Shimeji Simulation

Come, friends, and gather around the board as I weave you a tale, once in a foreign language, now translated and fixed to be read...

I submit, for the approval of the tkmiz Society...
"The Tale of the Thinking Shroom"

as always, please feel free to qc

Attached: 01.png (1114x1600, 1.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:!PmgEha6L!8id1OslJ2iIo_fbexRbMQw!rlI1QIIQ!idJuO59TGE6g9B0SScfmifnQ1bnotavEpjTcF6twmGc!HsxGhYIS!_m0tBHNzDlPK_XsKLg2CfmKH5rwZKtKUVPdxTzUvX1E!Ll4ChSQa!SWGaqJhYzI3npccRPaqITSfTcDr2qg9prf4EagAh7vc

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c-c-c-c-combo breaker!

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This is a good panel.

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What the fuck did Tkmiz mean by this?

So This shit i like the autgor is trying to BLAME and Nichijou at the same time? Wjat the fuck am i reading

I don't know but I love it

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fuck yeah

what the fuck

And now, for a dramatic reenactment of what happened for the TS.
sorry about the lateness, guys

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this is beautiful


its all good man take your time

I don't get it and I hate it

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Can someone post the "don't be so wide about it" panel?

I want to eat Shimeji's shimejis!

I want to stimulate her shimeji

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This is now a yuri manga.

Thank you user

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Depressed girls doing depressing things.

Attached: ShimejiApathy.png (297x334, 80K)

It's been a yuri manga since the prequel

The art in this manga is incredible
Just look at Shimeji-chan here, she's so comfy

As in it gets runny? Because this makes it sound like it gets cooked a little.

I think it's implying the egg is fully done normally

That's my point, having the "done" state not be the final one is confusing. Like, you can't go from "done" to "less done", it sounds backwards.

>backwards and confusing
>tkmiz manga
sounds about right

I just used the TLs from the thread. I'm probably gonna change it to "runny". Unless it was literally "half-done" in the raws.

That or "half-cooked".

Thank you Orchesc/a/ns user !
Don't be so wide about it, it's all good, and honestly not even that late.
What about half-boiled or soft-boiled ? Honestly half-done is good though, I wouldn't worry about it.

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I think runny i better. Since her nose is.

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How many "pencils" did Egg touch in her life?

A mega of tkmiz art, animations, manga&anime screencaps, fanart and edits:!PmgEha6L!8id1OslJ2iIo_fbexRbMQw

Attached: 1548525529538.jpg (1920x1080, 270K)

How pften is this updated?

All the time (I'm the guy who made the mega), it's got the newest twitter art, and I generally upload all the fanart/edits etc. that get posted in these threads.

Attached: D-VhKwiVAAAz1-6.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

Have everyone have the audio of tkimz awooing? I remember she done that

This chapter is a gold mine of great panels.

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She was born with a fried egg on her head, and Shimeji has mushrooms growing on her head that let her read minds while it's raining. I wouldn't expect anything about the mechanics of it to make logical sense. They can probably be rationalized as being physical manifestations of their mental state. Egg's egg is only all-together when she is.

Raws were "半熟", "half-cooked; half-done; soft-boiled". However, there's probably not be an exact equivalent of saying "runny eggs" in japanese, and that seems like it could make more sense in context.

Many anons were talking about dreading the month-long wait for the next chapter, so I finished throwing this together as something that might help fill the time.

As you may be aware, tkmiz is bit of a book worm. This is a list of every book that tkmiz has ever directly mentioned (that I could find, at least). If you want to tide yourself over until the next chapter of Shimeji Simulation, you could pick up one of these books to see some of what inspired tkmiz's work.

