Last two jojo friday's of part 5

>last two jojo friday's of part 5

Attached: Taste_of_a_liar.png (1920x1080, 1.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>getting closer and closer to Part 6

Attached: 70BEC4F3-C5DF-4F91-B362-44D370455BA8.png (300x300, 90K)

Jojo Friday this week but Jojo Sunday for the last two episodes on the 28th.

>king of kings is next episode
>sleeping slaves is last episode
>however it's confirmed there are 39 episodes
someone explain this to me
they couldn't possibly stretch the remaining chapters across 3 episodes unless there's major AO time or if there's a recap

Attached: special olympics.png (1527x843, 1.26M)

There's 10 chapters left plus an extended epilogue.

>last jojo friday of part 5 this week

Attached: download.jpg (225x224, 13K)

Was this actually confirmed? I thought it was just a confirmation that an hour long special was happening, not that it was the final two episodes.

People looked up the schedule and there's no Jojo episode listed for the week after this one. Another show is taking that time slot. And there was a tweet by I imagine the TV station saying that it'll be the last two episodes.

>getting closer and closer to Part 7
Seriously, how much longer until they announce part 6 anime?

i bet there will be a part 6 teaser and the art director from part 5 carries over to part 6