Is he a hero?
Is he a hero?
The one we deserve, but not what we need right now.
read the webcomic fag
>not reading the superior murata version
He's maxed out his luck stat.
How would the hero association react once they find out that he doesn't have any powers?
A lot of the heroes don't have 'powers' and his luck is really the same as saitama being a one of a kind exception just cos.
It’s the only stat you really need.
continue the charade over at neo-heroes
he's a GAMER
Of course. He literally killed monsters with his presence alone. He also did lots of heroic shit like saving Genos ass against Elder Centipede and buying time against three dragon threats later on. He is in all accounts a hero, just not the overpowered one everyone thinks he is
He's not a hero, he's not a savior. Forget what you know
𝓡𝓲𝓼𝓮 𝓾𝓹
His luck is gonna run out sooner or later.
His max Luck stat is his power. His presence is enough to summon others like Saitama who will handle the situation. Whether or not he makes direct contact means nothing, if he's there the monster's doomed.
You are probably one of those people who is dead excited to see if the new monster of the week can finally beat Saitama
I'm still waiting for that to happen...
You retards really deserve that lifetime of wait
Because it's superior and not laden with shitty filler
That and his intimidation skill.
can't wait to see this smug fuck getting his as rippen
The art was better in the ONE version of that.
God what a waste of space murata is.
I have absolutely no fucking idea how are they going to make it plausible for Garou to get pushed by Darkshine now that he fought 2 Dragons and 1 Dragon+ in a row
>not reading both the manga AND the webcomic
Sort of. He did help Saitama with Elder and helped the heroes get a short advantage during the MA fight above ground.
do people actually reply to you?
I'd like to read em, but kissmanga is down
Plus in the current webcomic, he's actually trying to learn some martial arts and he's also trying to get out of the hero game. Unfortunately everyome keeps on thinking he's too strong to learn their techniques and send him on a wild goose chase ujtil he ends up at a skeleton.
He's the only one that can defeat Saitama.
Oh yeah you're right, I never thought of it like that
never use kissmanga user, use mangadex
He did beat him playing video games.
What's so bad about kissmanga though
It's actually his charisma status thats maxxed out ( Lying and Intimidation are rolled on cha). Altough his luck is pretty high too. And his int. Now that I think about it, fucking King was minmaxing.
Can't wait to see his Ultimate Hellfire Burst Wavemotion Cannon in a year.
Hope it never happens, his characters is one of the funniest thing in this manga.
Besides being riddled with ads, Kissmanga is the most basic place to read manga online and is normally of poor quality and also behind on some series.
Rover wasn't even a fight, it was just totally one sided the whole time. Psykos wasn't any different besides him resisting her ESP at the end and then getting interrupted by Orochi. And then Orochi was an even bigger one sided stomp, he didn't go anywhere near all out and he still destroyed Garou. At this point, Garou vs Darkshine will be more of an even fight than any of Garou's past fights before/during the raid.
I do like how Murata is basically trying to emulate ONE's artstyle for black sperm.
This symbolizes the black sperm invading Japan! I feel like Atomic Samurai everytime I decide to look at Yea Forums and see all those BLACKED threads
He hasn't lied that much, so no.
The whole point of Garou's dragon fights before Darkshine is to foreshadow his progression and his ability to successfully overwhelm Darkshine and shock him in an attrition battle. Both Garou's ridiculous endurance and his idea to use WSRS and WIC in combination have been hinted at in these fights.
A bunch of scenes in Darkshine's fight pretty much directly parallel Garou's fight with Orochi. Garou shrugging off the initial injury, Garou spamming Darkshine "like a tidal wave of martial artists" - mirroring Orochi's many dragons in the fight with Garou, and Garou stopping Darkshine's ultimate punch dead in its tracks.
It was one sided but he still tanked Rover bombs and Orochi's fire nicely, plus that large punch delivered by Orochi, that should've put him on a whole different level, especially if you consider he was already fighting 3 demon level threats by himself before all that happened
This. It's basically Garou's payoff victory after all the stuff he's had to go through.
Another thing to note: Darkshine's style is sorta acting like a punching bag, which prompts Garou to use his own strength to pummel Darkshine into submission rather than just counter his moves. It makes Garou stronger in the process.
Nothing too off about it, Darkshine would get stomped just as he did by Orochi
Well sure, but you're also underestimating Darkshine here. You've just never really seen him do anything.
Problem is that we haven't seen Darkshine do anything impressive, it's very anticlimactic after Orochi now
>Darkshine's style is sorta acting like a punching bag, which prompts Garou to use his own strength to pummel Darkshine into submission rather than just counter his moves. It makes Garou stronger in the process.
Yes, that's an excellent point. Garou is usually on the defensive and tends to use his opponent's force against them.
In this fight, however, Garou straight up power-spams Darkshine. Garou showcased his durability, speed and talent in the fights with Rover and Orochi, and once he gets to Darkshine Garou demonstrates those along with raw strength.
Yeah but it would take more time, he surely doesn't have any way of wounding Orochi, but don't forget Darkshine is still pratically Saitama lite, his durability is broken as fuk
Do you think the Fighting Spirit was introduced to justify Garou getting up after his torso is completely destroyed by Darkshine?
Not really because Garou's tenacity is his own and Metal Bat isn't the only character who's famous for that quality. Garou is a closer parallel to Saitama all around, anyway. He just goes "I've been stabbed before, this is nothing" and "I've fought with broken bones for days, a couple of ribs is nothing".
garou doesn't have fighting spirit, he just has normal plot armour
no, he has fighting spirit now, he revealed it when Gyoro Gyoro and Orochi were fucking him up, he blatantly stood up saying "so this is fighting spirit, huh?"
Like a corrupt caricature of a big org they are.
They'd keep it a secret so they don't upset sponsors and don't make civilians think they're incompetent.
>he has fighting spirit now
He's always had it. As if it wasn't obvious already, Murata outright explained that Garou's "spirit" is his own. He didn't copy Metal Bat's "gimmick" or anything.
It's literally just tenacity. Not hard to understand.
he doesn't have fighting spirit, if it was ONE who said that or maybe murata then sure, but garou himself saying it? no, definitely not. he also didn't even say he had fighting spirit, he was just comparing it. you don't even have to believe my words, just look at the content in front of you. garou isn't at all like metal bat in how he fights, he gets put down fairly easily.
fuck both of you for doubting me, get rekt
there's a fucking Metal Bat image before he says it
It is the classic tenacity trope indeed. Garou, Saitama, MB, all have it.
But some anons are so retarded they don't get even something this simple. Or they just shitpost incessantly like the guy you're replying to.
>he gets put down fairly easily
>fights a shit ton of A/B classes while poisoned
>fights 3 S classes right after that, and one of then was trying to kill him
>gets up after two demons (one high) gang up on him
>gets heatbombed by a monster who evaporated a demon level
>gets stoned by a dragon level esper
>still alive
>needs to get schooled by a Dragon+ to actually get knocked out
Bomb is obvious S class level before you think I'm stupid
idk what you think you're proving here, i even said he was just comparing it. i'm basically saying the exact same thing as those other two anons they just worded it better because i'm retarded.
>copies WDM style
>copies Bomb style
>copies Tank Top tackle (wc)
>resists restraints while citing the name of Metal Bat's power
>he's not copying it bro
You guys are retarded
What would happen if King was a villain? Which hero would be able to face him and survive?
what the hell does copying people's fighting styles have to do with MB's fighting spirit you brainlet?
You're completely retarded. "Fighting spirit" is not a tangible fighting style or something that can be copied. It's tenacity, just a personal quality. Murata outright clarified it for illiterate idiots like you.