Books mentioned by tkmiz:
Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway (Read by Shimeji)
Kappa by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa (Owned by Chito; burned by Yuuri)
War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat (The book found by Chito after they encounter Nuko)
The World as Will and Representation, Vol. 2 by Arthur Schopenhauer (First book that the girls find in the library chapter)

Being and Time by Martin Heidegger (In Twitter art)
The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins (In Twitter art)
The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins (In Twitter art)
Mind and Matter by Erwin Schrödinger (In Twitter art)

Norwegian Wood by Murkami Haruki (Mentioned in interview)
Dance, Dance Dance by Murkami Haruki (Mentioned in interview)
Twinkle Twinkle by Ekuni Kaori (Mentioned in interview)

Many of these are from tkmiz's twitter art, some are from published manga, and some are from interviews ( However, there are a number of books in tkmiz's art that have text on them, but which I could not pin down to specific real-world books. We also never find out what Chito's other 2-3 books are beside Kappa and her journals as far as I could tell. If anyone can find any other information or omissions, I will update the image.

Attached: reading_list.png (1219x6000, 2.53M)

Really interesting stuff, thanks user!

Nice job user, very nice

Egg-chan’s thoughts for sure.

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I don't want another sad ending, shimeji will find happiness at the end right?

In the end the simulation collapses and everybody dies.

She'll get married to egg and have mushroom-omelette IPS babies.

>I wouldn't expect anything about the mechanics of it to make logical sense
What about it doesn't make sense? She has a sunny side up egg on her head and when she gets a cold, the egg reflects that. It's perfectly intuitive.

Ok egghead

Fucking rude user, this is a tkmiz thread. We are really fragile

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that's gay

When is she going to lick Shimeji's mushrooms?


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so comfy

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I wonder what Shimeji's nuko daki feels like.

His art is so wobbly
Like our own sickly spirits

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Her hoodie dress is cute
Thx for the translations

Thank you

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JS uniform with pankeiki

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I'm not sure which image you mean, also checked.
Here you go user.

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Good idea, I didn't realize at first that the girl is a kid version of sis/tkmiz, though now that I look at it it is obvious and cute, she even has the little fish. Her hair is brown instead of black though.

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Ok last one, I'm not going to shit up the thread anymore.

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Egg-chan half cooked.

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What do the words in the equation mean?

I am vaguely upset that she reads the athiest bible, but I'm not terribly suprised.
And even as a christian, I have to admit that a lot of what Dawkins theorized has a lot of value to understanding culture as a whole.

I didn't notice this when the raws were posted, but if you look very closely behind Shimeji on the last panel of page 7, there appears to be another person there. At first I thought it was just Shimeji's reflection in the window. However, Shimeji has been consistently shown to have another desk to on her left side where a person should be sitting. Up until now, though, this seat has only been shown when it was empty. The person has a little growth on their head similar to Shimeji, which means it could just be a reflection, but the growth has a distinctly different shape than the mushrooms, since there are two pieces at the top (and at this time, Shimeji had three mushrooms), but only a single, much longer stem. The person in the seat in front of Shimeji also seems to be in a different pose than his "reflection", and his "reflection" seems to have its eyes open, but he doesn't. I think Shimeji might have been sitting next to Plant this entire time.

I also went back and checked after some people mentioned it in the last thread, and the figure in the window at the end of that same page has also appeared in the same place before, all the way back in chapter 1. It seems likely that this is the book-headed girl that also appears on the colorized page from chapter 1.

Attached: ladies_and_gentlemen__we_got_her.png (1506x957, 1.31M)

wait what?

Plant-head is probably her desk neighbor, but I think book girl is in the class above theirs.

Is book girl one of the ghost members of the Hole Club? Sensei said one was a second year and second years should have their classes on the second floor if their school goes by tradition.

This is some deep existential shit here, when did this series turn into GLT. Or has it been GLT all along? Did the events in GLT even existed or was it all Shimeji's thoughts?

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There are also these ones:!rlI1QIIQ!idJuO59TGE6g9B0SScfmifnQ1bnotavEpjTcF6twmGc!HsxGhYIS!_m0tBHNzDlPK_XsKLg2CfmKH5rwZKtKUVPdxTzUvX1E
and literally a photo of Hesse's poems, which isn't really referenced, but whatever.!Ll4ChSQa!SWGaqJhYzI3npccRPaqITSfTcDr2qg9prf4EagAh7vc

How do I unfreeze potatoes?

