Why is she so perfect, Yea Forums?

Why is she so perfect, Yea Forums?

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Titties and kind personality
A lot like Sakura

Minus being used good and filled with worms

Dumb spic

Because it was God’s will

>poormans seiba
No thank you

Sakura harbors significant (albeit justified) resentment at her lot in life. Jannu was literally too good for this sinful world by Fate standards

>Why is she so perfect, Yea Forums?
IRL Jeanne was a true hero who also happened to be good-looking. What's not to like?

Don’t compare Jeanne to shit, that’s not nice

But I didn’t compare her to Rin.

But you compared her to the shit that is Sakura

Sakura is not shit

she's not. she's actually one of the most boring characters in the Nasuverse by far, and was one of the biggest reasons why Apocrypha was such a slog.

since then she's been whored out in FGO ad naseum, so she gets a lot of porn and fanart, but that doesn't really change how bad her character is. she's just a pair of tits.

She’s a shit! A SHIT!

Jeanne was perfection made flesh, so it is natural that characters based off of her will also be great, even if they lack something that made the real Jeanne so flawless.

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Reminder that Jeanne
>Was extremely pious
>Was extremely nationalistic
>Was extremely pure
>Was extremely beautiful
>Had large breasts
>Had toned legs
>Had a slight tan
>Had black hair that she cut short
>Had a low, enthralling voice
>Was really smart despite being illiterate
>Was 5’2”
>Was always on the offensive
>Loved cannon
>Loved her country
>Loved God
>wanted to raise a family on the countryside after the war was over
>Had top tier bants
>Could maybe predict the future
>Was the best!

Attached: The Saint.jpg (385x500, 135K)

Guys should i commit to Saint Jeanne by buying this scale or another one ?

Attached: Jannu.jpg (750x720, 214K)

How much does it cost?


I mean, if you can afford it.

Also, Jeanne never liked considering herself an idol or someone who should be worshipped.

I’m waiting for a good jannu blanco scale

I love this saint!

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She was God's gift to France, as repayment for Rashi.

yeah lets kill people so x can rule this land instead of y
*rolls eyes*

Since when homunculus was allowed to post on Yea Forums? Go back to your tube, Sieg.

>always prays
>follows what she believes God told her
>reprimands people who speak badly about God
>but she can't be pious because she wants foreign invaders out of her country
What did he mean by this?

>kill x because god wanted y to rule instead
If it's not pious then i don't know what's more.

Nowadays she's a poor man's Lakshmibai

>Sieg was just France's self insert

Best girl over 588 years later

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Jeanne is the town bicycle

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When’s Jalter getting her anime?

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She's a responsible and caring onee-chan.

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When people stop jerking off to her.

Imagine being Jeanne's squire and marrying her after the war and raising a family with her and watching the sunrise and set every day on your countryside house as she lovingly leans against you

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>Jeanne will never be your loving and caring oneesan who encourages you to do your best everyday

that's not how that works


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Didn't you know? She was a terrorist.
>Joan of Arc, the teenager who helped defeat the English in her native France, became one of the greatest war heroes in French history. In spite of this, she was tried by the Catholic Church on the charge of heresy in rejecting Church authority in preference for direct inspiration from God, and most importantly, by donning men’s clothing. By executing Joan by burning at the stake, the Church falls under the definition of “radical Christian terrorist,” as does Joan herself.

>Jeanne BTFO of the clergy who tried her in theological debate
>Jeanne had more evidence that she was receiving messages from God than they had that she didn't
>clergy later got excommunicated by the Vatican and Jeanne was retried and found innocent of all crimes

I'm sure we'll get Shinjuku once they wrap up Solomon

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>Wars are always evil
The idea of a Just War has existed in Christianity since at least St. Augustine.

As for Jeanne, I like her a lot. I just kinda regret that after the French Revolution (in particular after Napoleon) she completely overshadowed St. Louis as France's patron saint. He was literally the perfect ruler who did absolutely nothing wrong. I'd like to see a (semi-)historical anime about the life of St. Louis.

Also, Jeanne's class is "ruler", right? Odd that they didn't give that class to the saint-king.

She was also declared completely innocent on all charges during her retrial, which was headed by someone not clearly on the payroll of the Plantagenets.

Attached: 8_25_St.-Louis-IX-best-543-x-500[1].jpg (543x500, 83K)

dumb spic

I don't know, but her smile is worth protecting.

