Dragon Ball Super

Vegeta is always relying on Goku's power to save the day. Pathetic character.

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?source=hp&ei=qwodXca4Ae-djLsPyYutsAY&q=gag character&oq=gag character&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l3j0i22i30l7.1077.6497..7025...0.0..0.177.1623.0j13......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131.Imy--c-19NU

eh he did his job

They are both pathetic jobbers.

Yes he did, yes

Attached: 1553934945670.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

>w-we are the same you and I

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Will they job to us for a third time?

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Allying with Jobcha only hurts our position, get lost.

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my son is a loser .

Attached: a a 2379211-kingvegetakilledbyfrieza.png (640x480, 328K)


>posts image of goku relying on vegeta's power
pathetic indeed

Not what's happening, cope


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his own power had already ran out as demonstrated in the pic you posted, OP
who's he supposed to rely on when this happen? gohan? kek

one hand, two fights

Attached: LOL.png (1024x741, 313K)

Yes, they are the same. Both are retards, job to literal who's, and win by asspulls.

Quiet now, monkey

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>Fourth Form CHADza BTFO BLUE (B, L, U, E) Shitgeta

Goku is actually 2-0 against Cukell

seething Gokutoddler

> Your country
> Your favorite character

Argentina (pic related)
Gohan Nino

Attached: 45FB413A-23AC-48D2-8F63-4DD2F797AEC2.png (480x474, 259K)

> Filename

You're not the guy.



Attached: 1497980736031.jpg (3462x4000, 2.1M)

Try again

Moro is a filler arc.


I'm leaving now but feel free to try even again

Enter CHADjiji
Exit Tacopaco

Attached: opVQdNZ.jpg (3009x2244, 927K)

seething gokektards will never recover their reputation from DBS, go kiss your wife kek

Enter Chadly

Attached: chadly.png (1242x1394, 1.54M)

Once Toyoshitto gets replaced by Jijii I will stop insulting the manga because it will improve 100 fold

Attached: f3486a0aad6fb40dd4c803ab2aacc24d.jpg (612x612, 92K)

the manga is already perfect, enjoy your cancelled fanfic

>the manga is perfect
>the absolute delusion of toyotacos


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>seething gokektards will never recover their reputation from DBS, go kiss your wife kek

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Why is Jijii so fucking based bros

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>"No, you can't just steal my show you big dumb green-haired brute! That's not fair!"

Attached: cuckren.png (231x218, 29K)

Remove the beard and draw better eyes without glasses you mong

Where is this from? I don't recall it in dbs


Attached: 5217172-bardock_planeta_vegeta_by_bardocksonic-d84sds7.jpg (452x640, 98K)

Japanese only TV special where Bardock beats the shit out of Friezas ancestor

that takes away the onions bit tho

Jobren's characteristics are s.oy enough.

Some special from way before Super

Literally obsessed.

Attached: godren.jpg (1280x720, 46K)


he's basically goku's babysitter and goku is basically just haruhi

Kid Goku
>pretty average dude compared to everyone else
>strong-ish, but far surpassed by later Saiyans
>could easily be killed by 5-year-old Gohan
>totally useless by today’s standard
>took him forever to learn to fly

Kid Gohan
>knows he’s a chad Saiyan
>received training from Big Green
>unlocks hidden power at super young age
>power level so high it scared Raditz
>able to survive on Namek
>first kid to go Super Saiyan
>defeated Perfect Cell
>grew up to be a chad super hero and leader of Team Universe 7

Kid Goten and Trunks
>became Super Saiyan without really trying
>far surpassed where their parents were at that age
>can fuse into giga chad Gotenks
>still super strong without training all the time

Baby Pan
>can fly without being taught
>survived at the outer edges of the planet
>can’t be killed by normal humans
>shown to have impossible strength for anyone at that age
>holds up multiple people without trying
>made Goku a god before being born
>basically the most powerful Saiyan ever at that age
>can actually hurt Vegeta and Future Trunks


If the power creep is to keep going, then we’re destined for more Mary Sue characters that will have to be impossibly talented to keep up with the main cast of the Goku and Vegeta Show. If Pan and Bra want to be useful, they’re going to have some total bs power levels without any explanation.

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Females are a mistake.


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She will probably not be a fighter just like in GT, otherwise we would see her in the tournament at the end of Z.


A JP-only TV special called Episode of Bardock. I think it's from 2008 or 2010.


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Hey, remember when Vegeta was called Piccolo and had a more natural story arc? Good times, man, good times.

