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1.31 MB PNG
>grow up watching anime
>so many series dear to my heart
>always subs not dubs
>decide one day I will finally learn japanese
>takes some time but get to point where I can understand basics
>start watching anime without subs
>mfw i get it but its no longer funny nor interesting
>the humor is actually kind of cringy now
>turn subs back on
>funny again, engaged again

What the fuck is this black magic?
Is my anime experience defined by my foreigner lens?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Same thing happened to me. I guess subs acts as a sort of filter for the dialogue.

Did you get good enough at Japanese to recognize stereotypical voices for certain types of characters?

>when people complain about "overacted" dub voices and how nip VAs sound more "natural"

Your Nipponese isn't good enough yet. I say this in solidarity, because I always catch puns way too late and many cultural references are still beyond me.
The over the topness is what I like about the VAs

This. If only you were native to subs you would notice how cringe anime voices can be, it's a freaking cartoon. What did you expect?

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>1.31 MB PNG

>but get to point where I can understand basics
His Japanese isn't good enough to judge whether the acting sounds natural or whether the jokes are funny or not in their original language.

I think that is one difference unknown, but americans really prefer their characters to be sort of flat everymans. Japanese prefer their characters to have life and wildness because everyone they know is flat everyman.

chotto matte = wait a second
doshte = what
nani = huh?
watashi = I
nandaoRRa = you got a problem, punk?
xo = shit
teme = you bastard
kisama = you bastard
kamisama = god

>doshte = what
Look at this retarded EOP, he doesn't even know how to spell dostedt.

This is literally 25% of anime dialogue.

>xo = shit

>Weaboo always watches subs because grorious nippon
>shit on voice actors that aren't japanese
>listen to those horrendous japanese voices
The only good voices I've ever heard were Clementine from OVerlord, and Eren from AoT.

>literally just reposting
>still slips up on the 1.31 MB PNG
You had one job

I can speak the language fluently. You're still just wrong.

Japanese voice actors are high profile paid professionals that do critically acclaimed shit, not even just in anime, but plenty of foreign dubbing as well.
Anime dub VAs are amateurs just trying to make a basic paycheck for their rent.

You're pretending like high profile English VAs don't fucking exist.
Why do you think Jack fucking Black was Po in Kung Fu Panda? Because he's an actual fucking high profile name that can VA well.
Why do you think Tom Hanks voices fucking Woody in Toy Story and it sounds GOOD? Because he's fucking talented and good.

Say what you will about the dialogue being more obviously cringey when you become fluent in the language (to that point I kinda agree sometimes), the actual quality in VA works is still glaringly different.

>doshte = what
It's "dostedt", actually.

It means you're not used to japanese yet. Your brain is too busy to translate what you hear and it makes you miss the humor. With subs you don't need to translate so your brain process the humor faster.

Now you know why anime has stigma in japan

>not gonna post sources
I'll take everything you say with a grain of salt

Even if you do find the Japanese VA "cringey," the fact of the matter is that the English dub is done by a company completely divorced from the creation of the anime. The staff of Japanese anime studios all work closely with the director and sometimes even the author to make sure the voice acting comes out like they want it to. Some ignorant Western company interpreting the material freely is only going to dilute the original vision.

Literally nobody:
Not a single soul:
4channel users: JAPANESE CRINGE

>entire post is common knowledge and can be googled if you're newfag
Not even him. Fuck off, retard.

Language don't work like that. There should be no delay between you hearing language and you understanding language.

One of the biggest concentration of online weebs find japanese cringe inducing?

Really didn't think this one through did you?

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The point of OP was that anime is a childrens thing that he should have grown out of a long time ago but the language barrier kept him in longer

t. Braindead retard lard

Sources on what?

OP said he only knows the basics, that means he has a lot of blanks to fill in with all the vocabulary, grammar, nuances, cultural references, etc he doesn't know.

t. EOP

user. Think about what you wrote for a second.

dumbest post ive read all day
learn literally one other language, chimp
or at least learn english properly first

>ESL trying to educate us on what is language

Nip is for superior humans. Not a retard EOP like you.

It's true
A lot of embarrassing lines of both manga and cartoons are tolerated because of the language barrier

I would just find a lot of the stuff cringe and be put off by it if I was reading/watching them in my main language

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pls delete twitter memes.

Maybe you're just bad at nip bro.