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Wrong jeannu bro

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Fate Jeanne's class as Ruler is justifiable, though. She was extremely charismatic, inspiring, and was great at conducting warfare. She motivated the downtrodden French people to fight against the English and eventually win.
Also, forgive me for my lack of knowledge on St. Louis. Could you tell me what he's done?
I wholeheartedly agree.

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I'm still waiting for GBF Summer Jeanne to be available so I can roll for her and regular SSR Jeanne at the same time.

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Bootleg Jannu

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It's a lot less spectacular than a peasant girl leading a hopeless army to victory, but he was a pretty neat guy. The closest we'll ever get to an anime St. Louis is the warship from Azur Lane though. Some of her lines reference the king, like her in general being very religious and telling you to rely on her in case any dispute needs mediation. Pretty neat.

I'm going to stop here because while discussing the historical Jeanne can be deemed related to anime Jeanne, discussing the historical St. Louis is probably too far off topic. Until Japan acquires some taste and animates his life, at least.

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Fucking chink. Also is that a bootleg Hisui ?

Jannu a shit!

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Neat. I remember talking to someone who hated him a lot. Why do you think that is?

both are shit compared to my bro(female)

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He was not exactly a big fan of the Jews. One of the important men in his court was a former Jew who converted to Catholicism and informed St. Louis of some of the contents of the Talmud (such as Jesus eternally boiling to death in a pot of shit or Jews being allowed to cheat, steal and kill non-Jews by the Talmuds standards). Saint Louis deemed this unacceptable and organized the Disputation of Paris, where the aforementioned ex-Jew would debate four Jewish scholars on the subject. After the debate was finished, Saint Louis decided to have all Talmuds in France burned and offered the Jews to either convert or leave his kingdom.
Understandably a lot of Jews still don't like Saint Louis to this very day. He was one of the few kings who expelled Jews for reasons that weren't purely financial.

Jeanne motivates me through my life

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Ah, I see you are also a man of taste.

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Me too

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Just what makes alter jeannu so much better than regular jeannu

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I pray everyday and try my best to do things she would approve of.

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Mordred is seriously the coolest Saber, hands-down.


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She's just as pure as vanilla Jeanne but with the tsudere tendencies and avenger edginess, it makes her more emotionally vulnerable. Vanilla Jeanne is great, but she seems more like a reliable friend you can count on to support you. Alter being more vulnerable creates a strong desire for you to step in and make her happy.

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Ah right, she was french.

She was a good French girl

No such thing

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Without Maaya Sakamoto she would be nothing.

Smelly dumb Anglo scum

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I want to marry Jeanne.

>Oi lads! That wanker's got a frog football shirt on! Let's give this nancy a fucking good kicking!

You're about 550 years too late user.

Didn't she said she wouldn't be married until france won the war

She's boring as fuck and probably smells bad because frenchies don't bathe

Kill yourself tranny.

Yes. She wanted to be a housewife like her mother.

Anglos decided to burn her on a stake instead tho

Her trial was initially a public one that was supposed to break the French spirit by showing that their maiden was just a heretical conwoman. It quickly became private once Jeanne started humiliating with her perfect responses.

588. But my love for her is eternal

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Do you guys think Gilles was in the right for cursing god and going into the occult over her burning?

She sucks

I want to FUCK Jannu.

Sieg, stop posting

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Best Jeanne coming through

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>she was a beautiful and simple and lovable character. In the records of the Trials this comes out in clear and shining detail. She was gentle and winning and affectionate, she loved her home and friends and her village life; she was miserable in the presence of pain and suffering; she was full of compassion: on the field of her most splendid victory she forgot her triumphs to hold in her lap the head of a dying enemy and comfort his passing spirit with pitying words; in an age when it was common to slaughter prisoners she stood dauntless between hers and harm, and saved them alive
>she is easily and by far the most extraordinary person the human race has ever produced.

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Not really. If the church burned my waifu under pretense of heresy, I'd actually retaliate. Him starting to fancy himself a warlock and diddling little boys do nothing for Jeanne's beliefs, especially when he had a perfectly good sword, men as enraged as him, and the bishop's head was still on his neck.

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this is what perfection looks like

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Jeanne d'Arc is literally the peak of womanhood.

We've only regressed from 1431

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Is there anyone who even comes close to her?

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His anger was justified. The way he handled it was not. You didn't see Jesus's disciples who were also his friends react that way to his death.