Why do mutts think that Toyopaco's fanmanga is canon?

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>Japanese only TV special
was that YouTube clip just a fan dub or something cos the voices sounded kinda legit. or did they literally just dub that scene professionally

Fan dub

It looks like they reused some of the funimation dub kai lines from Frieza for Chilled and they probably reused some of Bardocks Video game lines

Enter CHADren

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unironically asking, would increased gravity training work irl?

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Why are Vegetakeks so butthurt?

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No. Your joints would just get crushed.

You're forgetting Uub Stu, but as for Bra she probably has god ki. I'll predict she doesn't train or fight a day in her life but just like Kale she'll instantly become one of the top 5 fighters in the multiverse. Beerus is already being hinted to being the Piccolo to her Gohan, so maybe he might consider her as his replacement since neither Goku or Vegeta is getting GoD.

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I stumbled on this chump's Twitter once, and this faggot was desperately trying to argue that some card stats(reminds me of someone) implied Goku was stronger than Broly, when he saw that Broly had higher stats, he never mentioned it again.

so why exactly goku didn't escape cell's self destruction?

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All the OP Baby Pan stuff is filler honestly.
Do we ever see her fly in the manga?



toriyama is writing the manga

the anime missed the gohan part from the outline so it's not canon

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>If Pan and Bra want to be useful
Big assumptions. Keep in mind that Dragon Ball is a series aimed at young boys.

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>toriyama envisioned

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There was a youtube video about this, I think the gist of it was
'yeah, it would help but only by an extremely small amount'

They're really pathetic.

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Vegeta has the wherewithal to nut up, swallow his pride, and admit when he can't handle something and needs Goku to step in. Far more admirable than some fat NEET like you will ever be.

>too stupid to understand the greater implications
Not surprised since you're a Tardkufag.

Toriyama envisioned.

Attached: 460.webm (460x258, 1.15M)

>got his fucking ass beat into the ground
>threw a tantrum and blew up the planet because he was too weak to win

Wow Queerjijii is fucking terrible

>literally crying about the quality of a fucking wojak edit
Ask me how I know you're fat.

This is Cell
Cell will never return
say goodbye to Cell

Attached: Cell.jpg (971x1385, 1.05M)

>Great Onions Man

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Holy fuck there's so much wrong with this.
>knows he's a chad Saiyan
Had no idea until Raditz beat everyone's ass.
>able to survive on Namek
Implying Namek is some dangerous planet or something. It was only an issue because Freeza was there, and he only fucking survived because Goku ex machina'd his twitching broken body.
>defeated Perfect Cell
After his dead dad (who he got killed through his retardation and arrogance) had to beg him to stop being such a bitch and Vegeta distracted Cell.
>grew up to be a chad super hero
Literally no one in existence thinks Great Cuckman is a "chad".
>leader of Team Universe 7
Accomplished absolutely nothing, his retarded Cuck Circle strategy was useless at best. I will grant that he was able to defeat a Potara fusion on his own, but it was a tie, and the fused Saiyans in question were abominably weak shitters. Also he was forgotten at the end of the ToP in the manga. In the anime he was treated even worse.

>giga chad Gotenks
Irritating fucking jobber who has never accomplished a single thing and literally jobs in every single appearance except for a non-canon "fight" against a bunch of resurrected normal humans in tanks.

>Toei filler
Not even going to comment.

Dont worry, we Cell fans have infinite patience, just like him. Our moment will come one day and when it does it will be absolutely glorious.

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I haven't seen you post your spic headcanon edit in a while, I thought maybe you had forgotten about it.

Cope, Toyopoodle.

no that's literally what's happening. anyone who watched the episode knows this. goku couldn't even stand until vegeta gave him energy.

looks like I win, as always.there's no recovering from this.


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that's cool. doesn't change the fact that goku never beat vegeta and never will though.

Imagine employing mental gymnastics and literally making shit up just to cope.

>imagine copying your superior master's posts time and time again

looks like I win as always.

>mindbroken and babbling nonsense
Continue to cope, cucko.

little retard can't come of with his own shit kek

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-03-08-58-15.png (720x1280, 149K)

keep digging your own grave. I am your superior master and you hang onto my every word. kneel.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-03-09-00-32.png (720x1280, 152K)

>y-you said something that I said once! y-you're copying me!
Holy fuck you're insecure. Kneel.

