Would fuck her easily.
Amerifats btfo right?
Would fuck her easily.
Amerifats btfo right?
3D is constantly btfo by 2D
She isn't fat though, just skinnyfat like many Japs (despite the national average BMI being 20.0). Either way Japs tends to shun off any girl that crosses the 50kg thresold no matter how tall she is.
>her belly jiggling around as I ram her hard with my dick
When I was in Japan I saw one actually fat person there. I felt kinda bad for her, but it was nice to not have to witness people wheezing from walking 20ft like I see here sometimes.
wtf thicc
>tfw 178cm and 63kg
Am I normal?
Meant for
Wow I can't believe that 2D fixed imperfections from the real world once again.
>tfw 170cm and 65kg
am I?
More than.
you can look it up online
you don't need to beg for attention you fucking retard
>Japan want their girls to be so fucking thin they would brainwash them to not eat much , possibly leading in bad development and end up small and with tiny tits since thats their standard.
>Abeposting became a thing due to lack of reproduction
>Europeanfags made drawning and statues about Young girl, and Young women being slightly curvaceous and being sign of fertility
Look i do dig in young women a slim figure, but what if the decline in birthrate can be partially due to them "having the least number of fat peoples in the world"?
what if actually being slightly curvaceous and like OP picture would lead those idiots to actually make Abe proud of his work?
Both are normal, though I'd say 178cm/63kg lean towards the leaner side of normal.
What a juicy love handles. Would caress them gladly.
people being skinny has nothing to do with it
its them being overworked
Meanwhile in the real world, Japanese bra cup size has seen massive increases as the Japanese diet gains western influences.
Vietnam actually had the thinniest people in the world due to diet and not just because they're starving to look prettier.
I'd say the ideal Japanese beauty standards often would be a BMI of 18.5 and below and big tits skinny everything else with small ass.
>to not eat much , possibly leading in bad development and end up small and with tiny tits since thats their standard.
Fair enough, especially given that fact that estrogen production uses fat tissue. And this hormones is very important for women.
It can inspire them in a good way, too.
I can see it as part of increasing bra sizes, but is there a direct link as of recent? It mostly has to do with genetics.
>Anime about fitness sluts.
Japan has everything.
You should research about what Japanese food is like historically. There's more than just sushi, which is typically used as a salaryman's night appetizer today.
literally ANYTHING would btfo americans
yall are pathetic
Have the fat positivity SJWs started complaining yet?
yeah, and lots of time spent commuting instead of being at home.
Also historically, birth rates have always been very low in urban areas, while rural areas are actually providing the new human materiel. Because Japan's population is more concentrated in urban areas than other countries, this could also have an effect.
man, the op is quite catchy, really digging it.
Easily my aots, really liked the manga and the adaption looks pretty good so far.
>more than 20 cm smaller than me
>weighs 5kg more
>this is a 1/10 in Japan
>All the armpit and navel service in this
The horriblesubs pull clean or does it have the airing details all over it? Mildly curious to try a new show
I'm pretty sure this is the average for japanese males?
We saying out stats now? ahem
168cm and 120kg
by god this show has a lot of navels and armpits
182 and uh, 80kg or something.
It's delicious
Reminds me of Haruki Sato, the GOAT chubby JAVfu.
169 cm and 49 kg
damn, do yourself a favor and go on a 6 month fast
Not fat enough. Japan needs to start feeding its women
170cm / 61kg, 13% bodyfat
It would be a crime if Hibiki lost her thighs.
totally would
This, women should have some juicy rolls to grab onto
And they wonder why average western woman are consistently BTFO.
190 cm and 68 kg
hi mr skeltal
From 47kg last year, after finally hitting the gym.
Will you manlets ever learn?
It's important to feed your women right.
>That slight jiggle.
>165 cm
>80 kg
Had a pretty rough year, moved out to my uncle's place and it was full of cockroaches so all my food had to be packed or take-out. Couldn't even risk making fresh food in the kitchen cause the roaches dragged their balls on everything.
Hope to sell my car soon and buy a mountain bike.
Literally RIkka
Not enough jiggle for my liking
I blame Japan's crazy ideal beauty standards in part because any girl who weighs over 50kg (no matter her height) will get called "fat". It's also sad to know that many anime girls have underweight BMIs for that reason.
Cooking a magnificently fattening feast for Miss Kobayashi!
