Ok it's fairly simple to watch Bleach so here's some tips that can improve the shitfest that is this series:

If you don't know which fillers there are then get off your lazy ass and go to dumbass.

Most of the complaints about this series comes from this arc and it really isn't important at all to the overall story but it is pretty funny to watch when your high or drunk because it's pretty fucking stupid

Specifically the part that immediately picks off after the shit fest that is the fullbringer arc and the last arc is probably the best arc because the most crazy shit happens and its best to just jump right into it rather than ruin the experience with the fullbringer arc. It really isn't hard to find a site to read the manga but when you find it, it might be way better than the show depending on your tastes.

Except for the Netflix adaptation which was mediocre and not really that good or bad to acknowlegde. Its alright if you don't watch the movies, but if the series sticks with you, then by all means, go right on ahead.

This was Tite Kubo's last dying breath before he fucking disappeared and although it's a light manga, it ties into Bleach's universe and is very interesting and could have definately stood on it's own two legs, had Shonen not fucking destroyed Tite Kubo's mind and body.

Overall, watch Bleach to remind you of the good old days when mangakas tried not to make moe shit and instead focused on being creative and expressive of their works.

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Bleach is 100% pure wasted potential with god-tier chara-design.
I miss it.

Bleach? What's that? And in what period of ancient history was it relevant?

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What a retarded look. Should have just reused his Dangai form.

The early 2000s when you weren't born yet

Kubo should have become a clothes designer

>giving a fuck about worthless seasonal ephemera


Stop trying to make these threads, wait till the anime is announced later this year.

Fullbring arc is pretty good, fuck off faggot. It's characters like Ulquiorra that bored to death.

>Skipping Zanpakuto Rebellion arc

>Ulquiorra was a literal representation of nihilism
>Mocks materialistic desires and says how futile they are as a means to keep living.
>Gets defeated by those same desires turning into a mindless monster, showing him the importance of them and changing his outlook on humans.
>The page is ulquiorra (utter emptiness) or what he thought he was with his last conscious thoughts being about the same desires he reject before ironically turning into nothing.
>One of the best character growths in manga
>The culmination of said growth so perfect that a single world on a white page is enough to convey the emotion perfectly in a visual medium.
Kubo is a misunderstood genius.

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>decide to reread Bleach from the beginning on a whim
>suddenly there's Bleach threads everyday

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You don't like synchronicity?


Don't tell me what to do. You're not my real dad

bleach threads never stopped. you just began noticing them more

Art is good, main story should have finished with soul society. I don't see why anyone should watch anything after Aizen defeat.
Or watch stuff that does not have anything to do with the main story.
I wouldn't say it's a masterpiece thou, because most good parts are just seinen bait. Bleach is this one shonen you watch to convince yourself that you're watching serious edgy stuff after finishing one piece.

Anyways, there's plenty of places where you can see witch episodes are fillers and wich ones are not. Same goes for Naruto.

Fucking pleb

fuck off reddit

Based Kubo.

>how to watch Bleach
>read the manga


I fucking miss Bleach you guys. The memes were hilarious and the manga is actually really good if you can read it in bigger chunks so that it doesn't suffer from horrible pacing issues like it did weekly.

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Bleach fans don't use logic.

>implying implications
Real bleachchads don't skip fullbring