It's literally just determination. Garou's predates Metal Bat's by the way. He's shown it as early as in the fight with TTM where he exuded that scary aura and refused to go down. Hell, he's been showcasing it since he was a kid. Garou's tenacity and determination to win and climb to the top has nothing to do with other characters, let alone Metal Bat.
if it was always his and always showcased, why would he bring that up exactly at that moment? exactly when he was negating Gyoro restraints?
it's like Darkshine getting hit in the middle of a fight and randomly saying "so this is the so-called durability", it's stupid
>copies a style that turns your fingertips into literal airblades
>k nothing out of the common
>copies tenacity from another hero
>lol that's bullshit that's not palpable skill
Great use of real life logic in fiction
Do you need absolutely everything spoonfed to you, retard? It's Garou's tongue-in-cheek way of recognizing a hero he didn't before, which is deliberately done while he's confronting a villain. That interaction has everything to do with Garou's character development and showing his defiant and ironically heroic personality, and it has utterly nothing to do with literally copying invisible abilities. Garou's always had his own spirit.
Listen, stop shitposting. Bomb's style has a clear form and stance, which Garou sees and replicates with his own hands. It's a tangible fighting style. Tenacity / fighting spirit is not a fighting style, it's a quality Garou has always had. Get it through your thick skull and shut up already.
>It's Garou's tongue-in-cheek way of recognizing a hero he didn't before
Just like he did with WDM right before using his style on Genos? Thanks you just proved my point, idiot
>Bomb's style has a clear form and stance
>yea bro just wave your hands until op airblades form out of nowhere
>easily done
>yea bro just use your anger and pain to push yourself forward
>that's impossible lul
No, those are completely different things, retard.
Garou likens his determination to a hero's. Verbally stating his respect. He's not LITERALLY copying a fighting style like WDM's. "Fighting spirit" is not tangible or copyable, it's not a fighting style or a technique in the first place. It's just a personality trait. Garou's always had his own tenacity.
>implying he can't copy it because it's a personality trait
You are talking about the man who is going to grow a monster costume out of pure willpower, there is no can't
>Garou's always had his own tenacity
Never said he didn't, but he is mimicking Metal Bat at this moment
We're talking about a man who's always had his own willpower. Garou's determination is completely unrelated to other characters.
Garou's not "mimicking" anyone's abilities there, "fighting spirit" is not a copyable fighting style in the first place. He's just answering Psykos' question in a tongue-of-cheek way, and that begrudging respect for a hero he shows while confronting a villain is supposed to hint at Garou's inherently heroic nature. That's all, it's simple character development. Garou's shown this tenacity without verbally respecting or remembering Metal Bat numerous times, including the times before he even met the guy obviously. This tenacity is his own and has always been, he didn't "gain it as a new ability" or whatnot. It's seriously not hard to understand.
>Garou's shown this tenacity without verbally respecting or remembering Metal Bat numerous times
This is the first time he is directly confronting a Dragon level threat by himself, it's kinda obvious he had to push through more than he ever did
When did he decided to use WDM style? Exactly when Genos was pushing him to the limit
What does the king engine sound like?
Does it improve his metabolism rate so he can eat junk while playing video games? Would be cool.
unironically kill yourself. murata did the best adaptation that was concievably possible. he aced black sperm. '
again, kill yourself.
>This is the first time he is directly confronting a Dragon level threat by himself
Wrong. Garou confronted Rover right before that and also had to persevere.
Garou was on a crazy tenacity fest when he had to fight back against Bang and Bomb in his injured condition.
Garou's "spirit" aka tenacity is his own. He's always had it. It's not a tangible fighting style like WDM's or TTM's and Garou's tenacity is completely unrelated to other characters period.
hes literally a skelly, underneath them baggy close. that his very heart palpitations shake his entire frame.
like this
there is a difference between "confrontation" and "retaliation", as Rover is just an overpowered dog who started attacking him and Gyoro Gyoro was an esper whom Garou can "reason" with, and he was restraining him, making him need something more, which is when he remembered of Metal Bat and mimicked his particularity
plus he didn't persevere through shit, Garou was clearly ready to die when Rover bombed him point blank, this is shown by his inner monologue
I always thought of it as a loud drumming sound, like a war drum.
It can't possibly be good for his health.
There's none. And Garou retaliates against all those characters. He blatantly didn't want to die against Rover and Bang/Bomb, and didn't want to back away from fighting TTM either for example.
Garou started moving against Psykos' powers right after her words pissed him off. His tenacity, anger or willpower propelling him forward like that has been a known fact for ages, Murata clarified that Garou didn't freaking copy a "spirit" ages ago as well and your conspiracy theories are plain retarded. Seriously, get it through your thick skull. It's not hard to understand at all.
user, stop spoonfeeding trolls.
I don't need to be spoonfed shit and I'm not trolling, I have read the manga and the webcomic dozens of times, fuck you nigger
I didn't say he wanted to die against Rover, but he accepted it was going to happen when he first got hit, and was legit scared as fuck, he even said "I never wanted to fight a real monster" to himself
this x 1000
these smartasses are coping
You're dumb. He didn't accept anything. He momentarily panicked and blatantly did not want to die while he quickly recalled the stuff he still needed and wanted to do. And he got angry there as well.
Bro, I see you are a fanboy, there's nothing wrong with him accepting death when getting carpet bombed by a monstrous Dragon level, just like there is nothing wrong with him copying/mimicking/inspiring himself with Metal Bats personal quality, it won't make him 1% less cool, I really admire Garou, don't be a dick now
He didn't accept anything, you idiot. He was frustrated and blatantly did not want to die. He even flashbacks to his past again there.
Garou's tenacity and anger propelled him forward there, against Bang and Bomb too, against TTM, against Psykos. It's his own personality trait, he didn't "copy it" from anybody. It has absolutely nothing to do with Metal Bat period. I'm astounded you need this 2+2=4 stuff explained this extensively, after even Murata himself clarified it for absolute idiots. Garou's tenacity has nothing to do with Metal Bat whatsoever. Nothing. You've got to be clinically braindead.
Murata doesn't know shit, he said Orochi could survive more than one punch, go fuck yourself If he's your source of reason
Plus Garou copies it at that moment, I never said he was always using It
He literally says "I'm going to die in a place like this because of this stupid kid", that's literally accepting death, but then he didn't die and kept fighting, ffs he even wished to drink coca cola before dying
fucking autists, discuss mizuki's thighs or get off my thread!
the elder centipeded is I think one of his first intentional heroic acts afaik.
Murata knows way more than you do and this stuff about Garou's tenacity is literally common sense. You're so retarded you can't even comprehend that Orochi did technically take more than one punch as Saitama destroyed only his limbs with punches first.
Garou didn't "copy" anything at that moment, idiot. He lashed out against Psykos in his own anger like he always does. She pissed him off and he resisted her. He's done this numerous times before. It's absolutely nothing new.
Garou was literally frustrated and did not want to die against Rover. It's as blatant as it gets. You're unfathomably dumb.
Besides, King isn't a hero, he's THE hero.
t. Garou
Calm down fanboy, your hero is a human
t. Silver Fang
>beating the shit out of narcisists on their high horse
>defeating monsters said narcisists wouldn't even dream of scratching
>never actually killed anyone
>saved poor lose kid
HOW is he a villain or even an antagonist? Because of his autistic hissy fit? Friendly reminderi that PPP is a registered sex offender.
Considering that Darkshine is one of the absolute strongest S heroes who would go tow to toe with Dragon monsters effortlessly - Same as Bang - it's more than plausible.
>only person to ever defeat Saitama albeit ideologically
Holy kinoballs
He read it from a manga though
Wherever he goes, monsters die
So? He was able to convey it effortesly. He is way smarter than Saitama as well.
go beat people up and put them in hospitals see what happens retard
still counts King will become the ture strongest man on earth by the end of manga, screencap this
Seriously thought. Do you guys think that Garou would ever hunt Child Emperor? Sure he isa hero but he is also a little kid.
