To anime onlys: OPM is dead after this season so don't bother waiting for it. The next arc is just endless filler of jobbers fighting other jobbers, Saitama doesn't even appear. Next season will be entirely just battles played straight.
One Punch Man
>Next season will be entirely just battles played straight.
Imagine. That, with a decent studio. The storyfags can fuck off, it's action time, baby!
I dunno about that. I could think of a couple of reasons to watch it.
Figures, OPM was always meant to be a 1 season show, this ruins it immensely
she's bland as fuck in anime. they'll drop all good scenes anyway
not like this anime bros
Season 2 sucked ass because it barely covers webcomic chapters (i.e. the soul of OPM). S1 covered wc chapters 1 to 41. S2 covered wc chapters 42 to 54... 41 vs 12 chapters...
However, it's only appropriate that the manga is adapted instead because of its professional artwork and improved fight scenes. The problem is that OPM does not work as a 12 episode season. You saw how this season abruptly ended right after the punch. There was no other way to end it unless JC added anime-only content themselves. Season 1 got lucky with Boros, unfortunately season 2 was stuck with trying to cover a third of the Garou arc but trying to make it a proper season. The only appropriate approach to adapting OPM would have been to wait until the Garou arc ended in the manga, then turning it into a 39 episode season or so.
I wonder if it even gets a 3rd season
the 1th season was only so great because everybody gave it their all
TMS Entertainment should do it
I'll watch the Golden Sperm episode when it comes, which probably won't be until 4th season. It'll be the closest to Saitama ever getting btfo, even if it's by proxy of him wrecking the 2nd strongest hero.
We all know Blast and Saitama can never get touched. Saitama is just written to be always the end of any arc, and Blast is just an eternal enigma that will never show up.
Does the manga cover the season 2 in wc?
>It'll be the closest to Saitama ever getting btfo
What? The only who even made saitama try something new was garou almost breaking his limter
Yes, everything from the webcomic is in the manga, but things have been added and changed, which is why there have only been 12 wc chapters covered in the anime despite 46 manga chapters being covered. S1 covered 38 manga chapters
This is some next level whiny faggot bullshit
He is right though
We should be close enough to get Garou fight in the next season right
OPM is not dead, but the anime is 200% dead. People were soft on S2 being shit because they liked S1. People are not going to be soft on S3 even if it's good because S2 was shit.
>JC fucks up the animators hard work
No. It is still not close in the manga.
I think the first minute of the last episode may genuinely be the worst minute of anime I've seen. Literally EVERYTHING about it is terrible- awful art, animation, sound design, ill fitting music, the list goes on. Shouldn't have gotten my hopes up after the previous episode. Only things I actually liked was Garou's scream when he slammed the ground and the few still frames that actually looked good.
Wait, you fuckers aren't joking? They are done with OPM for now and it'll be TWO FUCKING SEASON before they finish Garou? How could they fuck up this badly, why all the fucking manga filler got animated?
>last episode of the season
>waste 98% of it with shitty garou flashbacks, for the most ill defined villain in anime, repeating the same exact flashback we've seen like twice now
Great finale
I've said this many times before: the 3° season has sense only if they made it of 24-25 eps to cover the whole MA arc. Right now there's enough material for a 3° season of 12-13 eps (1200 pages) that ends with Orochi, but it would be like season 2 and would leave all the battles going on right now and Garou. I think within 1,5/2 years max, we will get the whole arc done, and waiting for 2/2,5 years for getting a 24 eps anime is reasonable to me. Also with a better studio, please.
Thought there was going to be more episodes, has season 3 been confirmed or are they just saying fuck it whenever
bang saying onii-chan is meant to be a joke, right?
Top cute
Also, all of them are as strong as a bear or far stronger
"But what about me?"
-DBS episode 5.
i've just reached child emperor vs that robot samurai.
it's still great.
Just wait until the fight that is after that one, for this site its the lowest point of the arc.
Since I binged read that part I really didn't think it was that shit, anons are kind of biased since they waited the slug fest to happen from release to release.
can somebody help me out?
I recently saw a some art of Saitama fighting a creature which called itself a "4th dimensional creature" on youtube.
it also did the thanos snap which turned all the other s rated heroes into dust including Tatsumaki
it was high detail art so its not from the webcomic and I didn´see anything like that in the manga.
I think it was a fan manga
it's always interesting to see that there are civilians who are probably as strong as a-class heroes
and then there are a couple human villains
>or just 'criminals'
just as strong as them too
"Saitama vs God" on youtube
its a chink fan manga
no news regarding a third season, probably won't happen for another few years
wow that pretty impressive for a fan manga
did he write more then just the final big fight?
>tfw I was waiting for this specific scene the whole episode and they totally skipped it.
Fixed it.
Why the fuck did they adapt the 'tournament arc' (which wasn't even part of the original story..)
Literal complete and utter garbage and waste of precious time. Episodes 4 to 8 (5 episodes) can and should unironically be skipped even if a "fan of the show."
Half the damn season. GG on potentially boring even the normies so much that the whole Anime will probably not get a Season 3
We can hope that they do season 3 but keep the ''fillers'' in it. most anime-only fags want to know more about the other S heroes anyway
Anyone know a good anime with nice action scenes and OST,, preferably like those scenes in episode 11 & 12 where Garou fights Bang?
>didn't like the music
what a fag
>most anime-only fags want to know more about the other S heroes anyway
ugh, I can't wait for three whole episodes about child emperor
I hope they give us 3 whole episodes for the fight with phoenix man alone.
the only thing I'm sure is that Blast is someone that has already appeared, otherwise there would be no reason for such a mystery.
I think it's Sitch
Heh, that last punch was just replay from boros fight. Fucking Jcfucks
GOD, they really dropped the ball here. That scene in particular was supposed to give viewers context as to how humongous Elder Centipede was, and how long the punch took to disintegrate it. And they fucked it up spectacularly.
>animefags only want to see Saitama one punch shit
>mangafags only care about fapping to Murata's art
>webcomicfags just want more King hijinks
According to this I'm a triple fag.
I am all three
I'm mangafag and I only want to see insane action panels
Child Emperor and Flashy Flash are the only ones who delivered
Got me on all 3.
