Can Yea Forumsnime cure depression?

It's not working. It's actually making it worse.

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Watch Little Witch Academia.

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You won't need a cure when you're dead

>It's actually making it worse.

No, it only adds to the mental illness

>instead of actually dealing with my problems I'll just use (Japanese) media as a form of escapism to run away from them

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K-On! worked for me.

Not the one you posted

>CGDCT/"healing" anime ain't working either

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>Yea Forumsnime

No, improving yourself cures depression

Visit /jp/ and look at the Photo threads. Always puts me in a good mood.

KINOgear made me have fun after a long time but now the closer i get to finishing it the worse i feel because the wild ride has to end

But I thought the Kirika way was trying to Linker away her problems (so overdosing on drugs).

Stop masturbating so much. Anime is great but it can be easy to overdose on pornography and hentai. It messes with way more of your delicate neurochemcial balance than you realize. You are an animal who responds to simple rewards. Stop rewarding yourself for your mediocrity and lethargic behaviour. You are doing this with cheap sexual rewards that are merely a few clicks away.

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Combine the best of escapism with anime OPs and EDs and go lift. It helped me lose 90lbs in 5 months.

Also Kirika approved alternative options:
>trying to kill your best friend after convincing her to do drugs, too
>an hero'ing
>Stop masturbating so much.
>futa king
Oh, user, you're such a tease.
>OPs and EDs
I in ironically go on jogs listening to OPs and EDs, I used to listen to podcasts but I almost always tune out and get angry cause I'm lost on the story/report/conversation. Too poor for a gym membership or weights to lift.

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Get a hobby. Vidya and anime are fun but it’ll inevitably fuck with your head if that + browsing Yea Forums/social media is all you’re interested in

>Wanting to cure your depression
Don't worry user, soon you won't be able to live without it.

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Fuck, that's literally all I do in my free time.

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How are vidya/anime not hobbies? I'd say that plus exercise and eating well would leave you with a pretty un-cancerous headspace. Chans are ok as long as you stick to interest/image based boards. Social media like twitter will fuck with your brain more than anything. You're always worried about the state of the world and whatnot.

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Answer me these things:
>Do you live in a place that has low/no sunlight?
>Do you have a job?
>If so, does your job require you to be up late?
>How often do you masturbate? With porn? What kind?
>What is your BMI?
>Do you have debt, credit/loans?
>Do you have friends/family you can talk to?
>How often do you socialize?
>Drinking? Smoking? Drugs?
>Family problems?

One of these may be the main cause of your depression, OP. First step is identifying which ones are doing the most damage.

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yes, no, once every week and a half, no, 18, no, a couple, once every 4 days or so, nonono, emotionally absent father
diagnose me please sir even though im not the OP

>Do you live in a place that has low/no sunlight?
>Do you have a job?
>If so, does your job require you to be up late?
gtfo exactly at 5 every time
>How often do you masturbate? With porn? What kind?
everyday: futa, loli, ntr, tentacles, harem, the occasional 3dpd, etc (really anything that's not furry, scat, or vote) - I'm more of a Rinfag myself inb4 pleases old men
>What is your BMI?
>Do you have debt, credit/loans?
I wish I didn't
>Do you have friends/family you can talk to?
>How often do you socialize?
>Drinking? Smoking? Drugs?
>Family problems?
no, they expect nothing from me

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I recommend getting more sunlight or supplementing with vitamin D. It isn't harmful and you'll piss out whatever you don't need.
>no job
Are you searching? Are you in financial trouble?
>once ever week and a half
This isn't an unhealthy amount. Your body produces new semen between 6-8 days depending on your diet, over exerting this cycle could cause some unhealthy symptoms.
>no debt, credit/loans
This is a good thing. You really should count your blessings with this. You may not have much money but at least you are starting from 0 and not in the negative. With a good job you may start feeling a much needed sense of accomplishment.
>a couple
Do these friends care enough to listen to you? If not and you are in severe state I can't stress enough how important it is to visit a licensed professional.
>emotionally absent father
When I read this I almost verbally said "yup, that's the one". Do you have any male role models? I am also assuming you are male. This is unfortunately an extremely bad sign. I recommend speaking to a licensed professional. Not some avatarfag on the internet.

I really do think that the lack of a strong father figure could be something that is setting all the other bad behaviors into motion. I'd like to hear more if I could trouble you.

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Listen to Seiba, lads, she knows.


cumbrain is a real thing

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wasted is that you

Ah, I am from the midwest. You are lucky that this place actually gets quite a bit of sunlight. I recommend spending more time outside. Do you get outside often?
Don't call it that. You probably work hard, and if not you are either in the wrong environment to have the desire to do so. Please don't sell yourself short like this. You need to see the potential in yourself before others will see it in you. If you are young then don't feel any shame, you will find your place if you just keep your head in the game.
>gtfo exactly at 5 every time
In the morning? Then I reiterate what I said previously, I highly recommend supplementing with vitamin D. It's also important to make sure you are getting a regular sleep schedule. If your sleep is erratic your body will just start failing itself.
>everyday, god knows to what
I only ask what kind because (personal bias) I feel that certain forms of pornography can be degenerative to the mind of the viewer. I don't see much of an issue with any of these. Be careful with that loli stuff though...
But the amount of masturbation is extremely high. If you cut back on this slightly you may start feeling a bit better. I said something about this above in another post you are an anime that responds to rewards. Stop rewarding yourself for nothing.
>I wish I didn't
Don't we all. Understand that they can't take money from you by force. Bide your time and focus on yourself and your personal/mental health.
>no friends/family, no socialization
You know this is bad. This could be the biggest issue I see in your situation. You are isolating yourself and it simply is not healthy. I know socializing is scary but it gets easier when you realize people can sometimes be as awkward as you.

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I've been trying to fill the void with anime and various other things but lately the nothing seems to work. The most effective is still manga.

Coffee is a great way to meet people and its generally healthy. But this combined with your disastrous sleeping schedule is a recipe for disaster. Your heart is already on a very tough regiment with your sleeping schedule
>no, they expect nothing from me
No where to go but up I say. I was in a similar situation and when I started putting in effort for myself and myself alone I reveled in their surprise. They don't seem to be willing to put effort into you, why should you worry about what they think? You should work on yourself to become a stronger person so that if or when they come to you, you'll be the one with the upper hand.
However, this feeds into your isolation which is incredibly unhealthy. If you have siblings or relatives in your age group I think they might actually be more sympathetic to your problems. I'm saying this because I'm sure you mean that your parents don't expect anything.

Please don't give up. Life is beautiful. Examine your sleeping schedule, regulate your masturbation, and try to socialize. It's a tall order but you have very few options.

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Thank you. I realized this accursed website wasn't healthy for me so I decided to stare back into the void and see if I could bring a little light to people. With the anonymity I have nothing to lose and only my own introspection to gain.

I don't know who that is. Oh, that old tripfag from like 2010? Wasted Sunsets? I remember that guy but only vaguely. He was a saberfag, right?

You are saying this knowing full well it won't ever work. It couldn't work. It wouldn't work. You are seeking to dumb something rather than face your problems.

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