Fucking what, in all honesty I'm surprised we don't see THICC waifus in more anime considering the japanese artists love making that kinda shit
Supplying Miss Kobayashi with delicious sugary drinks as she lazes around on the couch!
>all this blogshit
fuck off /fit/ crossboarders
Taking Miss Kobayashi to the beach in the too-tight swimsuit that you bought for her!
Giving Miss Kobayashi’s big soft belly plenty of rubs and cuddles before she goes to bed!
55kg at that size is a bit much. I'm 20cm taller than her and I weigh only 5kg more.
Feeding Miss Kobayashi several pounds of meat after she becomes too stuffed to eat on her own!
174 cm / 100 kg
I really needed this anime
Helping Miss Kobayashi squeeze into her XXXXXL specially-tailored pants!
Watching as Miss Kobayashi's massive juicy ass and belly spill out of her pants!
Diving into Miss Kobayashi soft, doughy fat while you bathe her!
Becoming Miss Kobayashi’s personal mount/transportation when she finally becomes too fat to move on her own or be carried by vehicles!
Are you a spooky skeletal?
Does Miss Kobayashi's ass have its own representation in the National Diet?
>implying they ever stopped
Don't utter such an abominable word in the Archtiect's presence
It really depends on your body composition. At the same weight and height some people will look just right and some will look fatter.
Have fun starving to death, Mohammed
god, imagine the moldy stench underneath those belly folds
5'7" and 168 pounds.
>No hambeast gf with deep belly folds to lick and sniff
Why even live?
>blobposters invading danberu threads
Of fucking course.
>/fit/ suddenly starts watching anime and looses all their gains
>Yea Forums gets motivated and starts to work out, getting buff
Balance in all things?
>No fatass gf with a big soft jelly belly to grab and fondle and jiggle
Don't feed him attention, he seems to be eating more than enough already.
Yes, God forbid there would be shitposting in these wonderful totally civil danberu threads.
It's always like this. American normal is fat in japan
The last thing we need is seething fatoids
Nah, I could still afford to eat some more. Will you feed me?
Who is?
what the fuck is wrong with nips
That's a common weight/height combination for boxers.
>120kg at 168cm
just fucking stop eating what the hell
I just want my boipussy rammed hard but I'm having difficulty finding a man who is both bigger and stronger than me.
congrats on being morbidly obese, I'm sure you are worth a lot of respect
5"9' 176lbs
that's 175cm @ 88kg for you savages over there in yurop
But 176lbs is 80kg.
>Amerifats btfo right?
euro's and non-Americans should be ranged banned
Imagine grabbing a handful of her tummy.
Having fun seeing niggers at every corner, John?
160cm and 55kg
>architect posting
>amerilard posting
AOTS, yes?
I want fit girls to bully my dick.
I want to bury my dick into fat girls
184cm / 80kg you fat fucks
That would be heavenly!
I want a girl who can suplex me!
I want a girl who can crush me!
I recognize that bulge!
jesus fuck thats disgusting
t. no-test
That's just the natural curse of these threads isn't it. Always to devolve into blob posting...
187cm and 68 kg... bros... why am I so lanky...
Doesn't seem like much of a curse to me.
>only 2 people above 100kg
Is Yea Forums the lightest board?
>this kills the female americano
You know people can lie online, right?
Starvation kills the female non-americanos
Why would I want to be a disgusting fatty?
The asians suffers more chronic diseases related to heavy weight. That is the reason they encorauge BMI that Americans find "underweight".
literally me, like, unironically.
Don't they get like serious diabetes and fat-related conditions at much lower weights than Americans do?
i've been letting myself go since my course ended and have literally grown a neckbeard last month
ive gained like 10kg since ive become a full NEET
72kg last time I weighed myself
15%~bf iirc but I try not to focus on any metrics other than calories and reps to failure
Obvious Yokkora.
Why would you lie to your online frens?
>No gluttonous gf to spoil rotten with all the fattening food she can eat all day, every day
maybe you'll miraculously gain 10kg if you stop lurking and posting on this hellspawn
me too
i feel personally insulted
165cm and 58kg
Are you cute OwO?
A holocaust survivor could bench press her, nigger you what?
You clearly lack any muscle at all.
Please work out.
i only really come here when I'm not out with my buddies, but it's more so my fault for always skipping meals by mistake... i need a fucking burger. in fact i might just order some food right now!