But it's true though
understanding language is sub conscious process, meaning your brain does it automatically to you without you doing anything
if you use the conscious part of your brain to understand and translate language your doing it wrong


Fuck off whitoid

>he's still going
user stop. Please. It hurts to watch.

Is this bait?

Congratulations OP, you've finally grown out of anime. Now go read some real literature like novels.

The only correct posts

>Learned Japanese
>Don't have autism
>Still enjoy subbed and unsubbed anime but no dubs because they're for gays

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>read doujin in mother tongue
>cant stand it, sound retarded as fuck, completely ruin the mood
>read doujin in english
>its ok

It's no surprise to anyone with the remotest knowledge of Japanese that anime speech patterns are far different from normal Japanese speech patterns. Japanese love to exaggerate in their acting, because it's fucking acting. They do it in their anime, they do it in their TV shows, they do it in their movies. But actors everywhere exaggerate to a degree; it used to be the default state of acting back in the days of only theatre. In no country do actors just stand around mumbling like its casual speech. Except in American dubs I guess. Just listen to the difference between your average dubbed anime and a classic Disney movie. It's not that dub voices are overacted, it's that they're acted by people with zero talent for acting.

As opposed to American shows?



please explain to me in what way I am wrong instead of insulting me
it's not like you're consciously trying to figure out grammar rules or word placement when using your first language, so why would need to do that for your second language? i do not get the logic here. whenever I hear someone speak in either Finnsh (my first language) or English (my second language) I understand the meaning of what they're saying immediately without doing anything

>Furthermore, Krashen claimed that linguistic competence is only advanced when language is subconsciously *acquired*, and that *conscious* learning cannot be used as a source of spontaneous language production.

>Acquisition of language is a natural, intuitive, and subconscious process of which individuals need not be aware. One is unaware of the process as it is happening and, when the new knowledge is acquired, the acquirer generally does not realize that he or she possesses any new knowledge. According to Krashen, both adults and children can subconsciously acquire language, and either written or oral language can be acquired.[3] This process is similar to the process that children undergo when learning their native language.

>Learning a language, on the other hand, is a conscious process, much like what one experiences in school. New knowledge or language forms are represented consciously in the learner's mind, frequently in the form of language "rules" and "grammar", and the process often involves error correction.[3] Language learning involves formal instruction and, according to Krashen, is less effective than acquisition.[6] Learning in this sense is conception or conceptualisation: instead of learning a language itself, students learn an abstract, conceptual model of a language, a "theory" about a language (a grammar).


You don’t have the ,artery of Japanese yet, end of story.

Nice reading comprehension.

Literally no english dub are like that. In fact the major complaint is english dub vas don't even seem to try to bring their character alive.

Old english dubs, shit like speed racer and UC gundam, are definitely "overacted". Dubbing now is honestly better than it's ever been, but I agree that most of the problem is shitty voice casting and VAs that don't put in effort vs overacting.

There are some shows that have really good dubs and that are actually more thematically appropriate dubbed- mostly shows set in America like 91 days, Baccano, etc.

You dont need to understand japanese for that

>Anime dub VAs are amateurs just trying to make a basic paycheck for their rent.
Wasn't the voice for natsu for fairytale some cringetier roosterteeth youtuber? fucking disgusting

You're fucking retarded lol

As in 'native language' for the specific production in question, the language it was written and drawn for. Anime has always been fucking hammy, it's nothing like real dialog, this goes for every fucking medium. I like anime for it's hammy theatrical nature, not because I think this is how real nips speak. Western dub VAs tend to not be able to match the character, others sound completely disinterested in the role and a small handful can get hammy enough.

I don't know how I'd feel if dub companies could afford 'star power' tier VAs, that are used in the Hollywood industry, but we all know those VAs have great hammy voices the dub companies can't match.

You don't understand what you cited at all.

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In what way?

You people love to suck the fun out of everything. Acting like everything is supposed to be high-brow form of entertainment with the best actors.
After watching hundreds of anime has showed me anything, it's enthusiasm by the staff that shines through more than anything in a work. No matter how good the source material or concept is. If the staff sound cringy, so what, they might be trying their best as new VAs.

Anime is not the best form of entertainment but it sure is addicting. Just quit it while you can.

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>being this much of a weeb
Afaik, no anime va does actual acting. They're just as noob as western ones. You're just a filthy weaboo.

