Does anyone else find it weird that we're mostly adults of 20 something yet enjoy anime about highschool girls around 16 years old?
Even fapping to hentai of said highschool girls
only normies could find it weird
Speak for yourself
t. 33
Obviously not since you are one.
Of course. 16 years is way too old.
Absolutely based
Joke's on you, I like only 800+ years old girls.
How many times will you make this stupid post? You aren't funny. You can't be an internet comedian. Give up.
>Anime fan
>Not pedo
At least you are hebe?
No, because your seasonal waifu is only about 1 day old when you start fapping to her.
Isn't it normal for males to be attracted to younger women? It's been like that since ancient times. Why does everyone get butthurt about that fact in modern times?
Jealous hags
It's ok as long as it's 2D
Same could be said of sports
Elf girls are best girls.
>Isn't it normal for males to be attracted to younger women?
>It's been like that since ancient times.
>Why does everyone get butthurt about that fact in modern times?
Because sensibilities have changed. The rate we develop mentally and sexually (in the west) has also changed. Where in "ancient times" young teens were better equipped to handle the burdens of child rearing and sexual activity, now most people are basically still mentally children until they are in their mid teens. The idea around sexually maturing is that you should ease into it when you are ready and it should happen naturally (in accordance with an unspoken set of rules everyone roughly has that may vary wildly from person to person) with people roughly your own age.
This is why the idea of adults being attracted to teens/children is so distasteful. A sexually mature adult engaging in sexual relations with a minor is a hard thing to view in any way but being manipulative and in my opinion wrong. But simply being attracted to younger people is completely natural. Another part of the problem is that sexuality is handeled so poorly by western society that talking about it makes people uncomfortable, crazy is a better term for it.
Claiming to still find youthful traits attractive into adulthood should not be as frowned upon as is it. Even if you were to make that claim it should be assumed that simply having that attraction is not a suggestion that you'd ever act on those desires. But because people are so uptight and crazy about sexuality they'll assume that means you must be scheming to fuck their kids.
I'd love to see a more sexually open world where people can actually have conversations about this. Then the poor people who are sexually attracted to actual young children could get help somehow, maybe find ways to alter their brain chemistry or something, rather than being labeled evil demons becaus of the way their brain is wired.
>maybe find ways to alter their brain chemistry or something, rather than being labeled evil demons becaus of the way their brain is wired.
You just crazy like them
I'm with OP. We should replace slice of life anime set in schools to be set in work offices instead.
Early 20s OLs?
>thinking of yourself as an adult while watching high school anime
Seriously why would you do this
The only reason to watch high school anime is to experience an alternate reality where you are in high school and it isn't boring shit
>Wants to make anime more normalfag-friendly because they get uneasy when they get boners to young Girls.
Stay out anime is a pedo hobby.
They will just be New Game clones.
>OLS that look like JC
The only good type of OLS
>hurr durr grunk make words with fingers
Why are you here?
Fucking kids
Cunny is good
>He doesn't want more OL.
>He doesn't want loli in office suit.
Feminism happened.
I have the feel that you are the same faggot who keeps posting the threads of: is anime mainstream?
The change in "sensibilities" is only limited to post sexual revolution first world nations. Where the cultural narrative has shifted to assist women in any possible regard for safety/security/mate aquisition, regardless of their ability to actually procure those things based on the merits men desire them for (looks, sexual ability etc.) In any other situation men would pursue women at the cusp of sexual viability, but in those countries it's vilified to counter against male strategies of procreation. I'm not saying it's a "war of the sexes" per se but it's definitely a cultural sided system of law enacted purely for the benefit of women's irrational fear in competition. Just look at any country where the traditional order of mating hasnt changed, and you'll find the age of marriage and consent sits well below 18, where as marriage is legal in most post sex revolution countries starts at 18, yet the statistics show people aren't marrying until later and later (early 30s) in life.
After sometime I felt guilty and started moving to cakes and young adult characters. But there's the ocassional hentai teenager that still triggers me on because they're drawn like mature women most of the time.
Imagine being so cucked that you let others dictate yours tastes