Have you tried hugs?

Damn, you are a very observant fellow user, first the Old man and the sea possible parallels, and now this, no doubt about it that is plant sitting next to shimeji. Given that she appeared in a few twitter drawings and that she's being teased here, it makes me think that it has to be deliberate and that she'll make a proper appearance in later chapters, also I think the girl in the window is definitely book-head, and similarly to plant I think she'll make an appearance, I'd be even more certain about book than about plant, since book is on the cover for SS.
I went back through the manga and in chapter 2 on page 2, you can actually kind of see a girl sitting in the very back left desk of the classroom, but, you can't see the top of her head, and you can't really distinguish any features.

Attached: ch2p2.png (570x351, 190K)

I'd like to hear your opinions anons, in chapter 3 on page 1 in the very first panel, behind the window there is something, and to me it kind of looks like a fish, maybe Yoshika, I know it's very vague, but please reassure me anons that I'm not just seeing things. If it really is Yoshika, does that mean a sentient giant Yoshika si real? Or are those just random lines and I'm grasping at straws

Attached: ch3p1.png (1349x755, 1.01M)

And this is just a small thing that most of you probably noticed before me, but sensei actually appeared with the beer head-object in SS, not just in twitter art.

Attached: beerhead.png (875x475, 337K)

Time to start a tkmiz book club.

For some reason I don't remember that pic. Can someone post it?

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Yeah; that looks like the same seat. If it is, it might be an indication that the final design for Plant turned out more similar to this picture than the one I posted earlier, because that character looks like they might have lighter, longer hair.

I think I could see it, but I'm not sure if there is enough explicit detail to say either way. It is definitely a little strange that there's something in the window that's tilted at that odd angle, though. It could also be a smiling person in the same blobby ghost form that Shimeji is drawn with in that "don't be so thin about it" image that people post every now and then. It might also be that the slightly more vertical lines that seem to make up the sides of the fish are intended to indicate the presence of the glass part of the window. I'm not sure. Either way, I'm sure Yoshika is "real" in some sense or another; even if it's just some sort of spirit that communicates with Shimeji.

If the head objects are some sort of manifestation of the characters' psyches/mental states, then I would guess that the fact that sensei's appears and disappears is sort of an indication that she's repressing her real personality for the sake of appearances at her job-- although I guess that's obvious from her behavior in the hole-digging club.

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I see tkmiz is really going to make me work for this one.

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The rain, I also love the rain.
1.She probably smells good
2.She is brave and selfless
3.Her attitude keeps spirits up
4.Her body is wonderfully proportioned
5.She has pretty eyes
6.Scientifically proven high adaptability
7.She gives off a sense of warmth and softness
8.She is beautiful.
9.Hair tastes good.
10.Great sense of rhythm.
11.She would keep you warm and share food with you.
12.She is good at pressing buttons.
13.She would be a good mother.
14.Right amount of crazy.
15.Knows how to operate all weapons.
16. Fat teats.
17.She is protective of those she loves.
18.She has no inhibitions.
19.She could make a great meal.
20.She is probably god.
21.She is the coolest person in the world.
22.She inspires creativity.
23.She is very strong.
24.She is difficult to digest.
25.She makes her friend happy.
26.She knows how not to embarrass her friend in heartfelt moments.
27.She always knows the way.
28.Not afraid to experiment with the unknown.
29.Well balanced.
30.Does not get hangovers.
31.Defends the weak.
32.Athletic, could have competed on an international level if the world hadn't ended.
33. Always helpful, regardless of circumstances.
34.Not ashamed by nudity, finds it to be liberating and beautiful.
35.Greatest philosopher of her time.
36.Can harness the power of the moon.
37.Stretchy and cute face.
38.Fears no man or beast, can defeat foes despite obvious physical advantages.
39.High intelligence.
40.Can discern between the inedible and edible.
41.Her body is warm and would be nice to cuddle with.
42.She is a survivor of impossible circumstances.
43.World's greatest riflewoman.
44.Quick reflexes.
45.Great at holding hands.
46.Greatest artist of her time.
47.Not too picky about things.
48.Great with pets.
49.Talented singer.
50.Can hold her liquor.

