Does a mad ending ruin the entire show for you...

Does a mad ending ruin the entire show for you? I thought we all should be expecting lame endings from 99% of anime/manga. Literally the highest rated anime/manga on Yea Forums are all series that haven't been finished. (HxH, Berserk, One Piece, Attack on Titan, etc) Darling in the franxx was the most hyped series on this board until it was trying to conclude itself.

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I meant to say "bad" instead of mad. Now the whole thread ruined

>Literally the highest rated anime/manga on Yea Forums are all series that haven't been finished. (HxH, Berserk, One Piece, Attack on Titan, etc)

It's fact which is why you can't name anything else faggot

Ehh not when it comes to anime I think. The average level of delusion we entertain as weebs makes post-series head-canon a completely viable method for believing a show was good. Pink Dino is my waifu and I was still flabbergasted at the climax, ending was fine for me though. Abe got through to me with the baby-makin messages.

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Except it was never good? Stop trying to rewrite history.

Lol. It kinda works tho

Not really. I've sat through some incredibly shitty ends, but I can still appreciate the good parts of the show.

If anything, a bad middle ruins a show way more than a bad ending for me.

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Not by itself, but it definitely has a big impact.

Attack on Titan won’t have a bad ending. Mediocre at worse.

it went to a cliche ending trope the japanese tend to do alot. Is the mc sacrificed themselves in the end to save the world. However i do like it still but i wont watch it ever again.

Name a good ending.

Yeah, manga and anime usually have shitty endings, unfortunately.
That's why I'm not in a rush to see my favorite manga ending, I know whatever the author comes up with is likely stain the image of the rest of the story.

Franxx went into a serious decline around Episode 15

Just like Darling in the Franxx, SNK had a interesting post apocalyptic setting (seemingly in SNK's case) where humanity was on the brink of extinction fighting off aberrations, but in the end both ended up being tainted by Shinzo Abe esque breeding propaganda.

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>Darling in the franxx was the most hyped series on this board
Please stop trying to spread this and just accept it was trash.

Code geass

OP is right about that

kek based


another user's vision for how to fix the show
>VIRM does not exist, the entire scenario is caused by human folly
>magma energy is literally the lifeforce of the planet, klaxosaurs are manifestations of the Earth trying to stop humans from killing the planet (of course this is hidden information not revealed until the princess shows up)
>early episodes get their plot squished in: ep3 focuses solely on Hiro breaking out of containment to go check on 02, ep4 becomes the first real battle and the point where Hiro and 02 disobey orders to sortie, ep5 shows Hiro start down the oni transformation path and sets up a juxtaposition of becoming physically inhuman while growing his human emotions
>the drama between 02 and Hiro is based on his confusion from changing and her guilt/fear over her true nature, the entire schedule of the story is moved forward and redundant bits are cut
>Nines spar with the main cast 1/3 of the way into the series and curbstomp them, bullying ensues
>klaxohime is the mid-series boss who serves the purpose of testing the bond between 02/Hiro, then gives them her blessing in a totally-not-a-wedding scene once they've proved they intend to destroy the status quo
>second half of the series is a guerilla war against APE and freeing colonies, no fucking melodrama between the couples besides falteringly figuring out how babies are made
>Hiro and 02 attain forms like klaxohime over time
>the gang curbstomp the Nines to show how they've improved
>giant APE mecha into which all of their consciousnesses have been uploaded is the final boss
>02/Hiro become immortal guardians watching over the planet from their volcano lovenest while everyone else starts restoring the environment and society
>epilogue scene is a gaggle of children rushing up a mountain slope on the way to play with a blue and red oni brother-sister pair, panning away to show the verdant valleys below

Incidentally one of the most universally positively acclaimed shows too.


Depends what you actually mean by 'bad'. If by 'bad' you mean 'not good' then not necessarily, because such an ending can be merely mediocre or somewhat disappointing, unfitting, too cliche and poorly written or can simply fail to deliver on what was built up in a satisfying manner.

If by 'bad' you mean something actually fucking horrible, then yes, an ending can easily ruin a show by ruining and removing everything that was good about it previously. Your perception of something can very easily change if it is recontextualized through reveals of new information or by upcoming events, as such it is easily possible to ruin previous events in the story with new developments. DITF absolutely did this