>would go tow to toe with Dragon monsters effortlessly - Same as Bang
Darkshine had to use max power on Kabuto and the only time Bang dominates dragons is when he goes all out.
Garou vs Darkshine is essentially just a match to test and upgrade Garou's strength since he has to go on the full offensive against a dude whose style is defensive. The groundwork for Garou's endurance and the WSRS/WIC combo usage has already been set in his fights against Rover and Orochi, so it can flow naturally onto his fight with Darkshine.
Wait. Darkshine beat Kabuto? That's actually very fucking impressive.
Dude, I don't care, I came up with dozens of arguments but all you said was "muh he can't copy this because it ain't a skill" which is just stupid real life logic, it's blatant that you are a fanboy that doesn't want to admit your "villain" found inspiration in a hero, which is there nothing wrong with, as Metal Bat himself is a beast
everybody says this but if he was lucky he wouldn't be put in danger in the firs place.
Yes and CK is considered a high dragon by a lot of people
which is why I consider Marugori easily Dragon+
that just means he is never in real danger, he just doesn't know
Marugori would stomp Orochi like a fly. Apart from Saitama and King, I believe only Tatsumaki would stand a chance.
You came up with a dozen of nonsense and completely ignored every counterargument. I literally spoonfed you the history of Garou's tenacity while you're bending over backwards to ministerpret a scene Murata clarified ages ago.
Garou's tenacity is his own. He lashes out against Psykos who pissed him off and resists her, on his own. Like he's done numerous times. Garou's determination and willpower have absolute jackshit to do with Metal Bat period. Ironic of you to call anyone a fanboy when you're just spouting completely nonsensical, unreasonable garbage trying to add extra relevance to Metal Bat. Garou already showed him - a hero - a bit of respect in his tongue-of-cheek answer to Psykos, which is meant to show Garou's character development too. Garou's tenacity and "spirit" are his own and have always been, get over it.
I already said he only started using Metal Bat as inspo from that moment on, but you still spill the same stupid bullshit argument that "he had tenacity before duh", so what? you think he couldn't walk on his fours before seeing WDM doing it? anyone can dude, it's just a matter of improvement, and seeing Metal Bat's iron willpower improved his own.
Of course, but he wouldn't kill him. CE uses a bunch of tools and a literal fucking MECH to fight. Garo would fight the shit out of that and just leave CE passed out.
he punches him in the face in the webcomic and that's it
>we haven't seen Darkshine
You don't have to see him to know how powerful he is.
Honestly, he deserves a lot, I got so pissed off when that child disrespected Saitama who just saved his ass and demanded him to kill a weakened Garou, it's a fucking portrait of the S class entitlement
Yeah, but that was after his monstrification and he was also dropkicked in the face. Kind of different from hunting him.
Garou wasn't "inspired" at that moment, you illiterate idiot. He got angry at Psykos' taunt and acted on his own merit like he always does to resist her. His answer itself is tongue-in-cheek to rebuff Psykos as he was reminded of himself asking a similar question before, which is showing a tiny bit of respect for the hero, that's all.
Garou never, ever thinks "oh my god, what would MB do in this situation?" or "rises up, inspired by Metal Bat himself!" you freaking idiot. His tenacity, willpower and anger are completely his own. It's not hard to understand.
well, yes, but Garou's hunting was never more than that desu, he just leaves the heroes incapacitated and that's it, except that Blue Flame guy whom he handicapped
>rank 7
>skill is mad luck and poker face
I get it
Garou was never a monster
I'm sorry. Meant to say ' the peak of his compromised monster hobby'
post yfw Muratafags finally witness King's awakening
Much better, or just call him Awakened Garou like everyone else
Size doesn’t make you necessarily stronger.
Look how assblasted you are dude, kek Garou fanboy
He has a lot more than a tiny bit of respect, he would be fucking dead if it wasn't for MB sister, and it wouldn't be pretty
So yeah he remembered Metal Bat as he resisted Psykos influence, by acting out his own Fighting Spirit, inspired by Metal Bat
ONE himself called him a near perfect monster.
Except last episode Phoenix man, Bang and Bomb explained that size is a huge factor in fights.
I know, feats do, and Marugori has shown more
>destroys multiple city blocks by waving his hand
>creates an enormous Danafall-tier abyss by punching the ground
>isn't completely obliterated by Saitama punch, gets just ragdolled instead
Which one of the three transformation is the "Awakened" one?
>Darkshine had to use max power on Kabuto and the only time Bang dominates dragons is when he goes all out.
Point still stands, Darkshine and Bang can beat Dragon monsters and Garou's fights with the dragon monsters before Darkshine were defeats or stalemates. Garou's victory against Darkshine is his first ridiculous performance in the arc since he's starting to break his limiter.
after he fights Darkshine, the association is wrecked by Tatsumaki and Garou lays down lost in thought, only to appear, already awakened, to Fubuki
No way
so what do we call the one where he cries blood and the winged one?
well, tanking Rover's heatbomb was already ridiculous to be honest, more than half of the S class would be dead after it
>more than half of the S class would be dead after it
If human Garou could tank it, most S heroes can to.
idk, mid transformation?
If anyone is assblasted it's you, braindead MBfag. You can write fanfics about MB's sister all you want but it changes absolutely nothing.
The reality is Garou shows his own tenacity and anger against Psykos when she taunts him and ONLY mentions Metal Bat to rebuff her question afterwards, because it reminded him of a question he himself asked when he fought MB. That's the tiny bit of respect he shows, that's all. Garou's tenacity and willpower are completely his own. Murata explicitly explained this is a mere flashback - for brainlets like you - but MBfags are apparently terminally mentally deficient. I'm sorry about your condition.
nope, Fubuki deflected one and said Genos would be completely wrecked if she didn't
>call him Awakened Garou like everyone else
Viz is going to call him Garou Awakening.
I'm much more of a Garou fan than a MB fan, it changes nothing for me, a great fighter recognizes another, and that's exactly what happened
>so this is the so-called fighting spirit
Why the fuck would he say that out of nowhere you fucking retard?
It's like Zombieman getting a lethal injury and then saying "so this is the so-called regeneration", he wouldn't fucking mention it again if he always had it in the first place, it makes no sense
Incorrect comparison. Garou didn't just fight dragons, he fought some of the strongest monsters around before he got to Darkshine. And those fights made Garou grow.
That's their whole point, they foreshadow Garou's endurance, speed and talent showcase when he successfully overwhelms Darkshine.
that Garou is already half-monster, as said by Gyoro Gyoro
MB would beat Elder Centipede. The reason he and WDM didn't appear in the MhA is because they are overpowered.
Yes and no. Phoenix Man tought Bang couldn’t do shit to Elder yet they absolutely destroyed his armor, he only survived thanks to his molting trick.
Bang needed his brother to do that and still lost.
nope he wouldn't, all it had to do was knock him out for a moment (which even Garou did) and swallow him whole, he was going to melt Genos is seconds
What do you think Orochi could do to Marugori exactly? I don't mean to shit on Orochi, I just seriously think that Maru is the strongest non-boss monster we've seen yet.
ffs Elder Centipede survived being completely incinerated from the inside to a point where only his carapace was left, it's regeneration probably trumps Zombieman
>which even Garou did
Moments before he had his skull crushed in, just like it would happen with EC.
Metal Knight is evil, right?
At this point how many S class heroes are aware of Saitama's power?
How many times do you need this obvious shit explained to you? You're really terminally retarded. Jesus Christ. Garou answers like that because Psykos' question of "Why are you able to move?" reminded Garou of his own question to the injured Metal Bat when they fought. It's so easy to understand. All that scene translates to is that Garou doesn't outright mock Metal Bat anymore, which is personal growth on Garou's part and a bit of respect shown for the hero. He's not INSPIRED by him or "copying his freaking uncopyable ability" however, Garou lashes out against Psykos' taunt in his own tenacity and anger when she pisses him off , you idiot. His tenacity is completely his own.