160 cm, 121 kg.
Not even joking, going through surgery around september
>mfw I'm 105cm and 110kg
>almost all girls are IMAGINE tier for me
i'm like a 4/10 if i try really hard
>187cm and 145kg
>Lucoa will never be accidentally hit by a fattening hex that was meant to shrink her tits
175cm and 45kg
i'm already dead
>Lucoa will never heft and jiggle her newfound blubber as her already matronly proportions balloon outwards
>Lucoa will never shake her bulging fat ass in your face
Just eat less and drink more water to feel full.
>Lucoa will never heave herself at you to give you the softest hug of your life
i hope mods come and smite the fat poster
anyway i've been considering working out but also been emptying a box of pringles next to my computer so i have my doubts i'll be doing something productive anytime soon
Christ, you must be almost as wide as you are tall
Weightloss surgery is retarded
I'm fat, but I'm fat because I love drinking and have an iron liver
If I didn't drink every second day and have to imbibe 12 or more beers each time to be satisfied then I'd probably be rake thin
>Lucoa will never squish you under more than a thousand pounds of soft, sweaty, dragon belly/titty meat
177cm 68kg which I think is pretty nice. Work out 3-4 times per week so I do what I can even if I'm not big. Good luck out there, bros.
>Lucoa will never hug you against her blobby mass with your entire body smushed into her flabby tits and chin fat
Nigga are you alright?
170cm and 74kg...
Hold me, anons, I'm a manlet
>105cm and 110kg
Sorry to post pictures of anime girls on your /fit/ blog thread on Yea Forums
I'm 178cm and 67kg. Been cutting weight for almost a year now and am starting a bulk next week. This anime came just in time.
thank you user, i have now ordered food and will gain weight.
WOW Im a fucking whale
I could probably jump over you
I hope you're female
Somehow, I think I'll still be able to sleep at night, even knowing that
This. Mods should just nuke all these off-topic threads already. I'm only here for the fatties.
>Fatter than tall
What the fuck
Isn't this pretty normal though, at least for japanese girls, a regular weight for a 160cm tall girl should be less than 50kg, and yes, for girls even 1 kg is the universe, I just came back home but I sure hope the shitposting about this is not much.
You're a literal dwarf.
>Fatter than tall
Sounds hot as fuck
>3'4" and 220lbs
user you're retarded
>166 cm, 60kg
>go to UK to study for 4 years
>170cm, 78kg
>go back to my home country
>1 year later
>170cm, 64kg
What the hell happened? I didn't even eat much or dieting at all.
What even inside UK foods?
thank mr skeletal
160cm and 58kg.
Food available in the west is processed to hell and full of sugar, plus portion sizes tend to be large
>not being both fit and thicc
You'd be surprised with the amount of crossover between the two boards. I could imagine it getting a few anons who have never done any exercise before to do something.
184 cm
>japanese girl
>blonde hair blue eyed white girl
she's a haffu
please stop
your'e one of those posters that post chubby anime girls that are so fat they just become devaint art
do you not know the rules of animu ?
please stop stealing the artwork of deviant art users and posting it here
>Please stop posting ruining muh blog /fit/ thread on Yea Forums
Hello me
121 is pretty average, though. Guess it depends on where you live in the West.
Fat pig
How did you do it, I'm literally those same stats and I'm sick of being a skinny fuck
I want a landwhale gf who has more rolls than a bakery!
>This makes Dobson the big Dobson
Stop giving attention to the triggered retard and just report him for spamming like a good user. It's funny how long he's kept that up.
Yea Forums is full of manlet
167cm 63kg
I may be a manlet but at least I'm toned
175cm 72kg
disgusting fattoid
are you fucking kidding me
that's like 4 lbs """overweight""" at the very most.
I feel a lot of anons are lying about their height
170, 50 kg
I need a name for this girl
what are you implying? most of the people posting have been pretty short.
>Would fuck her easily.
Sure, who wouldn't?
Also, argenfag here, that would be considered a bit too fat here, but fuck them, I do not agree.
damn, been looking for this pic for forever
I want to fast but every fucking time I get people giving me food
youre skinny as fuck. im 178cm and 90kg. i mean, im pretty chubby, but im not properly fat. you must be a stick.
