>creates a game called materialization shiritori
>didn't even know you can win using the materialization mechanic
Why is everyone in this world so braindead?
Creates a game called materialization shiritori
she killed millions.
Who cares? She's a retard.
It's been so long since I watched this shit but I'm assuming it's because she won before they could actually use it well enough to make damage.
>she won before they could actually use it well enough to make damage
Well she should have.
Did you even watch the show? She got outplayed af.
She didn't want to win, at least not immediately. She wanted to be entertained by otherworlders.
Nothing the humans of their native world can come up with can destroy her. Even a fucking atomic didn't even flinch her.
>She got outplayed af.
I don't disagree. She got outplayed the same way some idiot with cheese outplayed a rat.
No-no, some idiot outplaying an infant in a game of peek-a-boo is more like it.
In any case, she lost because she was a complete retard. If her intelligence is anywhere above average, there's absolutely no way Blank could have won.
I don't think there was anything said about her intelligence. She surely has a lot of knowledge, magic, and doesn't see anyone ranked below Flugel as a threat.
They may have played it for laughs, but Jibril clearly summoned threats that Steph was "playing with".
As the game IS Shitori, Team Blank had significant control over what Jibril could actually add or remove from the space. She played it reactively because of this.
Even with Sora spending the entire time setting up a cataclysmic (technically) setup, Jibril still would have been capable of outlasting the two of them if it weren't for the fact that Sora literally set her up (on her pride no less) for an out of context defeat: A word she does not know how to preserve herself against.
So they played around for quite a while, and when Sora and Shiro went in for the kill, they still were entirely banking on Jibril taking the bait. If she hadn't, and simply took measures to preserve herself, they would lose: In their state, they were no longer capable of changing their answer, and would have failed their round.
There's nothing infantile about it; they prodded a self-styled demi-god of knowledge at her pain point and gave her the opportunity to punish the insult: She could use the game to objectively make them eat crow.
Sora and Shiro set her up to satisfy her hubris and she responded beautifully, forcing them to eat their words.
Shouldn't have given them their letters back though...
I don't even know where that monster chasing Steph came from, it's such a small thing they don't even elaborate on. Sora could have summoned it for all I know. But it's pretty clear with how Jibril was playing the rest of the game, she wasn't even trying to win or doing it right.
>some street lights
Imagine aliens came to you and challenged you to a game. Would you show your dominance and finish them in 2 turns, or would you play with them and try to get a glimpse of their knowledge?
It was entertaining. NGNL sure isn't the most well-written out there but it's the only isekai that manages to make Mary Sues done right.
She's arrogant and thinks she doesn't have to try against inferior beings that aren't even fit to lick her feet
You can learn about the aliens outside the game, bad excuse. In any case, the series should stop pretending Blank always due to their own genius when that's definitely not it.
Because wish fulfillment bad writing.
>isn't the most well-written
>Mary Sues done right
Make up your mind will you? And no, they aren't mary sues done right. The series likes to pretend they win all their games due to genius thought out strategies when the universe had to bend over in order for those strategies to work. It's an obnoxious, pretentious power fantasy.
>wish fulfillment
>power fantasy
Keep throwing buzzwords thinking they're valid criticisms.
You have no idea what you're even talking about.
Buzzwords are only wrong when they're used incorrectly. I explained why this garbage is a power fantasy right here.
>The series likes to pretend they win all their games due to genius thought out strategies when the universe had to bend over in order for those strategies to work.
She was 100% sure she couldn't lose. Why are people who criticize this show the biggest brainlets of them all?
Basically, the problem is
>The series likes to pretend they win all their games due to genius thought out strategies when the universe had to bend over in order for those strategies to work. It's an obnoxious, pretentious power fantasy.
Don't even bother mane. OP isn't even capable of basic rationality as shown here when he can't comprehend that an aspect of a story can be done right while the rest doesn't necessarily uphold the exact same quality. It's all black and white with people like this.
She's cute, so it's forgivable.
>the universe had to bend over for their strategies to work
How? They played within the rules each time. Ingenuity in finding loopholes but still nonetheless within the rules, and completely outplay their opponents each time.
Of my sperm
Complaining that she didn't win right away is like not understanding how people still get bitten by ants even though they could definitely wipe an ant out easily. She's a god-slaying super weapon that can tank nukes unshielded, she thought it was literally impossible for her to lose. It's kinda the recurring theme of the series, people losing because they're overconfident and don't take their opponents seriously.