I just want more sanic
Would Genos beat red headed Garou alone?
Genos can't beat anyone
PM was a kino monster.
would or could?
would? sure
could? nah
Nope, Garou was going to shrug off his incinerate
It should be 50/50 but Garou is a DB tier asspull character
>We all know Blast and Saitama can never get touched.
We don't know that for sure about Blast
Blast is Saitama from the future, and the ninja leader is Sonic from the future
after watching the latest episode and having read the webcomic I realized
what happened to Garou in the end with the heroes saying he should die and Saitama disagreeing, that's basically what happened in his childhood too- but there was no Saitama in his childhood
You're an absolute retard.
If Garou is wounded like it was in the last ep, Genos can win; if Garou is fully healed, Genos has zero chances.
I still want MA arc to be properly expanded, as shown with fights between zombieman and pureblood or flash and ninja bros. I'm afraid that because of "fillerfags" ONE and Murata will start to backpedal hard. Black Sperm's fight right now is just bland copy of its webcomic version, rich boy was saved and given back to jobbers. I hope they are not going to evacuate. I wanted to see them being beaten up by cadres or Garou and I need to see them reacting to King's true power.
I wish Child Emperor got away thinking he disintegrated PM, only for him to come back as a Dragon+ and be one shotted by Saitama
Would make sense actually, the dog, the cat and the bird, and then, the fucking abomination
those are some awesome pants, that they keep up with all that abuse
So next volume´s cover its going to be Saitama's face?
I cant believe the fight bettwen tank top master and garou was the best one animation-wise in the whole season
Good fucking riddance to this reddit-tier shounen garbage.
Cry and cope, moecuck lolipedo seasonalshitter isekaibitch.
Where would the next season end? Garou vs saitama? Or garou vs orochi since murata hasnt gotten to the finale yet.
In a parallel universe, we got more of this in S2
is that legal to draw?
Saitama vs Orochi
You just listed all the genres I HATE with a passion. GG you retarded spic/cracker/nigger.
Anything besides Garou vs Saitama would be extremely dissapointing. Saitama vs Orochi should be the pre climax battle, immediatly after that Black Sperm appears. Also, imagine Tatsumaki defeating Gyoro Gyoro, and cutting the season in that moment, it would be shit.
im a little sad about this season having shit studio doing it. but if next season is done by the original studio, it will be godlike with all the nonstop action. how do we make it happen?
says the roomcomfag
Gays are not welcome here, fuck off
>Trying this hard to fit in
Embarassing moefag redditor
>In a parallel universe
In our universe we got more of this, we got opening tracing.
Would Bang beat Gouketsu like how Flashy beat those monster ninjas?
Would it be a favorable match up?
Bang would wreck him like nobody's business.
Unlike FF, Bang is out of his prime.
I'd say it could go either way.
>blast previously had saitamas power
>bald head and all
>as he ages hes slowly losing strength and regrows his hair
>the same will happen to saitama
He'll only be able to induce 15 year comas in a few decades.
the still frames that looked good are probably Muratas anyway.
Yeah can’t wait for JC Staff to ruin this scene!
>Mizuki will never fuck your brains out
Why live bros?
I want to see the MA arc adapted into a 2-3 hr movie or split into two movies.
I really don't like any of the ideas about Blast. He should just be another strong character who is still below Saitama.
I don't remember it looking this fluid
This was a little too much for me.
Blast couldn't defeat the Centipede monster when it was weaker. Saitama BTFO it in one punch. I also think Blast doesn't really exist. Which is why he doesn't show up.
Don't forget the fucking horrid sound effects.
What the fuck happened?
>Bang punches the shit out of Garou
>Extreme ghosting
Why is he even a mystery. Who really cares
Why wouldn't it be?
So this is what they've been using..
Animeonlies die.
not in australia
Why did they have to ruin best Garou's scene? Why are we not allowed to have nice things? Fucking nipkikes.
Going all out, maybe
Gouketsu himself is a fucking powerhouse, even if Bang is the most skilled martial artist alive
Is remake possible in, say, 10 years? God i wish i will still be alive by then if they ever remake this abortion.
And that's why no studio will accept it. Too much work and in the end of the day you will still be compared to season 1, which was animated by some workholic autist animators.
Your best bet would be JC staff doing it again, and half assing everything again, or -God forgive me- DEEN taking up the third season
wish the anime would have given her a deeper voice
Which best scene? Garou has several ones. Inb4 all of them.
That one
Fuck, that was the best scene
because it wasn't, they removed a bunch of frames in the actual anime
Reddit did nothing wrong!
>realizing that season 3 will probably take like years if we get it at all
so many good Garou fights/scenes...
what am I doing- every Garou scene is a good scene
>which was animated by some workholic autist animators
That's not how you spell "genius master craftsmen", user.
>inb4 season 3 is animated by toei
literally ANYONE is better than jc staff
>gothic lolita Tatsumaki
I'm gonna need a bigger fapping arm...
I'd rather have JC staff animating One Piece.
then you are lost
They're both pretty bad
OPM S2 is NOT as bad as OP and DBS.
What are they running from?
being in the S2 finale.
>Blast couldn't defeat the Centipede monster when it was weaker.
How do you know that?
They aren't running from anything.
They are the bootleg versions running towards the Manga! They want to infect the whole series! Oh no!
>In a hypothetical choice, could choose between a season that has a focused story and quality action, or a season with aimless/jumbled story and quality action
>Chooses the option with objectively less value and effort while pretending to be enlightened about the retarded choice
Bottomfeeders strike again
erder cerneterperde
ugh why is speed o sound sonic such a fucking snack??
there needs to be more english yaoi of him, im actually dying
I am not an animeonly faggot and don't need animation for MUH STORRY, because i already have it in web comic. The manga is practically dead. At least anime has interesting action scene. Of course not when it's ruined by hack studio.
well hey that's pretty go-
>that fucking tats
>Blast is just an eternal enigma
not sure if you're trolling but this is Blast
>endless filler of jobbers fighting other jobbers
The Zombieman chapter at least made reading the manga worth it though. Murata should be smacked upside the head for the unbearable amount of filler he adds/chapters he stretches out sometimes, but it gets its payoffs.