He only has his own interests as a priority, and decides to experiment on monsters rather than humanss, so I would say he is neutral.
Webcomic, manga or anime?
Just Genos, Zombieman, Bang and I think TTM knows too (King is not S class fuck off)
Everyone must know that he is not fodder tho, as he was brought to the Hero Association by Genos and Bang
>King is not S class
Last I checked, he is S class rank 7 bro.
How does TTM know?
Amai Mask knows too
but he is not powerful dude so who cares?
Powerful enough to hold off multiple dragon level threats on his own.
His ranking has nothing to do with his power. besides he's the only one who beats Saitama regularly.
>not powerful
What does this even mean? Have you read the webcomic?
doesn't really matter at all though, especially when you're not talking about who's most powerful or something like that. the question is who in the s class knows about his power and king is in the s class whether your retarded ass likes it or not
>Gauro has the fighting spirit
And suddenly everything makes a lot more sense.
It's just the classic tenacity trope. Garou has it, Saitama has it.
This is the best moment in the entire series.
Saitama the absolute madlad
>zombieman watched as the sky turned black in front of Saitama
That motherfucker is in way over his head, but somehow he's the most well equipped to handle reality
Very good, but the best one is the panel after
>it's just a hobby
Actually the whole Garou vs S class and Saitama is full of gold.
>Saitama has it
???? Maybe he had it in his rookie years but now? He doesn't ever get to prove it.
I wonder what Muratas awakened Garo will look like
Yes and I know his attack is fake
And not beat a single one kek
That was in his head, smoothbrain
He's the only S Class hero who participated in the MA raid and got out umharmed.
>beating Saitama in video game is impressive
Saitama is dumb as fuck dude stop jerKing
Saitama told Suiryu that while he was training he received heavy injuries like him, and he still worked out every single day, and continued to fight monsters as well.
Obviously Saitama is tenacious. And obviously after Saitama became too powerful he doesn't exactly need to show that tenacity - Saitama is basically invulnerable now.
I'm not even talking about that. You've read the part with AS, right?
Who do you expect in the lower part of the cover?
rinrin's legs. also maybe the other female side characters like pink hornet and twin tail. maybe okama for the meme.
i want to an hero
Yes and It was completely made up by AS head
>pink hornet
She seems very unlikely. Do-S could've been a shoe-in, but she's dead. Maybe Psykos could be here? But I doubt it, since she hasn't been officially revealed.
I don't think Tats is going to be there, since she's likely going to be in volume 21's back cover.
>since she's likely going to be in volume 21's back cover.
What makes you say that?
>known as the strongest man alive
>rank 7
Fubuki is on 19 in a bikini, now this one has side characters in bikinis. 21 is the one that completes the joined covers, so I doubt it won't have bikini ladies on the back cover like the other two.
And since Tatsumaki isn't on this one, she kind of has to be in the next one. There aren't many other important female characters to fit that spot otherwise.
i kinda feel bad for them bros
tats is already on the front sleeve of volume 19 along with fubuki and dk in the corner. there definitely won't be any monsters that's for sure, and even if there were psykos would definitely not be there.
otherwise, i'm thinking it makes the most sense for the sleeve to have more female side characters and the ones i mentioned are the only ones left along with swim from the fubuki ova and TTG
The point is that King would be the only one to manage that, as well as other impressive feats like
His power is his incredible charisma and luck. Just like Child Emperor utilizes machinery and gadgets without being physically powerful.
>tats is already on the front sleeve of volume 19
She's in the bottom one, and Fubuki is too. Fubuki is on the back cover of that volume, so your point is moot.
>there definitely won't be any monsters that's for sure
Front cover? Sure, but I'm talking the back covers, with bikini ladies.
Why doesn't Murata draw porn
In the OPM universe, being the strongest man is kinda like being the prettiest Denny's waitress, it doesn't count for much.
hopefully simple to parallel how saitama's design is also very simple
He is stil not as useful, Child Emperor is weaker than half the S Class and is rank 4 because he is one of the few who is a combination of power + actual hero attitude + tactician
He does.
yeah i totally didn't make that connection for some reason, idk why. besides that though, there's definitely not going to be any monsters on either front or back covers. while the front cover is guaranteed to not have any monsters (obviously) i'd say the back covers are also just as likely to not have monsters.
im also still holding out hope that volumes 22-24 will be a spread of the monsters
literally who
If any of the monsters knew of Saitama strength they would legit give up instantly
He is rank 5. AS is 4.
A la Carnage Kabuto.
The real question is, how good is king at Vidya?
Is he national level or just a basement king
He should draw the agency girls in bikinis next
>im also still holding out hope that volumes 22-24 will be a spread of the monsters
I'd rather they put them in just one cover, since there aren't many that are even alive by then.
I'm not a big fan of Murata's sudden idea to change the consistency he'd had with volumes for 17 covers, changing from focus on one character to these things. Volume 18 was great, but having this sort of gimmick more than once would be too much IMO.
Literally anyone ITT could stomp Saitama in a vidya competition, King isn't special
He beat a former pro vidya player and mentioned winning some tournaments in the past.
>actual hero attitude
>cries midfight
>tries to kill an innocent man
>Europeans vs Native Americans
I don't think people give CE the credit he is due in terms of power. Phoenixboy was VERY strong.
>Fubuki is chubby
>He thinks murata can draw his waifu chubby
I am sure Murata reads that porn but drawing it? The art is shit compared to his panels.
doesn't really matter if the monsters are alive or not TTM, MB, WDM, DK and MK all have nothing to do with the content in volume 19/20 yet they're still on the covers. there's definitely enough monsters to fill it out that's for sure.
and that's just your opinion, i like the single character covers too but this spread is great, especially with the sleeves. and personally i'd fucking love to see one with all the cadre and prominent demons. also seeing them all in colour would be the cherry on top
>Immediatly goes to fight when he knows theres a kid in danger despite having used up most if not all of his equipment
>Is humble to understand his limitations and the power of his enemies
>Pretty much anyone would still confuse Garou for a monster or a potential monster.
PM is overrated as fuck. Sure, he's strong, being a Dragon and all, but he's not Executive level. Some retards spread around some crap about him being able to revive from anything, which is an outright lie.
People underrate the S class heroes in general because we haven't had the chance to see most of them go all out, and when they do, people start overrating them.
being a plaything of Lady Luck is the ultimate superpower. It even overrides concepts like Fate and Death.
>TTM, MB, WDM, DK and MK all have nothing to do with the content in volume
Yet they are alive. It'd be weird to showcase dead characters on a cover for no reason, especially side characters.
>and that's just your opinion
Yeah, I presented it as such.
Phoenix is a jobber
He just looks cool
Remember that CE almost lost against the medusa
>King says this while sitting on a bicycle
>Remember that CE almost lost against the medusa
He didn't. He was trying out a new gadget, and Pig God interrupted. If he had had his backpack on, the result would've been the same as CE's initial fight against PM.
How much would it cost to have Murata draw my waifu?
if you consider all the s class as "main characters" than the cadre + orochi and psykos should most definitely also quality as main characters. it wouldn't be weird at all and, yet again, it doesn't matter if they're alive or not.
Phoenix Man was filler and doesn't count.
How the fuck do you do this?
S-Class heroes in terms of actual strength
17. Kang
16. Tanktop Master
15. Puri Puri Prisoner
14. DarkShine
13. Pig God
12. Drive Knight
11. Metal Bat
10. CE
9. Flashy Flash
8. WatchDog man
7. ZombieMan
6. Genos
5. Atomic Samurai
4. Silver Fang
3. Metal Knight
2. Loli slut
1. Blast
Dam, it really be like that tho.
how is genos stronger than watchdog man?