How anyone with an IQ north of 100 can watch this garbage is beyond me.
Jibril wasn't even trying to win. There's also the RPS game with Steph, even though Steph was a complete idiot, chaos theory still applies to the psychology of the game. Studies of unequal RPS has been done before and the result is as unpredictable due to how obvious one advantage is. There's no way Sora could have guessed what an opponent he just met would choose but still acts all according to plan.
Chlammy revealed right at the start of the game you can move your pieces in rule breaking ways when all we knew was that it's a different game of chess where the pieces have wills of their own. She could have fooled Blank into thinking the charisma thing is about sacrificing pieces and save the rule breaking moves for when they really matter. She revealed the secret for what? Move the pawn 3 spaces? What purpose does this move serve? Who cares? As long as you get to show how awesome Blank is later, the opponent can be as stupid as possible.
And let's not forget that memory loss game that was hardly even explained and they won just because "hurr durr Blank always wins."
Season 2 when? I need my boy(girl) Tet.
>Doesn't get fucked on molecular scale
I pity fools like you who are unable to turn off their brain.
Wow, problems with this show just still constantly gets discovered huh? Maybe every single game in the series is actually dumb but people just haven't realized it yet. Maybe I'll rewatch the shooting game, might be some things to pick out from there too.
Oh you have no idea user. My rewatch was pure mindrape.
It's one of the most obnoxious anime I've seen that pretends to be smart but actually really stupid. But at least it's find to expose the flaws and watch the butthurt fans in denial.
The only realistic game they won would be the FPS. Since Shiro has a mind that is over supercomputers there is no asspulls in calculating the crowd's movements and luring the enemy in the place they chose.
The problem being is that the moment they got shot in the game it should have been over but for plot reason it made it continue only so that Izuna would lower the guard when the game is already over and not notice Steph.
I might be tsun for ngnl but i did enjoy it. Rape is my fetish
Fucking with the naive newf/a/gs is fun
Once they are in space, shouldnt they die in about 20 seconds?
They wouldnt even have the time to continue playing the game .
Yeah, as much as I hated the show, the shooting game is a rare good moment I enjoyed. Not sure if the logic is perfect or not but it might be more clear once I'm done rewatching it.
>didn't even know you can win using the materialization mechanic
She take a H nuke in the face "the best weapon of your world", is not that she didn't know, she thought it was impossible
It would take minutes before everything shuts down you'd pass out in a couple of seconds though
because they have to make the super intelligent protagonists, the problem is that the writer is not super intelligent, so he twists the plot in with some bullshit to favor in MC the other option is to make side characters incapable of critical thinking so when MC uses common sense he looks like a super genius
Excluding detective novels/manga/anime, is there any good story with intelligent MCs?
I heard kaiji was good, is it true.
define intelligent. Above a certain digit? Compared to other MCs (of the genre)? Not a complete retard?
Law of Ueki, the author Fukuchi Tsubasa also wrote some more clever stuff.
This might cause a shitstorm, but HxH genuinely has a few moments of brilliance. The nen power system is also well made so strategizing goes quite deep.
Because that's how stupid people think smart people are like.
Not sure if this counts. Spiral started with some murder mysteries early on but most of the series turns into mind game battles with killer kids and a group of people hunting them.
How do I acquire a gf like Jibril?
Throw yourself at a japanese truck.
Do I have to travel all the way to Japan for it, or it's fine to throw myself under a Toyota truck?
Jibril is not the angel of death but s/he might come for you exclusively. Go for it user
Great :D
cu guys
Wasn't there a cheat that allows the beast guy to tell Izuna what Blank's team is doing? Why couldn't he tell Izuna about Shiro's plan or at least where Steph was going before the final blow?
They hadn't noticed that Steph had been revived, nor could they have known blank gave her instructions. They were distracted by what blank was doing and thought Izuna had won.
They were mostly elves so it was net gain.
An NPC carrying a player isn't something that should usually happen. Whether or not Steph had been revived, that definitely calls to be suspicious.
Gash bell.
Sure the mc does a lot of bs but nothing along the lines of ngnl shit. It also helps that 99% of the cast are so goddamn likable.
I'm 8 episodes in, does it get better?
>didn't even know you can win using the materialization mechanic
but she knew about it? What are you talking about OP?
It starts getting much better once the first serious villian gets introduced. At this point it's just introducing the cast.
Also i reccomend you immeditely stop once the final arc in the anime starts since the anime didnt adopt it properly.
