 5Ds duel where you give them more meaning.
Because it's DMG and she was every Japanese millennial's first nut or something.
That's why it should be immortalized in some form other than paper.
If you mean gagaga girl, she was probably the most popular monster of zexal.
>It can't be both?
It can be both just like DBS but besides Dark Signers and Zexal ll what other arc had duels worth a damn?
>Battle city was filled to the brim with obvious conclusions and often times lazy plot to get there
Battle City only needed a couple of duels to be great and they were no where near as mindless as the last couple of years has been.
>GX was very shameless about shilling
You say that GX was shilling like crazy when almost every important duel was either entertaining or significant in the development of the characters.
It’s an insult because of how much of a gary stu he is
>It can be both just like DBS but besides Dark Signers and Zexal ll what other arc had duels worth a damn?
5DS had good ones whenever yusei felt preachy in fortune cup. Also Ark cradle. ZEXAL excelled a lot when Yuma dueled or cheered someone who wasn't Shark or Kaito. VRAINS has some characters who are rough around the edges but once I got past that most of them are entertaining besides soulburner and playmaker in some duels. Of course the ignis compensate for them.
jesus fudo originated all the way back in the janime days and it was always used as an insult about how boringly perfect Yusei became as a MC
>Battle City only needed a couple of duels to be great and they were no where near as mindless as the last couple of years has been.
But they were. The spider spinner, Arkana being unaware of dark magician girl despite being fanatical, yugi's mirror card against jonouchi, Odion having to play fake ra, marik only winning through torture.
>You say that GX was shilling like crazy when almost every important duel was either entertaining or significant in the development of the characters.
There's a lot that aren't important. And a lot of others aren't important in the long run because of how all over the place the plot is in gx. A lot of the early characterizations in duels don't mean much. Sho has early duels where he relies on judai and ones where he doesn't but still is seen as the lowly one throughout the whole series. Misawa seems like he could be fully committed to be judai forever but it doesn't mean anything Asuka gets tossed around like nothing and that never changes.
Remember when people had these same hopes for VRAINS?
I remember when they thought it could be a sequel to another series. Any of them really.
i guess the fact that i didn't have much is why im still here. the misery of the arc-v staff in the last stretch was pretty apparent, yugioh anime is just not nearly as friendly to work for compared to seasonal anime where you can bounce out after 1 cour if it sucks ass
When Zappa Go skedaddled away from arc-v when he did, he must've seen some major red flags behind the scenes. I wonder what he's doing now, I would guess he's writing more ecchi or something
Phantom demons deserved the win.
man i still wish someone who was in the know of arc-v's production behind the scenes could give the tell-all of what happened, but nip culture is antithetical to that ever being a possibility
Real Cast list is up!
Jesus, has there ever been a smaller cast list?
during the final duels of s1 and s2 yeah because everyone else is dead lmao
Episode 109: イグニスを狩るもの – Igunisu o Karu Mono
(The One Who Hunts the Ignises)
Ai has been taking down Playmaker's allies in order to advance his plan. He has finally located where Akira is hiding. In order to protect Akira, Revolver sends Pandor to block Ai's path.
Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru
Kogami Ryoken/Revolver: Takeuchi Shunsuke
Pandor: Kim Hyang-Ri
Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Direction: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Animation Director(s): Noh Gil-bo
S2 finale had Hanoi Trio speaking
With how much the episode is focusing on them I hope Ai vs Pandor will only last one episode.
I've been liking the fast pacing of this season so far.
>no soulburner
What a tiny cast.
5ds was a huge snoozefest until Yusei vs Jack and then picked back up in Yusei's first in the Fortune Cup but it still wasn't memorable enough for anyone to truly give a fuck about. Ark Cradle was also boring and needed the animation to salvage it but you can the same for most of Zexal's duels.
The characters need to be part of the entertainment as well instead of just the animation or the OST having to carry almost every duel.
even the Japanese are laughing at Revolver
>Odion having to play fake ra, marik only winning through torture
That's what I mean by entertainment. All this crazy bullshit happened in that one arc years ago which makes everyone constantly bring it up every year but will you hear Bowman's snoozefest of a character being discussed in a few years? Of course not because he didn't do jack shit to make anyone remember him.
