For the love of fucking god make it stop. i cringe to death every time i encounter this line

for the love of fucking god make it stop. i cringe to death every time i encounter this line
how much of a hack writer do you have to be to still be using this nonsensical cliched bullshit

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>i cringe to death
How are you posting if you're dead?


I'm glad I dropped this on the first ep

>t. Trudeau

actually it's overall a pretty good show
this one line just really ticked me because the guys who made it should know than to use this line

>i cringe to death
Yet you are here making shit threads. Kill yourself next time.

i was isekied to your world after i witnessed it first hand
i was actually one of the guards

Get out now! I waited until 23 until i dropped it..Malty just killed it completely (although it was far from my only problem)
Fuck Shield-hero

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>how much of a hack writer do you have to be to still be using this nonsensical cliched bullshit
But Alexandre Dumas is considered good writer, he was famous and based.

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i'm still enjoying the show tho
the rest of the episode was pretty good

>speedwatching the whole show in the end of the seanson
>posting old shit already discussed months ago
Fuck off

Still remember the first time I encountered that line. Shit blew my mind.

>how much of a hack writer do you have to be to still be using this nonsensical cliched bullshit
a hack writer good enough to get their own show while faggets like you seethe on 4channel

fuck you i'm not speed watching. i started it a while ago and watch 2ep a day and i'll talk about whatever the fuck i want

Like maybe 5 minutes after this scene, they introduce a fucking CG t-rex, which is then defeated by a giant chicken god that the writers pulled out of their assholes

>defending lazy hack writing

wrong one meant for

>shows are determined by writing quality

>defeated by a giant chicken god
oh no. that actually happens?

classic Trudeau

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Do you think that every good human will easily kill a mass murderer (or even murderer of their loved ones)?

>spare villains life
>villain immediately dies in a horrible way

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the fuck you're talking about
this is about the overuse of a nonsensical excuse by lazy writers who can't be bothered to come up with something more original in such a situation that makes sense

except the villain just continues adventuring with her boy-toy "hero" as punishment
>bbbb-b-but they give her the name Bitch now HAAHHA funny right?

Whats wrong with speedwatching anime? Beats waiting weekly like in SnK case

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None of the people who get mad at this line consider this, just like they blame Bats for not killing Joker instead of the judicial system not doing it's damn job.

I was talking about the guy in OP's pic not slutbitch

Isn't this why law exist though?
An eye for an eye never feels right for me.

this lines is actually deep as fuck, you could write a whole book about it but brainlet are just too low iq.

>>posting old shit already discussed months ago
and yet the 11 Eva threads that are up around the clock are more you're speed? A show that came out in the 90s....
It's rare to see someone survive an abortion thanks for the sight ya deformed faggot

Has Bats ever actually said the line tho? Its a fucking horrible line, no one talks like that. There are better, less retarded ways to handle the same dilemma

Of course, because otherwise they wouldn't be good humans.
They would be bad people who are partly responsible for all the bad things that your "mass murder" will commit in the future.

It's morally wrong not to put an end to evil if you have the knowledge and the means to.

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dear god... no

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>imagine waiting weekly for every episode pf SnK

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I feel like the trope has gotten worse over the recent years, and it's one of those tropes that I actually do not have an answer for why this is.
Like I want to say they don't understand that pure evil exists but they themselves have created villains who are pure evil.
Or maybe they have something against punishment, but they're a fucked up country with 99.9% conviction rates, innocent until proven guilty be damned so that can't be it either.
I'm actually baffled

The anime completely changed this scene. Shit adaption, in the ln Raphtalia killed the fucker without remorse.

>imagine getting triggered by someone binging your precious anime.

Variations of it, most are just as bad.

Lazy writing and making the villain so over the top the reader questions why they aren't killed. Particularly a problem when the writer can't kill them because they're popular.

>An isekai animu is shit
In other news the grass is green.

The funny thing is this is anime-only, in the manga/LN she does in fact stab him.
The director's a fucking fag that loves to 180 everything apparantly

What originality would you want? An overgrown 10 years old girl easily slicing the throat of someone she hates? I believe that there are anime which give that and even more.

Look I'm the chief purveyor of 'Just kill the Joker', but AT LEAST Batman has *A* reason. That if he kills he breaks that final mental block keeping him being just as bad as an Arkham inmate.
It seems less that and more 'Gotta keep them pure or something like that' instead.

Normal "good" people constantly kill exes, cheaters or neighbours in fits of rage

Of course they'd kill an evil villain, most people would

Maybe several out of hundred thousands are murderers and most of those are definite criminals. So no, a random law-abiding person would find it hard to kill someone even if it is necessary.

I think the light novel did something different.

Am I the only one who thinks that the trials should ended with Malty beinh Naofumi's slave?

>of someone she hates
Way to oversimplify it.
He was a remorseless slave trader.
I would.
Killers don't value life, they don't value the decades of love, fear, hope, sadness or struggle. They just see flesh to put a bullet or knife in. It's not like robbing someone. It's not like vandalism. It's not like any other crime. You kill someone, it's over for them. There is nothing to bring them back (unless you're in a no stakes universe like Dragon Ball). So when you start doing it because you like it and want to keep doing it you've given up your right to be called human. Why should I show empathy to the empathy-less?

Well how did the fandom react to her actually killing before in the original?

I want kill the furries and getting reward from the Queen!

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Even if you find something moral and deserving, it can still be hard for you to commit that deed. Would be even harder for a young girl, even if she killed monsters before.

revenge isekai harem is garbage yes

Considering that he beat, raped, tortured and killed demi-lolis this motive is even more insulting.