Japanese girls ARE getting fatter. It’s because of the increase in beef over fish. I am 162 cm/ 57kg and look just slightly chubbier than the average there. Loooots of girls thicker than me
stop drinking beer dumbass.
beer is for social drinking
wine is for catching up with friends
liquor is for getting drunk
don't drink brown liquor (whiskey, bourbon, etc) unless you want to actually die and also have miserable hangovers in the process
drink pure grain alcohol if you're going to be an alcoholic binge drinker, or better yet stop drinking and master your addictions loser
>35% body fat
She does not have 35% bf, she is a thicc queen who I wish would squish my head between her thighs, god fucking dammit.
>/fit/ blogging
>3DPD thursting
Why do I keep coming back here, this definitely isn't the Yea Forums I used to know
I cant do the metric system very well cause im from amerilard
Im 5'5 and 176 poubds last i checked.
/fit/ has been shitting up the place before the show even aired
Oh and I used yuropoor units but I’m American, I’d say half my friends are fatter than me and half are thinner
>tfw you will never, EVER get to fuck thighs like those.
If God exists, he must be having a giggle at my life.
175cm, 106kg
I once thought japan should do genetic engineering so their children have 2 times the dick and breast size. It will fix the birth rate and future generations
Just find a way to make 2D people real.
Nobody gives a fuck about how much you weigh, faggots. Talk about hot 2D girls exercising or go back to where you came from
So besides memes and fan service, is the anime good?
Everyday we get closer and closer to a full on fatfag anime... Bueno....
Imagine fucking her belly rolls
I could never find the artist for this one.
That makes a difference. I'm on the higher end of a healthy BMI and I still look like a fat fuck.
>good bench form
>decent squat form
>diet is more important than lifting for fat loss
>calorie numbers are accurate
>girls bodyfat percentages are realistic
>starting with basic compound lifts, low weight, and low volume
holy fucking shit this is so based, my extreme lifting autism was only trigger twice, once when CR retard subbers translated catabolysis as "proteolysis" and when the trainer said half squats where when the thigh was parallel to the floor.
I expected much, much worse
I want a girl who's body slam is soft
I hope Dogakobo continues to do non-yuribait stuff like this and Senko-san.
Your posting like this thread will be deleted along with the porn.
>no tan lines
Artist is Miitoban
shut up let them post stealth cbunny this is rare
but its just 2D, its not even interesting
This is blatant, though.
imagine being this triggered by people talking about being healthy
> 193cm
> 103kg
Is this what the typical /fit/ thread is like?
>2d not even interesting
2d> 3dpd
stealth as in when you post something you want in another type of thread instead if making a thread about it and getting it removed really fast or taken down. e.g posting tomboys in a sports anime thread because you know a tomboy thread would be taken down
maybe they call it half squat because they're encouraging people to go full ATG
>stealth as in when you post something you want in another type of thread instead if making a thread about it and getting it removed really fast or taken down
Except he's clearly doing it to try and get this thread deleted.
Judging by his issue seems to be the fact that people are doing anything but that.
At least this spam is better than the deviantart lard blobs.
Wew, nice thread you /fit/tards stirred up
Stop posting porn, do you want this thread to get nuke!?
thank you based cunnyposter
Loli/shota porn outside of Yea Forums is against the rules.
Are you defending blogging?
>At least this spam is better than the deviantart lard blobs.
Not even ashamed to out yourself as a pedo, huh?
Reminder to report all rule-breaking images and posts.
Are you new here?
More like this
This, that's why roasties hate anime.
I'm on Yea Forums after all. Assuming these images come from his own collection instead of being downloaded at random for spam, he seems to have good taste too.
well they have pretty good taste in loli content so jokes on them i'll fap to this later maybe
Reporting loli porn has nothing to do with blogging, but the latter is also against the rules.
after im done masturbating
i will do as long as it's anything but loli
It’s better than bestiality
Thanks for giving my index finger a good workout, lolispammer.
they drawings it's more about seeing something cute than anything 3dpd loli's make me want to vomit and commit seppuku
Europa is arguably getting fatter these days.
has the cunnyposter abandoned us?
>Not just axeing the whole thread for being one big blog
Mods sure are attached to this thread, huh?
they are attached to yuri threads as well to an autistic level
>160 cm
>53 kg
Feels good, I suppose I'll start watching this during my workouts.
Still in our hearts.