Wow this much samefagging and RTH. Pathetic. PATHETIC

shit thread
shit franchise
shit fanbase

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>Vegeta's daughter becomes the goddess of destruction
Fuck yes

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>Got jumped by Vegeta after being exhausted from fighting Goku

>Still puts the precious prince in his fucking grave once again


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Bitchkuqueers fucking lose holy shit

>Tardku relying on both Frieza and Bejita's energy filling him up to stay in the tournament

What a ki slut!

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What the flying fuck is this?

Enter Moro.

Attached: CHADro.webm (540x540, 1.04M)

I want to bully Pan.

What energy, he couldn't even turn SSJ. It was a moral support if anything.

Goku has pulled so many techniques out of his ass that he is now incontinent.

Sorry I can't see your headcanon and coping attempt, fagetadog.


What the fuck is this? It's fucking horrifying

Taxidermy'd goat.


Those fucking eyes though...

It's the devil.

>d-d-doesn't c-count
>moves the goalposts
Done and over. I win. Kneel before me you crying fucking dog.

What a pathetic mong. Concession accepted btw.

El Planeta Devorador Cabro...

>no argument
Kneel, my precious, PRECIOUS pet.


Argument to what? You made none, fucking none. Shut the fuck up.


>forgot what the argument was about
You're not gonna save face by pretending to be retarded, cucko. Goku literally couldn't stand until Vegeta gave him his energy.
>b-b-but it w-wasn't that much...

>actual fight
This is the problem you're having. You're working from an ideal. 'Fairness', 'honor', etc. These are not objective nor should they be taken seriously in all-out combat (war).

>willingness/desire to kill is the decider
You're retarded. Capturing alive is part of war strategy, too. Street Brawls can very much be with the intent to kill. What you're talking about is irrelevant house rules. Scrub mentality to justify a loss. To cheapen victory.

As before, if you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck. Goku is an idiot (as are his fans). He's been played with this same trick (by the same person) in the past. Oh, A can't use X, because B can't do that. A can't do Y, because B will drop their guard (thinking the fight is over).

You cheapen combat with your flowery bullshit. You really think it is just about PL, techniques, martial arts, etc.? Use the environment (dirt to the eyes, destroying the planet if you can survive it, etc.). Use allies. Use tools/items. Use deception. All legitimate. Where is the officiating ref to say otherwise, fool?

This is STILL not the playfighting retards like Goku grew up with (where bias factors as with the slow counts that kept saving him until his luck ran out with Roshi). Basically, you've been reminded. 2-0 now and forever. And that's canon, because AT wills it.

Attached: today carrot was reminded.jpg (250x248, 39K)

Also this further proves that the Jobrenmongs were always Shitgetafags and that the purpose of Shitrenposting was always undermining Goku as the strongest.

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You didn't read my argument, you are fucking retarded and a fucking dog.
What a stupid newfag

>mindbroken ESL babble

>y-y-you didn't read my argument
You didn't provide one. Kneel.

You are too stupid to reply to.

I want to stop Pan from being bullied by

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Two (and oh). Owen, too.

Attached: Owen Two - 2-0.png (590x1254, 51K)

Cheapshot after a fight is not a win and it was never an "all-out-combat". Drop the mental gymnastics and the revisionism because it's not going to work.

Too late. Bullied her right in the mouth.

Attached: Pan_05 (1).jpg (422x171, 39K)

>cannot refute that Goku couldn't stand until Vegeta gifted him energy
>resorts to a pathetic ad hominem "argument"
Fucking pathetic. Kneel.

Attached: 1562046061341.png (1902x996, 141K)

>s-s-stop proving me wrong!


>tfw Vegetafag and Brolyfag
Feels good to like the actually well-written characters.

Attached: VegetaVsBroly.jpg (960x539, 82K)

>incomprehensible ESL babble

Oh no, you are imaging more things outside of the anti CHADku sentiments now, get help.
>Two (and oh). Owen, too.
What a fucking child.

Stop annoying us with your headcanons you fucking dog.
It wasn't an argument. I was just stating how fucking stupid your shitposting is.


Attached: YamchaSAIBAMAN'D.png (1280x719, 1.01M)

>be me
>search for "gag character" on google

>literally admits that he has no argument and can't refute my illustrious and loquacious logic elucidated by my masterful prose

Shitgeta is a shit character who keeps getting in loops and is always inferior to Goku.


HAHAHA, brainlet, SIJDA.

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>more tacospeak
I told you to shut the fuck up, Mendez. I'm not in the mood to entertain your chalupa libre babbling today.

what happened here?

Attached: 98.png (639x1510, 798K)

This. The whole Jobren vs CHADly war was just an outpost of the CHADku vs Shitgeta one

So you can be taught, good pup.