You should probably decide whether to call him an EOP or an ESL because those are mutually exclusive terms, retard.

really reminded me of when games went from sprites to polygons, maybe less "detail" allows you to interpret things the way you prefer, instead of the way the creators decided

ESLs are a subset of EOPs, because the only 2 languages that matter are English and Japanese.

Why do ESLs always get so upset when they're called EOPs? Do you think it's "your word" or something?

I hate to break it to you, but an ESL insulting someone for being a native English speaker is the stupidest thing on the planet. It's borne purely of jealousy, because every ESL wishes they were an English native. You're upset because nobody wishes they were born in fucking Slovenia or whatever third world EU shithole you're from, and you're trying to lash out about it.

EOP is a term of derision for people who don't know Japanese. As an ESL, you fall into this category.

Not a single person has yet to explain why my statement is false.
But considering how many people replied to me saying that I am wrong, I guess my brain is just special in the way it handels language since whenever I hear someone speak I need to do zero conscious processing in order to understand what I heard.

Why do EOPs like to false flag about how they totally learned Japanese but they didn't like it? Or maybe this guy is just at the very basic level of being to understand, say 50% or so, and he's just deluding himself into thinking he gets it?

I've seen a few learners just utterly miss the point of sentences because their skill level is far too low for comprehension and they become confused when their brain fills in the gaps with what sounds good.

Nip VA's aren't used in feature anime films though. They hire real actors to voice characters in shit like Ghibli and Shinkai films, just like in America

Literally WHAT IS THE POINT of dubbing?
If something already exists in a language, why not just pick it in that language and get subs?
It's like saying "I'm gonna listen to my music but sung by someone else in another language (so essentially a cover)"
Most of the time, covers in other languages do NOT fit the original song as the songs are MADE with the intent of having certain words sung with a certain rhythm and this is "lost in translation" obviously. Why should it be any different from anime or movies?
Most of the time, translated character lines have meaning or intent that is lost since it needs to fit a certain amount of meaning within a very small allotted timeframe, and/or the emotion isn't as strong/the pronounciation sounds unnatural.

this fagget is right

>I've seen a few learners just utterly miss the point of sentences because their skill level is far too low for comprehension and they become confused when their brain fills in the gaps with what sounds good.
The vast majority of sentences in anime are hilariously simple word-wise but have a lot of meaning to be gleamed from them, so this isn't surprising. If you take everything at face value everyone talks like a fucking third grader vocabulary-wise but a lot of what's being said is through implication, situation, and tone instead of just the words and order they're used in. Subtitles tend to do the interpretation step for you and thus dialogue sounds a lot less embarrassing as a result since you're not realizing what they're literally saying and instead what they're figuratively saying.

They are still more skilled than the western voice actors stuck doing anime.
I'd put Jap anime vas on the same level as western cartoon vas.

but understanding is a conscious process you giant boy molesting fruit

>Literally WHAT IS THE POINT of dubbing?
Dubs are mainly meant for the 1 in 5 adult Americans who are unable to read.

>According to data from the 2014 U.S. Census Bureau, 21 percent — or nearly 60,000 — of working age adults in the city lack a high school diploma. At the same time, 19 percent of adults cannot read a newspaper, much less complete a job application, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.


>I'd put Jap anime vas on the same level as western cartoon vas.
only the ones that can fucking sing and act
jap vas are literal moviestars with fan followings, vocal careers, record labels and actual skills

>Afaik, no anime va does actual acting. They're just as noob as western ones.

Reminder that Japan has full schools dedicated to voice acting while the majority of current American voice "actors" learned it by voicing fucking Newgrounds caroons.

Of course it's defined by your foreign lens, if you have thought up to this point it shouldn't be a question anymore.
Still though, the subtitle is a mixed case since you have both element of language differences (English and Japanese) and element of difference in form of engagement (reading with audio visual supplement and engage with acting). These two are entwined so it's difficult to say what does what even without accounting for new functions arising in totality.
However, on the specific issue you mentioned, I think you have created a layer of satirical/ironic engagement with anime surrounding the subtitle form, or in other words, community memes and discourse surrounding anime you have participated in have shaped and reshaped how you "read" anime. I would even venture a guess that you experienced anime differently initially, more akin to how you feel about watching anime in full JP immersion, if you came to know anime from a more innocuous context rather than through internet.
Watching anime without sub is like learning to watch and engage with anime all over again. There's a humor to watching bad B-movies based on external knowledge, and I don't know, you probably will have to reevaluate your taste/ or forming a different watching mode again if you decide to keep watching anime without sub.