>Asuka gets tossed around like nothing and that never changes
>When she has the best winrate out of all the female duelists in Yugioh
You're just spouting misconceptions about GX when Sho follows the trope of a character that goes from weak to strong when he needs to, Misawa had one of the best redemption stories and sendoffs in Yugioh history, and Asuka is the best female duelist in the franchise.
Why is this the only series that always kills off all their cast members? They can't just stay home or something?
is there a link?
to pad screentime and to just make sure everyone is accounted for i guess, as the bare minimum
here in the comments
Yeah they could do that or just have SOL episodes first or even have the main cast duel some fodder. There's no point even having them exist when that time can be used on shit people actually want to see.
Do we even know a single bit about yusaku's personal preferences in daily life outside of vrains and dueling, 100+ episodes later? He likes hotdog as his friend but he doesn't have LOVE in his heart for anything
>he doesn't have LOVE in his heart for anything
what about revulva?
ai sucks. fuck his sudden 180 in character.
fuck him stupid idiot betrayed everything he and yusaku fought for.
>but muh sadness and anger
get over it little bitch.
god I hate this ai. I want ignis Ai back. not this edgy shitlord that pretends to be ai by acting goofy once in a while. Also fuck him and his deck. ugly blob monsters and some generic boring fantasy creatures as links.
roboppi also sucks. should have stayed as a cute loli.
lmaooooo this reads like a parody of "that" user
its not love if he can't be assed to act on it even a little bit
>Animmation Noh.
already know it's gonna be one of my favorites.
>nips hvae finally caught on to retardvulva
Yesssss, soon this shitty fucking character will get the hate he fucking deserves
We all do.
>Yusei commenting "nice name"
Perfect. I've been waiting for someone to draw this.
Looks like Ai is back being listed second only to Yusaku again.
>That's what I mean by entertainment. All this crazy bullshit happened in that one arc years ago
It's the definition of mindless plot to get an obvious result was my point. It's called bullshit as much as it's remembered as entertainment.
>will you hear Bowman's snoozefest of a character being discussed in a few years?
Am I supposed to give a shit if Yea Forums stopped talking about it? The manga before DM is probably better than what came after but it isn't constantly brought up by multiple people.
>Asuka gets tossed around like nothing and that never changes
>You're just spouting misconceptions about GX
How? Her character spends a lot of time worrying about fubuki, possessed, or just removed like the rest of the side cast. Win rates don't really prevent anything like that.
>Sho follows the trope of a character that goes from weak to strong when he needs to
It doesn't make a lot of sense. Going back to weakly follower in the yubel arc after the shock collar duel was weird enough. Also removed from duels more or less entirely.
>misawa had one of the best redemption stories and sendoffs in Yugioh history
He went from a duelist determined to defeat Judai no matter what it takes to support character on the level of Akira.
>110 and 111 is Ai vs Akira and Blue Maiden
That's about to be expected
>112: Soulburner wanders around Link Vrains something something finds a land of appliances??
>113 title is King of appliances???
wtf am I reading this right
So these are Roboppy eps?
>King of Appliances
Soulburner vs Roboppy incoming
Seems like it. Also Yoshida is doing 112 so it's probably important.
I put 112 into Google Translate "SOL社の凋落"
The fall of SOL
Hype as heck. Also I guess Chess Pieces are officially kill out of relevancy now.
>SB is literally just wandering around in the abandoned Link Vrains
what the fuck
I guess blue maiden will disappear for a bit.
Wonder if the rest of the Season will only consist of Playmaker, Soulburner and Revolver vs Ai and Roboppi. Most of the side cast got rekt by the former, with 2 not even making it to him.
Haha stay mad
It sure does
>stay mad
Episode 110: 哀の苛立ち – Ai no Iradachi
(The Annnoyance of Sympathy)
Ai has discovered Akira and Blue Maiden in the network. In order to seize control of SOL Technology's system, he challenges the two of them to a Duel. The Zaizen siblings protect each other and fend off Ai's attacks. With their minds as one, the two of them launch a counterattack against Ai.
Episode 111: せめぎ合う意思 – Semegiau Ishi
(Clashing Wills)
Akira and Blue Maiden work together to break through Ai's battle formation, but Ai then summons a new trump card and drives the two of them into a corner again. Despite Ai's intensifying attacks against them, the Zaizen siblings' bond remain strong, and they manage to summon forth a new ace monster.