To anime onlys: Don't listen to this faggot, he's one of the shitposters who comes in to yell FILLER to even the stuff that was in the original webcomic. The fillermeme started when the tournament started cause no one like Suiryu and nothing was happening.
>Genos's hero name is Demon Cyborg
>Because he's demon level for most of the series
Feel dumb for not noticing this.
Is he "Dragon Cyborg" now?
No he'd still get crushed by dragons
this season was shit anyway.
reminder that carnage kabuto >>> G4 genos
unless his last upgrade has SERIOUSLY upped his shootiness he's still demon
>he didn't say Serious Punch
What the fuck did JC Staff mean by this?
I'd like you to do better, drawing and animation is hard and time costly.
Webcomic Genos can fight dragon levels according to himself.
He just kinda lacks feats right now besides killing one of the internet surfers.
well he didn't say it in the OP for season 1 and getting him to say it for this would just have been far too difficult
Has an user ever been more right than this?
Just finished S2.
WHAT were they THINKING? OPM S1 wasnt the best anime ever, but this season was fucking laughable
im an untrained artist and i could replicate that gif lol. people are getting paid and industry credits to do that shit.
No? He is the kid brother.
is the anime different from the manga? (quality aside, of course)
It genuinely looks like it's from one of those "Yea Forums draws opening".
There're probably 2 whole episodes of cut content (not counting omake), 4 epsiodes, if they'd fixed the pacing in some scenes
Do you know if there is there cut content in season 1 as well?
Yes, manga has turned into garbage consisting of fillers. And they go on and on and on. Even the second season - one continuous filler. Stupid tournament, stupid ninjas and other crap.
Only in his serious mode. We could see him beating many dragon level monsters in the webcomic, so it wouldn't be a problem for Fang to beat Gouketsu. It may be a good match considering Gouketsu is better than other dragon level monsters like Bakuzan.
>The next arc is just endless filler of jobbers fighting other jobbers, Saitama doesn't even appear.
What is Saitama vs Orochi?
That Centichoro is not a God-Level threat. That's what they meant by this
It was dead this season too. Anytime it plays it straight which is like 90% of the time now, it's like a shitty version of Boku no Hero and that's already shit as it is.
not him, but saitama vs orochi was literal pointless filler
added nothing at all to the story
Neither is Sonic.
thats what you think
reminder that SONIC WAS RIGHT!!!
Wow didn't realize the season ended til I finished the episode. All of this was largely uneventful, wasn't it? It was fun in places but it was also largely whatever. I liked the bat guy tho but Genos can suck a major dick. What a boring generic fuckhead. He only works when he can bounce off of Saitama
>not liking genos
confirmed retard
What's cool about him? Wasn't he meant to be a parody of a standard shounen hero? And now we have to treat him like an actual protagonist despite him starding off as parody
So what's wrong with the sound? Why everything sounds like a fucking gunshot? Seriously, worst part of the show by far
I like his design, his autism and his theme tune.
additionally, his fights are unironically a lot of fun to read/watch, because he can suffer a huge amount of damage and still keep going. the ability to lose and remain a character is what makes him interesting.
>Why everything sounds like a fucking gunshot?
except for the gunshots, of course
As in completely replace it with an alternative scene you mean. The entire point of that moment was lost thanks to these cocksuckers. What's the point of screaming in rage? Was he powering up and the aura from his SS transformation held his enemies back from him?
The fucking point of that scene is that he wasted no time, allowed no openings, dealt with the situation realistically by using the tree to block all possible access to his body and thus protect himself from further attacks. It was a demonstration of his quick thinking and swift and effective management in a perilous situation.
But no, none of that overthinking and logic is necesarry. In JC all you have to do is scream and use no brain or skill whatsoever to make your attackers stand around like retards gawking while you're jelling.
I wouldn't have minded if they made a stil that imitated Muratas page and made the tree swinging cgi, as long as the scene was there.
They can choke on a dick.
but sonic is weaker than genos by a mile
I almost think they made the season this bad on purpose in order to weed out the inferior
anyone who defends it on the internet gets added to a government depopulation list
LMAO no.
It sucked ass becasue of the Martial Arts Tournament filler. I said it back when Murata/ONE started adding that filler shit for no reason that it's a bad idea and that it will screw up a potential 2nd season. The original webcoming was perfectly paced. If they didn't add that stupid filler shit 12 episodes would've been enoigh for the entire MA arc and it would've been glorious.
This just feels like The Hobbit all over again.
LMAO yes
sonic couldn't even keep up with G4 genos, and genos has had THREE upgrades since then
Now that anime shat on the manga filler deservedly so, what if ONE just decided to break up with Murata since he's clearly not carrying his weight.
How amazing would that be.
Fair enough but I think that there are multiple series who pulled autism character off better. Also his fights are usually fun but it always has no stakes and boils down to typical "waaah im not strong enough but imma give it my all"
It was dead in season 2 anyway.
ONE himself said they'd end in a tie. Sonic has also gotten more powerful since their duel, if you read the webcomic. Bonus points to him doing that through hard work as well as being a joke side-character.
You wish. It's nothing more than the standard desensitizing and dumbing down of anime only viewers. It's been going on in shonen anime since the 80's, HnK being a good example. Only we're reaching godly levels of awful here, I don't see how it could possibly get worse than this.
If the manga hasn't even gotten to Garou vs Saitama, isn't it going to take until a 4th season for the anime to reach it? Or are the manga and anime storylines closer than I thought?
>OPM season 1
>Great battle
>Great bgm
>Great atmosphere setup
>Great story about society problems
>OPM season 2
>Edgy hero who always arrives last
>All punches ended with the same kamehameha effect
>Everyone did the ora ora ora shit for some reason
>Doraemon please help me
>Gatlings toy figurine parts disassembled
Top kek
I think this proves they didn't even use taiwanese low wage artists but actual AI bots still in development.
>Also his fights are usually fun but it always has no stakes and boils down to typical "waaah im not strong enough but imma give it my all"
that's a fairly simplistic and negative view of it, user. for starters, no fight in opm has stakes, realistically. not a single hero character has died, and the good guys can never lose as a whole because saitama exists. stakes have never been what make OPM interesting. what makes genos fighting fun to watch is that he, in a world of people at the very peak of their strength that the average hero can only look up to, is the only one with the means, drive and screentime to actually reach the top. he's basically the generic shounen protagonist but with a personality and without most of what usually makes shounen protagonists boring as fuck.
