Kanojo Okarishimasu

Raws are out : engelsmindeselskapslokale.com/read-kanojo-okarishimasu-raw-chapter-97.html

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Thanks op. Guess I'm the only one who still cares about this manga

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>everyone but me is moving forward...
how many more times is this pathetic little cunt going to say this?

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I'm will get angry if sumi wins mcbowl. That cunt doesn't deserve anyone.

Dumi chapters are so painful

>the only person to actually acknowledge his birthday
>even his own family made it about chizuru

muh heart

I have no idea what is going on.

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>the only person to actually acknowledge his birthday

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but why do you care? it's not very good

Kanojo Okarishimasu 97 Summary was translated by BakaData.com

Sumi gestures Kazuya to sit down. Kazuya says it’s the first time he has come to Odaiba. He wonders why Sumi has put so much effort into the date. And then realizes that the people around them are kissing each other.

Kazuya: “What the hell is this!! Is Odaiba at night always like this!?”

Sumi is blushing and her face turns red. She gets closer to him and says, “Ka…”Kazuya kun…”

Kazuya: “What!? Sumi chan!? What is this insane blushed face!! She’s struggling to speak right now the most today. Is there a reason why she brought me to this place…!?”

She hands him a gift and says, “Happy birthday.”

Kazuya finally realizes that today was meant to celebrate his birthday. He remembers Ruka and Chizuru and thinks that he’s the only one not making progress. Sumi realizes that something is going on with him and asks if something happened to him.

He thinks for a moment that he can talk to Sumi about it but he also thinks that Chizuru may not want that. “Nothing! Nothing has happened! It’s all fine.”

Sumi holds Kazuya’s hand and says she wants to hear it.


Thanks user-Sama

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I still care but Sumi chapters feel like filler.

Another chapter another nothingness.
So many useless panel and pages. It seems the author want to emphasize Kazuya uselessness but we already know.

lewding Sumi-chan again, what an asshole after this whole wholesome date (maybe excluding sucking putting his bloody finger in her mouth)

>Sumi holds Kazuya’s hand and says she wants to hear it.
I'm kind of looking forward to him trying to explain his situation to someone who knows practically nothing about it, but this really seems like staling this arc so the 100 chapter can have something "big".
I doubt he will go to much into details if he even tells anything,
Poor Sumi if she only knew what is she getting herself into.

up until Mami don't blow everything up. Then he will be forced to move forward.

Why do we still read this garbage, anons?

it's a waifu generator

The story is such hot garbage it's unbearable. Just reading this for the art atm which is at least top tier.

Sumi > Ruka > Chorizo >>> Mami

Ruka > Chizuru == Sumi > Mami

>sumi chapter
I wake up

Something about her eyebrows is incredibly compelling.

This. Kanokari is one of those manga you read without translations. Your imagination can churn out something better than the garbage that is written there.

Ooo ma gat.... very slowwww
How long is this shit?