I liked 91 Days

I liked 91 Days
Did you like 91 Days?
I liked 91 Days

Attached: 91 days.jpg (600x800, 117K)

No, I didn't liked it. Cheap, boring show with references to Godfather and Untouchables

But it had pinneapples, who doesn't like pinneapples?

Those pineapples should have been packed with a negro girl in a space ship. But even so they wouldn't make 91 Days a better show

Attached: 91days.gif (540x304, 2.97M)

It was kind of shitty, but at least the mc full revenge instead of chickening out

I’ve got it on blu-ray but I’ve yet to watch it. I wanted to watch my gungrave dvds first. how do they compare? I’m loving the dark atmosphere of gungrave so far

91 Days is so nihilistic it matches Attack on Titan. But I guess that's not telling much.

The BD fixed the animation in some degree, anime at release was kinda much of a mess. BD includes a special episode of backstory of Don Vincent and an extra from a travel of the main characters.
It's a watered mix of Godfather, Gangs of New York and Boardwalk Empire.

Attached: Thinking_Fango.png (1920x1080, 3M)

i liked it, gave me some feels.

Praise lasagna-sama

eh that sounds pretty lame

yes,was great.

>bruh just put antifreeze in the wine
Simpsons did it.

It was perfectly ok. Nothing groundbreaking, but watchable. But then again, if you asked me to name the characters, I honestly couldn't do it

It was decent. 7.5/10

I think I've seen to many mafia movies for this show to really impress me, thought it was a very workaday series in all aspects and didn't enjoy how it failed to mix its crazier/anime elements with telling a serious gangster story.

it was alright

Corteo deserved the Angelo boipussi
Nero was a relatable shit

It took me 91 days to finish it

i enjoyed this show i would give it a 7.5