They don't need Murata's manga for it. The original webcomic is already a perfect storyboard.
Is this the best resolution of this image senpaitachi?
>OP3 is not animated by JC
>we're have a chance to see psykos in her full glory
So why exactly did Madhouse not animate the second season?
In fact I wish they ditched the manga because although I haven't read all of it, what I have read has basically felt like filler. But that aint gonna happen.
Boros was garbage. Weightless, 0 creative use of enviroment, they cut away from punches or obscured them with flashes of light. I know that the only stakes the fight had was glimmer of hope that Saitama might find a chalenge and escape his boredom so i am not complaining about that.
t. assmad garoucuck
BOROSCHADs own this place
though actually I like both boros and garou
I'm hoping genus has boros' body in his basement
I am not complaining about character, Boros was just op power crazed alien and i am okay with that. I am complaining about shit fight.
Garou is a shitty character that is taken way too seriously considering degree of his retardation.
It was more about Saitama helping Boros get what he himself never could, considering his backstory was basically the same as his; got too strong and got bored. He basically let himself get beat up. It was perfect thematic book end. Starts out as a hero who can't find his place through power, then he fnds his place through human interactions, and ends up facing the kind of bored overpowered person that he was. And he can never ever find excitement in battle again but he could help someone else find excitement in battle again. Very spiritual.
Current Sonic caught Flashy flash off guard and hit him. Genos wouldn't be able to do anything
>Started out poorly
>Finished poorly
This season was so underwhelming. Never expected animation to be as great as first season, but fuck... Story telling, pacing, line delivery, sound - fucked in all orifices.
None of the atmosphere or subtlety first season had! Fuck, man. So mad it's unhealthy.
The only bright side is learning a lesson, to never invest oneself in any series. FUCK!
Yeah thematicly it works, its not deep and that makes it good. I was complaiing about the fight itself which is boring and poorly directed. Garou thematicly is pretentious garbage that falls apart the moment you think about it.
Jesus christ you sound so pathetic. 1st season was one of the most unfunny and heavy handed shows i ve seen.
OPM fans have some nail stuck in the brain
That's stupid. Investing yourself isn't the problem, you should always do it, because depending on how things turn out, you can walk away from it with positive feelings. But you have to be smart about it.
In this instance, what the FUCK were you expecting when J.C staff was announced as the studio?
Word. I'm proud. Honestly the reason sonic looks so weak is because he's getting goofed on by Saitama so much and he's the jokiest character but he's strong as fuck and autistically trains to get stronger every day.
Now that the season is over how would you rate JC Studios? Did they fuck up as much as you thought they would when the first PV was released? Did they somehow surpassed your expectations and did an ok job after all? or maybe they found a way to disappoint more than you could have ever imagined. Personally, I thought they would do worse, sure episodes like 1,2 or that one with Syriu Vs Saitama were cancer to the eyes but at least they managed to give us 10 seconds of good animation every episode. Still, super disappointed but could have been worse
not with a bang but with a whimper
>ESL retard never heard of articles, calls something retarded
Tell me more Pablo.
>the sum total of sonic's training is that he can take a really fast kick
meanwhile, genos can nuke cities into dust
they're on a totally different powerlevel
>what the FUCK were you expecting when J.C staff was announced as the studio?
Something better. The only bail-out card they get is for shitty-animation, since 1st season was result of stars alignment or some other celestial phenomena. The other fuck'ups has no excuses.
Heck, look at Welcome to NHK. Animation was garbage for the most part, but they still got everything else right.
Does he? I think thematically he's better than Boros. He's a perversion of the heroic archetype. Someone who had so much empathy he could see even the monsters as a suffering party, and the heroes as the bullies. That's a messianic archetype, which is the thematic basis for all heroes, a person of power who saves you from evil. But his level of empathy was outside of society's capacity and him realizing that turned him against society. Boros was a reflection of Saitama's past, Garou is the entire "what is heroism?" discourse of the manga condensed into once character.
full trash
they got EVERYTHING wrong
even the absolute best bits had multiple flaws
What I missed was a satisfying pop sound at the end
If only.
>struggling against a holding-back S*nic
Flash is such a pathetic fucking shitter
Atomic Samurai would blitz this clown
what are you afraid of, user?
say his name
also, i feel like this is going to be an arc of growth for flashy flash.
Do you two not remember how many webcomic chapters the MA/Garou arc was? 12 episodes still wouldn't be enough.
Well good thing that OPM has neither
JC Staff made mistakes that I didn't know were possible, or have ever seen in other productions.
Murata will probably tone back expanding the webcomic material but there's no way he can keep himself from expanding the Garou fight.
Alright buds, what will happen?
Season 3 is 24 episodes and finishes the MA/Garou arc
Season 3 is 12 episodes and everything is crammed in to finish it
Season 3 is 12 episodes and stops at Orochi
JC Staff get season 3
Madhouse (with no freelancers) does season 3 with terrible CGI everything
Season 3 is done by a remotely competent studio
These guys are getting it.
The only thing they got right was Garou's VA (his theme's pretty dope as well).
>Orochi just dies to Saitama
I know what series I'm watching but it feels like he was extra pointless.
I guess you could say he justified the Monster Association existing through fear of his presence? But they could have just stuck with the webcomic and made Psykos her old insane self.
You're copy pasting this again?
Nice bait.
all of the filler is pointless
its why we won't see the garou vs saitama fight for the next 4+ years if we see it at all
New webcomic chapter fucking when?
Every time he doesn't release a chapter I get the growing fear of another 2 year hiatus.
so is ONE on a hiatus again
He doesn't have much to do outside of OPM currently, does he?
it never really had a consistent update schedule. i just hope he feels compelled to update soon. The manga seems to take precedence since he works on that alongside murata storyboarding.
I'm betting on another 12 episodes with Orochi and season 3 being done by a more competent studio
I don't see 24 episodes for OPM happening for some reason, it just feels too long somehow. Plus, at the pace the manga is going, it's going to take many years until we can even think about the Garou arc being animated.