Digits confirm nips are based at animated shows and americans just use randoms. There is too much stigma against cartoons in the west for talented people to take it seriously.

Understandings what exactly? What you're saying is pretty ambiguous.

Anyway I don't need to convince you, since you can test yourself to see if the part of your brain that processes language is subconscious or not; listen to a language you're proficient in and try to un-understand what they're saying and you will see that no matter how hard you try, you cannot help but understand what they're saying, which shows you that you are not consciously able to control the part of your brain that processes language.

This. I never fucking get why dubtards have such a hard time understanding that the American equivalents to Japanese anime VAs aren't the incompetent clowns they hear in their anime dubs, but the actually respected and well paid actors they hear in Disney movies and shows like The Simpsons.

Literally this. OP is such a fag

>Is my anime experience defined by my foreigner lens?
Yes. This is why weebs wholeheartedly believe anime is well-written and voice acted.

It's actually impossible to write something well in Japanese if the content is spoken, though. Spoken Japanese is like the retard form of the language.

He's right you dipshit. I'm ESL and English feels as natural to me as my native language. When you truly understand a language you don't need to do any translation in your head.

I know. I read a lot, and Japanese writers don't seem to be nearly as dull-brained as anime writers.

How low is your IQ? Jeez.

>Japanese voice actors are high profile paid professionals that do critically acclaimed shit, not even just in anime, but plenty of foreign dubbing as well.
>Anime dub VAs are amateurs just trying to make a basic paycheck for their rent.
False dichotomy. Both do both.

>You're pretending like high profile English VAs don't fucking exist.
>Why do you think Jack fucking Black was Po in Kung Fu Panda? Because he's an actual fucking high profile name that can VA well.
>Why do you think Tom Hanks voices fucking Woody in Toy Story and it sounds GOOD? Because he's fucking talented and good.
Celebrity voice casting only began with Robin Williams as the Genie in Aladdin (which has a whole story about how Disney fucked him over) and while they're usually skilled, it's more about their names than their skills. See: Shark Tales, etc.Non A list actors still regularly get used when not trading on big names to put butts in seats, like Coco. Most animated films before 1992 didn't have anyone higher than C-list. You know who voiced Beauty and the Beast in 1991? Paige O'Hara and Robbie Benson. and you bet your ass I had to look that up on Wikipedia.

That's what said, user.

It's more that because they don't understand Japanese, it sounds 'better' to them than the language they actually understand. Just like we think French or Italian sound sexy.

JSLchad here. Japanese becomes more enjoyable the more you understand. Anyone who says they think the english dubs are better or that the english VAs are more skilled are usually just ironic weaboos who try to make up reasons for why they don't like japanese. Chances are they don't even like anime or japanese past the surface level and as such can't leave their comfort zone of english. They commonly refer to japanese dialogue as repetitive, "cringe" or overacted and call anyone who doesn't agree with them a weeb. Dubfags, not even once.

you conditioned yourself into only enjoying anime with subs on

Right. I speak French/Spanish/English and none of them have that effect. Other languages have that foreigner effect though, especially Czech.


I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. The subtitles are way more likely to make me cringe than the voice acting by far. And don't get me started on english dubs.

There is a delay when you're first starting out. have you never even attempted to learn a foreign language?

what if i just like their screams?

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The best thing about Japanese is kanji. If you aren't autistic enough to appreciate them, your loss.

Learn cantonese you'll be in autism heaven.

as I already stated in this post that is because you're consciously trying to learn the language, instead of subconsciously trying to acquire it the same way a baby aquires their first language.

I'll give you an examples why conscious language learning will not yield in you being able to spontaneously produce language like you would in your native language; in Japan it is compulsory to study English starting grade 5 all the way to the end of high school, that's 8 years worth of English studying. Yet barely any Japanese know how to speak English and this is despite the fact the that the Japanese are some of the smartest people on earth while Americans, the largest English speaking population in the world are some of the dumbest, with an adult illteracy rate 15%.

I remember a long time ago reading something about how Japanese fans of Code Geass actually liked the English dub precisely because the English VA for Lelouch DIDN'T overact (compared to the Japanese dub).

I just might.

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You do realize natives have to study their own language in school, right?

>Japan it is compulsory to study English starting grade 5 all the way to the end of high school, that's 8 years worth of English studying
This is such a dumb fucking statement.