Unicode's full of all kinds of tripe.
>14. DarkShine
Because watchdog man doesn't have anything that makes him better than all the others other than raw strength and a weird fighting style
Genos constantly upgrades his abilities to be stronger everytime
If anything Genoses strength is unlimited and can infinitely rise
>14 Darkshine
>Genos that high
Man I think the King / Saitama scene in the final episode was done amazingly. Kings VA, Music, King's Engine, the scared "Saitama?!?!", everything
bait, or you're completely retarded
They put literally a copy of the fucking first opening you shit eater
The problem with Genos is he keep getting the opponent that is stronger than him.
Kabuto (around demon) -> Seaking (high-ish demon) -> Fucking elder centipede. (top-tier dragon)
Darkshine is just a brute force tank, he doesn't have other gimmicks and arguably will lose out to any of the other fighters on the list
Okay okay sure, but answer me this, who's best girl?
Kabuto is a very strong Dragon, not a fucking demon. He was also stronger than Sea King, he only lost because of the little kid. He literally did nothing to EC but ok. He is top 10 but not 6.
Most of them wouldn't even be able to hurt him at all.
are you fucking retarded?
He's practically indestructible.
He was a dragon after his first resurrection, in his second he effortlessly ripped BG arm, which could tank attack from his previous form and the ninja duo in monster form and than he got a third power up.
Also their is no "executive level", it's just what Psykos calls the dragon level in her rank, which is why the mouse monster says that Garou would have to be comparable to the executive to be a dragon level threat. Gum and Furer Ugly are really nothing special.
>He was also stronger than Sea King
Is that something from drama cd? I remember people talk it but cannot remember the detail.
I am not sure if they are equivalent, because even before "that kid", seaking seems to be able to recover from everything genos fired at him.
But yeah, that power ranking is pretty bad.
>dealing with how they draw Tasumaki and Fibuki
christ, my dick can't take much more of this
>Captain Mizuki
>crushes two monsters between her arms and thighs
Could crack an egg on the erection she bestows
I taught we had solved power level faggotry
Kinda ubderselling Fubuki on that list
Pig God can eat him
Drive Knight has an infinite potential of weapons
Metal Bat might lose but Murata said that metal bat almost killed Genos if his sister hadn't shown up so he might overwhelm darkshine
CE is all gimmicks so he can easily gimmick his way through Darkshine
Flashy Flash is the fastest character so Darkshine will never be able to catch him and Flashy flash can invoke death through a billion cuts with the assumption that even one of those cuts goes through
Watchdog man's power scale is unknown so it's a 50/50 there
Zombieman has an arsenal of weapons and simply can't die so eventually Dark Shine will have to lose
Genos's upgrades are near infinite so Dark shine will lose eventually
Atomic Samurai can easily cut through Darkshine I think
Metal Knight can just nuke Darkshine
Loli slut will off course win
Blast can one shot KO DarkShine
Darkshine is a tank, but he's still a human. You can remove his air, hit his eyes, poison him, trap him, Etc. Etc
He's not as strong as you make him out to be
>Uwo look at him beat some minor dragon level
>Look at him throw away rubble
Who cares
Is it gay to be attracted to Mizuki?
>Psykos this high
>AS not with Bang
>Marugori and Vaccine Man lower than Rover
nu-uh son
lol no, she couldn't beat fucking Do-S on her own. she only has good matchups vs other espers that aren't her sister, she has potential to be much greater but with where she is now she is definitely deserved of low demon.
How is Death Gatling low Demon?
No. In fact, it would be gay NOT to want to rub your dick on her abs, and nut all over her sports bra.
ENW is not High Dragon, it just countered most heroes it fought, CE with the Mech blast would defeat it
Plus Marugori is easily high tier
It's gay to NOT be attracted to Mizuki
>Zombieman has an arsenal of weapons and simply can't die so eventually Dark Shine will have to lose
I legit chuckled, Darkshine is not fucking braindead, he might not kill Zombieman, but just as he realizes that, he is going to grab Zombieman and throw him with full strength in any direction and walk away
Yeah but she deflected a Rover blast and solo'ed Psykos in the Webcomic
I mean he saves people and defeats villains, it doesn't really matter that it's all done on bluff
>Uwo look at him beat some minor dragon level
when did he do this? are you talking about asura rhino in the vgs? because he is not a "minor dragon" lol
Don't worry it's not real, it's his imagination.
>look at him, killing a High Fucking Dragon in 15 minutes
Why is she so prefect bros?
>Darkshine is not fucking braindead,
He literally is
And if you throw Zombieman, he'll just come back
And Again
And Again
And Again
Again, Darkshine is strong but he's still a human, he's limited to human limitations
He needs to eat. Drink. Rest. Sleep
Hunters take down large pray by not allowing them to do any of that until eventually the hunted slips up and gets killed
Zombieman is a hunter
Carnage Kabuto vs MA roster, who does he defeat and who he can't?
my favorite moment in the entire series
his fellow tank toppers mentioned Saitama to him, and I think they probably told him about the whole meteor stuff
You're autistic my dude
He killed bug god.
A minor dragon
>Pretty much anyone would still confuse Garou for a monster or a potential monster
He is a S class hero, he's not
>Psykos this high
She was confident she could overpower Tats, who she taught could overpower EC
>AS not with Bang
I will put Atomic jobber higher when he has a decent feat
>Marugori and Vaccine Man lower than Rover
He has destructive feat matching their when playing around with Garou
>How is Death Gatling low Demon?
He's only A-class and under AS disciple, but he still proved a threat to Garou and could somewhat fight back against the octopus monster
And again what dude? Zombieman doesn't have hyper speed or super strength, Darkshine is pratically a beatable Saitama, he can throw his small ass several miles away
bug god is a high demon dude. but yeah, Darkshine is featless aside from overpowering Garou
like i said, only good vs other espers that aren't her sister. and we're almost to their fight with rover in the manga so might as well just wait till then to talk about that. but even so, she really struggled a lot just deflecting that one rover blast and said herself she wouldn't be able to deflect another one.
>he still proved a threat to Garou
When? Garou either dodges or deflects all his shots. He was as much of a threat as any of the other A Class heroes involved.
And than Zombieman comes back.
A battle isn't something that lasts for 2 seconds, it can be something that lasts for day or weeks.
How are you not getting this
same thing that other guy said, bug god isn't a low dragon lol
Darkshine is said to be capable of beating DSK with a light touch, he can, with minimal effort, liquify Zombieman to the point he is going to take hours to regenerate
So what, it stalemates dude, you think it's going to kill Darkshine, a hero who fights monsters daily, to just pick up Zombieman and throw him full strength in any direction? You think he is going to get bored and give up on his life? Delusional wanker
more than half of the S class can't survive even one Rover blast, don't forget it fucking disintegrated the Super Mouse, a high demon with regeneration
Than Zombieman comes back with some Zyklon B and kills Darkshine in 2 seconds.
Fuck you
How is Darkshine strong at all.
Literally just poke his eyes out
Beats HE, FU, Gums, Nyan and EC. Maybe ENW and Gouketsu. Loses to BS and Rover imo.
>more than half of the S class can't survive even one Rover blast
based on...? and fubuki deflected it with her psychic powers, it didn't hit her head on or at all really.
Bro, it's fucking fiction, his eyes are probable just as durable as the rest of his body until proven otherwise
How would a delousing solution kill darkshine?