They'll wait a while and give us another pointless season like this one. I honestly don't know who to blame here at this point. I wish the manga wasn't so far behind.
It's just OPM and helping out Murata, pretty much the "old" schedule. I don't think there's reason to worry.
There's a difference between a large unmoving city and a twink moving faster than the eye can see.
>speed & precision>raw firepower
Based Boroschad
seething because they know Garou has no answer to meteoric burst
24 episodes would be overkill for the MA arc. At the same time 12 probably wouldn't be enough, this arc has a high pagecount and it's not even done yet. JC Staff will obviously get the contract again because their business strategy is to always be available, which is evidently all Shueisha's production committee cared about.
The best case scenario would be another freelancer team working at a competent studio, doing a 14-ish episode adaptation of the whole MA arc once it's done, but that's not happening ever.
If the best part of the series is adapted by JC Staff I might just commit sudoku
Remember when anime would use as many episodes as needed to finish something?
One punch man is doing better than ever, this season was amazing. Madhouse is a shit studio since overlord and they would have fucked up this season with their horrible CG.
Why is it 12, anyway? Don't tv channels have plenty of backup garbage to air if a show doesn't fill out the seasonal timeslot?
what why
post Garous to be my phone screensaver
Is Garou /ourguy/?
No idea why it's 12 now, maybe to round out 3 months? It used to be 13.
>What are they running from?
JC staff
Best S-hero arc when?
legitimately terrified that that is not a man in a suit.
its a dog with a man mask
>turns out there's a girl inside the suit
thats what i was afraid of
I actually think it's a dog.
Dog slowly voreing a man who has given up on life.
canon ships
Tats X Saitama
Genos X Sonic
Mumen Rider X Tank Top Girl
Blackluster X Centichurro
My Dick X Your mouth
we'll see
genos is an autist and could never tell even if sonic was hitting on him
mumen is gay for TTM please understandu
fuck off
To me it feels like Boros only stands a chance against Garou during that burst. Otherwise Garou would mop the floor with him. Garou could predict Saitama of all people. Boros obviously doesn't know any martial arts, he's just throwing punches. But with his burst he can keep up with Garou's speed and his regeneration will let him shrug off Garou's body breaking attacks.
>Genos X Sonic
The NTR ship of homos for Saitama? That's just sad.
sonic x getting stronger
the last episode didn't even have Saitama in it.. what a fuckin shit show.. season 1 was great it had comedy and everyone watched it because saitama is a good character.. who the fuck cares about this fucking Genos crybaby fag? God how fuckin ruined dude.
TTG is also gay for TTM so they'll hit it off over their gayness for TTM
I dont think Genos is homo for Saitama, but Sonic probably is
in any case, I unironically think they would make for a cute couple
Sonic X Me.
Flashy wasn't serious lmao Atomic kek
So is the Centipede guy stronger than Orochi since Saitama used a serious punch against him but not against Orochi.
>Yea Forums is demon class
Fucking this. We were worried about art and animation, which they fucked up of course, but i'll nevera thought about retarded direction. Some moments were so bad directed that they make me scream in pure rage. They didnt even know were to put the camera ir explain visually whats happening. Not only in action scenes, but in exposition scenes too.
based even murata agrees
Saitama only used a serious punch because he was still upset that King beat his ass at video games.
> Someone unironically posted this
Big Yikes.
All dragon level characters can destroy multiple cities
speedreader genosanon forgot even baby-tier sonic was destroying entire city blocks by himself to get saitama to fight him.
Yes, also Orochi is a filler.
Where is this pic from? I don't recall it.
Volume 3 character page.
ok thanks
Why do Asian people always believe these hoakey pseudoscience shit?
It's getting harder to enjoy it. I hope Murata can soon move on to more projects, his art is great but OPM is holding him back creatively.
It would be absolute KINO if it ended up being Licenseless Rider.
Did he actually kill her?
its unfortunate that Do-S was such a piece of shit, I'm sure her and Mask could have made cute little monster babies had she been in any way redeemable
Mask, seriously gave it some thought about if she was redeemable before he judged her
which considering that he just killed some mercs a few seconds before, is pretty generous
You have to ask?
he's like 20, there's no way he's blast
just wanted to remind everyone that Blast is Saitama. He got so bored of being a hero he had his limiter restored and his memory altered so he could live a normal life, enjoying growth and struggle and actually feeling something again. However, his basic personality caused him to inevitably seek becoming a hero again. That's why with just some basic training he became so insanely powerful. All he had to do was break his limiter and unleash his latent power. He probably lost his hair because of the stress of all his power coming back in such a short amount of time.
Before someone posts shit about the timeline not making sense (e.g. he would have been like 5 when Blast was active), Saitama has no relatives or friends or any history before the story starts beyond what he himself states. There's no proof he's actually the age he claims to be.
Saitama would have let her go?
she's finito.
She looks human enough
except for you know
being in the same middle school class as Mumen Rider
fucking ESL poster
So, why is Amai strong? Natural prodigy? Really hitted the gym? Some kind of human monster?
Where does he find clothes that fit him
what have you done, now I need to download and watch it after dropping on first ep
probably his sense of justice/hatred of monsters and evil combined with natural skill.
your moms wardrobe
Whichever part of the world is most American.
reminder Blast is thin Pig God, the "blasting" is "vomiting" everything he ate up this point and losing trillions of calories of energy
Garou is honestly the best character to come out of this garbage series. Saitama sucks and he's obviously ONE's self insert character that let's him act like a fucking psychopath in his own little fantasy world with his little waifus. The art is shit (No, it's not good because it's ironic), and was graciously given some quality by Murata, who should just keep treating it like a joke and not the shonen that it turned into.
I actually think there's some ironic cognitive dissonance with ONE and Garou. He calls out Garou, his own character, as a pussy because he took the easy way out of being a hero by being a monster, but then with his own series he wants to treat it like a shonen but then backs into it being a parody when he writes himself into a corner.
>Here is Garou, is calls these questions to be answered, and with Saitama, who has spent time much of his time pondering on these things as well, surely we will finally-
>"lol idk dude, don't touch me"
>"um, can you stop talking?"