Attached: YuuriSensesRain.png (747x443, 636K)

Though I think Yuuri likes the sun more.
51.Possible descendant of Finland.
52.God emperor of Dune.
53.Know how to FUSION.
54.Understands the complexity of human nature.
55.Cute giggle.
56.Understands the concept of death.
57.Probably fertile.
58.She would never abandon a friend.
59.Very hygienic.
60.She is extremely genki.
61.Very cute when intoxicated.
62.Defines life itself.
63.Can survive long periods without proper nutrition.
64.Understands how valuable food really is.
65.Very resourceful.
66.Highly empathetic.
67. Therapeutic, helped her friends keep it together.
68.She is very photogenic.
69.She is an excellent tactician.
70.Cute navel.
71.She is very kissable.
72.She has very nice hair.
73.She is interdimensional.
74.Hands on learner.
75.Healthy state of mind.
76.She probably tastes good.
77.She is designed for cold environments.
78.She can create culture.
79.She could be an excellent farmer.
80.She understands that somethings are just things.
81.Loves all living beings.
82.Can perform miracles.
83.She can bring people together in the name of love.
84.She sounds cute when sleeping.
85.She is very pure.
86.Very animal friendly.
87.She is very fashionable.
88.She has a wonderful smile.
89.She Is an excellent swimmer.
90.She is good at crafts.
91.She is an avid collector of fine artifacts.
92.She is an excellent dancer.
93.She has a nice butt.
94.Good vision.
95.Great taste in food.
96.She enjoys explosions.
97.She is very imaginative.
98.Can conjure items into existence.
99.She has saved lives.
100.She lived an interesting and fulfilling life.

Attached: YuuriSmilingLayingDown.png (837x1080, 1.13M)

I used to not like the sun so much, but ever since I met the love of my life, I feel that the sun and clear sky has more meaning to it.
101.Very nice skin with healthy color.
102.She’s an explorer.
103.Defies psychological concepts.
104.Doesn’t need socks.
105.She’s Yuuri!
106.Her skin is likely smooth.
107.Well padded.
108.She never gives up.
109.She enjoys building things.
110.She is an astrologist.
111.She would risk injury for the sake of her friends.
112.She does well with what little she has.
113.She can anticipate danger.
114.She owns the best rifle ever made.
115.She can sleep whenever she wants.
116.She is very supportive.
117.She knows how to discipline children.
118.An expert prankster, the last in human history.
119.She is an excellent archeologist.
120.She is an excellent anthropologist.
121.She has a really soothing and lovely voice.
122.She has the survival instinct.
123.She is an excellent medic.
124.She may prolong your life by a couple of years.
125.She is an outstanding waitress.
126.She is really cute.
127.She is very humble.
128.She gives off a motherly aura.
129.Fresh breath.
130.She is very polite.
131.She is very proud.
132.She can most definitely be trusted.
133.She is very honest.
134.She’s a terrific teacher.
135.Excellent choice in headgear.
136.She is very considerate of others.
137.Great immune system.
138.I love Yuuri!
140.She has a really nice name.
141.She advocates for firearm ownership.
142.Adorably goofy.
143.Can operate giant death robots.
144.Has a well-balanced diet.
145.She’s hip.
146.She has great hips.
147.She is in touch with humanity.
148.She has cute feet.
149.Brilliant ecologist.
150.Keeps her equipment in good working order.

