ITT: Characters men will never understand

I'll start with sara from samurai shamploo
Sge clearly had our boy so why did she mot do it again?

Attached: elegy-of-entrapment-verse-2-sara-prepares-to-fight.png (1184x668, 420K)

but op, you are a man.

I will never understand what OP is trying to say.


t. men

all of them since men(people with xy chromosome) don't have period.

You have to auto include juri
Although most of the utena ensemble is hard for men to get

Forgot to include pic so here it is

Attached: Hqdefault-3 (1).jpg (300x225, 16K)

Created by a man.

And yet men will never understand her..
How ironic my friend

Are you saying why she didn't kill Mugen since she could out-fight Jin?

She clearly could have finished hom easily so why did she stop?

Attached: Roberta.jpg (904x1080, 120K)

characters the cisgender will never understand

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Attached: this bitch.gif (510x637, 982K)

Attached: Kuroko-Koumori-1442011999-126810.jpg (250x354, 72K)

>hurr durr u man no understand woemns
>proceeds to post strong manly women
Well I guess this just means you really don't understand women, women

Attached: 17a9078ec3e6ad76d7df0b924e755bb81251429aa52dce2026ec4839065d187b.png (735x914, 16K)

Straight and even bicurious girls don't understand her either. Not to mention her waifu.

Attached: 1535616850538.png (393x500, 188K)

Nobody but Ikuhara will understand.


Attached: 68D6A27D-33F7-42C9-A71E-27353AE28892.jpg (398x600, 100K)

Attached: 1450268653539.png (640x480, 428K)

>Sge clearly had our boy so why did she mot do it again?
Is this some female pleb language or female brain is naturally illiterate?

didnt stop me from enjoying it immensely

silly, everyone knows everybody on Yea Forums is a cute little girl