>"just shut up dude"
YOU LITERALLY SPENT 100 FUCKING CHAPTERS WRITING ABOUT IT, GEE WHY DON'T YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP? YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP ONE/SAITAMA, dumb faggot. You got lucky with One Punch Man's popularity, but the shtick is wearing off, so now I hope your gay little series dies off.
He's probably a handsome monster considering the veins and bloodshot eyes when he attacks and how he just reattached one of his severed arms like it was nothing
you just want to suck Garou's cock don't you?
garoufags everyone.
S class get paid a ton. He probably just custom orders.
There, fixed it
He is a qt, everyone can agree on that
he needs better hair otherwise yeah he's alright
Lol, what a flop.
garo is shit
Is it common for some studios to be lazy when it comes to adapting facial expressions?
looks the same to me
stop nitpicking
>being this retarded
Apologists, please go.
Ill fitting =/= bad
I'd recommend it just to see how bad it really was, episode 11 is worth watching though
Congratulations, One Punch Manbabies. Your garbage self-insert incel powerfantasy has turned into exactly what it was supposed to parody; just another generic watered down shonen for teenagers. ONE is a fluke and his inexperience and lack of talent shows. Now get laid.
have sex
Dumb incel
fuck i don't remember the chart
yeah they really didnt push the envelope on anything this season, let alone match the standard, unfortunately. but what's the point in harping on it?
Trust me nigger, Sex is nothing when compared with masturbating to Sonic.
Why does Sonic obviously look so feminine/trappy?
Is practically just fanservice? As in, yet another male character drawn as a "girl" in order to make heterosexual fans insecure about their conflicted sexual feelings?
*Is he
Excluding the leaders, who do you think would win against each other: Monster Association or Dark Matter Thieves? Seems like MA has a lot of stronger members while Boros' crew was just a bunch of punks that gathered under a real strong leader
ONE is obviously gay or at least has repressed homosexuality.
>Shining Muscle
>Garou's abs every opportunity he can show them
>Main love interest is a legal loli
>main love interest
this meme needs to stop
sonic is tough,cool, and very manly idiot
Kek the first time I saw Sonic get his prison outfit swiped off and have his slender, wet abs/midriff showing I was thinking to myself: "Wait, who is this for? This is fanservice, right? But a straight woman wouldn't be attracted to such a ridiculously effeminate male. Is this...fanservice for guys? Is this gaybaiting?"
>a straight woman wouldn't be attracted to such a ridiculously effeminate male.
quit projecting.
Sonic exemplifies perfection of both the masculine and feminine traits.
Truly, he is the pinnacle of humanity.
Not projecting, pal. Ask a good portion of heterosexual woman- naturally, the majority of them are not attracted to a man who they will have to compete with in the feminine looks department.
I am sorry If I burst your bubble, but this ain't Reddit.
I wish someone replaces those horrible punching effects with berserk's CLANG.
s2 was ok
ONE isn't pandering to normal straight women with Sonic though.
He's pandering to homos and fujos.
hes truly the next step.
what does reddit have to do with thinking sonic is hot?
That's EXACTLY what I was suspicious of lmao. Thank you for putting it so succinctly.
ninjas are androgynous to help them disguise themselves
I agree.
that's right, nothing gay about being fully in drag if it's for a mission.
and it's especially not gay to please anyone with your mouth so you don't blow your cover.
especially if that someone is a handsome cyborg
stop spreading false information. sonic does NOT crossdress! he's the manliest of the entire ninja village as well
Why are OPM and Mob threads so FUCKING GAY.
Fuck the anime. Which part of the webcomic are you looking forward to being redone in the manga most?
For me it's pic related.
This. I don't see why everyone has their panties in a twist.
because it wasn't ok
post Garou's abs
weirdly, im looking forward to rover vs bang, bomb and fubuki and saitama meeting flash
this whole arc.
>lolcows are demon class
shitposters are dragon class then
they're only demon as a group, alone they're each tiger. same as the three crows from the tournament arc
You're acting like this was an adaption of Mob or something. Learn the difference between good entertainment and fujo dogshit.
Saitama's Serious Table Flip.
it's hard not to be the manliest when 98% of them are all dead
>murata flashy flash
>sonic in general
The entire Garou arc honestly, ONE is just awful
why does tatsumaki look preggo in the first picture
literally all of the graduates exist and are mega glam rock.
opm threads usually aren't that bad, this one is just worse
mob threads should be avoided at all costs
>loliposter trying to feel on top
cute, but waiting four years for half a season with a giant centipede that has an ugly monkey face pimple as the final boss was retarded
there were a ton of parody scenes but a huge lack of punching from the main guy
She's carrying Saitama's child. She IS the main love interest, after all.
>The next arc is just endless filler of jobbers fighting other jobbers
and the one closest to the webcomic
I was actually enjoying the genos fight up until this point but then the ending was just underwhelming as fuck
oh well
>Symphony of the night intro
Because ONE is gay and Murata draws every male character like a semen-demon duh.
sonic looking like bayonetta in the bottom left
where the fuck is this from
i wanted a statue of this page so badly back when it first came out. Sad!
Chapter 115 I think? Of the webcomic.
amusing how japan is giving this guy bloodshot eyes in a sad attempt to make everyone else look 'asian'
also who is stronger, him or biscuit oliva
>Garou's ass
Imagine being as gay as ONE. Fucking disgusting
are you joking?
>all these newfags who are only just learning that sonic is best girl
It's okay be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way~~
t. ONE
>he always lent me a helping hand without asking for anything in return. a heretic.
he was a good kid.
my bad. Lost track of the webcomic and didnt realize I hadnt checked on it for months now
what part of JC Staff are hacks don't you understand
no worries. he suddenly updated with three chapters like last week i think so its all relatively new.
it was 19 days ago
oh fuck time is going by too fast what the fuck oh god
it was 50 years ago
ONE died 10 years ago
when do you think Murata will finish the MA arc?
I heard a questionable friend found his skeleton in his house
soon, hopefully
the nano machines in my body aren't keeping up with my aging anymore
did he finish the ninja/neo heroes arc what happened
is this from a new web comic chapter or somethin?