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God why are modern women such shit? I just want to admire a real life Jannu

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We should nuke all the big cities and force people to live in towns again. Current women are a result of the degeneracy of society.

Something about the lack of God in their lives and the push for them to be more sexual and less faithful. More selfish and less serving.


She's very bland and literally just a wish fulfillment character. Fucking great design though. That's really it...

I want to drink a saint's breast milk.

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Bumping for Jeanne

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Teaching Jeanne how to read!

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I want to kiss that saint!

Is it ok to masturbate to her? If not, how may I get her approval?

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You can't.
She'd severely reprimand you with the flat part of her sword of she found out.

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artificial personality and forced waifuism by type-moon

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>Saber face
>her Noble Phantasm literally kills herself after it blows its entire load

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>Artificial personality

Oh my! Looks like she has to hit me several times then!

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She'd can hit hard enough to break her own sword and destroy testicles, user. Jeanne is very strong

>yfw you will never attend confession with Jeanne and you tell her how many times you've fapped to her holy image, and she still forgives you

>ywn go to church with Jeanne

Damn, wouldn't want that. I guess I'll ask forgiveness for every drop spilled.

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You'd better. Jeanne was a very kind soul.

t. Amacucksa

Wasn't real life Jannu black haired?
Why do nips portray her as blonde?

She had dark hair that she cut short. Japs tend to associate blonde hair with foreigners and purity

fuck off

>ywn rest your head on Jeanne's lap and confess everything to her before you die

t. Jalter.

Fuck off /alter/

I love this saint so much

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She's French. Nips have really weird ideas about France, to the point they literally get sick if they go to Paris and realize it's not a magical land filled with goddesses.

Granted, France isn't nearly as good without Jeanne

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Cause to Japan, you're only a foreigner if you're blonde or black.

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Jeanne never killed any people, only Anglos.

t. Dolphin.

>for her service the king of France offers Jeanne any boon she may wish for
>all she asks is her hometown not have to pay taxes ever again because they are hard on the people
>king not only agreed to this, but his descendants kept to the deal for like 300 years out of respect for her
>then the French Revolution made them start paying taxes again
damn rebel scum, this is why God has abandoned France to the Muslim hordes.

Man Apocrypha completely ruins her character. She's better as an instructor and an onee san to Sieg. Why nips let waifufags and self insert ruin a potential character like her? Luckily fgo fixes her character

>She had restored the crown and the lost sovereignty; the King was grateful for once in his shabby poor life, and asked her to name her reward and have it. She asked for nothing for herself, but begged that the taxes of her native village might be remitted forever. The prayer was granted, and the promise kept for three hundred and sixty years. Then it was broken, and remains broken to-day.
O France, how could you do this to your own sainte pucelle? The English at least had lost men, lost land- not justly theirs, true, yet they felt the loss- but for her own dear France to steal the only thing she ever asked, to kill the king she gave her life to crown?

Ah, you beat me to it. At least I found the quote.

This thread

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in his defense the talmud is a giant pile of garbage

The Liz/Carmilla picture made by this artist is fantastic

>Joan of Arc was not stuck at the cross-roads, either by rejecting all the paths like Tolstoy, or by accepting them all like Nietzsche. She chose a path, and went down it like a thunderbolt. Yet Joan, when I came to think of her, had in her all that was true either in Tolstoy or Nietzsche, all that was even tolerable in either of them. I thought of all that is noble in Tolstoy, the pleasure in plain things, especially in plain pity, the actualities of the earth, the reverence for the poor, the dignity of the bowed back. Joan of Arc had all that and with this great addition, that she endured poverty as well as admiring it; whereas Tolstoy is only a typical aristocrat trying to find out its secret. And then I thought of all that was brave and proud and pathetic in poor Nietzsche, and his mutiny against the emptiness and timidity of our time. I thought of his cry for the ecstatic equilibrium of danger, his hunger for the rush of great horses, his cry to arms. Well, Joan of Arc had all that, and again with this difference, that she did not praise fighting, but fought. We know that she was not afraid of an army, while Nietzsche, for all we know, was afraid of a cow. Tolstoy only praised the peasant; she was the peasant. Nietzsche only praised the warrior; she was the warrior. She beat them both at their own antagonistic ideals; she was more gentle than the one, more violent than the other. Yet she was a perfectly practical person who did something, while they are wild speculators who do nothing. It was impossible that the thought should not cross my mind that she and her faith had perhaps some secret of moral unity and utility that has been lost. And with that thought came a larger one, and the colossal figure of her Master had also crossed the theatre of my thoughts

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I wonder what Jeanne's body count is if we include everyone who was killed under her orders.