>don't forget it fucking disintegrated the Super Mouse, a high demon with regeneration
yeah, it would be really cool if you could read the whole post before asking something, plus Fubuki herself said Genos would be doomed if she didn't deflect it
The fact that she can deflect it means that she can survive more than one lul
>cadre + orochi and psykos
That could be cool. What I'm saying is that 6 covers is way too much for all that, and you'd have to include Demons (which are all dead) to have that make any sense. If it's just the Executives in a cover or too, that's perfectly fine.
>Gum and Furer Ugly are really nothing special.
I can't wait until Murata ends this dumb meme.
Amazing cgi for when that movie came out.
If it wanst for tats concussion she would probably be god tier
people actually still cared I suppose.
was this directed by Michael Bay?
Nah, Garou and Boros both would annihilate her. Nobody else can of course.
nope, High at best, ONE said she could beat Golden Sperm, not that she is assured of victory
could is very ambiguous
This, People are genuinely too dumb to understand how obscene PM got.
She's absolutely God tier if we're just considering ability.
The fact that it takes a wicked head injury in order to render her out of the fight doesn't mean she's any less powerful.
still doesn't really matter whether they're alive or not, the volume cover doesn't necessarily have to reflect what going on in the volume. covers 19-21 are just to show off all the S class and then the other people that are a part of the raid (amai, maybe AS disciples on 21 front sleeve) so having 22-24 be the MA isn't weird at all and just because all the demons are dead doesn't mean they can't be included or that it makes no sense to include them. it's just a HA vs MA thing.
Why do you keep repeating the same shit? I'm not saying that dead side characters can't be on the cover because they aren't in that specific volume, I'm saying it makes no sense since they aren't part of the story anymore. Having a spread to showcase the series' cast makes sense, but you wouldn't have a cover with, say, DSK right now, since it makes no sense.
Having dead side characters wouldn't fit the volume covers. 22-24 is way too much for monsters, especially considering Murata has gone out of his way not to include some monsters in the covers. One cover? Sure. Two? Stretching it a little. 3? Are you fucking insane?
>Pig God can eat him
failed to do that Gum, whats stopping DS from one shooting him
>Drive Knight has an infinite potential of weapons
none of which are shown to be strong enough to scratch DS
>Metal Bat might lose but Murata said that metal bat almost killed Garou if his sister hadn't shown up so he might overwhelm darkshine
Darkshine effortlessly one shots a monster who was undamaged from attack from a Garou who was stronger than the one who fought MB
>CE is all gimmicks so he can easily gimmick his way through Darkshine
99% of his gimmicks are raw power based, again, nothing is stopping DS from oneshoting him
>Flashy Flash is the fastest character so Darkshine will never be able to catch him and Flashy flash can invoke death through a billion cuts with the assumption that even one of those cuts goes through
Yea, I agree
>Watchdog man's power scale is unknown so it's a 50/50 there
While it's true we don't know his full power, DS has better feat
>Zombieman has an arsenal of weapons and simply can't die so eventually Dark Shine will have to lose
>Genos's upgrades are near infinite so Dark shine will lose eventually
than why weren't they the firsts on your initial list?
>Atomic Samurai can easily cut through Darkshine I think
Well I don't think so, he doesn't have much feats
>Metal Knight can just nuke Darkshine
Sure, assuming you are talking about his full arsenal, and not his bots who failed to scratch EC
>Loli slut will off course win
>Blast can one shot KO DarkShine
Most likely
I just want swimsuit Tatsumaki.
i read the whole post, and i've read the webcomic. genos is just one of the many s class heroes which, according to you, over half die to 1 rover blast which is absurd. and the fact that she deflected one does definitely not mean that she can deflect more. you can see she struggled a lot with just deflecting the one blast and even said herself that she most likely couldn't deflect another.
and talking about super mouse in this context is dumb because it's manga rover vs webcomic rover.
Lin Lin and mizuki
Muh penor
reminder that Blast is featless and most likely nothing special at all
even if she had the raw power, the fact that she's a glass cannon (relative to god tier) when distracted really puts her down a notch
He couldn't even beat Elder Centipede, so we know for a fact Saitama BTFOs him.
deflecting just one is still impressive
I really, really doubt TTM, Genos, Zombieman, DK, PPP, CE, and Atomic Samurai can take it, so yeah, more than half was an exaggeration from my part, but I don't think any one of those can tank it, they have never shown to be durable, even PPP is more about pain tolerance than durability, as he said himself
He defeated EC and that Ninja master.
>defeated EC
>defeated NInja God
How far ahead is the webcomic from the anime?
because you keep repeating the same shit? using DSK as a comparison is retarded because a lot of the relevant demons died fairly recently as opposed to 13 volumes ago, and some of them (like pureblood, g5, devil long hair and bug god) die in chapters that would be in volumes 20+. the theme of the 19-21 spread is obviously the HA going to war, so having the next 3 volumes being a spread of the MA going to war isn't far fetched at all.
and fitting all the monsters on the covers would be no problem since so many of them are so big.
I see Bang is not on your list, which is actually OK seeing how he survived Homeless Emperor going rampage on his ass
The current arc is already wrapped up and it's moved to another one
i never said deflecting one wasn't impressive, i've been arguing against your point of "over half the s class would die from 1 rover blast". and i agree with you on most of those. i still do think that since AS has shown to be able to slice lightning into pieces with little effort that if he actually tired his hardest he'd be able to cut/deflect 1 rover blast. zombieman's regen is absolutely broken, he survived loads and loads of HE bombs and still came out fine, dude would have no problem surviving 1 rover blast. and CE could probably deflect/destroy it with brave giant.
Why? She only likes black men. She was salivating at the sight of Darkshine. Not interested.
Darkshine is not a nigger.
Do we actually know anything about BLAST yet, other than him being able to easily beat Elder Centipede?
Almost almost all of season 2 was manga original, but the closest equivalent to the finally is chapter 54, which was realize sometime in 2010
we don't know that
i haven't read the manga but i've read the webcomic. i'm assuming the manga is ahead of the anime by a decent amount, yet it hasn't even gotten to garou vs saitama.
so there's no way season 3 will have awakened garou vs saitama right?
Darkshine isn't black.
Oh great. King was an overpowered piece of crap from the start.
>easily beat Elder Centipede?
they literally said he "grievously wounded but failed to capture it" so not easily actually
He couldn't kill EC.
>saved poor lose kid
Ever time that kids life was in danger it was Garou's fault
we know he has black hair, hero work was/is a hobby for him and he has a normal job, his hero suit looks similar to saitama's, he brought Elder to the brink of death, btfo the ninja leader into a 15 year coma and that he's likely in his 40s-50s
How can you grievously wound something that regenerated from being burned to a crisp from the inside out until only the carapace was left
knowing Murata shitty paneling and page layout, the setup and the payoff will be on the same page
Could Pig God eat Saitama?
he put some ninja dude in a coma for 15 years
let's hope not. Imagine a spread with that fucking kamehame and Sperm getting Cell'd
He'd get indigestion
Now THAT'S some bait.
Because he called himself so.
He did get eaten by a monster in some extra chapter
do you think Blast is autistic like Saitama?
by it being weaker
Vaccineman is stronger than Elder Centipede.
Oh really so what is he? He has all the features of an alpha black man media portrays.
Idk probably splat it in half
>tfw I look like King
You wish.
Vaccineman is on the verge of Dragon+
Fucking beast destroyed multiple city blocks with minimal effort, sadly we never saw the potential of his transformed self
Vaccineman, Marugori and Pluton are the trinity of wasted High Dragons
having a Monster tattoo on your left eye doesn't make you look like King
A parody of Japanese bodybuilders
Read the fucking webcomic
Blast is saitama.
You are a fool
Would King having actual insane strength just never realizing it due to being anxiety ridden NEET be a good story beat?
It's ruin his character
kys spic
let him have his own arc I suppose. But him achieving inhuman strength at the end would be great regardless.
Fuck you user
Why is Fubuki such a slut?