This got me
suiryu was blast
eyepatch guy was the god level threat
saitama find a balding pill online and loses his powers
garou gets super saiyan god
this ones my personal favorite
King is the best character
>ultra instinct vegeta wrings out a damp gohan
what is this image even implying?
God I love this page
A combination of schizophrenia and autism.
>i'm sure to win because my speed is superior
breddy gud
what was the biggest offense this season?
I vote for this
did (you) see this
Bipedal mus, or humans in other words, love plopping their monkey face on everything and the kitchen sink. Even if it makes the subject uncanny.
They also like to ridicule others for thinking otherwise, in reality they only end up making themselves look even more stupid though; these are all elements of the hfyfag
the mental gymnastics to justify king's existence is just amazing
okay feline
I unironically loved that fight, regardless of the downgrade.
I don't know how you are missing the point this hard.
What about the part where he defends the building from the gattling attack or has that not even aired yet?
t. Manga-only fag
Sweet lord
They made Death Gatling a lich wizard
fuck if i care
the animation was decent (for their standards) but they drew choze so bad I couldn't stand it
he was one of the best monster designs in the manga
>literally a black screen while this happens
it was like the twilight zone
>Your garbage self-insert incel powerfantasy has turned into exactly what it was supposed to parody
One Punch man was never a parody, that was just failed english majors spouting their terrible analysis of the series until retards like you bought into it.
D-don't make fun of English's a versatile degree....
i knew it would be pretty bad but it was worse than i could have fathomed at times
because of the low bar they also pleasantly surprised me a few times
oh fuck
honestly glad sonic wasn't in this season so much
genos v sonic fight looked decent/10
King is Blast
oh lawd he comin
What's the point? Saitama is an awful character unless he's in a gag or comedic setting. He reads like if some 20 year old's incel power fantasy came to life, like ONE is self inserting into him. Saitama should honestly never fight and just be there for comedic moments.
>your average nintendo kiddie
it IS a comedy though. often times that comes with a commentary on culture or some specific topic. I dunno what more you want from it to not call it a parody/loving homage. Also, i think ive been baited
read the fucking comic
imagine this scene with s2 sfx
>>i'm sure to win because my speed is superior
This is true.
That's why The Flash can BTFO 99% of fiction
he even btfos himself in the chest with a bullet once and forever!
Post alternates of this meme it’s one of my favorites
>it IS a comedy though
It has comedic moments but it's not a parody unless you think a joke automatically qualifies any work as one. The commentary on heroism is likewise nothing new to superhero stories and if you think that's all that qualifies to make something a parody Watchmen would be one since it has jokes and looks at the nature of heroism. Obviously it's not a comedy but you should see my point. And really since the Meteor arc in both the webcomic and Manga the story has been less about the gag of Saitama's strength and just an honest story of heroes fighting monsters. OPM is just superhero fiction and shouldn't be treated as some comedic deconstruction or literary analysis of the genre. You bought into the idea that it was more than what it was at the end of the day.
Orochi is literally the biggest jobber of them all.
Even his fight with Garou is pointless, since Garou was never on Bang's level until the end.
I wish, but the reality is that no studio is going to voluntarily follow season 2 with quality approaching season 1. Ever. OPM can only go downhill further from here on out.
Hard work vs very little pay. They only got through thanks to animators owing the director favors. He really liked OPM for some reason. Now that those favors have been paid off, they can't get away with slave labor anymore.
orochi is stronger than awakened garou you dum fuk saitama just finish him quick because he realize he's actual monster i will fuck your father faggot
wcfag and I just want to see more saitama/tatsumaki scenes
suck my dick faggot golden sperm was probably stronger than orochi
this was amazing, my sides went nasa
Madhouse could, all they need is a half competent director and some of the Bones freelancers who would want to come back.
with the support of studio LAN they could easily put a decent looking S3 together
this is all i need
i already fucked your dad gaylord so whats up
>luminescent eyes
b̶l̶a̶s̶t piggod unleashing some of his energy
to anme onlya: OP is a stupid faggot who doesn't know what he's talking about, and most likely does not even read the manga nor webcomic
and then still gets btfo by one of the weakest dragons kek
maybe, but he considered expending all of his energy to defeat Garou until Saitama stepped in
He carbed up before a workout. Classic mistake.
what ever happened to the original director? was he not interested int it anymore?
To anime onlys: read the fucking manga
well JC Staff got the bid for some fucking reason and he was busy so one of their hacks directed it
we barely saw gums fight, bang just killed him instantly, which he also did to fuhrer ugly
the anime industry has a problem
and we need a solution
a final solution
Garou not on Bang's level? Listen retarded power level fag, Bang was injured, sick, exhausted, and frustrated when fighting Bang and Bomb and still managed keep up.
Why do people still pretend OPM is about Saitama?
The worst thing to come out of S2 is the fucked up names for everything
>Black Luster
>Calling Tatsumaki "Tornado of Terror" instead of just Tatsumaki
>Calling Fubuki "Hellish Blizzard" instead of just Fubuki
As someone who is friends with a bunch of anime only, EOPs, this infuriates me to no end.
good for you man
It's everyone's favorite girls
Twister and Frozone
I hate it
It is, but the world is being built up, and still relating back to Saitama
>Tatsumaki given a backstory
>During her fight with Saitam
>Flash given a backstory
>After joining Saitama's harem
>Neo-heroes get introduced
>Definitely going to be played up against Saitama in the future
Everything relates back to Saitama eventually.
is enw taking the shape of ogr?
murata will find a way to make it sexy
And Bang was holding a tons to not instantly kill him.
Her hair will just be blown upwards by wind
I'll actually kill myself if Murata fucks this panel up.
Don't you guys feel sorta bad for JC Staff? They had no chance of matching Season 1 in terms of quality. It was rigged from the start
they shouldn't have accepted to animate it then
no, they took it on willingly
then embezzled the money
no, it's their fault. i would feel bad for them if they had a normal schedule instead of a jampacked one like they always do. fucking idiots taking every project that gets handed to them
So is JC confirmed for S3? Or no studio confirmed?
no S3 confirmed
He's the ninja leader.
