>the absolute state of the anime industry these days
The absolute state of the anime industry these days
Ume worst girl
Shut the fuck up Umi
It's only gonna get worse. Anime is becoming more and more popular around the globe and yet the industry isn't changing to meet the demands
>Anime is becoming more and more popular around the globe
That's not a good thing.
>and yet the industry isn't changing to meet the demands
That is.
>Anime is becoming more and more popular around the globe and yet the industry isn't changing to meet the demands
If it's becoming more popular it's because the demand is being met. If anything they should double down on what they are doing.
>Anime is becoming more and more popular around the globe and yet the industry isn't changing to meet the demands
>yet the industry isn't changing to meet the demands
What kind of change are you expecting?
>yet the industry isn't changing to meet the demands
Why would you want this?
Remind me why should I care, I've been pirating a long time.
>the absolute state of Yea Forums these days
old good new bad
It's stagnating just like any other industry as profits go down and the minimum effort gets mindless otaku and normalfags alike to eat all their shit up anyway. Welcome to capitalism, enjoy your stay.
Fuck of umi
Profits are up newfag now fuck off to Yea Forums
>the absolute state of
Fuck off crossboarder.
they have it better then mangaka
>hurr anime should be manly and deep!
kill yourself, newfag redditor.
Suck my dick, nigger.
Ever since anime has become mainstream it has gotten even shittier, but I do hope the industry never meets the demands of mainstreamfags.
The western anime industry is probably the worst of all the industries.
>these days
>Anime should be good
Why yes user anime should be less shit.
>the industry isn't changing to meet the demands
Ahaha, no. You're getting tons of isekai, shounen and other shit that appeals to kids and the chinese.
Money speaks and this rotten industry of ineptitude is not deaf.
I'm hoping you mean "not changing away from pandering to Jap otakus who wank at waifus and don't care about stories and characters" and not "catering to the rest of the world's tastes" because the rest of the world has shit tastes. There was a time when anime didn't just pander to otaku wish fulfillment and pander to their penises (I would like to note that Yea Forums has become this kind of obnoxious pandered to faggot in the same time frame) and I would love to see real creators go back at it. But, then again, I say the same thing about Hollywood and that isn't flying either. Far as I am concerned, we're fucked so long as China keeps buying Transformers movies and otaku keep shelling out shekels for gacha shit.
What about the idol industry
>I hate fun!
Anime should remain as entertainment, if you deep faggotry go read a book or watch Citizen Kane.
I don't think anybody disagrees with that. The problem is that anime, while already being pretty niche, does itself no favors by pandering to a particular, tighter niche. Entertainment is a subjective term and has a broad range of possibilities. If you like how it is now, great! You're in the niche of niches. Some of us, like this oldfag here, remember when anime was more experimental, where OAVs could be made by whacked off their ass creators just trying to tell a story, or fiddle with animation in odd or interesting ways, and every so often you'd get a TV series from some crazy genius that blows everybody's fucking mind. I'm not saying none of that happens now, but it doesn't happen as often as it used to, and more often gets buried by otaku who care not for it.
I think the main issue is that the anime (and wider otaku) industry has become far too insular and only looks inside itself for inspiration.
How about you stop talking about shit and rather post more Umi or other Rabu Raifus?
All I do these days is look up how many years it's been since I saw this or that anime.
Wow, more than 6 years since the first LL season aired.
oh yeah?
Why is Umiface so infinitely exploitable?
Nigger the anime industry is alive and well. If you don't like moe watch older anime, or, ya know, the good shows that are still being made. There are plenty of masterpieces waiting around to get adapted as well just be patient. Not every seasonal anime is gonna be Mononoke.
I blame idolshit
Umi is my lovely wife.
idolshit in the anime industry is pretty much dead, LL Sunshine did poorly and Im@s hasn't gotten an adaptation of Shiny Colors. What you should be concerned about is the prominence of isekai and the latest seasonal literally me anime.
okada creampieing umi every night
>the absolute state of the people that say "the absolute state of [something]"
Oh, no. It'll change. You can't fight change, user. Nobody has won over change. Nobody and nothing.
And Capitalism 101: Where the money is, when the change will be.
The more it becomes worldwide, the more it becomes accessible for people to buy anime figs and accissories and BD and with Netflix giving studios lucrative deals to make anime, the industry is a ticking timebomb.
>your lovely wife
I'm just sick of fucking isekai, most of the isekai shows could work perfectly fine without the isekai element.
and for fucks sake give me some comedy shows not set in high school
Don't shitpost with Umi.
>the relative state of Japanimation
No, i think the anime industry is fine it's just the fans that become shit. Especially with all those ironic "anime" fans.
I hope japan get ready for those people to show up on olympic. Especially when they come to akiba.
Tell me, pseud, what’s your angle? You seem to have made a vague thread with no real substance nor position hoping that faggots would take the bait and start shitting about how there’s a new isekai anime or how the industry is supposed to be in a terrible state without actual proof
This right here that you made is an echo chamber thread
To avoid being a faggot, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and ask you: what’s your claim? Can you even support your claim with evidence? Who’re you making the thread for?
He just wants people to response with Umi meme.
Anime is shit. I read manga mostly now only. Especially about the news on kengan asura, its left a bitter taste in my mouth
No, they're stagnating because all media the last 10 years or so has just been copying each other or rehashing old franchises.
It's happened to movies, it's happened to TV, it's happened to vidya and it's been happening to anime for a while now too.
It's safer for investors to back re-hashing, remastering or reviving some old show or just going with yet another copy-paste Isekai, Moeblob or Harem shit than actually taking a risk on something.
why is this thread strill up and my "fall of anime" netflix thread deleted?
Because you didn't use Umi.
2d waifus are an immensely powerful force that should have never been released upon this world. It was already over as soon as it had begun.
Is it really? Why though? It only gets worse as time goes by, and I like it less with each passing year. Surely the old guard don't accept this half assed shit? I can't be alone in this, right?
Why the picture of Gil
Umi is beautiful. Beautiful!
Also, anime is better than it's ever been. We also have yet to get anime adaptations of stuff like Psyren.