Usually people who call a show dumb are pseudo-intellectuals who strike their ego by doing that.
Doesn't matter if you stop anyway. Just make sure you watch the movie
She is a doll, she isnt alive.
>Doesn't get fucked on molecular scale
What would happen? I don't remember our bodies being made of dioxygene.
Usually people who call a critic pseudo-intellectual are butthurt fans who can't admit to watching a dumb show.
>Once they are in space, shouldnt they die in about 20 seconds?
Nah, there is still air so air pressure won't kill them.
Maybe she did but she was still being a complete idiot in the game and may as well not know. Why was she so surprised by the MC's plan to use the reality warping magic of the game to set up a cosmic destruction?
Except that the show isn't trying to present the protagonists as realistic intelligent people. They outright tell you that shiro has the computing abilities of a supercomputer which allows her to predict shit happening with a 100% accuracy. The show is over the top and assumes it.
>Maybe she did but she was still being a complete idiot in the game and may as well not know.
Like I said, what are you talking about? She outright implied that rendering your opponent unable to continue the game can be used to win.
It may still be there, but it would be lowered to space' standards instead of earth' standards.
Looking up on google info about humans in space without suits, this is what I get.If anyone finds any mistakes, pls do tell me.
>The most serious dangers of exposure to outer space are a lack of oxygen and ebullism. Ebullism is the formation of bubbles in body fluids due to a reduction in ambient pressure. The pressure in the vacuum of space is so low that the boiling point of the fluids in your body decreases below the body’s normal temperature (37oC), which results in the formation of gas bubbles in your fluids that can really mess you up. You’ll swell up pretty bad, perhaps even up to twice your normal size, but you won’t explode as your skin is very stretchy. Your blood will also not boil. You will, of course, be in an immense amount of pain and your blood circulation will be impeded.
>As mentioned, the other serious danger is a lack of oxygen. After around 15 seconds, your body would have used up all of the oxygen in your body and you’d lose consciousness. Some of you may be thinking “But I can hold my breath for minutes!” The situation in space is a little different than here on Earth due to the lack of outside pressure, and if you held your breath in space without a suit you’d be in a big trouble. This is because any remaining air would rapidly expand, rupturing the lungs.
>but it would be lowered to space' standards instead of earth' standards.
But they are still on earth. They just made the outer layer of the earth disappear, the core's gravity is still there to keep the air from flowing into space and even if it flew out in space it will take some time before the air pressure around them drops to dangerous levels.
No idea why you believe she wouldn't know but even if she did, her physical advantage more likely than not makes her last longer than them so even it wasn't so stupid like you make it look like.
She thought they had given up on trying to take her out when the nuke failed. Already assured of her victory, she was just interested in learning everything she could from them through the game.
>imanity? what's that?
>it's us, humanity
So why do you call humanity imanity if humanity is in your vocabulary? And if they're just humanity, why are we even having this conversation?
If gravity was still there then shouldnt they have fallen to death?
>implying Yea Forums cant love dolls or pillows
What if they were humanity but became imanity along with the 16th piece - the king
I'm pretty sure they were falling. It's just a really really long fall.
Yeah now I'm sure that you are trolling.
Tet renamed them imanity, they are the humans of that world, but their official racial name as given by the god of the world is imanity.
She has a lot of knowledge but in the novel (at least when deux ex machina got introduces) she was presented as rather retarded.
why does shiro care so much about how much her brother sees if they have such a relationship
>retards get called out and explained the reasoning
Fuck off, materializing a nuke secured their victory.
That was the misdirection. Shiro and Sora disabled Jibril's wings and put themselves at a higher altitude before dropping the ground out from under them.
It's a good misdirection considering Jibril is familiar with using a "gravity" spell to take her out of the air... IIRC last time that happened (Before the end of the war), she slaughtered her way out of the ambush
Humans just evolved normally. They weren't created by the gods and that means they were recognised as animals. Imanity is the name Tet gave them when they were listed in the exceed.
>Just turn your brain off bro xD
Problem Children's Izayoi is a better Mary Sue than Blank. Incredibly smart and incredibly powerful, but still considerably more entertaining.
Shiritori was the only good arc because it had at least some setup with the last outplay.
Other games are just Shiro outcomputing people or the MC doing some asspull.
>memory loss game not explained
brainlet speedwatcher
If it's so braindead to you then maybe you should fuck off and make something better.
Oh wait, you can't.
Stop whining about things you don't like.