>same naming style as the other ninja as per the webcomic
>has those monsterfication veins and bloodshot eyes, as per the webcomic
>cares only about pure strength (because he lost to Blast)
>probably obsessed with Saitama because he wants to recruit him to his side
>Next season will be entirely just battles played straight.
which is crazy you'd think that with a manga as popular as OPM they'd take their time and make something quality.
This page is probably within 2 chapters, assuming they don't add anything new, isn't it?
Because it works for them. Do you have multiple scientific evidence it doesn't?
atomic vs. black sperm signals it's time to start seeing the s-class get btfo so yeah pretty close, i don't know what else could be added except something with drive knight maybe
Since you don't even know how to google, there's no point in posting peer review articles on why it's faux science.
There's no arguing with someone who believes "chi" spots exists and believe in "yin" and "yang" energy.
So no studio confirmed, gotcha.
Possibly. Or Garou wakes up and finds Orochi's head (if he really is alive) before running off to slap DS.
yeah, next chapter is probably Zombieman vs Homeless Emperor
the one after is Mask meeting FU and Gums vs Piggod
The onus is on the claimant, you'd know this if you had any sense of integrity.
>There's no arguing with someone who believes
I never implied I believed anything, it's sad to see someone like you jump to conclusions simply because you got defensive over someone pointing out something obvious. Show some evidence of these fags performing their shit and it not working in sizeable samples or fuck off.
He cherishes his big brother, there's nothing wrong with that.
>The onus is on the claimant, you'd know this if you had any sense of integrity
Funny, since you claim acupuncture works and you're basing it off anecdotal evidence.
Western culture is all about 'growing up' and completely detaching yourself from your inner child. Anything that makes you look childish is considered wrong and ill, a contrast to Eastern culture where adults are encouraged to have a balance, and where as you get older into your elder years it's fine to return to a more simplistic child like nature.
You prove positives, you don't prove negatives. You prove God exists, you don't prove God doesn't exist, since that is the default. That's how science works. You prove something exists.
>"S class is insane"
>based Golden Sperm
>Beavis Amai Mask
>It's a hobby.jpg
So many fucking moments to look forward. MA arc is an incredible ride.
have sex
>since you claim acupuncture works
I never claimed that. Cite my post if you're gonna keep making claims. This here is your post, you didn't quote anyone therefore you obviously made the first claim, which is that acupuncture is hoakey (nice spelling) pseudoscience shit aka it doesn't work. Since you made this claim, you need to back it up bitch.
All I said was the people who take it obviously think it works, so if you wanna prove otherwise you need to back your fat ass up. Stop being a little bitch faggot.
>this here is your post
That post is 6 hours ago. I'm not that poster. Given that you don't even know how posting on 4channel works, you should go back to where you come from. Funny how you assume that post was even mine. Not only do you not know how posting on here works, you don't know how science works either.
>fat ass
>little faggot bitch
You are absolutely SEETHING. No argument so you have to default to attacks.
I want nu-madhouse or Toei with fresh green horn animators to do it.
king is the best
The proof obviously is that so many people feel they are getting results, otherwise why would it still be around? Could it be all these people have been scammed for hundreds of years? That every Asian doesn't understand science nor has the idea of challenging acupuncture with science? Of course, only some fag on Yea Forums has ever thought of that, cause chinks can't possibly be as smart as the white man.
Why does that even matter? You clearly argue taking on the same stance and never bothered to differentiate yourself, this is not just laziness but blatantly doing it just so you can make this exact argument right now just to deflect.
>you don't know how science works either.
Nice projection. I never claimed acupuncture was validated scientifically. I simply claimed that you people are too retarded to even post proof of debunking the damn thing despite making claims of it. Anyone who argues against that naturally has no credibility, just like you who would rather chimp out at trivial semantics instead of just posting a few links, but of course showing off how good you are at shit posting on Yea Forums takes precedence over being correct.
Your dick is small but your ass is fat, what's wrong manlet? Do you think just because you're a dwarf it exempts you from being overweight? Am I supposed to think your thunder thighs makes up for your lanky arms?
what was he thinking
Not an argument - the post. No scientific sources, either.
ya got ding dong diddly worked into a seething shoot
>The proof obviously is that so many people feel they are getting results
It's funny because Darkshine is a perfectly acceptable name once you find out about his backstory, but Blackluster will be a disaster.
The English dub will have the proper names, so at least we have that.
but this can't happen, brave giant was destroyed and zombieman will lose all his equipment and clothes when homeless emperor fucks him
50/50, in shirtless mode I mean. Not-serious Bang gets bodied.
is pig god the self-insert for readers? is this how ONE sees us?
No. The NEET in the crowd around Sea King was.
So asking again
Is MA stronger than Boros' crew? Kinda feels like the crew is weaker but considering most of them faced saitama, they didnt really get to show off their abilities
MA is Earth based, Boros and co conquered many worlds on their way here.
Apparently the psychic guy was pretty strong.
I'll give them that the last couple of episodes for the most part improved a lot the animation quality. Still below S1, but much better than most of S2. If the whole season would have been like this it might have been more than acceptable.
AFAIR metal bat was pure ass, his blows felt very weak
that AG looks like shit, thank god these people don't design the characters. the only one that's near acceptable is that one really detailed fanart from some korean guy
Because they had a ship that can destroy an entire city in seconds
Melzargard got his ass raped by a few S-class heroes while Choropede would destroy all of them, except a very select few
Gerganshoop is played as a threat but only displayed basic psychic abiliti, meanwhile Gyoro Gyoro has been specifically training herself to fight against psychics.
The only other mentionable crew is Groribas but he got btfo for laughs.
The rest seems to be just regular monsters who operate the ship
If we were to remove Boros and their ship, the MA would decimate the space pirates
the only noteworthy people in the dark matter thieves were melzagard, geryuganshoop and groribas. i feel like melz could have done a lot more but just kind of sat there and did nothing until he died, geryu is supposed to be a crazy strong esper and groribas seems like a dumb gimmick to me. unless we're including the ship here the MA pretty much destroys the dark matter thieves until they get to boros where he stomps them all with no effort required.
Honestly i thought season two had great quality in all aspects sound music fighting and art work. It looked good on a 4k tv. I dont get all the negativity. Its intrestong seeing what else goes on in the opm universe other than a guy litteraly onpunching everything.