Goku is a retard who asspulls half his victories and is less interesting than his entire supporting cast.

Attached: VegetaSmug5.png (580x431, 264K)


>OHJEV buttblasted
Do you even TIGEP?

Goku may be the stronger fighter, but Vegeta is the better character by far.

Did you not hear me, Lopez? I'm tired of your tamale tantrums. Be QUIET.

>Cutting out the part where explains why he is better off staying dead
Never have seen more disingenuous posters than the shitgetafags, the desperation and the inferiority complex really breaks people.

>better character

Shitgeta never beat a main villain. Shitgeta is just a boring family man and there is absolutely nothing interesting about him anymore. Goku has always been smart than dumbgeta.

BJTNA, canid.


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ah right, here you go

Attached: e.png (653x2292, 866K)

>more burrito butthurt
When you will learn, Martin? Even a dog can be trained more easily than a Pedro.

In Z he absolutely was. Gokus character was insufferable in the Cell arc. No one cares about Super.

meant this

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>mixing in parts of Toyo's fiction to legitimatize it
Kek pathetic.

>124 IPs in the One Punch CHAD thread
>51 IPs in Virgin Ball thread with almost 200 posts

Attached: *laughs in spic*.jpg (600x450, 19K)

I have a question to you mangafags, was the scene where Goku forgot that Gohan exists in the manga as well?


Stop posting that toy commercial.

Attached: Tardku.png (645x729, 1.35M)

>admits Canontaro's presence legitimatizes things


>stating an upside and not the main reason
Again you are being dishonest and desperate.

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Vegeta was a side character in Z.

I had started that thread to shit on the series kek

You can’t compare the two. Actual discussion goes on in those threads. This is just a containment thread for normalfag shitposting.


"It" was referring to the narrative, sorry Tacotarofriend.

Reality itself is shaking...


Attached: c585cecbcb9f19dbac34c3cc84024c09.jpg (735x987, 65K)

>Thread is just "would x beat y" and pedos posting tats
Your thread is abhorrent. At least this one is fun.

Anyone else suddenly sleepy?

>*crushes Gokeks hand and OWARI DA's him*

What a fucking chad.

Attached: MONSTERren.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Me too.

Attached: 1535982439696.gif (498x276, 1.69M)

Calm, collected, strong, wise and POWERFUL. Jiren the based.

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wakey wakey, Tardkufag.

Attached: Gokek.gif (640x360, 3.54M)


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For bib wearing latins, maybe.

Why was Cell evil? It feels like he had no reason to be evil after becoming Perfect

9000 hours of paint

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Shut the FUCK up.

Attached: beerus_vs_jiren_by_easterhands-dbxv31d.png (2000x2251, 2.43M)

Friezas DNA, and a god complex.

His motivation was self-satisfaction motivated by Freeza and Cold's DNAs. I'm pretty sure had he won the Cell Games, he would've gone to space and fuck around by destroying planets.

Vegeta on suicide watch.

Not an argument

He wasn't evil per se, he was like all the other martial artists, he just wanted to be the best, he took things a little too far though.

Attached: way too big_2.jpg (607x384, 65K)

Combine Frieza's cruelty, vegeta's pride, and Goku's souless lust for destruction and mayhem and that is what you get.

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heh heh kakarott...

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>shitgeta's headcanon

It was basically Goku's waku waku but with a touch of Freeza and Vegeta


He was created by an evil scientist.

New Canon page

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>spic fanfiction

The glasses on that Gohan look like they were edited on last minute.

You hear that, Saiyan scum? That's the sound of the changing times. Uub is coming. The human are rising, space monkeys! Tick tock motherfuckers!

Attached: D-kkCh7XUAsTTHa.jpg (1598x1072, 248K)

Gentle reminder that characterfag LARPing is actual cringe and db super autists could have done a million more productive things with all the time they spent sitting around memespouting on Yea Forums

It improves the arguing skills, cope.

Bra is a saiyan hybrid

Holy shit, Maron's fucking HOT!

Just a few more days

Attached: Moro.png (338x624, 191K)

>I accept your concession
>arguing “skills”

A human can never compare to a Saiyan.

> few more days
We're still more than two weeks away.

These are for making it /dbs/ ™ specific. Only retarded shitposters and newfags use them without accompanying some arguments.

Don't care. I literally don't fucking care. I care as much as I care about . I was interested in Purple Vegeta more than Moro

No one asked your opnion, now cope

>that typesetting

There's something a miss here?