Episode 112: SOL社の凋落 – Soru sha no Chōraku
(The Fall of SOL)
LINK VRAINS, which should have been shut down, is now open again, and many citizens of Den City begin to log in. In order to search for clues about Ai, who has taken over SOL, Soulburner decides to investigate LINK VRAINS. There, he discovers an island he has never seen before. On the island is a country filled with appliances. Soulburner then encounters Roboppy in the country.
Episode 113: 家電の王様 – Kaden no Ōsama
(The King of Household Applicances)
Oh sounds like we are getting more Roboppi duels, I like the sound of these episodes. Plus a Blue Maiden Akira tag duel sounds great as well. Hopefully we'll get some new trickstars and Tindangle cards.
Script: 前川 淳 || Maekawa Atsushi
Storyboard: えらん|| Eran
Direction: 三家本泰美 || Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): 佐藤瑞樹, 長谷川一生 || Satou Mizuki , Hasegawa Issei
Script: 前川 淳 || Maekawa Atsushi
Storyboard: 石黒達也 || Ishiguro Tatsuya
Direction: 高橋雅和 || Takahashi Masakazu
Animation Director(s): 金子優司 || Kaneko Yuji
Script: 吉田伸, 武上純希 || Yoshida Shin, Takegami Junki
Storyboard: 須永 司 || Sunaga Tsukasa
Direction: 佐藤道拓 || Satou Michihiro
Animation Director(s): Lee Sung-jin, Kang Hyeon-guk
Sounds cool but also sucks for the Aoifags. She just gets revived and now dies again. Wonder if the other characters will stay dead as well
Aoi will come back, don't know about the other ones.
Finally Blue Slut is gone!
It sucks being the most hates character!
This day will be as good as 4th of July!
Also, after that shitfest theres nothing on the opening about the island and country
Maybe the soulburner vs revolver thing but thats about it
I hope the Neo New Link Vrains looks pretty now
Also Aoi new avatar soon, cant wait
@Ignister Ritual intensifies.
So, like, did you literally forget the events that transpired this episode?
2019... we never existed
>after everything that happened in Link Vrains and it being officially shut down, people start logging back in as soon as it goes up again
Den City's residents truly hate themselves
What Bohman said is true: Humans, regardless of the potential dangers, do stupid things.
they must be all card game addicts
Tindangle Crystal Heart
I dunno, still betting on some bullshit keeping her around instead of dying
that isn't enough to fill episodes.
hopefully, it would be a gigantic slap on the face to have her die again right after she and Yusaku have finally become friends
I want this to be a thing now
I'm surprised Roboppi is jobbing this early
>SB vs Roboppi this early
I can't imagine either losing already, things are moving insanely quick
We don't need saving the world with card games for the seventh time. Konami, give me a Duel Terminal spinoff.
SB still has to duel Revolver so he's safe until then
konami is too busy trying to figure out MR5 ask shueisha instead
Those cards are old.
So are Sacred Beasts and they got second place by a 1% difference in a poll for a structure deck.
At least Duel Terminal archetypes have an identity beyond being bootleg god cards.
>So are Sacred Beasts and they got second place by a 1% difference in a poll for a structure deck.
But you want a new animation not a structure deck, that's totally different.
I'll take a 4koma or a new card or two at this point.
duel terminal is old MR3 shit if konami was to make a show about duel monsters it would be about the new shit world legacy
>a new card or two at this point.
isn't that just world legacy?
There was a rumor going around that Akira might play those new Hakai cards, i hope its not true, I'm on team Tindangle.
They don't look like they would fit into vrains artstyle at all.
Doubt it, since magazines or whatever else has been giving them details on their lore and stuff, which is only done with GO Decks.
Expect Akira to use the GO Tindangles, along with new ones and S/Ts. His Deck is kind of bound to Acute Cerberus and Base Gardna.
How will this synergize with marincess?
Stun and more stun.
Too many lights, can barely see the model.
>new ace monster
is it back?
I can't wait to see a marincess covercard.
Only the mc and rival get those this generation.
filthy fags, shark already has a bitch.
your incest shit is disgusting fuck off.
It's Yea Forums. everyone assumes all interaction is romantic.
I have always tought that way of thinking and behaviour to come from socially inept folks.
>socially inept folks.
yeah, Yea Forums.
Maybe they'll give her another scene.
Zexal anons, I am writting a draft for a Zexal spinoff "Zexal III" Main character is Nasch/Shark.
would you want me to post it here for feedback?
Aren't there better places for fanfiction?