Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san

I figured I'd watch this since it's getting a second season but after two episodes I just don't really see the appeal. I don't really find the whole teasing thing cute or charming, the best parts of the show are the three girls and they don't really get much screen time. Does the dynamic ever change between the two leads or is it "hur dur she tricked him again" the whole time?

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>t, homosexual

you sound like a boring person

IDK I like kaguya sama, which has a similar concept but this show just seems so dull to me.

>don't like teasing
>watches a show named "Teasing Master Takagi-san"
>go ask Yea Forums if the teasing stops at some point
Jesus christ, do you make those threads for attention or are you fags just retarded?

It’s better in the manga, with the gags contained in 8 quick pages rather than stretched over an episode.

Teasing is find I just don't really find this particular brand of it entertaining and was curious what others thought of it. But please continue to be an ass.

>do you make those threads for attention
I'm startin' to lean in this direction. There is no way people are this fucking brain-dead

I just find the characters cute, the teasing is just the series gimmick
Their interaction serve as a mean to demonstrate their personalities and the chemistry that goes between them

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Nigger, it's a fucking slice of life. no, the fucking dynamic won't change, for fuck's sake. What do others think? They probably think it's fucking slice of life and the dynamic won't change. I swear, those threads get dumber and dumber.

Unfortunately its both most days. Look at the idiot war between the shonen fanbases or how much worse a manga's threads get after the anime adaptation.

>or is it "hur dur she tricked him again" the whole time?

no, that's literally it. it's endlessly just him looking like a total fool while the girl smugly snickers that she got the best of him once again

I like nagatoro, I don't like forehead bitch

Then you watch some shitty ass sol. I guess i just don't get this new ass shit where it's the same joke over and over.

Poor OP must have not been teased by a cute girl as a kid. what a tough life

Bullying is wrong

>but after two episodes I just don't really see the appeal.
that's a shame.

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>Does the dynamic ever change between the two leads
There's literally an entire spin-off to show that no their dynamic never changes even slightly after 10 fucking years and that there will never be any actual development until the last chapter where she'll mindtrick him into tossing it in her.

It's better to be watched weekly, instead of marathoning.

Still better than tsundere couple from DitF.

That is because Kaguya have a actual cast instead of two people and have different results ... this always is with those two and always ends the same way.

I guess thats why you find it dull.

I recomment lurking more

the best parts of the show are NIshikata's reactions. It's where all the budget goes.

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Manga is a lot better, not sure why, but the anime was boring to me.

you made your point a hundred times already
we get it, you don't like it, just fucking move on already