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You will listen to it either way.

No no all is right.

Lol, no there isn't.

Attached: Kri_hah.png (161x170, 39K)

Can you not see user?

Pan is clearly missing from this?

Lol, no there isn't.Yes there is


Pan is a gag character.

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you say somethin?

Attached: 0.jpg (576x768, 393K)

>Pan is a gag character.
How did you come to that conclusion, user?

Please explain?

I had a senible chuckle.

it's about le waku waku time

Vegeta is the stronger fighter AND better character.

Attached: 2-0[3].png (632x830, 675K)


Enter CHADkon

Attached: PikkonDBZ.png (576x432, 204K)



Also filler>>>>>>>any garbage senileyama writes.

Attached: Pan_Fan_Stamp_by_Knuxamyloverfan.gif (99x54, 31K)

See for yourself.

google.com/search?source=hp&ei=qwodXca4Ae-djLsPyYutsAY&q=gag character&oq=gag character&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l3j0i22i30l7.1077.6497..7025...0.0..0.177.1623.0j13......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131.Imy--c-19NU

You're stupid.


21 is the worst character Toriyama has created

Attached: Pan_+_Bra_SSJ_Toyble_repost_by_BK-81.jpg (607x935, 387K)

Super is the worst thing he has created. He effectively took a huge, steaming pile of shit on all of Z. At least we have CHADren to make up for it

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I choose to disregard Super.

Super is shit. Battle of gods was ok. Revival of F was shit. Universal tournament was shit. Zamasu arc was great, then they nerfed Vegito and the ending was trash. sHIT arc was shit. U6 saiyans are shit. ToP was ok.

In conclusion, Super is fucking trash

Try the manga, it's way better.


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>manga is better


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>U6 saiyans are shit.
They'd be better if they wore those Frieza Force speedos.

Attached: CauliflaFashaClothes.jpg (595x743, 48K)

It's not perfect, but there are way fewer fuckups than there are in the anime.

Attached: ToeiShit.jpg (1185x638, 90K)

Nobody care. This arc is a complete waste of everybody's time.

They would be better if they were better written?

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>Broly (Super)

>Broly (Z)

Attached: GokuAndVegetaHeight.png (704x396, 314K)

>broly and vegeta
>well written

Attached: Cope-logo.png (400x204, 10K)

>Jiren: "My master was killed by some faceless randos when I was ~10y/o, so I devoted 30+ years of my life to becoming strong and spent no time forming relationships"
Ultimate incel?

He's clearly a volcel.

I'm storytiming this since you fags only know how to shitpost

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into the trash

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>le jiji retarded face in every face

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Now make a Freeza and Vegeta one, he's like what 3-0 versus him? beat his ass in Form 2 killed him form 4 and blew him up Golden

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>threads so dead someone is posting shitrty jiji fanfic
HxH chads h-help us..!

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Toyopacos SETTHING because chadjii is a million times better than him

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at tracing

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>keketafags present their concession AGAIN
Some things never change

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IMAGINE being a celltard.

Attached: vol1pag17.jpg (1442x2048, 642K)

Fuck off with this awfully traced, fan fiction garbage. No one cares.

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Be glad that he'll never appear.

Reminder to report this retard for spam.

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>we have resorted to talking about db fanfics just like Reekdom
When will the anime come back?

>annoncing reports
You can join him

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Attached: vol1pag20.jpg (1420x2048, 634K)

Jijii is a fucking shit artist. Cease and desist.
"We" haven't resorted to anything. It's some bib wearing spic.

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>advising =/= announcing

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2uper in july bro my source told me so

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>loves black hair on short men
Too bad for her she can never have it. She'll just have to settle for being bug food.

Attached: pomf - what are we going to do against the wall bejita-sama - sex bot wants the prince.jpg (551x934, 257K)

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>caring about reekdom
>in 2019

Attached: vol1pag30.jpg (1442x2048, 803K)

Attached: Concessionku - Surrenders to his Prince.jpg (934x500, 137K)

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Why is Vegeta so based?

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>all of space-time begins trembling

Attached: enter CHADren.jpg (859x1153, 88K)

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take your meds, schizo

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Your post

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Yamamuro is garbage

Agreed, Takahashi is the cure.

Takahashi is decent

Shintani and tate is where is at

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Figures you idiots wouldn't know the difference between spam and actual content

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I like my DB animated not in ppt

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Yamamuro fans are all pedros

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lose some weight fat fuck

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>wanting this

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schizophrenic off his meds detected

is all this shit just a slightly modified trunks tv special? I've seen all of this before..not a bit of originality.