They were just sharing oxygen bro
I whine about whatever I want to whine about. Freedom of speech, retard. Look it up when you're not busy sucking Muhammad dick, you gigantic faggot.
It was the best fight of the show.
i watched it when i was 15 and thought it was really good , is it actually that bad when you watch it as an adult or is user just hating on it because its too popular among normalfags?
There's always been a contingent of brainlets who get mad at ngnl because they don't understand the solutions to the games. The shitstorm after the rock paper scissors episode was insane
>The shitstorm after the rock paper scissors episode was insane
but that actually correct , the game isn't 100% luck
>People trying to apply logic to reincarnated demigods
Every single thing they do is absurd because they warp reality to their will.
Materialization shiritori was the only good game in the series. The writer is too dumb to make real mind games, but that one gets by because it's a cool spectacle and had a lot of things going in the background. The worst is the coin flip, as everything about it was retarded and impossible.
But that goes against the message of the series. The point is that humanity wins despite not being the strongest, smartest, or the most gifted. But then these guys come in and are demigods who are far more intelligent and skilled than anybody else in the world, while normal humans are absolute worthless trash.
>i watched it when i was 15
It it against the rules for under 18s to post on 4ch
>no game no life is more than 5 years old
>demigods warping reality to their will
>shiro cried like a bitch cause she lost at 4d auto chess
>sora keeps going all in and wanting half his bet in return
>keeps pulling bs explanations about how he got lucky without getting lucky
The future is now old man!
whats the deal with the cheat rule? A lot of characters were cheating and MC twins knew even called out the purple haired slave yet the game kept going. Do you need indisputable proof that your opponent is cheating?
I wouldn't mind being dead as long as I could rest on her body.
Yeah you have to show proof. The level of proof is never explicitly stated, but likely decided by Tet
Nobody said NGNL writing was the pinnacle of human achievement.
Brainlet. Molecular oxygen, or O2, which is the oxygen in the air, is different from the oxygen in CO2, C6H12O6, etc.
>Didn't know
She did know. It was literally their first move, she just didn't think they would be *capable* of killing her. Keep up brainlet.
>there's no way sora could guess
He was reading her. How can you be this slow, you did watch the show right?
This is an old man website so you are still not welcome here.
Good thing the game could read their mind to know they specifically meant the molecular oxygen, huh?
>why does this game of magic that turns people's words into reality understand intent this is bullshit
That is literally what the game does, dumb dumb.
>user doesn't understand why the writing on the paper disappeared
Retards keep getting exposed. How does NGNL do it?
You guys are retards, the game rules say that you can't kill someone directly by making something vital for their bodies disappear, meaning that it was indeed oxygen but it wouldn't affect their bodies' composition
Pseuds will expose themselves no matter what.
Yes, and that's a really stupid cop-out on the writer's part because the writer was incapable of writing a situation which Blank could get out of without resorting to hand waving to entire thing away with "muh intelligence".
>It's a cop out for characters to be superhuman
>nothing gets handwaved but maybe people will think I'm smart if I critique a book aimed at teens
Because that's not the kind of story the writer is trying to make. The story is a comedy with some sparse emotionnal moment here and there. It's completely ok for this kind of story to be over the top.
spice and wolf
season 2 when?
>series is about 2 addicted-gamers with above average intelligence
>"muh intelligence"
>"it's a cop out"
Why are you even here? The world was written to have The Blank win every time. It's there, written in text, they have 100% win rate. It's the crux of the whole premise. I'd complain too if it wasn't for the acceptable reasoning behind it. Their backstory explains it, nonstop-lifetime gamers, literal practice everyday, two genius going at it back and forth, a perfect feedback loop to birth The Blank. It's well deserved because they earned it for the sheer amount of extremes they went through to get to that point. This also occurs in OPM with Saitama.
>but muh gag character
And it just so happens the MC is the only one to put in a ridiculous amount of time, energy, and effort into their cause. It's very close to how reality works if you ask me. The only wildcard here is Shiro because she was born gifted, hence the asspulls.
>lazy/shit writing
>0 examples
Did this show trigger you that much?
>The opponents lose everytime cause they're brainlets.
>The Blank wins everytime due to their God-levels of intelligence.
>The story is written to see how it would play out if humanity did rise up to such a level of intelligence according to based author.
Conclusion: Everyone is BTFO by Humanity's greatest gamers.
she was one of the better characters
I would really love it if he redrew the story with his new art.
Is this from the manga?
No Game No Life, desu
Izuna spinoff manga