Most likely banned, which is good.
keep it up buddy
I was always very skinny and had many problems getting weight. Until I was 21 I weighterd around 48kg@173cm
Now I'm weighting around 70kg as a 24yr old. What worked for me was going for the gym and doing the GOMAD meme. I'd probably would not do it if you won't lift heavy though, because most likely you only will become skinnyfat. But if you do some research and hit the gym at least 5 days a week I'm sure you can make it too brah.
Banned? Not such thing just bored
I'm about to go hit the gym Yea Forumsnons wish me luck
i'm pretty sure if they wanted to post cunny that hard they thought of a way to bypass their ban way in advance
fuck life isnt fair
How is this Yea Forums related?
if you see any cute tomboys at the gym take a sly pic and post them in thread
Post /fit/ loli to stay on-topic.
>Trusting feminists to have a non-radical opinion of shit like this.
Listen doc, I'm only around 168 cm and 76 kg myself but if I can have the sense to get inspired by this anime and it's somewhat provocative girls in order to improve then by golly I think I will take this anime's advice to heart.
They are right about the whole "Sakura is too skinny to complain about this shit" thing though, but at least that's already been thoroughly debated in this thread alone.
the bass in my headpphones dropped right when I clicked that
pretty kino
Nice anime thread you got here
>157 cm
>35.7 kg
How the fuck did I lose weight, What is my problem!?
I really like Hibiki's Seiyuu. She sounds so adorable.
God, I'd give anything to have a gf like this. How can I fuck a girl like this?
what does Yea Forums think of cellulite?
Get big
Yes, that's the correct thing to do. Deleting entire threads because of one or a few troublemakers is fucking retarded.
how do I learn kg and cm speak?? I grew up measuring people in lbs and feets
Love it, almost as much as I love gunts and love handles. And especially droppy arm fat
>which is good.
I’m surprised how long that last pic lasted.
Naked seiza is alright. I think that was seiza
Use google
Troublemakers? This just isn't even an anime thread
>shitposters still complaining about people talking about /fit/ things in a /fit/ anime thread
This is a blogging thread dumbass.
I can do his job too
I'm overweight but I still want a gf like that desu
Bless you
>/fit/ anime thread
It's just a /fit/ blog thread. There's a board for that. Called "/fit/".
% body fat
>She does not have 35% bf, she is a thicc queen
It literally says she has 35% bodyfat in the first ep.
What the fuck? That hardly seems appropriate for a blue board, wouldn't you agree? Delete this post now.
Its nothing
As someone who has experience with Yea Forums I'm looking at the first bunch of posts and I see nothing that would make this a blogging thread. Maybe you need to lurk a bit more?
Care to read past the "first bunch of posts," mate?
It's the same fatass user who's been shitting up these threads for weeks because he can't handle people improving themselves.
Fuck them. Nothing can stop me from looking like that cute gyaru. The fact that this anime is popular will be all the better to keep them seething.
So, any muscle loli?
This anime isn't so much fat shaming, but it's more like nipping weight gain in the bud.
Google and memory.
For example, I've learned feets and knots thanks to the flight-sims.
Is this the Danberu thread?
I'm very pleased that the ED is very reminiscent of the Village People's Macho Man.
Also, 187cm, 74kg
You mean the post that got deleted and the replies to it that tried to but didn't derail the thread? Or maybe the person who dumped his blob fetish folder in an attempt to get people mad? Neither of those count as blogging either, just so you know.
>being this desperate to demonize a thread just because it's about a potentially popular show, just because of its fucking studio
Please kill yourself back to Yea Forums.
Alright lads, post your height, weight, and your 5RMs. Record them and check again at the end of the cour to see your progress.
DYEL manlet here:
5'9" (175cm)
162 lbs (73.4 kg)
Squat: 215 lbs
Bench: 145 lbs
OHP: 100 lbs
Deadlift: 235 lbs
Bent-Over Row: 135 lbs
The thread is nothing but people posting their measurements faggot. You fuck off back to Yea Forums.
>Off-topic shit that belongs in another general
>Pedo shit
It's funny how a thread that's not even about anime is probably the most Yea Forums thread I've ever seen. It ticks off all the boxes.
Alright, I'll take the GOMAD into account although I'm not a big fan of milk. I had already tried getting /fit/ before to no avail but now that I've seen other skellybros having success I have an excuse to try again. Godspeed user
Nothing at all
My spooky wife Ougi is too cute!
Nice anime discussion
Absolute brainlet
Seems legit.