Hey mods, riddle me this: Are generals banned, or not?

Hey mods, riddle me this: Are generals banned, or not?

It's about time we got a definite answer instead of you spineless cuckolds constantly flip-flopping your stance on it whenever it suits your interests.

Attached: 1561569116399.jpg (950x650, 161K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What general did you crawl out of?





Only stagnate generals that have run out of things to discuss are banned, those are are the ones that the mods are talking about.


>stagnating generals
What are the parameters?


When they literally become chatrooms talking about their daily lives and don't even bother discussing the series in question.

that about covers 90% of the generals on this board

Actually, I want a answer too getting tired of this

Attached: 1.jpg (1600x1200, 582K)

if i get dubs then generals are permabanned from Yea Forums

Generals are allowed as long as there is new content at the very least monthly (see snk generals that don't get killed when the anime is off season).


why not just make an anime general board like /vg/ to keep them out of here

And Yea Forums becomes the new Yea Forums? Did you even think about this properly?

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I'd like this as well.
It already is.

Reading /int/ really shows what can general overtolerance do.

people keep saying this but i highly doubt this board could actually get any worse

reminder that toubunfags are literally the worst posters on Yea Forums
they had a toubun thread that was moved to /trash/ after all

Why is Shingeki no Kyojin allowed to have generals?

So SnK generals? They've turned into 'your pairing is shit', 'delusional x fags' etc.

There were 7 threads that were deleted yesterday or moved and i don't know why the fuck,if they were always Yea Forums material.

lmao what

archive link or it didn't happen

>doubting the possibility of Yea Forums getting any worse than it already is
First year here, huh?

i've been here for 9 years and i can confidently tell you this place has hit rock fucking bottom

found it