The "English" lessons in Japanese are some of the worst in the world. They're so bad that I'm pretty much convinced that the government is actually terrified of losing their stranglehold on the Japanese populous if English ever became a common second language.

Every single facet of English study is designed to look good on paper. This is why they hire college graduates with ZERO teaching skills, and put them in classrooms to do utterly pointless shit like play games with children to get them "interested" in English. It's just lip-service. It's so the school can brag about having a "native" English teacher to parents.

Conscious language learning works fine, although the kids who excel in mainland Europe are the ones who supplement their learning with native content like TV and games. This isn't because classrooms don't work, it's because they're putting in an order of magnitude more work.

There's some merit to it. The reason Northern Europe is pretty decent in English isn't down to their education (I can say from experience that language education in general is SHIT) but because everyone grows up watching American movies and playing American video games due to the borderline absence of domestic media. Which can lead to some confusion when they're used to American spellings but schools try to push British English (you know, because they're decades behind the times and are unaware that even most scientific papers are published in American English? To the point that even the British are complaining about the Americanization of their language? I guess it's related to "muh EU" or something).

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The only clip I could find on youtube is in shit quality but I thought the dub of Tokyo Ghoul did a great job with Kaneki at expressing emotion compared to the average dub.


You're arguing a really retarded extreme and the article you keep citing classifies it only as a hypothesis and has a section with criticisms. Passive exposure is infinitely useful to language acquisition but is far from the only thing you need to achieve fluency. Actually studying what the fuck you're listening to is the only way to not come off as an ESL like you are right now. The brain's not going to subconsciously teach you vocabulary and character recognition.

So what, grammar education only became readably available for most people in the past 100 years, meanwhile humans have been speaking for 100 000 years, so why do you need to learn grammar just now?

I can guarantee you most of the people in this video never received any formal English education, yet they are able to speak English perfectly fine.

Learning grammar is pretty pointless anyway, since most people forget it immediately after finishing school.
For example here is two different English phrases
>the big red dog
>the red big dog
it probably wouldn't be difficult for you to tell me which one of those two sounds more natural, even though you most likely have no knowledge of the grammar rule which explains why

>Passive exposure is infinitely useful to language acquisition but is far from the only thing you need to achieve fluency.
Yes it is, language education is a relatively new concept compared to the amount of time humans have been around

>The brain's not going to subconsciously teach you vocabulary and character recognition.
It will though, you learn language through context

@ 01:20-02:30

Op here

Damn this thread is poppin'

I bought mario maker 2. Its really fucking good, i am so glad I got back into nintendo games

Here is a kanji i learned today


And what is the 'average dub'?

As far as I can tell, the age of mediocre dubs was the early/mid 2000s during the general anime bubble, when many companies were sure that the only way to get a financial return on the rights they bought was to produce a dub, fast, and copy the Japanese "4 episodes per disk" bullshit. That basically died when the bubble burst and companies like ADV collapsed, but that's the image etched in the weeb mind, that and shitty Saturday morning anime.

For the past decade, maybe an eighth of anime released in the US gets an English dub, and they're mostly voiced by people who have made a career of it with dozens of shows under their belt and proven that they're competent. Netflix is trending the ratio towards a sixth or so since everything they do gets dubbed, but Crunchyroll,Funimation, Sentai? Mostly subs. So when something gets dubbed now, it's already known to be popular enough to be worth the effort to make a quality product. The market spoke.

Good post

did this redditard just give an upvote to the dub apologist

Have sex

No thanks, quit projecting.


>lost in translation
The best covers aren't a word for word translation of the song that sticks with the same melodic structure. A good artist will rewrite lyrics and attempt to keep the same meaning for the purpose of having it fit the language naturally. Afterwards, they will alter the melodic structure to fit not only the new lyrics, but also fit the limitations of their personal expressive capabilities. While some of the luster is lost from the original piece,what comes from this process can have a luster equal to or even greater than the original if done well. This is why translations should never be too literal, they ultimately hamper the quality of their end product.

One of the main problems that arise with dubs is that the animations themselves are tied to the mother tongue of their creators. Various scenes are put into specific lengths that fit what needs to be expressed naturally in their language. When you dub, there's not a lot you can do in many scenes to remedy this problem, especially in scenes that involve a lot of motion. To that extent, dubs will always be inferior forms of representing their products. The only remedy for this is to have animation studios also rework animation to fit better with the natural expression of languages aside from the original.