Attached: YuuriLooksAtTheSky.png (1009x1080, 1.2M)

Whenever I look into the bright blue sky, it feels like I'm looking right into those beautiful eyes of hers.
151.She’s good at remembering stuff about food.
152.She can speak various languages.
153.She’s good at digging.
154.Very strong teeth.
156.She is sly.
157.She has great dental hygiene.
159.Can take the place of society.
160.Always has something to look forward too.
161.Doesn’t mind the rain.
162.Could tell a story without saying a word.
163.She has an excellent collection of milsurp.
164.She has a very soothing appearance.
165.She isn’t afraid to try new things, especially food.
166.She is difficult to put into words.
167.She’s very knowledgeable about firearms.
168.Keeps you coming back for more.
169.Trancends all language barriers.
170.Got along with hopelessness.
171.Cute armpits.
172.Able to impede the natural order.
173.Can’t be ignored.
174.A dedicated and hardworking employee.
175.Really great at hugging.
176.Wouldn’t hurt anyone, even if they wanted it.
177.May be capable of entering a hibernation mode.
178.Skilled with bashing weapons.
179.Nice legs.
181.Really likes fish.
182.She is very sweet.
183.She is very caring.
184.Was able to kill an intelligent AI.
186.She is a hero.
187.She has a good head for heights.
188.She can wear the same thing every day and still look good.
189.She can tease without being too annoying.
190.She likes a challenge.
191.She can appreciate a nice chair.
192.She has a good aesthetic sense.
193.She is playful.
194.Finds joy in simple meals.
195.She is merciful.
196.She doesn't mind carrying things.
197.She is an excellent photographer.
198.She is an amazing communicator.
199.She knows when silence is best.
200.Rather than despair, she has fun.

Attached: YuuriInThought.png (1920x1080, 3.44M)

It's hard to describe that feelings, but I feel peace whenever I feel it.
201.She takes big, enthusiastic bites.
202.She doesn't mind the dark.
203.She likes to go off the beaten track.
204.Culinary expert.
205.She is open to new experiences.
206.She has chubby cheeks.
208.She enjoys baths
209.She is a tireless kneader of dough.
210.She respects people who can read and write.
213.She doesn't mind being hit on the head.
214.She is upbeat.
215.She can invent the art of music from first principles.
216.She will never die.
217.She can appreciate a nice view.
218.She knows the importance of a pantry.
219.She can find sugar.
220.She is content with no bed.
221.She looks at her friend's sleeping face.
222.Lives in the moment.
223.Can conjure items into existence.
224.Frequently laughs.
225.Appreciates architecture.
226.She doesn't get travel-sick.
227.Compression resistant face.
228.She warns of obstacles in the road ahead.
229.She's a natural drummer.
230.She is happy to show the way.
231.She is great at stacking rocks.
232.Made an incredible contribution to literature despite being illiterate.
233.She blows bubbles.
234.She can find humour in every situation.
235.She makes a fine, big fish.
236.She would be great at hide-and-seek.
237.She's content with the road as her home.
238.She doesn't mind that her boots are too big.
239.She will never stop being Yuuri.
240.Expert Snowman builder.
241.She has a soothing snore.
242.She would make an excellent nurse.
243.She would make an excellent pastry chef.
244.She would make an excellent primary-school teacher.
245.She would make an excellent ice-skater.
246.She would make an excellent stand-up comic.
247.She is good at finding water.
248.She can find warmth.
249.She does not realize she is beautiful.
250.The cold does not affect her shooting ability.

Attached: YuuriIsAtPeace.png (1007x1079, 1.2M)

I don't know what else to say.
251.She is always curious.
252.She can find paradise in a warm bath.
253.She would be a good mech pilot.
254.She is very gallant.
255.She retains her individuality in all universes.
256.Plays by her own rules.
257.She is an inspiration.
258.She takes care of others.
259.She looks out for others.
260.She is very gentle.
261.She is easy to live with.
262.She defers to her friend's wisdom.
263.Excellent marching form.
264.She is very resourceful.
265.Appreciates the blue sky.

Attached: YuuriInsideBrokenPlane.png (1920x1080, 2.28M)

SS's Pixiv tag is シメジシミュレーション.
There are only 17 images.