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>not wanting fluid and buttery smooth animation and nitpicking a frame of an entire movie

go to bed pedro

Attached: vol1pag50.jpg (1416x2048, 693K)

Masaki Sato is the best.

>implying fanficfags are ever original


Attached: lmao.png (2484x1394, 1.8M)


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based yamchad


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commit suicide agay

I can post the one where Black fights GT Goku if you want

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Rosaura please suck my dick!

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>everyone with good taste in animation is ajay

my sides

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it's a man, baby!

Based Uub the humanCHAD.

Attached: humans.jpg (483x754, 147K)

Zoom zoom superfag

Thanks for the dump, user.


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>Let me show you both the cruel reality of this world!
Who put Coldsteel there?

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Hahaha, yeah.

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just 4 more pages

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such a chad. even in shitty yamamuro art.

Chicken legs.

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reminder there's absolutely nothing wrong with this page

Attached: KA KA KA KACHI DAZE.jpg (649x1018, 174K)

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Vegito and Gogeta are the same character.

>still job

Roshi not beating jobren is something wrong

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Basado Rosh


I like Keketa

Don't the super dragon balls exist at this time?

That's it for this volume. I don't feel like doing the second volume right now so maybe next thread or something.

Attached: vol1pag61.jpg (1716x2400, 675K)

Based CHADshi.

Thanks for dumping.

t. the doc

Attached: 1527624424664.gif (540x301, 405K)

>liking jijii

Based PEDOhan transforms into SS2 thanks to the death of a loli

Attached: 1520626055060.gif (480x270, 3.85M)

CHADkon helped to prove that YamCHAD>>>Cell in the anime

Attached: yamcha vs cell.jpg (1080x1349, 168K)


CLUCKren the chicken

this scene is like a metaphorical cockslap at the face of every single power level obsessed dbfag from Toriyama himself

Attached: hank1.jpg (750x533, 43K)

>neat doujin
>from a vorefag
shit taste

>from Toriyama himself

Indeed, from ME and Toyotaro, my successor.

Attached: akira_toriyama.jpg (255x331, 15K)

is this something new?

what do you have against cute Pan posters you heartless being..!

>Manga Kale

holy fuck just COPE.

He stood up and used UI on Jiren. If it wasn't for that then Goku wouldn't stand a chance against Jiren.

>being mad because no one is willing to post your DB Multiverse fanfiction

Attached: 1496268651070.png (1267x703, 694K)

>jobs hard just to tie with a demented furry
Poor Cuckhan.

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I like big Saiyan dick...

Attached: Kale cute.jpg (500x553, 31K)

>implying people even like DBM

I wish Vegeta would fuck my wife

>t.Son Goku


H-him and Jiren?


Attached: e37.jpg (500x697, 132K)

This. No one wants to fuck a female Broly.


Attached: kale-huh.jpg (300x168, 11K)

You want to get fucked by the male one!

Attached: kale_by_eapen-dbbdjz8.png (826x899, 561K)

>Broly-sama, my wife Bulma is waiting...

Attached: 505cd19396a6f.jpg (320x299, 30K)

>not wanting to get snu-snu'd
Fucking pussies.

Attached: Kale_Manga.png (388x600, 225K)

ugly tranny face

Suno > Kale

Attached: 1445021140928.png (320x234, 126K)

This. All db fan fiction is garbage.

Based CHADza bowing to his superior master.

It may not be good but it's better than shitpost.

Keep going.

I don't mind Pan but you aren't doing any favors spamming images of her. I don't spam Bra even though she's objectively the best girl in the entire franchise and did things to my dick back in middle school.

Attached: dbz_wtf.jpg (300x690, 34K)

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Don't, please; spare us the cancer that is Jiji.



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kek based

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Arale was a mistake.

cringe and opinion discarded

she got tarnished by that shitty fanfic comic forever


>Letting Shitigar dictate what you can and can't like
>Actually following that piece of shit

Attached: 1479496375610.jpg (200x200, 11K)

I'll dump the Reborn as Yamcha manga next thread so we can take a little break from Jijii.


>self-inserting into a jobber the manga

>reading multiverse

>that fucking meme face
>the guy from system of a down
it's like im back in the 2005s, i actually appreciate this post

Holy shit based as fuck.

Attached: his time to shine.jpg (1280x1011, 798K)

Attached: YamchaDed2.jpg (644x668, 62K)

An Emperor of the Universe bowing to a lowly Prince of Nothing? You might as well draw an ant ruling over a dinosaur.