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Robespierre would be a perfect foil to Jeanne if they were fictional characters.


She isn't perfect, as Jannu Alter is so superior it's not even fair.

If Jeanne were a fictional character, everyone would call her a Mary Sue.

>tfw no TradCath French gf from a 'secondary' city like Lyon or Montpellier

>to the point they literally get sick if they go to Paris and realize it's not a magical land filled with goddesses.
That happens to an average of 20 Japanese per year. Out of a total 6 million that visit Paris every year. That's less than a percent of a percent.

>to kill the king she gave her life to crown?
Said king was more than willing to abandon her, not provide her with the gunpowder she requested (which is the reason why she was captured in the first place) and barely even offered a ransom for her safe return. After the crown was on his head, the peasant girl became inconvenient.

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>tfw the war would have ended so much sooner if he just gave her cannons

The hair. God that color.

I busted way too many times to that pic.

Christianity is a Jewish religion.

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Judaism is the rejection of Christ

Christianity is the rejection of native religions and embracing the Jews.

Native religions are paganistic, Judaism is heretical. The only true religion is the one that follows Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Reminder that Jeanne would rest dying soldiers one her lap and listen to them confess

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Unironically based, caring for her fellow man even if they are the enemy.

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>if Jeanne were a fictional character
She basically is. Most of what we know about her is either embellishment from the French side, legend or hearsay. She might as well be a fictional character for all that is verifiable about her person.

Nigger, she's probably the person we have the most information on from the high/late Middle Ages. If you're going to say she's fictional, you're going to have to add A LOT of individuals to that list who are commonly accepted to have been real by layman and historian alike.

>Most of what we know about her is either embellishment from the French side, legend or hearsay
Most of what we know come from her two trials, which interviewed a wide range of people who personally knew her. From nobles she led with to soldiers that followed her, her enemies and even commoners she grew up with. No accounts from her mother though, I think she died of grief before the retrial.

> blonde
> perfect
You're fun, entertain me more

>middle age """trials""" being reliable historical documentation

>t. el atrocidad

Alright man, as long as you're also going to admit that the majority of knowledge of the Middle Ages we have is at least equally unreliable then I'm fine with that. Just know you're going against the historical mainstream here.

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>open the thread, expecting more pics
>leave with an interest for Middle Ages and religion again
Don't do this to me anons, it's my least favorite part of history.

What are the pros and cons of Fate Jannu and Granblue Jannu, Yea Forums?

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It's sad that I like both Fictional Jeanne and IRL Jeanne. She was a paragon of what women should aspire to be, and got demonized by those who had a hidden agenda. Damn shame they beat her, raped her, and shamed her before giving her a slow painful death she did not deserve. Breaks my heart that such a fine woman met such a cruel end.

Jeanne was never raped. She wasn't treated the best, but she was never raped.

Jeanne threads are typically filled with people who love the historical figure more than her representations. She was a fascinating woman in life, both gentle and merciless. Despite being a saint so closely associated with war, all she wanted was to have a simple life on the countryside with her family.

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Pros: Jannu
Cons: Not Jannu enough

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This. Her virginity was an intrinsic part of the trial. If she was proven to not be a virgin (by, say, being raped in prison and having the rapists report that she was an easy whore) then it would completely undermine her as a holy virgin. The Angloids really tried every trick in the book to delegitimize her, from proving that she's a whore to insanity to even crossdressing (which is what did her in).

One man tried to rape her, but she kicked him (or the guard, I don't remember) in the balls so hard that they had to be amputated.

Oh man, I remember a thread on /tg/ where we tried to draw out how it would've happened. Based on textual contexts and drawing it out we came to the conclusion that she must've crushed it between her foot and the doorpost behind him, which may also imply that he had already removed his pants at that point.

That was a weird thread.

Reminder that Jeanne once snapped her sword in half while using the flat of the blade to beat a prostitute.

Not just any sword, a sword she had found in a shrine to St. Irene and supposedly was the sword Charles Martel used to remove kebab. You would think that such a sword would become one of her legendary attributes with loads of stories evolving around it... nope. She snapped it in half slapping a prostitute over the head and then never used it again.

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Jannu is too good.
She was also pretty strong/durable for a girl her age. In addition to the sword breaking that this user is talking about, she was known for travelling long distances in her armor. She was also said to be pretty good with the sword and lance, though she preferred her banner when in battle.