>you proved me wrong, therefore you are a spic
hard to say, i'd need more examples
This is all I've got, man.
Nobody you posed.
her name is speed o sound sonic
Wouldn't call her a slut, I don't see her flirting with a lot of men
>King is able to increase heart rate to the freaking 320 bpm without any consequences.
>this uniform
i gotchu bruhs
the normal version of this is better
You mean this?
Choose 1 (one) hero that will impregnate this and take responsibility
straight fubuki posts
Because there's also the base version.
Saitama, no competition.
his current strength is far below that of Watchdog Man, who takes on the strongest and largest numbers of monsters aside from maybe Saitama. He also completely dominated Garou on a level only Saitama had been able to do before.
That's all I'm posting for now.
Have DO-s Mizuki as the cherry on top.
somehow the DO-s outfit is only good on the monster to me.
yeah but not in that terrible res
Because she's beautiful with the added bonus of being very physically fit making her apex wife material. I noticed while watching women's soccer the other day I'd probably fuck half the players because being athletic is sexy as hell.
i'm too insecure about my height to marry someone that tall
She's a fucking Amazonian, that's why.
Are those the underground folk from the anime?
Do you think Fubuki has any experience with men?
Sweet Mask should be high dragon tier because he didn't have problem fighting Black Sperm unlike Atomic Samurai.
Geryuganshoop psychic power should be comparable to Psykos. Even he can eliminate the friction between rocks and air unlike Tatsumaki.
We don't know anything about Watchdog Man real power, even Garou said he wasn't serious so he might be high dragon.
We couldn't see anything about Vaccine Man power, we only know he is dragon level.
The others are ok.
i doubt Tats would allow such thing
fun fact, the manga is almost 10 years behind the webcomic
the role of a king is to be protected, not to fight
>tfw 6'2"
>tfw she'd still tower over me
Our children would be aryan gods.
pretty much exactly how i feel
If it's okay with them, it should be okay with you!
But he didn't do shit to that armor, they literally just broke the outer skin which he would've molted eventually, do you know what molting is? Old skin is replaced by new skin. Looks like they just broke the old busted skin.
>having this skill and love for the female body
>not drawing porn
Of course he doesn't release it, but you can be sure he makes it.
i trust him, he's gonna be hokage one day
It would hurt Japan's birthrates.
THIRD strongest monster coming through
tatsufags line up behind atomic jobber fags
to be fair, saitama didn't die from going to space so being "just human" in terms of S class hero abilities is also kinda vague of a definition i'd say
She obviously does with the way she carries herself. Purity fags try to deny it but if Tats was as strict as she says then Fubuki wouldn't even be surrounded by her group. As if Tats could stop her from blowing someone.
>from the wiki
>Murata references Michelle Jenneke when drawing Mizuki
Christ no wonder
>Mizuki will never defend you from muggers
Why even live?
Where do you guys read the latest chapters? I can never find a site that updates them quick.
I actually subscribe to the theory that Pig God is Blast
great taste
She's a beautiful girl for sure.
She reminds me more of Sonia Malavisi
Where can I find the webcomic, I've looked everywhere, please respond.
i'm like a mother with a newborn child, so much fucking spoonfeeding
Imagine her sitting on your face
Wouldn't a mother with a newborn child breastfeed though?
who says you can spoonfeed breastmilk?
Thanks fren.
I'd put my face in her Carbonara
>if Tats was as strict as she says then Fubuki wouldn't even be surrounded by her group.
She barely tolerates them.
Not every woman has to be virgin or trashbin user. What do you think would happen? The moment Fubuki tries to have sex that Tats would feel it and come rushing over to stop it? At best it would be too late and Fubuki would lose her virginity but then Tats stops her from continuing. But seeing how Tats didn't come to save her when she got injured in Saitama's fight, I'd say their shared connection isn't perfect connectivity, more like she can sense when Fubuki takes a bit of damage instead being able to feel whenever Fubuki stubs her toe.
so what happends when saitama punches him?
Why do you get so angry over it. Is it because of stating that she's not a virgin or stating that not every girl should be a virgin? I'm just telling you something that should be obvious through observing her.
Zombieman is probably one of the easiest s-class to best for anyone stronger than zombieman, just beat him up, and give him a Dio funeral with a coffin wrapped in chains and filled with concrete or whatever, dump him in some ocean trench and you're rid of him for the nearest centuries. DS would win any given day.
He dies.
the same thing that happened when he punched ENW, he would appear to be dead for a while, the times he need to regenerate
A normal punch that he uses on average demons would literally explode him
Did ENW even come back after being punched?
>not every girl should be a virgin
Wassup kike?
Absolute fucking brainlet who doesn't understand the concept of the series.
yes, pig god ate it remember?
It won't look like a grungy mess of cloth, concrete, hair and blood I'll tell you that. Murata and ONE already made the design more sleek and ditched the slacks and sneakers from the webcomic and gave them to Choze. So Awakened Garou might actually go full devilman instead of full tokusatsu. I don't really know anymore.
fingers crossed the resident autist doesn't get mad over footwear again
They completely butchered this scene.
So out of all the monsters Saitama has fought, how do they stack up?
Could for instance, Tatsumaki beat everyone he's fought (before Garou?)
She might have struggled against Geryuganshoop, but she handled Psykos no problem, so who knows?
oh the roastie thing. How immature though I admit Iwouldn't want a woman who's beeen with 20 guys I also don't want a dead fish
IS there any predictions on how long it'll take the manga to finish this arc?
Geyuganshoop can crush things into black holes and throw objects at the speed of light. He's well stronger that Tatsumaki.
Tats could have beaten every monster he fought up to garou besides boros
Always felt like the point of guys like Orochi and Boros was that they would have won had not Saitama been there.
Eh, so he said.
Couldn't even deflect a rock Saitama threw back at him though.
Geryuganshoop is stronger
>Murata says Geryuganshoop being the greatest psychic in the universe in a joking manner.
So he doesn't know without asking ONE.
Same, pretty neat
Murata also said that all three of Boros general, working together, with prep, stood almost no chance against Jobrochi
Murata doesn't decide these things.
People place way too much weight into his OPINION on things.
It's a true word of god unless contradicted by ONE.
We never really got to see Orochi's final form, people pointing at his blast are retarded. Bang can't make giant blast but he's easily stronger than the majority of the monster association.
How many heroes currently know about Saitama's true strength? Haven't read the webcomic since the Garou shit.
>word of god
>when he's not the writer
Didn't he also say Orochi could take more than one punch and then Orochi fucking got obliterated in a single punch? What a waste of trips for something that's just the artist's speculation.
Reaction time's man. Tats wouldn't have been able to deflect it either.
people still disregard that murata categorised orochi as dragon or above, sure it's pretty unlikely he's on the level of boros and ag but he's still probably on a whole nother level compared to the monsters in dragon.
just like how disaster level dragon has massive power gaps, so does dragon or above
That's the most retarded shit I've ever heard.
does anyone have this?
tempted to get it but i wanna know if the booklets are in jap or english
it includes english subs and dub so im not sure
Is this fake or was this the original and was censored afterwards, like this one
Orochi did take more than one punch. Saitama’s punches only destroyed his dragon tentacles first.
Who cares?
Fake, just look at the areola.
>it's fake
>i can tell by the areola
Clearly i do, considering that i have asked.
>I c-can't cope with canon so y-you're a spic
Ask them no? If you buy, maybe provide a scan for the community as well as not everyone here is a rich fag.
This happens when you look too much at nips porn. Don't do it.
If it's a fake, it's a very well-done one.
You decide.
You can still see the bra's elastic grip on her skin on the edited one.
Okay it's fake, you can see they didn't edit some of the bra there.
>Actually the whole Garou vs S class and Saitama is full of gold.
Can't for 2021 and the Murata version
So how does tatsumaki job exactly?