Deepfake technology has gotten so far, that there is now a video of Mark Zuckerberg saying things he never actually said. I believe something like this is the future for dubs, where even the mouth movements themselves can be adjusted to the dubbing languae.

user, are you really implying that the mechanisms of acquiring language as a baby are still valid when you're an adult?

The subconscious learning happens when you're in an environment that entirely promotes the language. When you're a baby, everyone around you speaks the given language. There's a difference between living in a country and having constant contact with a language, and learning it 3 hours a day at most while switching back to your native one.

Naturally understanding a language becomes an automatism when you've had enough exercise and knowledge, otherwise it still requires processing. In this particular context, we're talking about someone with basic skills.

Yes, and in typical fashion he makes a stupid post.

Literally none of what you said changes anything.
American anime dub vas are low quality shitters

And you can bet your fucking ass that most anime VAs are put into anime for name recognition too, dont be a clown. Meanwhile i bet you cant name the dub va for Luffy or Goku off the top of your head without having to fucking look it up, when you knew who Po’s va is without a second thought.

>They hire real actors to voice characters in shit like Ghibli
Like Anno right?

>user, are you really implying that the mechanisms of acquiring language as a baby are still valid when you're an adult?
Linguists like J. Marvin Brown and Steven Krashen have already done studies which proves adults don't lose this ability

you can test it yourself with the link I posted here >The subconscious learning happens when you're in an environment that entirely promotes the language.
You can easily emulate this sort environment my immersing yourself in media from your target language.

>When you're a baby, everyone around you speaks the given language. There's a difference between living in a country and having constant contact with a language, and learning it 3 hours a day at most while switching back to your native one.
Not really, most of the language acquisition that babies get is when the mother/father get upclose and start speaking to the baby in a childish manner, which is like an hour or two a day at most


>Naturally understanding a language becomes an automatism when you've had enough exercise and knowledge, otherwise it still requires processing. In this particular context, we're talking about someone with basic skills.
Can you show proof which shows that intellectual knowledge turns into intuitive knowledge simply by practicing it a lot.

> not listening to the supreme brazilian dub


Once you hear it every other non brazilian dub will feel like shit

More examples:



I haven't stated you lose this ability, but that it's not valid anymore. The imitation model and other intuitive approaches are replaced or used less often once the individual enters a matured developmental stage. As you stated yourself in your citation, unlike the case of infant language acquisition, the process of learning a new language implies complex structures such as grammar. The point is, you have a different cognitive structure and filter information differently than you would have done as a baby.

The baby doesn't acquire the language just from the parent interaction. They hear and imitate, they continuously absorb stimuli from the environment. If you really want to consult detailed aspects of development, including language, I suggest you read Piaget, Chomsky or Bandura for the social imitation.

Also, you're using a lot of terms which hold no particular meaning outside of their model theories (intellectual knowledge, intuitive knowledge). There are a lot of approaches to language, but there is no established or universal rule of functioning.

My personal opinion, if you don't mind me, is that you're taking fragments of information, summarized and simplified in videos for the purpose of popularizing and using them as given truth.

Learning is a dynamic and statistical process, there are some robust rules that may exist, but besides those, you'll always have a variability depending on the individual as well as other factors. The easy emulation you speak of is more of an idealistic concept if you take daily responsibilities into consideration, and the transition of information to an automatic subconscious depends on the case.

Again, the point I was trying to make is that the hypotheses you're offering are a bit too general for this concrete situation.

>animations themselves are tied to the mother tongue of their creators
In how many anime? It's literally all mouth flaps, dude. It saves money. Westerners are the only ones that animate mouths obsessively.

how long does it take to learn enough japanese for vn's, hentai doujins and other jap titty games

>1.31 MP PNG

Italian voice actors are just as passionate as the japanese ones sometimes. Not to mention that Italy is full of weebs in general

Attached: light-death-note-33592430-450-256.gif (450x256, 954K)

>the animations themselves are tied to the mother tongue of their creators.
No they aren't. There are virtually no animated tv productions outside of mocap (which I can't think of a single anime that has used) that match their flaps to an actor, for the simple reason that audio recording comes after the art is completed.

I'm sorry that your reading comprehension has been disabled to the point that you can't even acknowledge a point and rebut it with any more complexity than

>ITT: EOPs trying to lecture each other about how language learning works

>retard gets outed and now calls everyone a weeb
Kek, go back to Yea Forums faggot, maybe you’ll find ‘good writing’ there.