The vertical lines could be glass, but the lines in what I think is Yoshika are longer than the other glass lines, also the thing that really makes me think it looks like a fish is the curved line that resembles the little flap fish have where they have their gills (I don't know what it's called, but I'm sure you know what I mean) and also what looks like an eye.
The head objects are most peculiar, they could be an extension of the mind, maybe even a soul?, if that were the case, the egg turning half-done when Egg-chan is sick would make sense, your idea about sensei would make sense, but doesn't quite seem to fit for Shimeji-chan in my opinion. In the prequel she says the reason she wants to be a shimeji is that they are never alone, but the thing is, she grew the mushrooms when she was lonely, from that perspective, the head-objects would seem to be less what one is, but instead what one desires to be, shimeji-chan wants to not feel lonely. Sensei wants to be unprofessional, laid back, just have a beer. This idea however doesn't work for Egg-chan, I don't see how an egg would represent her desire, and it doesn't make sense for her desire to "get sick".
The third mushroom granting mind reading powers also complicates the matter, on the one hand, if it is just a visual representation of her mind growing (enough to be able to read minds) that would make sense, from this point of view, the ability to read minds is what caused the third mushroom. But here's the thing, the power only manifested itself after Egg-chan touched the mushroom, which would make it look like the mushroom is what caused the ability to read minds, and if that were the case, they'd have to be at least somewhat seperate from "the mind", otherwise why wouldn't she be able to read minds as soon as the mushroom appeared. That's just my opinion though.
I'm starting to feel like there isn't any logic behind them. Maybe they are just metaphors, that's what Shimeji said.

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Truly based and Yuupilled !

Attached: 1555188831372.png (500x336, 232K)

My only hesitation is that even when drawn in relatively low detail (see: ), Yoshika's features are a little better defined. But tkmiz also tends to draw things that are in the dark in lower detail than normal, so it could be.

I think one of the problems with interpreting the head objects might be a cultural barrier. For example, within SS, shimejis might be a specific symbol for the desire not to be lonely due to the dialog in the prequel; however, in the broader context of japanese culture, mushrooms growing on someone's head is usually interpreted as a symbol that the person is depressed and lonely (because mushrooms usually grow in dark, secluded places). When we're interpreting the shimejis as her desire to connect to other people, we're using information that the story hasn't actually given us yet, since it doesn't assume that you've read the prequel. I think an average japanese reader would see the mushrooms as fitting the pattern.

That and, Shimeji only gained telepathy, which lets her connect to even more people, when her head object evolved and grew a third mushroom, making it even more shimeji-like. All of the objects probably have a basic form that represents the person's underlying nature, but it then changes into variations on that form to fit the person's current feelings. In Shimeji's case, her basic nature is gloomy like a mushroom, and more mushrooms sprouting is associated with her connecting with others. I don't know what underlying nature an egg would represent though, so I'm not actually totally sure how Majime fits into all this.

Or, yeah, it could all just be metaphorical.

>from fingering to broom insertions in 16 komas
oh no

>the figure in the window
You guys are scaring the crap out of me. There's nothing there.

Attached: emptiness.jpg (253x164, 17K)

That box is supposed to show that there's a desk closer to the window than Shimeji's. In the other boxes you can see that there's a person sitting at that desk too.

Next floor up forehead.

By "figure in the window", I meant on the lefthand side (in the blue box). Those green boxes are highlighting the location of plant's desk.

Thought that was a "B" after the "M". Thought it said "this is yo hombre".

So.The mushrooms grow on her because she is dead inside?

I think there might be something to that actually. Didn't she hole up in a closet or something for a couple of years? She might have died because of that and that's how she got stuck in whatever this world is. Though her sister's there too so I don't know what that might be about.


Attached: 8042696F-F939-4863-9519-A59BE4B82DC8.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

fuck off

eternally based

Attached: gltyuuri.jpg (1200x1600, 1005K)

>tfw almost 30 and I'm still posting here despite the fact that I've wanted to die for at least the pst 3 years

Attached: Last Tour Sunset.png (1920x1080, 2.07M)

Come on user, it is late, just lay down and have some rest.

Attached: Going to sleep.jpg (361x485, 70K)