She tries to fight too many people at once and gets distracted.
Makes it easy to land a blow to the back of her head and concuss her.
Shit personality, and overall a shit fighter unless she's in a 1v1.
Jobbing is when someone strong is dusted to hype up someone else. Seems like everyone uses it to describe someone who loses a fight even if it's a proper battle and not one sided. She jobs to Golden sperm in less then a second when he attacks her.
>the manga is almost 10 years behind the webcomic
Fuck, really?
What do we think about this?
why is tats so much stronger than fubuki?
saitama is hot
wait so saitama was garou's bully when they were younger?
Pretty sure the anime/manga exaggerated his size. Apparently he's supposed to be just 10x larger than Ororchi and pic related is supposed to be a hole 100 meters wide.
Kek child Saitama looks like he'd bully the fuck out of child Garou.
Even better he's a gamer
He's like 6 years older than Garou, so no.
So how hard would the hero association have been crushed without saitama?
even without garou, orochi alone could solo the s class heroes
Tatsumaki solo him.
>heavily implying AS and Bang are on the same tier'
The thing with OPM is that it doesn't follow the formula where the next villain is stronger than the previous one. The first villain that appears, Vaccine Man, is stronger than almost everything that appears after, except for Boros and Garou. Remember that VM defeated 31 heroes, almost all of them Rank A. They were so desperate that they called all the Rank S heroes in a short time, although Saitama ended up defeating him.
Marugori was seen just as "that giant dude" but he was actually really strong. Probably stronger than Deep Sea King.
lol no way
she jobs to black sperm
It survived Saitama's punch, it stands to reason it would survive a CE Mech blast.
>how is he strong at all
>posts a panel of monsters literally exploding on contact with him
>seriously believes a regular guy with regular weapons stands a chance
Is your reading comprehension a 0 or what
>We couldn't see anything about Vaccine Man power, we only know he is dragon level.
There's an omake chapter where he defeats more than 30 heroes in a single day, and doesn't even break a sweat. It's the chapter where the image of "bloody King" comes from (he slipped on Vaccine Man's remains).
Shitty edit. Why use fanart for Saitama when there are manga panels and why flip and alter manga panels?
Darkshine is one of the strongest S Rank heroes.
In that Drama CD with the simulations, he managed to defeat Carnage Kabuto in 15 minutes.
He was the only hero who almost killed Garou, before Garou became a Dragon level threat.
That's interesting. The webcomic's release timeframe is kind of a mystery to me, since it was always pretty long once the series started being translated.
The manga still hasn't caught up to where the webcomic was, all these years ago. That's something.
Garou was already a dragon level threat and he shrugged off the injury as a result.
Darkshine had to use max power to defeat Kabuto and it was in a freaking virtual sim.
The vampire would win against him, - oh wait, EXTRA DOUBLE SUN POWEEEEER!
>it was in a freaking virtual sim.
What is that even supposed to mean?
It’s not a real life encounter but a virtual simulation. It’s not entirely credible. Saitama even said not to bother with it in the CD.
It may not be 100% credible, but it's better than a literal headcanon any day.
There's a Drama CD where Dr.Kuseno makes a virtual simulation for Genos to train with. He inputs data of Genos' past fights, to see how strong he became. Since Genos has no other perspective on this, he calls some heroes to participate too. Snek, Metal Bat, Zombieman and Darkshine answer his call.
Although Genos defeated Mosquito Girl and Deep Sea King, he was still defeated by Carnage Kabuto.
Snek was defeated by C.Kabuto in 2 seconds.
Metal Bat was defeated in 3 minutes.
Zombieman won after fighting for a week (remember Kabuto's Carnage Mode only goes for a week).
Darkshine won after 15 minutes. He had to go full power.
>he shrugged off the injury as a result.
Do you not remember how he felt like he was dying immediately afterwards? DS was the one that pushed him the most to his limits.
What did he mean by this, honestly?
Watchdog man takes whole city Q that he defends need for other heros.
>jobs in 3 minutes
The webcomic shows almost all his bones break after Darkshine's tackle, and Garou is royally fucked up after it too. Bleeding all over, eye swollen and everything. Darkshine's tackle was so strong that not even his fighting style could repel it.
he's planning on stealing speed of sound sonic's sword and giving it to flashy flash so that flashy flash stops bothering him
What the fuck? Stop speedreading. Garou literally shrugged it off and continued fighting Darkshine immediately afterwards, fisting him into submission. Only after the fight was long over did exhaustion catch up to him. And he only got a few broken ribs, his body didn’t freaking explode or anything.
Garou was already dragon level, it’s not rocket science with his performance.
Exactly this, the reason Darkshine hasn't broken his limiter is because his limiter is tons higher than Garou's.
Oh, okay.
it's a bikini you idiots
Redpill me on the sperm dude
Hype. Passing through.
he has lots of cells, takes long time to kill him, can fuse cells into stronger being but easier to kill.
why the fuck was the S2 anime so bad? I mean, I know JC, but still, how did even the writing be so badly paced?
Garou has been fighting with broken bones and stab wounds for days. Nothing new there. Garou retaliated instantly and pretty much ignored the injury until the fight was long over and exhaustion caught up to him.
And only getting a few of his ribs broken from a head on hit like that goes to show how nuts Garou’s durability is again. DS is supposed to be able to disintegrate DSK with a tap for example.
Who would win, Orochi or Black Sperm?
The reason Darkshine hasn’t broken his limiter and has jackshit to do with it is because he’s a scaredy-cat gym dweller who was never a candidate to break it.
Garou is Bang’s next gen version and he’s only 18. His limiter is beyond Darkshine’s comprehension.
when the fuck did darkshine fight garou
>the three space bosses lose against orochi
>orochi is comparable to golden sperm
>tatsumaki beats golden sperm
info is inconsistent. if you're not sure refer to ONE, assume nothing if he hasn't weighed in, and we'll find out as things go along
>info is inconsistent. if you're not sure refer to ONE, assume nothing if he hasn't weighed in, and we'll find out as things go along
not necessarily, the alien dude is only better than Tats in one regard, but inferior overall
reminder to ignore Garoufags
that's how some people interpreted it, but murata was pretty vague. he never said that tats had more raw power, he just said geryuganshoop had that lightspeed skill and had a right to call himself "the universe's best psychic," which, looking at that claim conventionally, seems pretty clearly wrong weighed against the other claim. especially since melzagard was probably on a similar level, and jobbed pretty hard
psychic powers are a natural counter to physical abilities which constitute majority of superhuman capabilities.
Garou realized his own mortality and humanity after getting his bones crushed by Dark Shine and brushing with death yet again. Get some sleep speedreading Garoufag.
Garou rolled Darkshine twice in the MA raid
Nigger, Garou thought he’d die when Bang was hitting him and when Rover fires that blast at him. Overcame it just fine.
Garou literally fucking shrugged off Darkshine’s tackle, continued to fight him, fisted him into submission, and exhaustion from all the fighting only caught up to him long after the fight was over. Still, Garou overcame it yet again.
Get over yourself, dumb DS nigger. DS literally pissed himself because Garou refused to take any “breather” and fucking went on to fist him without rest instead.
You know VaccineMan is sent by god just like Homeless Emperor? The difference being we've only seen vaccineman shoot a few orbs of energy and can die while Homeless Emperor shoots several more at once without much effort while not being killable.
Maybe Orochi is stronger than Golden Sperm. We literally never saw Orochi flex in anyway at all. Garou was completely curb stomped by his first form so we don't have good information.
>Garou thought he’d die when Bang was hitting him and when Rover fires that blast at him
And yet he didn't contemplate his humanity like he did after Dark Shine. I don't know why Dark Shine triggers you so much but it's sad really. You should lift some weights and calm the fuck down.