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feel free to drop AF sometime, last time the response wasn't as bad as you'd expect

>storytiming horrible fanfic and spinoffs
I think I'd prefer the Jirenspammers.

Attached: Dyspo_12.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Second it.

>Defeated Vegeta and champa the god of destruction at the same time

Like your opinion matter's, you people aren't even part of 4chins.

Why are people so jealous of Toyotaro

not canon.

>>Defeated Vegeta and champa the god of destruction at the same time
Only at cuckball.

Fuck your fanfics.

me not know what flatline character is becuz me only read what other people opinion are and not investigate or read books about writing characters me is smart me swear!

>b-baseball doesn't count!
>b-b-because I say so!

Toeilards are mad that Toyotaro-sama's brilliant manga is so much better than the poorly animated and shamefully stupid anime. Truly, they are jealous of Toyotaro-sama's brilliance.

Attached: ToeiShit2.jpg (245x206, 7K)

Every shonen protagonist ever is "Dumbass McEatsalot", dude. It's boring. Gohan should've replaced Goku, it'd keep the show fresh.

>B-baseball counts in a fighting series!
Dumb Yamchaposter.


Attached: 1991o2w.gif (320x238, 1.25M)

>not 4chads

>sucker punching counts even thought both Vegeta and Goku decided to stop the fight!
Dumb Vegetaposter.


Attached: No Gohan.png (789x94, 15K)

We could've seen him learn to be a man instead of a faggot Power Ranger. Fucking Hackiyama.

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I don't know about all that, but Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.

Bejita-sama's superior strategic skills are perfectly fair to use in a fight. But even if Bejita-sama's victory had not been valid, it would still be more relevant than a cuckball game in a filler episode. Truly, Yamcha is a shamefully weak and boring character.

Attached: VegetaKnocksOutGoku.jpg (500x282, 126K)

>letting his wife get beat up
He's no man.

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>using Goku cells with your back to a living Vegeta
It was like Gero wanted his creation to fail.

I can't believe that he was manlier as a preteen than as an adult.

Attached: KidGohan.png (426x568, 28K)

Bra's babysitter is so cute. When she replaces him, he will make a fine pet.

Because he's an old fart.


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HAH, cope.

She needs to get dose first.

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Post it, Doc.


Attached: GREENED.jpg (650x950, 109K)

Yeah, that one fight that ends in a draw, and then one of the characters procedes to job horribly against the main antagonist of the arc is pretty relevant, especially in this day and age huh?
"m-muh powerlevels" again?
>boring character
Not only is this subjective, but it's also incredibly shit taste.
Cope in silence.

Attached: manleta seething at yamcha.jpg (500x700, 99K)

gimme dat dose

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When Frieza said he even gave Vegeta special priviledges, what did he mean? Did Bejita get free healthcare?

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Gokekfags act like there is a cooldown between uses in the order of seconds we were never told about, so he was just stuck taking a blast from Semi-Perfect Cell as a FPSS (and somehow dying from it when it wasn't even like he was left without air).

>P-Puar sama... I can't keep up with you...

Attached: p-puar sama....jpg (2671x3375, 2.2M)




Attached: crying.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

>Yeah, that one fight that ends in a draw, and then one of the characters procedes to job horribly against the main antagonist of the arc is pretty relevant, especially in this day and age huh?
The epic battle between Majin Bejita-sama and Goku often ranks as one of the most iconic battles in Dragon Ball history. Yamchapeasants would do well to remember this.

>"m-muh powerlevels" again?
In a fighting series, they are fairly important.

>Not only is this subjective, but it's also incredibly shit taste.
Yamcha begins as a bandit with a fear of women, and ends as a baseball player who is unable to even defeat Bejita-sama's pet plants. Bejita-sama, meanwhile, is a ferocious supervillain who goes through a long character arc to achieve redemption and rise as a true hero. Truly, Bejita-sama is a far more interesting character than Yamcha, or any of the lowly humans.

Attached: VegetaThug.gif (320x180, 587K)

goku the blackest

Attached: livejupiter_1545986519_101.jpg (631x398, 64K)

Literally every action panel is traced.


have sex

>hates Vegeta
>gives him the main girl
>gives him best boy for a son
>gives him an undefeated record against the MC
>invented the most popular villain simply to lose in place of Vegeta
Know the wrath of Toriyama. Now, Piccolo. There's a character he loves. You can just tell, right?