She denied that was the sword she broke. One of the few questions she got flustered about, iirc

t. Angry brit

>Jeanne had nearly limitless stamina and an almost inhuman resistance to pain
Imagine the sex.

No thank you

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>ywn have missionary sex with Jeanne after marrying her
>she will never wrap her strong, toned legs around you while telling you to cum inside of her
>she will never make happy noises as she holds you close in a post-coitus cuddle

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You guys do realize that Jeanne would hate every single fucking one of you for worshipping a bastardized version of her that barely resembles her barring the same name and being female along with engaging in gambling via gacha and lusting for her right?


Nobody gives a shit about the historical Jeanne.

>implying I'm gambling
>implying I don't love the real Jeanne the most

Attached: Smiling Joan.jpg (434x434, 128K)

Loud kek's, user.

Historical Jeanne is the best Jeanne

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first of all catholic but I guess niggers like you wouldn't know the difference, she's blond with blue eyes, catholic and aryan aren't exclusive, you read some Himmler's pagan 3rd Reich manual?

Shes cute and all but I can't help but find her stance in Apocrypha as awful.
Amakusa Shirou and Semiramis had something that sounded pretty solid, to be countered and defeated by "YEAH, B-BUT ITS COOL WHEN PEOPLE SUFFER."
Yeah but she cute. So is her Alter, but I like all the female alters.

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I appreciate GBF Jeanne's legs a lot

Dark Jeanne is probably my favorite Jeanne variant

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It was an English noble, if memory serves. She managed to somehow jam his balls inside a very quickly closing door.

How would jeanne react if one of the loosers here summoned her?
Would she stick by them?

Depends entirely on how they act and why they summoned her.
I hope she would stay with me

It would be loving vanilla missionary, user. The lights might be on. There would be finishing inside, creampies, and a leg lock. Then you would cuddle together while she sleeps atop you, secure in the knowledge that she has been impregnated.

Catholicism is a subset of Christianity.
Only Am*ricans believe otherwise.

she wouldn't fuck you no matter what user

Don't assume that is my end goal, user

God, she's so great

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Is there any girl in history who can even compare to Jeanne?

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glad we agree, christianity=catholicism, due to various historic propaganda circumstances christianity is known under false names these days, protestantism and eastern orthodox aren't christian at all whatever they call themselves

what then?
She'd be boring as fuck

>It quickly became private once Jeanne started humiliating with her perfect responses
Imagine having tongue so sharp that you end up on a stake.

I'd just like to study artillery and stuff with her

Not only was her tongue sharp. She would frequently point out that the clergy were asking her the same questions in an attempt to get a different answer and refuse to answer it again. Once, when the guy taking minutes denied this, she commanded him to look through his records. Sure enough, she was right.
She then teasingly said that she ought to pull his ears if he made a mistake like that again.

>Described as playfully charming
>A /k/ommando
>Could bring the bantz like nobody else
Boring in what sense? She'd be way more interesting than your average thot. Imagine going innawoods after church on a sunday morning to hunt a buck for that night's dinner.

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She was also pretty eloquent in speech, even though she was illiterate

we're talking about fate jeanne here
she has no bant whatsover

Because she offered her body soul to the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ.

Go to Church or Pray to our Lord every night.
And don't ever lewd the Saint or I'm telling God.

I'm going to KISS Jeanne!

Because fucking the tsun out of jalter is every man's dream

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The truth of a tsundere is when they are at last transformed to a dere.

>Cucks her master by gangbangs dolphins and old ugly men because she can't stop lusting after semen.
>Pure maiden who has sex with her master in the missionary position, hands interlocked for the purpose of procreation.

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Don't forget to get a good night's sleep, anons

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Great taste you have.

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Do you think Jeanne would love the AR-15 if she was given one?

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Stay mad fat steak, and stay on your dick like island.

She's more of an artillery kind of girl. I wonder what she would think of orbital bombardment


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>true caster
>pale rider
>true rider
>multiple policewomen
How come strange fake has so many cuties

Strange Fake is one of the best things to come out of Fate in years.

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>So you're telling me these star cannons rain justice down from the skies?

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>ywn show Jeanne the wonders of modern weaponry
She'd probably be a fan of Roosevelt's Big Stick saying.

How will you deal with her tears after she see's what happened to notredame

Don't make me sad, user

Yandere Jannu

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