Reminder that if you weren't in your 20s when Lucky Star aired, you don't belong on Yea Forums

Reminder that if you weren't in your 20s when Lucky Star aired, you don't belong on Yea Forums.

Attached: NUaITCZ.png (1970x1200, 2.23M)

I was 8.
Stop me.

Says the user posting a picture from Imgur.

Hidamari Sketch was the superior SoL of 2007

I was about 24.

C-can I stay here Yea Forums?

Imgur is very 2000s, and therefore Boomer

Anyone who was 20 by the last episode can stay. September 1987 is the cutoff point.

I was 6 years old when it first aired, but I'm not going anywhere.

If you were in your 20s when lucky star aired and you're still here, I'm sorry but death this the only respite for you.


I was 15. Still haven't watched it either.

I was like, 17 or some shit

These datamining threads are getting better everyday

im 22 now does that count

I was 12 at that time.

Why would I want to be an old shit

>tfw September 1997


I was 15


I was six when it aired.

>in your 20s
>does it count
Well at least we know why you still post here, user.


Watch it now

Attached: [Elysium]Lucky.Star.OVA(BD.720p.AAC)[AC3FBE1E].mkv_snapshot_19.39_[2019.01.23_17.16.53].jpg (1280x720, 281K)

i was 18

Hidamari has W I D E, what does Lucky Star have other than Big Bang Theory-tier humour?

Attached: 135704619259.jpg (1440x810, 109K)

Are people born in 1987 old shits?

>not remembering the days of imageshack
Fake boomers ITT.

Hope this is bait.
Or did you just get a pc a couple years ago?