It almost feels like the people he fucks with are the retards who contact him. Retards like Gokek's fans whining about their kissless MC. If one wants to push for 3-0, just ask him to finally let Goku have a win against Vegeta.

Attached: AT when asked if he will ever let Goku win against Vegeta.jpg (799x399, 59K)


Attached: FriezaPunchesGohan.png (640x360, 325K)

Yamchad would've won the TOP sorry losers

Attached: 1561095977236.gif (893x688, 1.49M)

Attached: heard you were disrespecting bejita-sama, anon....jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Gohanfags need to commit suicide.

>won against Goku despite being a staminalet thanks to Sorbet's Plan B
>lost against Vegeta despite blowing up the planet thanks to Whis 'not allowing' that
Get better help, loser. 1-1 now. 2-1 (Vegeta), soon. Go find someone else to fight your battles (again), gag villain. Maybe then you will be able to get the balls to wish for 5cm of height increase, so your nanny won't have to keep mocking your height.

Attached: butthurt lizard's vendetta begins.jpg (564x1065, 97K)

Yamcha is literally the first ever person to beat Goku, and his fight with Tien not only features his personal theme, but also some pretty spectacular choreography between the two, of course, a zoomer who wasn't watched or read OG DB wouldn't remember it.

>powerlevels are important
>says as Roshi literally dodged a fuckton of blows against fucking Jiren and the current arc features a villain who has a lower power level than him but has a lot of interesting magic powers to make up for it

>doesn't know that Yamcha also has a path of redemption, from being a bandit who was scared of women, to eventually overcoming his fear and becoming a successful baseball player, while also training with gods, sometimes even surpassing Goku and Vegeta a few times
Also, he beat the Saibaman fair and clean, it literally had to kill itself in order to kill Yamcha, the Saibaman knows he got fucking obliterated.
Now cope and concede.

Attached: literal ragequitter.png (642x442, 506K)

>after a fight
Goku certainly thought so. What a tit he is.

>never all-out
Just that easy for 'Geets.

Scrubby ESL never learns.

Attached: GT Geeter spots a seething gokek.jpg (900x627, 108K)

>that image


Attached: wink - my wife is alone and in heat bejita-sama v1.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

Attached: thanks for the wife - main girl kept pure by best vassal and some desert hobo too afraid of women to (838x1200, 133K)

Your logic if flawed monkey bro. Just because time was rewound doesn't mean those events didn't happen, dragonball time doesn't work like that. Goku and Bejita's wife even saw it happen and remember him being murdered by the lizard. 2-0, with Goku getting the win by saving the poor princeling and finishing the fight he did most of the work on. DANCE MONKEY DANCE.

Attached: 1559531386578.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

have bulma, vegeta and yamcha had a threesome?

>Vegeta fag bringing height into ANY discussion


Attached: 1555022361034.jpg (1400x1400, 263K)


>Y-y-y-you're short f-frieza...WAIT STOP PL-

If just beating someone up counts as a win, that's one for frieza right?

New thread:

Attached: Prince points - Royal Gesture OP - Relieves Yamcha of his duty protecting the future queen.jpg (1088x1609, 610K)

>only one upset about his height is the lizard
Probably would have wished big with the super balls. Maybe for 10cm. Towering above Krillin.

>transforms at the cost of power to get taller
The signs were always there. Meanwhile, our Prince's transformation mogs while increasing his power.

Attached: Giantgeta vs Manletku.jpg (461x308, 80K)

>never beat a main villain
He helped beat two of them (was just buying time with a third). When he was the main villain? Beat the MC. That's where Cell gets it.

Attached: bed of the undefeated - royal chamber of the prince - warrior sleeps.jpg (214x200, 23K)

>Vegeta cares about a filler alt.Bulma
What next? Fretting over Green Bulma?

>Piccolo doesn't factor

>Krillin gets a win against Goku

Attached: ancient chestnut defeats the carrot - thanks GT.jpg (210x240, 18K)

AT willed it.

Attached: 17 is impressed by his Prince.jpg (369x395, 47K)

Good pet.

Attached: thank you bejita-sama - grateful carrot taking his prostration stance.jpg (667x890, 133K)

Who did it better?

Attached: Goku - Yamcha'd.jpg (201x394, 52K)

>zero arguments

>lizardlet's brain can't handle his true place
>will soon just be the agent of GoD Bra

dialate and cope.

Keep crying.

>Breasts the Rapist
>not giving the dose

Attached: breasts finds gokeks medicine - time for yamcha to administer the dose.jpg (336x405, 54K)