Scanlation Thread

How's that project coming along?

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The only project I'm working on is creating artificial world where I can co-exist with my waifu in the same space.

Anywhere to find Ingoshima raws?

How do I find someone to scan some manga for me
I thought about doing it myself but not happening with my godawful scanner.

Actually fuck it I'll just use shit raws, who cares.

>who cares
Anyone with taste.

So 90% of readers won't care sure. Just hope it's not a decent series you're raping.

I'd still love good scans, but I can't imagine there being too many people that would do it for free if I just sent them the books.


Which manga?

How come no one is doing Bestiarius? Seems like the kind of series that would get really popular.

>group ends series
>only functional links are volume 1, half 2 and 5 (final)

I do that for series or authors I like, but you'll have trouble if it's something uncommon.

>Quality Checker
Unironically, which is the hardest job out of the ones above?

Not just being a one man group

Attached: 1561939469065.jpg (287x285, 16K)

Depends on the series. Redrawing and translation have the biggest variability.

Trying to decide if I should try again and translate this old as fuck doujinshi. Main reason I didn't finish it was because the scans are awful

Not giving up out of sheer boredom while typesetting.

Working on Kimi to Tsunagaru Sora Ch. 3. Should be done by friday

Translate it and tell people to retypeset with better raws if they're unhappy with the quality.

Absolutely this, typesetting is a 1 hour job max per chapter if you know what you're doing, translating and redrawing can take hours and hours depending on how mentally retarded the author is


This, solely by the amount of times it takes to become decent, not fluent, at the language.

Attached: cleaners wanted.jpg (766x1024, 119K)

Never tried redrawing because white boxes exist, but typesetting physically cripples me, so I'm going to go with that.

>How's that project coming along?

I finally released a chapter after months of procrastination.

>typesetting is a 1 hour job max per chapter if you know what you're doing
Are your chapters 4 pages long?

Post one of your typesetted pages user.
no DRM.

Are we going by effort to do something after having the skills, or the amount of time it takes to get the skills for them?

TL would be max for the latter but much lower for the former.

anywhere from chapter 38?

>reading trash

Attached: 1541310308843.png (735x735, 509K)


got it

Which job is the most autistic?

Redrawing, hands down.
>spend hours replicating the exact screentone under a bit of text
>gets typeset right over
>not even the typesetter notices your work

Redrawing can let you go overboard by just redrawing every piece of Japanese text you see, while there's really no limit to how creative or pedantic you can get with typesetting.

I enjoy typesetting but there's a point it stressed me out, I need to smoke a few cigarettes in a row, cry a bit, I start to ask if my effort is worth it because most groups do a lousy job and readers don't seem to care and after this I feel fresh to work again.

Feels good, everything is done.

You redraw after TS. Discard purity autists, if there is no difference in the end product (and there isn't) then don't waste your precious time on full redraws.

Attached: Kimi-ni-Aisarete-Itakatta_v01p180.png (1679x2400, 1.02M)

Just put a textbox over the Japanese text you faggots.

>Discard purity autists
Nigga they all autists.

Don't want to upset you even more, but consider the fact that some are fine with this shit and rethink your priorities.

Attached: 15588724780710.png (980x1435, 398K)

It's an undeniable fact that we would be getting a hell of a lot more scanlations if it wasn't for the fact that an extremely tiny minority of autists sit in scanlation groups and dictate that shit can't get released until it fits some insane criteria for cleaning/redrawing quality that literally nobody but them give a flying fuck about.

Prove me wrong.

how can i get early digital raws

Most manga don't require that much redrawing though
Also just do everything yourself

I do. I also just slap text boxes on top of all outside-speech bubbles text because redrawing is for homos.

Hack the stores

>that kewl faggot that releasedtext-only translations of Sangatsu no Lion
>text tls were up to date by scanlations were like 50 chapters behind because the "muh quality" scanlation group was so fucking slow
>someone snipes them with a quick typesetting of one of the untypeset text tls
>kewl throws a shitfit and quits translating

>undeniable fact
[citation needed]

The only thing that having standards does, unsurprisingly, is raising quality. It doesn't stop shitters pasting their MTLs onto low-res scans in MS Paint.

>the redrawer, cleaner and editor being autistic about irrelevant bullshit means the translator is competent

Could Yea Forums help me out with this text? Both my TL and I are stumped at what it says. The context is that these are apparently lyrics to a children's song.

Attached: text.png (86x154, 16K)

I'm thinking it's saying to take the su of suika.

So it could be a hiragana version of the "alphabet song"? We figured the first word is "watermelon" so that might make sense.

Attached: pokapokarin.png (455x352, 193K)

I'm guessing so.
And yes, suika = watermelon.

Thanks user, appreciate it. Hope that いか part doesn't mean anything important. It makes me think of squids.

Ah, about that. I think it's just いこう. A weird one if you ask me.

So "いかー" is a childish mispronunciation of "いこう"? If "いこう" means "let's go", that makes sense. I'll keep that in mind.

It's "すいかのすをとっていたーっ"
"We took the su in suika"

Jesus, I couldn't even imagine make out that "さ"-like character as "を" with that handwriting. Thanks, this helps a lot, and looks like it is indeed some sort of children's song about hiragana.

No, fuck me, I'm stupid. I got it.
It's "すいかのすをとっていか"
Remove the su from suika and you get ika"

It's a line from the children's book "Honto wa suika", "I'm really a watermelon", which is apparently about a watermelon (suika) that got turned into a squid (ika) when someone removed the "su" from it.

Thank you, google.

Oh, makes more sense. Didn't realize it. (Not the user that asked.)

I figured it'd be another cultural reference. This context makes perfect sense now and it looks like I'll have to fit in a TN note in a non-intrusive way somehow.

The help is appreciated.

It wasn't that hard to figure out when you know the stroke order desu

Just get the digital version bro

The absolute state of Russia

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