>sticking to ideals and gaining a mind of steel
>abandoning your ideals for worm slut sex.
Choose one Yea Forums
>sticking to ideals and gaining a mind of steel
>abandoning your ideals for worm slut sex.
Choose one Yea Forums
i choose number 3
Fuck you
>not having a sex scene
>having a sex scene
Yeah, I think I’ll take the latter
>marrying an eternally loyal, passionate introvert girl with huge breasts at 15
>not doing that
>actually getting worked up about ideals or wormslut sex
shitrou is a fucking faggot.
I want Shirou to kiss me too
Which ever one lets me fuck King Arthur.
Where's the middle ground Rin option?
>"…Hm. It seems you are determined.
The Holy Grail War will now return to normal. This is a bit disappointing, but I am looking forward to the end."
>"…What's there to look forward to? Are you predicting who will win?"
>"Predict? There is no need to predict. You will win. Since you have cast away Matou Sakura, you will use any means possible to kill Matou Zouken, Ilyasviel, and Rin. I am saying I am looking forward to how this will end."
>"…Why? I won't fight Tohsaka. There's no reason for me to stop her, even if she's going to obtain the Holy Grail."
>"You will fight her. You will be forced to fight her when you find out about the true identity of the Holy Grail. Having killed Matou Sakura, Rin will go mad unless she obtains the Holy Grail. She will try to win for her belief, and you will try to destroy the Holy Grail for your ideal. You two are incompatible with each other now. You two shall act out the final stage of the Holy Grail War."
The priest leaves the chapel as well.
…The room Sakura and Tohsaka are in.
He knows what happened there is already over.
>"Are you saying I will remain until the very end?"
>"Of course. You are Emiya Kiritsugu now. There is no way you cannot win."
…The priest has left.
The only one in the chapel is Emiya Shirou, with a mind of steel.
The priest's words are true. I will continue fighting, defeat Zouken, Illya, and Tohsaka, and destroy the Holy Grail. That is the end of this war. That is the responsibility I took when I swore to become a superhero. It is the first price I have to pay to become my ideal.
>implying this isn't a great scene, even if it's a terrible decision
Save my imouto and let the world burn
>kill innocent girlfriend to ruin your life LARPing as a "hero" who kowtows and sacrifices your loved ones for the sake of random strangers because muh numbers
>grow up and be an actual hero who makes the effort to properly save your girlfriend, thereby being rewarded with her freshly dewormed and therefore pure pussy
Wow. Real hard choice.
why can't the fate series just disappear from the face of the earth?
>maturing enough to notice that your dad was a psycho and that your ideals were super retarded and unrealistic from the beginning.
I'll take the wormslut please.
Rin is the optimal choice ofc.
sakura no contest, why do you even ask?
>implying people think this end isn't pure fucking kino
There's a god damn good reason people consider Mind of Steel to be a canon ending. It's brutal and could very well have been possible given who Shirou was.
>people consider Mind of Steel to be a canon ending
No they don't. Only seething Rinfags give a shit about it.
I choose Argon Coin Medea route
But I'm a saberfag and absolutely had to get that ending because of how kino it was. Cope sakurabro.
Besides, Shirou kills my girl too ya know ;_;
when is the mordred route
Feels wonderful to be a Sakurafag.
That "bad end" where Shirou kills Sakura and essentially turns into red man should have its own spin off
>Wanting a slut with a leaky anus
Protect the little girl instead.
How the fuck did Saber manage to kill Berserker so many times in the movie?
How did Shirou even beat her in Sparks Liner High?
Unlimited Asspull Works
There is, it's called Fate/Zero.
>best girl, lancebro and sword autist sold out
japs can have good taste sometimes
>Sticking to ideals and becoming a gangsta